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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 75 KB, 600x500, EA894E7E-96EF-498A-82C0-57315E364A32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17921053 No.17921053 [Reply] [Original]

Any other 4chan created literature? I’m going to make a collection of all books made from this site. Pic related.

>> No.17921069

Stop shilling. It’s never going to catch on. You’re making a fool out of yourself

>> No.17921085

It's not my book. Your repetitive low quality complaining is far worse than actual shilling. These books are part of board culture so stop your incessant nagging. I am asking about books other than these, so fuck off.

>> No.17921125

I know what you want to happen. It’s never going to. The only person who will ever make these threads Is you. The only person who will ever bump these threads before they archive is you. You can do this for a decade straight, it won’t make any difference. You’ll eventually have to take a new pen name to be taken seriously, and the whole thing starts over again. Nobody is going to buy your 8.5x11 printing paper sheets that are glued together. All the photos will be yours.

Stop shilling

>> No.17921128




>> No.17921138 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 1887x2443, 1614749940758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you wouldn't mind if we post a book that's 4chan-written, actually good, and made by someone who knows what size a paperback should be?

>> No.17921255

OP here. Damn I should've used a picture of another book. I thought it was a safe bet since everyone on 4chan knows about them. I didn't meant to bring out the schizos.

>> No.17921314
File: 33 KB, 728x252, scamreview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't heard of this People Mover but I looked it up. I'm concerned about buying it, as one of the reviews says it's a scam/fake book.

>> No.17921328 [DELETED] 

Link to the review?

>> No.17921347

Most of em are listed here with download links lampbylit.com/magazine/works/

>> No.17921354

I once saw a picture of an anon who had bought every meme book. There were like 4 /lit/ compilation type books, as well as the schizo ramblings, and then the book by uleleuele of the elemental masters, as well as some other gems I can't remember right now.

Currently there's the lit quarterly and &amp as far as current group publications of /lit/ writing. There's also the remains of the burgerpunk project on github. Speaking of burgerpunk, there's a handful of anons on the writing general that post on various websites like Royal Road that you can read.

I say all this in good faith, knowing that your are probably the dude F Gardner has hired at below minimum wage to shill his book for him.

>> No.17921355

Well the Horror's Call books seem to be real since it's not just the covers being posted on here. Everyone can tell they're real books. But People Mover sounds suspicious though >>17921138
I have no way of telling if this is just a picture of the cover. The People Mover scam review makes it seem like that could be the case and it's not technically a real book.
I've seen people hold Call of the Crocodile and Arcade but I don't think I've seen anyone hold People mover, displaying it's contents. Something about this doesn't seem right.

>> No.17921365

Hi gardner

>> No.17921370

Thanks this is the kind of information I needed.

>> No.17921380

>dude it's like a book but bad xD so funny haha
kys faggot

>> No.17921398 [DELETED] 
File: 322 KB, 390x569, still2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think I've seen anyone hold People mover
You're pathetic

>> No.17921405

Is this the containment thread for delusional narcissist shills?

>> No.17921425

The guy in that photo could just be holding a picture. I can't see the pages.

>> No.17921454 [DELETED] 

buy it for yourself if you give a shit

>> No.17921489

I’ll torrent it

>> No.17921544

For that amount you could have just picked up your own kindling in the woods but I guess that works too in case of a survival situation

>> No.17921553

You always shill this retarded book. You realize you are doing the exact opposite by trying to get people to look into it

>> No.17921557
File: 78 KB, 1284x675, peoplemover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright I found People Mover. It was easy to find without having to buy it. I think I understand what all the reviews mean by it being a "scam." Judging by this page it looks more like a poetry book. I guess it's not a novel but it was advertised as a book. Strange.

>> No.17921584 [DELETED] 
File: 2.54 MB, 390x373, faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally always the same two/three pictures. This faggot would post on pol trying to shill it and people saged them into oblivion. Then migrated here and still fails. That review just seals the deal. You'll have better luck selling drugs in the projects you dogfaced cunt

>> No.17921670

gardner, the way you react to Card coming into your threads is the way we react to you coming into the catalog. let that sink in

>> No.17921753

I can’t believe the mods shut down every Belcea thread but let this shit stay up.

