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17929875 No.17929875 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on fascism that explain what it is? Don't care for thw nazi shit and their racism just want to know how fascisms works in a country

>> No.17929885

Oswald Mosley - The Greater Britain

>> No.17929894
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>> No.17929971

His Fascism: 100 questions is good too.

>> No.17930052

The Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile
For My Legionnaires by Cornelius Codreanu
Imperium by Francis Parker Yokey

>> No.17930833


>nazism is shit, racism is bad
Literally plebfiltered lol

>> No.17930869

Mussolini cared about race too he just wasn’t a retard like Hitler.

>> No.17930909

Stanley Rosen
Roger Griffith
The primary sources (Declaration, Gentile, d’Annuzio)

>> No.17930919

I was reading about Italian Fascism and Austrofascism the other day. I am not Fascist but I just thought it was so much smarter to have a right wing movement that actually unified people and put them in service of the nation at large, and wasn't stupid enough to believe in blood horoscopes, than the weirdo bullshit the Nazis came up with. It really made me wonder why today's "Fascists" tend to be so obsessed with race. My guess: They're just more attracted to "I'm better because of ancestry rather than merits!!!" and don't actually care about any sort of real Fascist program meant to serve anybody. Can any self-respecting Nazi tell me if that's accurate of the usual Nazis? It's funny but what I'm basically saying is, these far right wingers are actually ironically more larpers than they are principled right wingers. Which is sad, like...what are they? Should they even be on a political compass anymore? It's so sad. Anybody who lacks principles other than muh resentment is literally the Last Man.

>> No.17930931

Hitler wasn't a retard, he was just compiling the equivalent of nowadays pop science about a still budding raciology in Mein kampf and had a quite vague doctrine that was just about self-preservation and self-cultivation, that passing by the ostracisation of Jews.
Other than that it's pretty tame, but that great intuition he shared with the Americans has now been demonized (people say he was racialistically anti Slav or anti French or anti Latin, that he thought they were not Aryan and Untermenschen when it was clearly not the case).

>> No.17931023

Nah he was mentally ill and extremely autistic.

>> No.17931027

Prove it.

>> No.17931051

He was a vegan

>> No.17931068

Roman Empire was fascist

>> No.17931074

Nope, a vegetarian. I reckon he changed his diet after the war or after his niece's death, apparently it was caused by some shock.
Veganism is animal worship and misanthropy, it's something very different.

>> No.17931127
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>after his niece's death
It was this according to David Irving.

>> No.17931155

Mussolini, Gentile and Mosley all wrote books clearly and unambiguously defining fascism. The fact that the term 'fascism' is applied as broadly as it is today is infuriatingly stupid.

>> No.17931207

He cared a lot less about it. He wanted a Nova Imperium Romanum, which is an insane fantasy in and of itself, and the Empire was always multiethnic and had no clear racial concept.

>Prove it
The Psychopathic God by Robert G. L. Waite

>> No.17931514

>It really made me wonder why today's "Fascists" tend to be so obsessed with race.
On the one hand it's part of the zeitgeist. Race is a major cutural factor at this moment and due to the currentand historical tensions here in the United States it is going to be a major factor in any political viewpoint.
When one also considers that the only form of fascism that anyone really ever hears about is National Socialism it follows that the people who look into fascism are primarily going to learn about National Socialism. This coupled with the fact that the biological/materialist worldview has outpaced spiritual viewpoints, people are more likely to establish race as the cornerstone.

>> No.17931546

It's just big governmental power combined with militaristic nationalism.

>> No.17931778

Road to Serfdom

>> No.17931829
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>> No.17931918
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>just want to know how fascisms works in a country

>> No.17931956

Read the Charter of Carnaro. Possibly the only actual fascist constitution.

>> No.17932204

He only did when Hitler cucked him. Fascism as an ideology uses race as a tool for the oppression of the popular classes. Not as an end in themselves like they might claim.

not even close bucko. it was literally a cosmopolitan state

'clearly' and 'unamiguously' lol
Mussolini wrote jack shit. he got gentile to do it

proto-Fascist at best

>Veganism is animal worship and misanthropy

>> No.17932233

>it was literally a cosmopolitan state
Which is not mutually exclusive with fascism.

>> No.17932283







>> No.17932290

It kind of is

>> No.17932297


>> No.17932308

Yes it is. Multi-ethnic nations can't be fascist by definition.

