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/lit/ - Literature

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17944544 No.17944544 [Reply] [Original]

These three books explain everything you need to know about history and humanities.

>> No.17944547


>> No.17944552

unironically good books. if the average /lit/ poster read these 3 books, then they will have read 3 books total in their lives

>> No.17944560

The bottom two are mocked by academics, they're filled with ideas without any base.

>> No.17944571


>> No.17944618
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I've read all 3, am I a normie?

>> No.17944619

real life

>> No.17944625

That Sapiens book is literally everywhere. Every basic thot in a every coffeeshop has it.

>> No.17944635

no Piketty?

>> No.17944640
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The sciences will never arrive at an adequate explanation for human history as long as they keep applying the scientific method to things where it doesn't belong.

>> No.17944651

I can remember when I was about 17 and just getting into reading I went to my local library and checked out The God Delusion. Yes, I was going through my edgy atheist phase. And when the librarian, a guy in his 30's went to stamp the book, I thought he was going to punch a hole through the table, the amount of force he used to stamp that book startled me and made me even more excited to read it. Needless to say I was disappointed and the librarians actions were justified.

>> No.17944656

Holy based. Did you get his number?

>> No.17944662

No, I'm straight believe it or not.

>> No.17944673
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>> No.17944729


Can you believe liberals actually think this

>> No.17944752

someone gave me Sapiens and its been sitting on my shelf gathering dust, i just can't bring my self to read it because i know its gonna be redit on steroids

>> No.17944780

That's not a source

>> No.17944802

Read it, it's thrilling and breathtaking

>> No.17944811

is it really? or are you trying to trick me into wasting my time?

>> No.17944851

you're not a good observer, your friend gave you it for a reason

>> No.17944903

Maybe his puncher was just broken and you were autistically overthinking it.

>> No.17944922

I know how you feel. The last time I went to a book store, a large major chain store, they had a whole section of a bookshelf, top to bottom, in the history section of nothing but Sapiens and Homo Deus.

>> No.17945342
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Don't forget to relax a bit in between all these profound insights, anon.

>> No.17945619

Mocked because academic anthropologist are complete faggots who are scared to compare cultural historical in case they come off as 'racist'

>> No.17945635

go back

>> No.17945851

Very based, don’t let the whiny contrarians tell you otherwise, they’re just trying to cope with their eternal love for sucking big floppy dicks

>> No.17946999


>> No.17947017
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My dick says otherwise

>> No.17947018

great post

>> No.17947029

I was forced to read it by a family member and it actually wasn't that bad. I don't regret reading it. You already own it so you may as well.

>> No.17947076

I've been gone from this shithole of a board for years, and you fags are still beating your dicks to the exact same old bait, shitlit and youtube philosophers.

>> No.17947261
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>> No.17947319

That is one of the first arguments most academics make against GGS. It makes a tremendous amount of claims with very little sources. It's trust me bro the book, but because he writes at the level of a midwit, which is more approachable than your average scholarly article the general public ate it up.

>> No.17948142

haven't read a single one of them. i feel proud not having this smut in my head or having spent money on it for that matter.

form your own opinions. all of these opinons can be formed by yourself with a bit of popsci, some greek philosophy and maturity.

>> No.17948162


Anon, you’re a massive normie.

>> No.17948226

The midwit trilogy

>> No.17948283

are you still an atheist?

>> No.17948481

Seriously, why do people read meme books like these? If they're already down to read nonfiction, why not go for books from actual experts that are respected in the field they're writing about?

>> No.17948867

Because most people think nonfiction should be read like fiction, ie, beginning to end, fitting into a clean entertaining narrative, without needing to take notes, and promptly forgotten about as if it never existed.

>> No.17948888

This is some kind of meme trilogy.

>> No.17948898

The top one is a bit of a load of bollocks too.

>> No.17948917
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for me it's

>> No.17948966
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looks like you forgot one other book thats okay though ill put it here for us all

>> No.17949094
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>> No.17949103

It's funny, a book that apes the title of guns germs and steel, The horse, the wheel, and the language, is much better at actually providing a source for their arguments.

>> No.17949468


>> No.17949540

don't know if this is about BLM or the "storm the capitol" retards probably the former since the latter didn't have guns

>> No.17949655
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>form your own opinions
>by using popsci and some Greek philosophy
Ah yes much better, form opinions on <interchangeable text I have strong feelings on> instead of being an idiot and forming your opinions with <interchangeable text I have strong feelings on>

>> No.17949674


>> No.17949725
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>Yuval Noah Harari is an Israeli publi-
>Diamond was born on September 10, 1937 in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. Both of his parents were from Ashkenazi Jewish famil-

>> No.17950560

Even when I went through my period of rejection of religion, when I was first really getting into atheist discourse, I always thought The God Delusion was trash. I was up to page 70 before I dropped it. In 70 pages he was still building up to his initial arguments, bogged down with reminiscing about his childhood and making the promise that, "soon," he will talk about God.

>> No.17950568

Because those books are never recommended or shared, but the trash always is, despite being negatively done so.

You should recommend some as a counter-argument.