>> No.17921762 [DELETED] 

report for advertising, it's all you can do. of course all of gardner's bots will now report me for reporting (what a charming feature), but i will die upon the cross if need be

>> No.17921788

That's a very cute little injun.

>> No.17921832

I've posted my original work on here about a decade ago to relatively positive post, but it's not hard to tell why other 4chan authors stick to the shadows even on lit.

>> No.17921847

Discussing books is not advertising. You’re the only one breaking rules since you’re announcing a report.

>> No.17921853

Go ahead and post it. Ignore the haters here.

>> No.17921855

Hi gardner, you’ll never be famous

>> No.17921860

I'm working on something right now, OP. Hopefully it'll be done by the end of Summer. If you have an e-mail/burner e-mail you want to drop, I'll send you a message when it's done and published.

>> No.17921913

Does John David Card plan to write more?

>> No.17921935

I'll breadcrumb it. Google 'TKAG Project' and scroll down until you see a series with five books. (It should be on page 2 I think.) The series has an additional 8 books planned so it's a life project that I can ideally pass down the success of to the next gen.
I just happen to be a 4channer.

>> No.17922024

He's already famous.

>> No.17922031

This. Everyone on 4chan knows who he is, like him or not.

>> No.17922058

i believe he burnt out and got triggered by his own empire of dirt. he's probably going to take some time off to rethink his general strategy. he still lurks even though he said he wouldn't.

>> No.17922072

sure you are, sure you are

>> No.17922084

"Call of the Crocodile" is the first installation in Gardner's breakout series of horror novels. The story follows its protagonist, a young boy named Faggot Gardner (no relation to F. Gardner, the author), as he searches the grimy streets of Chicago for "the Crocodile", a local leather daddy notorious for putting bad little boys like Gardner in their place.
Young Faggot Gardner searches high and low for the fabled dominant: in dilapidated crack dens, in public restrooms, in subterranean glory holes. Yet no matter how assiduously he searches, how quickly he moves from clue to clue, how many dirty men's toes he sucks (an activity constantly referred to in the novel as "pussing the boots"), Gardner seems always to be one step behind the object of his obsessive desire.
The twist comes near the end of the novel, during a scene reminiscent of Polanski's "Repulsion", where the beautiful Carole, played by a young Catherine Deneuve, finally descends into madness, and hallucinates human arms reaching out of the walls of her apartment and grabbing her, thereby externalizing her fear not only of sexual assault, but of any form of intimate contact whatsoever. F. Gardner (the author) parodies this scene, effectively turning its tone and implications upside down, by having his protagonist, the now cock-starved and desperate Faggot Gardner (again, no relation) crawl on his knees through a dark apartment, groping along the walls to find his way, only to feel, poking proudly out of the holes in the walls, not scary arms with grabby hands, but dozens of diamond-hard dicks. They poke him in the eyes. They shoot gobs of bitter gravy into his nose and ears. They wag reproachfully at him, like the index fingers of the stern private school teachers who buggered him in his earliest childhood memories, as he slowly makes his way to the end of the hall. The twist is this: when he finally reaches the end of the hall, and opens the door there, he finds himself staring into a blinding white light. He believes that when his eyes finally adjust to the glare, he will see there, waiting for him, horse-whip in hand, croc-skin chaps pulled snugly against his obese thighs, the man he has been seeking for so many days, seeking, in a way, for all of his life. But instead what he sees is a hospital room. He is lying in a hospital bed. The bright light is coming from the naked bulb above him. There is a nurse at his side, changing his IV fluids.
"Where am I?" he asks.
"Loretto Hospital," the nurse replies.
"I was eaten by a crocodile, wasn't I?" he asks.
"No," she says. "You were violently assaulted by hundreds of corpulent and diseased men, with disgusting rotten teeth and putrid breath. That's why you smell like corpses and semen."
"No," he says firmly. "I was eaten by a crocodile. It caused my family to go insane. I'm going to write a novel about it, and force people to read it."
"Whatever you say, Faggot," the nurse replies.

>> No.17922096


>Famous meme books
>Membed months on end.
>Having the ego to actually think you're talking to the author.

Also he's not wrong. Everyone DOES know F. Gardner here. It's not A list celebrity tier but it's fame, nonetheless.