>> No.17932314

Where is that definition? Are you aware that Fascist Italy comprised both Italians, Albanians and Ethiopians? Are we arguing that Italy under Mussolini was not fascist now?

>> No.17932328

Fascism just argues for class collaboration. It says nothing about race. National socialism is racist. Not fascism.

>> No.17932345

Musolini changed his tune at the end.

>> No.17932362

Ok, how about Nazi Germany:
>Scandinavian SS Division
>French SS Division
>Netherlander SS Division

>> No.17932375

That was to please the Germans, not for ideology.

>> No.17932383

All of those had one thing in common: They were Caucasian and European.

>> No.17932418
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And? That has nothing to do with cosmopolitanism. They were all separate ethnic groups. Also see the webm I added, Hitler even had Muslim (dark-skinned) SS units. Keep grasping for straws though.
>muh fascism can't be cosmopolitan because it just can't!

>> No.17932440

This is probably the stupidest thing I've ever read on this site
at that point fascism isn't even fucking fascism

>> No.17932461

You're the dumbest poster on the site.

>> No.17932473

>at that point fascism isn't even fucking fascism
According to whom? To you? Why is your opinion on what fascism is or is not relevant? I've just provided examples on why both Italy and Germany, the two major fascist regimes that ever existed, were both more or less cosmopolitan. What do you have to support your position? Do you want to argue that Nazi Germany and Italy were not fascist?

>> No.17932494
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This book is a very brisk read and is a very good introductory primer to what fascism is and the history of fascist movements in the 20th century. Also spends some time talking about how fascism has historically been difficult to describe accurately and why that is. Definitely worth checking out, probably one of the most useful books I read when studying fascism at university.


>> No.17932511

I don't know that fascism is inherently a racist ideology, but why did all prominent fascist leaders promote racially oppressive practices and laws? Why do many of those who identify as fascists, even now, hold racist and/or anti-Semitic views?

>> No.17932533

This isn't necessarily true. There have been plenty of fascist movements that are multi-ethnic. Your point applies for fascist movements which identify membership to the nation THROUGH ethnicity, however, not all fascist movements do so. I would say that a majority of fascist movements historically did, but by no means did all of them, so it cannot accurately be called a fundamental aspect of fascism.

>> No.17932541


>> No.17932553

It's largely because fascism is an expression of extreme hyper-nationalism, and most of the movements historically defined belonging to a nation through biological/racial terms.

>> No.17932567


>> No.17932607

this sounds about right for OP >>17929875 if you're just trying to get a handle on what 'fascism' actually means when you hear it thrown around in modern discourse and aren't trying to indoctrinate yourself since it is a system engineered by a few select individuals pertaining to specific instance in time and institutions - you could read their primary works but you really ought to examine it with a distanced perspective.

>> No.17932636
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A distinction must be made between fascism and National Socialism, they are similar but have marked ideological differences. fascism is based on the idea of the nation-state.

>> No.17933238

Park Chung-hee and Lee Kuan Yew

>> No.17933501
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>> No.17933595

Plato’s caste system is pretty based

>> No.17933619

>a fat brainlet who thinks he is like the Caesar
Wtf is wrong with Italian people?

>> No.17933723

They have a history

>> No.17933751

I think it can be argued that there is no such thing as fascist philosophy in the current sense of the term. It is very difficult to identify core principles underlying Mussolini's corporatism, Hitlerism and Franco's dictatorship.
Wasn't the origin of the term fascism in this broader sense he Communist view that "fascism" is the last attempt of Capitalism to prevent the emancipation of the workers? Even if that explanation is correct it does not tell us what fascism is in itself, only its origin.

>> No.17933842

The commie definition is pure propaganda and should not be taken seriously.

The origin of the term "fascism" stems from the word "fasces", that is a bundle of sticks tied together (= unity is strength).

>> No.17933869

You are aware that the word "fag" has the same root, right?

So basically fascism = faggotry and that's all you need to know.

>> No.17933874

The commie definition does not deny the etymological definition you gave. The real problem with it is that its not a definition. If you say that fascism is the last attempt of Capitalism to prevent the emancipation of workers, you are not telling us what fascism is in itself (ie identifying its positive qualities as a political philosophy or a system o government), you are just describing its function.

>> No.17933875

Lmao this is your brain on basic bitch lefty rhetoric

>> No.17933883

Of course it has to be about Capitalism. What the fuck is not caused by Capitalism at this point?

