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17923135 No.17923135 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17923167

No, the whore of Babylon is the Bishopric of Rome and her daughters are all the other bishoprics that recognized her as mother church and now form the Roman Catholic Church, as well as any bishop claimant that committed schism with any of those bishoprics (meaning Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, Assyrian Church, Old Catholicism, etc), AND any sectarian movement that also committed schism and set up its own congregations (aka all of Protestantism).

>> No.17923192

There's a line from Revelations where it says the whore of babylon has a cup that overflows with foulness.

It's literally a description of these gum gulping porn vids we have now where 15 guys cum in a bowl/glass.

>> No.17924473

That's a thing? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I hate this society so much. It needs to burn. When is the ride gonna be over?

>> No.17924484

you don’t have to celebrate society brother, you can find peace while still knowing things could be better.

>> No.17924498

How can I find peace? I want a wife and children, not just inner serenity. I want my children and grandchildren to grow up in a better world but at the rate things are going, it will be even more depraved. I don't want peace. I want victory.

>> No.17924561

Obviously everyone wants that, I am thinking the same stuff as you in regards to a family, and the consequences of having one here, meaning I can't. But we both have to admit - all we need is God. If we can't see it now, then lets work towards seeing it.

>> No.17924603

I appreciate your positivity, anon, and I wish you the best. I am not a Christian so I'm not looking for God but I'm not hostile to Christianity. It helps people live virtuous lives and for that, I see great value in it. I know that doesn't save my soul in your eyes but I hope you understand.

>> No.17924606

I always thought she was some bastardization of Inanna/Ishtar desu

>> No.17924622

I'm not 100% Catholic yet right now either but I am working towards it. I have a lot of reading to do before I can be fully confident. But even so, I do believe in God. What are you looking for, though, if not God? I mean, he is the beginning and the end, he is the unmoved mover, etc etc.

Also if you are living according to your true conscience then I have no reason to believe you are damned, you seem like a decent guy as is, although I do fear about the need for earthly victory, since that is essentially a desire for temporal things.

>> No.17924683
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Traditional Christianity will become the 21st century's version of the Amish. You cannot stop technological progress and we will hit a new singularity that gets rejected by the new "amish" demographic. The institutions don't even support traditional social norms anymore so I don't get the appeal outside of blind faith or the lack of a institutialized alternative.

>> No.17924697

I don't believe in God and I doubt I will come to believe in God again. Although I don't want to tear down the faith of others, I'm not really interested in cultivating my own. My beliefs are primarily centered around nature and race. What I want humanity to work toward is a more balanced relationship with the planet and a higher form of humanity itself. I don't hate any other races, even the usual suspects, and want to see them preserved and standing proudly alongside my own but the desire to see whites (especially northern europeans) survive, be healthy, and grow is at the core of my ideology. I like Alain de Benoist but I'm not a pagan. Since I don't believe in the eternal, temporal victory is all I'm concerned about. Evil people won't be punished in an afterlife and God won't swoop in to save the day with a flood or fireball. It's up to us to set things right. Unfortunately, I have no idea where to even start. The internet is so censored that you can't get the message out there like you once could and irl activism does nothing. Fedpost solutions are counterproductive. I'm pretty blackpilled. All I can propose is to try to escape the degeneracy, get married, have a bunch of children, and raise them to be good people and give them the tools they need to survive modernity, which most of our parents understandably had no idea how to prepare us for.

>> No.17924705

What do you propose? Are you pro-singularity?

>> No.17924712

The whore of Babylon is a city whom all people have swore loyalty. Maybe it will be Tel Aviv.

>> No.17924724

Of course you'd find a way to throw protestantism into this mess.
Fuck off.

>> No.17924732

Why don't you all shut up and find out how OP has arrived at this conclusion. Fucking zoomers I'll slap the shit out of the lot of you.

>> No.17924801
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>I don't get the appeal outside of blind faith or the lack of a institutialized alternative
The appeal would be a reasonable faith (for example pic related). I don't believe society or its institutions have any bearing on reality, therefore they have no bearing on my appeal, which is aligned only to truth alone, and not what suits my comforts.

>I don't believe in God and I doubt I will come to believe in God again.

>Since I don't believe in the eternal, temporal victory is all I'm concerned about.
If you do not believe in eternal order that exists outside of our own imagination - meaning it actually exists - then you wouldn't believe the amount of absurdities that arise. For instance, degeneracy isn't real, your words are meaningless, and you're wasting your time and effort on what must be an illusion. Basically, you're worked up over nothing.

Here's Aristotle's Metaphysics in which this is all explained:


I am reading the Joe Sachs translation personally, but I use this one to help sometimes. Basically this one comes from the Roman, whereas Sachs is Greek right to English, literal translation.

Getting off now I will check this thread in the morning.

>> No.17924805

have sex

>> No.17924881

I don't see any reason to believe, whether that be belief in one specific religion (why that one out of man?) or in a God in general. I don't want to disprove God or anything like that but I'm not convinced nor am I looking to be convinced.

>If you do not believe in eternal order that exists outside of our own imagination - meaning it actually exists - then you wouldn't believe the amount of absurdities that arise. For instance, degeneracy isn't real, your words are meaningless, and you're wasting your time and effort on what must be an illusion. Basically, you're worked up over nothing.
Perhaps I'm not understanding but I don't see how that follows. I can recognize that there is only this temporary material world while also assigning meaning to what is around me, witnessing the degeneracy, and feeling the pain of others.

>Artistotle's Metaphysics
I'm currently working my way through the Greeks. I will get to Aristotle later this year or early next year. Once I finish The First Philosophers I get to start on the Complete Works of Plato and then comes Aristotle.

>> No.17924891
File: 81 KB, 720x720, womens_rights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She IS Innana/Ishtar/Venus. Look around you at how the west has enslaved itself to pussy/feminine ideals of power in only 100 years and you need to live in a monestary to be able to avoid thots and yoga pants and scantily clad (((women)))

Have a soul, fleshling

>> No.17924918

>Ishtar enslaved through feminine power
Nah she enslaved through warfare. She's the goddess of war as well anon, not just sex. She symbolized political power as well thanks to the Akkadians. Sex was only one facet of her domain.

>> No.17924942
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>> No.17924948

Yeah you're correct but she represents a feminine tyrant divinity. And yes, mere sex isn't the only feminine ideal we have been enslaved to.

>thinking womens form of warfare somehow isn't sex
Oh nonono