>> No.17922109
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>> No.17922116

Sorry gardner but running ads and flooding the catalog for 8months doesn’t make you famous, it just makes you a revenue source for gookmoot until you finally give up and then are promptly forgotten

>> No.17922147

Wasn’t there a anon who actually bought the last copy of waldun’s book and did some vocarros for it?

>> No.17922222

>Becoming well known doesn't make you famous

Not him dude. But that's the definition of fame.

>> No.17922242

Checked. Could be infamous though.

>> No.17922244

well, checked. Anon speaks truth. Love him or hate him, you still know him.

>> No.17922253

One day I'll finish my "self help" book called
"Skillage to pay the billage: The subtle and nuanced act of shitting and cumming your pantaloons" by "Cuntfuck Fuckcunt".

>> No.17922256

>board culture
found the redditor

>> No.17922261

If there's one thing Gardner's made clear it's that he's not going to ever give up. He seems to be one of those rare types (for better or worse) that seem to be immune to criticism

>> No.17922312

Yes, running ads on an ANONYMOUS image board means you will be “famous”. If I adopt a trip, within a month I too will be “famous”. Until the day I stop posting of course.

>> No.17922326

That’s fine, and I’m never going to stop entering his threads to call him a shill and a narcissist. In the off chance that it’s someone’s first day on 4chan and doesn’t understand what’s happening, I won’t let them be fooled.

>> No.17922340

damn bro... you're basically a hero

>> No.17922370

Sure. Listen, I just want him to stop. I know what he wants. It’s been long enough, I think I have a read on him. Gardner wants enough fans where he has critical mass and doesn’t have to make the threads himself anymore. Sadly it’s been 8 months and this hasn’t happened. He still doesn’t have any fans and has to make the threads himself. His best strategy has been making the threads NOT directly about himself. Such as attaching himself to Waldun. Or this thread, where it’s about the “writers of 4chan.” Any time it’s exclusively about Gardner, it’s off to page 10 in a hurry until he bumps it at page 9. That’s what a real Gardner thread is. One guy crying out for attention. Yes we’re all very impressed that you’ve posed away hundreds of dollars forcing phone posters on the toilet to glance at the covers of your books.

Anyway it’s never going to happen. You can try for another 8 months. It’s your money and time.

>> No.17922384

Out of all the Call saga, which is considered the magnum opus? Is it Call of the Crocodile or do you have to read the whole series to appreciate it?

>> No.17922556

Judging by the &amp article Arcade seems to be the best. I’ve only read that and Crocodile and Arcade was definitely the better book. I don’t think then order makes a difference. Both books were set in Chicago but they were separate stories.

>> No.17922571

There is creepypasta made into book called Penpal, i feel like it was a 4chan story but i could be wrong. Fun spooby read but its /x/-tier writing

>> No.17922581

Don’t indie authors need to get the word out?>>17922340 nah he’s just some bitter and jealous loser. Gardeners written multiple books. What has he done with his life? Probably not much, other than try to put down others.

>> No.17922586

That’s what advertising is. I have no problem with Gardner buying and running ads here. I have an issue with him flooding the catalog and pretending to be multiple people, day after day after day.

>> No.17922597
File: 150 KB, 960x638, salviaoffinalisinfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but look dude, Gardner doesn't want to hear about OTHER books. The subtlety of this thread is hopefully goading other people to mention his book without him having to bump it all the time. So come on, why dont you talk about HIS book and not someone ELSE'S book?!

>> No.17922601

I love creepy pastas.

It really is sad. With the amount of effort he’s putting in he could’ve written a book himself. This board has lot of failed writers on it. I think that’s part of why they envy F Gardner so much. Everyone can tell it’s the same guy and he just has it out for Gardner

>> No.17922608

Your the one going on and on about Gardner. Op already said he wished he used a different image. Stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.17922626
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>> No.17922976

People Mover is real. I have the pdf. Haven't read it cause too busy. Will review when I do read it.

>> No.17923051

I hate F. Gardner. But goddamit if he isn’t persistent.

If only he could write a page without talking about Dante or literal grade school level concepts.
Everybody knows about The Divine Comedy, don’t waste my time with filler because you lack compelling ideas.