>> No.17933964

Almost every single third posistionist in this list (I mistakenly put Roger Scruton [pbuh] in third position, ignore it)


>> No.17934167

You being gay.

>> No.17934198

>just want to know how fascisms works in a country

It doesn't. Read Marx.

>> No.17934199

He murdered millions of innocent civilians.

>> No.17934202

You haven't been here for long, haven't you?

>> No.17934203


>> No.17934209


>> No.17934216

>Read Marx
Sorry but i don't want to speed up my retardation

>> No.17934225

Read A. James Gregor

>> No.17934233

In my opinion it's contrarianism, the picture they have of fascism is a liberal media invention and since they rightfully hate them they embraced the boogeyman

>> No.17934244

But it's completely retarded nonetheless considering italy was not an industrial nation before fascism came around, the proletariat was too small to be relevant.
Communists never really thought about countries with slow economy, they always had in mind the UK, Germany, France so they really could not understand what was going on in Italy, then there was soviet propaganda and now so-called communists turned into some kind of crusaders against le evil (capitalism, fascism), they are far away from the dry rationality of their elders, they're just too autistically self-centered

>> No.17934247

And Stanley G. Payne

>> No.17934309

I just think it is irrelevant if the commies are right or not, a definition of a thing can never be a description of how it came about, because then you are describing the relation of fascism to the social circumstances that brought it about, but you are not telling us what fascism is itself, what are the positive qualities that make up the fascist system or philosophy. And as I said I think there is a plausible case to be made that the very notion of fascism is itself confused, that there is no common basis behind Mussolini's totalitarianism and that of Hitler's. One could make the case that fascism is not a philosophy but simply a collection of characteristics certain 20th century political regimes had, but then fascism becomes arbitrarily defined as whatever Hitler's and Mussolini's regimes happened to have in common.

>> No.17934341

I think you are referring to two different terms: fascism as italian fascism which is an ideology with actual philosophy behind it (A. James Gregor's Mussolini's intellectuals is the best book on the subject), and "fascism" as an ill defined generic term used by both academia, the media and the political

>> No.17934397

they are not two different terms, one is a defined ideology the other is a strawman

>> No.17934398
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Nice,big mog
Needed that
I like TIK because he debunks stormfront conspiracies,but that's about it,his personality is trash,he has a clear bias,and I'm not even sure if he's Christian (he is a big moral fag)
>he said that jews are horrible people...................(a moment of silence for le jews)
>but let's ignore the insanity a little bit...................
>he's like a insane guru or something but he isn't fascist
>I'm going to act like these things are very very bad,they are bad because they are,ok?
>he hated democracy,and this is b a d
Sure I don't like zoomers who fetishize nazi germany and their ideology as literally perfect but watching TIK makes me feel like I'm watching a woke news network...................
Let me repeat that
I t ' s l i k e w a t c h i n g a w o k e n e w s n e t w o r k
This is what I said

Shit like that makes him really annoying.
This is how he talks and I can't stand it, tried my best writing it.
As much as I like Mosley's racial views (exception being le integrated europe) I still think it's too materialistic.
It would probably still lead to a technological dystopia,like communism or liberalism.
Lefties have good critiques of Corporatism and Syndicalism too,please someone post them,I'm too lazy
I'm not sure what would happen if Nat-soc Germany won WW2,but they clearly wanted to genocide slavs in our timeline.
Nat-soc would still create a technological dystopia,it would still try to end history,like liberalism tries to today or like communism would want to

>> No.17934435

I am talking about the second.

>> No.17934490

>Needed that
No problem

>> No.17934560

le magickal race worship isn't what the NS believed. They were, in reality, probably far more "boring" compared to their hollywood counterparts.
>"I'm better because of ancestry rather than merits!!!"
this is a pretty tired, george carlin-tier take. Race isn't about the individual, but the collective. The point is that it's yours and you're meant to uplift it.

hitler was known for being very meritocratic, he hated mediocre bureaucracy and didn't get along with the aristocrats very well
You're gonna have a hard time finding an objective analysis of national socialism regardless, because they're the eternal bad guys in the post-war liberal mythos

>> No.17934971

Everything you need to know about it is in the origins and doctrine of fascism. It's pretty much basic bitch hegelian faggotry that accepts all of M*rx's premises but rejects his proposed solution and instead of seeking revolutionary class war it strives for class collaboration within the confines of a corporate nation-state. It's just edgy socialistic contrarianism that can't even into proper reactionaryism.