>> No.17923085

He does the same thing with Faust in Arcade. I can tell why though. The stories are obviously parallels to The Divine Comedy and Faust. That's cool I guess. But yeah he kind of hammers it in over and over.

>> No.17923100

I honestly think he's attempting cultivate ironic so-bad-its-good fame, like Tommy Wiseau.

>> No.17923112

This a funky graphic novel?

>> No.17923119

I know what he's attempting. He's just another autist who will terrorize his selected board until something in real life gets in his way. I've been in this site since 2007. I've seen it before.

>> No.17923120

>Don’t indie authors need to get the word out?
Gardner's been putting the word out for months now. The same word, over and over and over again, receiving the exact same response every time, never changing or trying anything different.

>> No.17923163

I do seriously wish we could talk about Belcea though. Now there was a nutjob worth 4chan's attention. I'm paraphrasing but my favorite review:

"Probably the best way to explain this book would be to state a simple fact: he bills his magnum opus as part autobiography, which spans over ten years, three jobs and multiple online gaming groups. And not once, in the entire 500 pages, does he ever mention a single human besides himself."

>> No.17923168

I don’t know. But he’s accomplished that but. My gut tells me it’s entirely by accident. It just seems to be the perfect storm of autism.

>> No.17923170

shut the fuck up gardner you can't even convincingly sound like 2 people on an anonymous image board that's how much of a hack you are

>> No.17923178

The fuck? I said it was autistic, you deranged maniac.

>> No.17923417

Why is Gardner consistently worst at everything than Card?

>> No.17923486

Card's just depressing. He was begging for money for his paypal.

>> No.17923502

>worst... than
At first I thought you used the wrong then, but that doesn't check. Then I thought maybe you mistakenly used the superlative "worst" in lieu of the comparative "worse", but even then, the sentence reads awkwardly.

>> No.17923519

you sound schitzo
prove it?

>> No.17923523

You are a cluster b narcissist who gaslights people on here to try and give you money for a work which would serve better as kindling than heavy reading

>> No.17923593
File: 71 KB, 600x500, 3963F175-61B3-4C18-AC30-6E2536FEBFE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man am I glad I saved this pic. Screencaped.

>> No.17923619 [DELETED] 
File: 487 KB, 529x714, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, now this is funny. Out of morbid curiosity I want to know about who F Gardner is. Turns our his books have a Facebook page. So this is basically what his real response is. No fans. No followers. 1 like on a meme post- BY A RELATIVE, LMAO. Is it your mom, Gardner? This is precious.

>> No.17923940

>That profile pic

>> No.17923951

Almost an hour and that's all you got! The jig is up, Gardner.

>> No.17924069

To be totally honest it seems incredibly odd that he has not gained any following whatsoever. Much like you, I got curious about the guy. They took down his reddit account, but he legit tried to do an AMA as "the guy who writes those books being advertised on 4chan" back in January. There were five replies.

It baffles me. Someone this bad and lacking self-awareness, striving so hard for attention across multiple platforms, has somehow failed to court widespread mockery. It's not bland-bad, it's legitimately "way out of his league" bad. There should be memes, screencaps, mock interviews. But there's only two copypastas so far.

>> No.17924090

Not that I know of. Are the rest of these any good? I read Arcade back when it was free.

>> No.17924093

IP hasn't gone up. Hi Gardner

>> No.17924113

>It baffles me. Someone this bad and lacking self-awareness, striving so hard for attention across multiple platforms, has somehow failed to court widespread mockery. It's not bland-bad, it's legitimately "way out of his league" bad. There should be memes, screencaps, mock interviews. But there's only two copypastas so far.
It's because he has nothing. All his "memes" are just stealing standard 4chan chad/pepe shit and lazily shopping his face and book in them. He's a hack in every sense. Compare him to Waldun (which hilarious since Gardner regularly makes a "Waldun" thread, knowing Waldun actually has a following and wants to leech off of it.)

Waldun just made some youtube videos but was such a cartoonish dork that people here have taken a liking to him. There's actual memes about him, and you can tell his threads have multiple real human people in them. Gardner wishes he was Waldun basically. He's just desperate for attention but has no actual means of getting it, because he has nothing. All he can do is spend money on 4chan ads, and time making and posting in his own threads.

>> No.17924144

>It's because he has nothing. All his "memes" are just stealing standard 4chan chad/pepe shit and lazily shopping his face and book in them.
I get that he himself blows. Which is why this confuses me. He has a public facebook. Why is no one trolling him?

>> No.17924162
File: 514 KB, 1010x1010, harassment-architecture-towards-a-world-removed-of-sin-shirtclassic-mens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17924181

What is there to troll? He's a cardboard cutout. He could be a computer generated personage for all it matters. He makes the threads, pulls the string on his back and says the 10 or so pre-recorded messages he has at his disposal, usually when the thread is at page 9, and eventually he goes to bed or a mod pays attention.
He never has anything knew. He's been at this for about a year it seems and yet what has he added to his repertoire? The latest picture of him wearing a Guy Fox mask? Give me a break. No, Gardner is just an /x/-tier self-deluded individual who is a tumor on this board, and the less attention paid him to better. His biggest fan is his fucking mom so there it is. There's the first authentic meme about him from someone that isn't him.

>> No.17924198

Laugh it up, Gardner. Laugh it up
It's all memes until one day a few months go by and there's only been one buyer and zero exposure outside of that

>> No.17924230

>found the redditor
Sure did, hi.

>> No.17924358

The Magnificent Third Rail by Roberto Pinchas

>> No.17924415

Never heard of that one. Thank you

>> No.17924428

>He's been at this for about a year it seems and yet what has he added to his repertoire?

I'm in a discord with him. Around a month ago he said he has a couple more books written and he's working on audibooks.

>> No.17924452

>What is there to troll?
It would be interesting to see someone stage a mock interview with him. Like if they were subtle enough they might be able to get answers to some of the more prominent questions that show up in these threads.

>You manage a very prolific output in a very short amount of time. Do you ever feel like the quality of your work is sacrificed for speed?

>You hail from 4chan. Given the controversy surrounding that site, do you think it might be a mistake to attach your name to that community?

>Like all writers, you certainly have your critics. Do you have anything to say to them?

Part of me thinks that since he lurks these threads and has seen this post it wouldn't work, but another part of me thinks he is so genuinely narcissistic that he would either a)play along for the attention or b)legitimately believe he can give answers to those questions which would redeem his work.

>> No.17924453

PLEASE be in London

>> No.17924492

Ok Gardner

>> No.17924516

You think I'm joking? There's a lot of people on discord.
This just happened. The 4chan magazine interviewed him.

>> No.17924521

I can back these up. I'm in the server and Gardner posts there often. The "4chan magazine" is called &amp.

>> No.17924525



>> No.17924526


>> No.17924532

you're just mad cause you were proven wrong.

>> No.17924534

I respect Gardner. His books probably suck but there’s no fucking way for a mediocre book to get noticed. Shilling on an Uzbek water coloring board is kind of funny and I’m willing to bet he’s sold more copies then you’d think.

>> No.17924546

I’ve legit talked to the guy on discord. Chill dude, genuinely wish him the best.

>> No.17924549

he interviewed himself lol, it was a sham

>> No.17924560

If that were so then he’d have access to an editor. Clearly untrue.

>> No.17924569

Even the classics need editors. All complaints about Gardner seem to be rooted in that.

>> No.17924575

he could be the editor for all i know. the &amp threads are stuffed with robotic page 9 bump replies just like gardner threads. i don't doubt there's real people in there speaking earnestly, probably about their own crap, but that's because it's not explicitly a gardner thread. a gardner thread with actual gardner discussion doesn't exist. he has one fan, his mom

>> No.17924582

>he could be the editor

No. He is not capable of that.

>> No.17924589

he could be the editor, he could know the editor, he could be among several editors. i'm telling you whole &amp shit smells, something is fishy. i'm very glad you drew my attention to it.

>> No.17924596

If there’s one thing we know about Gardner it’s that he cannot edit. Him doing the interview himself is about as impossible as it gets.

>> No.17924598

you aren't convincing. i don't know how fucking oblivious you think i am.

>> No.17924610

How does it feel that no one here will never see a thread with 110 replies talking about their literary work. Absolute king shit on Gardner’s part.

>> No.17924611

>Gardner can’t edit
>He’s the editor

Pick one.

>> No.17924617

no one is talking about it. no one ever talks about it. no one ever will talk about it. the day gardner stops making threads is the day he fades from memory. it's a thread shitting on gardner, who has one real life fan, mommy

>> No.17924628

How many fans do you have?

>> No.17924645

i'm happily anonymous. i have no fans and have no problem with it. in fact, i have no problem with gardner writing books or running ads. but that's not what this is. this is a year long shill campaign with no end in sight and no visible impression of a fanbase of any kind.

>> No.17924656

I read Call of Arcade around then, as well. I bought Cherokee when I heard it had the same characters. Why do all the characters act as if the events of Arcade didn't happen? It clearly takes place afterward.

>> No.17924662

Uh huh. So you're a loser.

>> No.17924667

I think my guys making some sort of money, he wouldn’t be shilling if he wasn’t.

>> No.17924671

cope. no one will ever willingly make a thread about your books. keep dreaming of that TV interview you're gonna give

>> No.17924678

yea the dude here is full of shit. There a thread about these books at any given time on this board and /x. Everyone knows that the idea that Gardner does nothing but spam threads about himself is impossible.

>> No.17924689
File: 69 KB, 750x811, 2A3406CB-4F76-45C0-919E-FA738AC5A817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17924690

Why is the book that size. It looks so unnatural.

>> No.17924702

Watch Channel Zero, creepy pasta author got a tv show and adapted some; it’s like the red room in Twin Peaks if it was the world

>> No.17924708

I don't know but it's even more memable now. I'm getting it now before he changes it. There's no way somebody would keep their books that size. Is there?

>> No.17924723

I bet he paid a bunch upfront and probably has to sell the shitty weird sized ones before he gets a new batch. Pretty funny.

>> No.17924731

I thought Amazon was print on demand?

>> No.17924741

It's honestly kind of genius.

>Make meme ebooks
>They become memes
>make them in print months later
>they're fucking comically oversized

>> No.17924750

I'm going to proudly display them as coffee table books when they get here. I'll be sure to make a post.

>> No.17924797

that girl looks very cute desu

>> No.17924799
File: 140 KB, 750x1249, 10947577-5959-4A81-AAE7-B6E7CB7D75C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m some random dude in Israel who just read about this in an /fa/ thread of all places and I sorta wanna get this now.
This excerpt is fucking hilarious. It’s like the guy who wrote a novel where every third word is “nigger”
Do they sell this shit on Amazon?

>> No.17924860

You're content with being anonymous because you don't have the same drive as him. You also don't want to put yourself out there, because that would mean there would be a possibility of ridicule.
Putting yourself out there, would mean that mean spirited losers could insult you. People like yourself.

>> No.17924866
File: 988 KB, 1508x652, 1617329322752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17924873

>I sorta wanna get this now.

Welcome to the club. Get used to people accusing you of being Gardner now.

>> No.17924893
File: 1.73 MB, 3088x2316, 6AE7B90C-07B9-4782-B9F9-A3FE286D362C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno what the guy looks like but I doubt he’s in Israel during a pandemic

>> No.17924977

>he believes in the pandemic

>> No.17925059

>implying anyone outside of the Jew mothership knows what’s really going on right now.
Bless your gullible soul

>> No.17925081


>> No.17925834

Where to cop?

>> No.17925998

This sounds like hogg. Anyone have a epub link?

>> No.17926319

The default paper size in Word is 8.5 by 11 inches, printer paper. F Gardener didn't know how to change it to normal paperback size

>> No.17926354

coronameron!!!! chronicles of oob!!!

>> No.17927736

>tfw wouldn't mind buying a week's worth of ads when I publish my book
I feel the whole idea may be tarnished now.

>> No.17927835

Of all the bad things you could say about Gardner you're attacking his repertoire? He published 5 books in like a month.

>> No.17927848

Yeah and he hasn't done anything new for over a year

>> No.17927895

Dude I’ve been working on a manuscript for the past 2 years. And that’s considered a normal length of time.

>> No.17928101

I read it on Kindle unlimited. Just do the free trial thing and cancel it after you read them.