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17895511 No.17895511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happened?

>> No.17895529

Capitalism and selling selfhelp books is easier

>> No.17895535

zizek is based though

>> No.17895555

Wow...how far we've fallen from William F. Buckley Junior and the 3rd Earl Russell...

>> No.17895563

I mean they look different but everyone in that pic is a pseud besides maybe Russell

>> No.17895567

pure garbage all around

>> No.17895603

The main difference here is that the top row are in black and white

>> No.17895643

At least one of them created some pretty entertaining television.

>> No.17895757

Mark my words, in 50-100 years from now Peterson will be looked back on in the same way we look back on dead western intellectuals. We only hate him now because we're living alongside him. But for the people in the future, who have been born well after he's dead, it won't make any difference.

>> No.17895768

Hopefully the west will be long gone by then

>> No.17895785

Replace Zizek with Dawkins, the king of r/atheism.

>> No.17895789
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Probably not. His claim to fame is writing self-help books, he's never produced anything particularly intellectual or of any academic note.

He was a middling professor from a middling academic institution who got thrown into the limelight because he refused to call a tranny by their preferred pro-noun. From this he wrote successful self-help books for the lost manchildren of the internet. This is what he'll be remembered for.

Are you a paid shill?

>> No.17895792

No matter how hard you try you will never cancel a geographical direction (nor will you ever be a woman btw)

>> No.17895800

>refused to call a tranny by their preferred pro-noun
that puts him above 99% of the people in the west

>> No.17895837

I don't love Peterson, but making judgements of this kind from a contemporary vantage is ill-advised.

>> No.17895840


>> No.17895850

Literally the modern Socrates

>> No.17895854

Colored photographs

>> No.17895857

But.....Its true. Sorry if I've hurt your feelings, but he's of no intellectual or academic significance.

Maybe you could argue that he got a certain demographic to become interested in the humanities and academia, thus, he's valuable and important. That's about it.

>> No.17895858


>> No.17895859

>Are you a paid shill?
No surprise Peterson haters are /pol/ schizos

>> No.17895860
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>he's never produced anything particularly intellectual or of any academic note.
You don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.17895868

Peterson has over 15,000 citations in peer-reviewd academic journals lmao

>> No.17895875


>> No.17895878

>Sorry if I've hurt your feelings
I don't care about Peterson and I'm turned off by his Anglo-American salesman approach and the extended listicle self-help format he's adopted since becoming a public figure. However, I don't consider it to appropriate to judge whether he will be remembered. Contemporary critics are far less consistent as a filter than is the passage of time.

>> No.17895886

I never read Peterson and don't intend to, but anti-Peterson shills are the worst posters on this board

>> No.17895889

>top row
Retards and degenerates

>Bottom row
Retards and degenerates

Fuck "public intellectuals"

>> No.17895899

Like overhyped trash?

>> No.17895903

It's considered important by people like yourself because of Peterson's media persona, which you approve of. ("He.s /our guy/ "etc)
If he never riled up the trannies nobody would be particularly interested in maps of meaning. Maybe it was impressive to you because it was one of the first books you ever read?

>> No.17895907

it doesn't seem like anything happened

>> No.17895915

>the same way we look back on dead western intellectuals
how is that different then the way we look at modern day public (((intellectuals)))

>> No.17895924

mostly sjws citing his statements on trannies so they can strawman him

>> No.17895927

It has hundreds of academic citations retard

>> No.17895930

Haha I made the OP pic

Exactly. His fans only read maps of meaning so they could claim they're acquainted with his "real" work.

>> No.17895936

>academic citations
Which they mean nothing in this modern age

>> No.17895937

>academia bad! leftist brainwash!
>look at all those citations though!
Which is it then? Also most of those citations are critical of him, from people going back to research him after he became a youtube surrogate dad

The guy's interpretation of Godel is abysmal.

>> No.17895942



>> No.17895966

It means he's not receiveing attention only from random guys like you're strawmanning above.
>most citations are critical
They are not. Most of the articles citing it are from before Peterson became big or controversial.
You're all pathetic.

>> No.17896016

im told he has legendary citation numbers from before he became a nazi

>> No.17896042

Cry moar bitch.
He's not as useless as the pro-yootoobers that get posted here. But it's ridiculous to compare him to Chomsky, Foucault, derrida, russel, zizek or pinker.

You're behaving like someone insulted your daddy

>> No.17896043

One day you'll grow out of this infantile cult. Till then, reasoning with you is impossible because Peterson has taught you how to evade arguments with meaningless rhetoric.

>> No.17896046

>The guy's interpretation of Godel is abysmal.
what is it?

>> No.17896052

but Chomsky is still around

also Buckley is no more an 'intellectual' than Tucker Carlson

>> No.17896053

You are way more obsessed with Peterson than any of the people offering lukewarm defences of him.

>> No.17896058

the only reason that guy has any notoriety outside the niche corner of academic philosophy he works in is because he debated peterson

>> No.17896063
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History is cyclical

>> No.17896065
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>> No.17896067
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Just went on Peterson's Twitter. He's like an anti-SJW teenager from 2014. Retweeting bad trans takes and random left-wing people doing Bad Things™, all interspersed with self-help platitudes.

>> No.17896070

>the only reason that guy has any notoriety outside the niche corner of academic philosophy he works in is because he debated peterson

How old are you, sincerely? 18? Zizek had been a well known figure well before the Peterson debate. Why do you think that debate happened?

>> No.17896072


>> No.17896073

I'm just slightly bitter I drank his Kool-Aid back then, and now I hate him and his cringe fans. I'm still racist and transphobic though.

>> No.17896075

You know what's weird is right as he was blowing up over the trans bill thing he uploaded a vlog about how he had to be really careful not to allow the media to pigeon hole him, lest he become a caricature of himself. This was when he was still a pretty moderate liberal guy who was only known for his self-help psychology stuff. Then exactly what he was worried would happen happened. Pretty crazy.

>> No.17896080

Wtf happened to him. There are tons of videos of him talking about why redistributive policies are necessary because although he doesn't like socialism there's lots of evidence to show that too much inequality in a society is destablising. He literally did a 180 degree flip on so much shit. The benzos fucked em.

>> No.17896081

Sounds like somebody needs to go back

>> No.17896084

The internet happened.

>> No.17896088
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Search engine algorithms decide who is a popular intellectual and who is not a popular intellectual.

This is the real answer all other answers in this thread were produced by brainlets who do not understand the internet is what governs intellectuals and the internet is governed by algorithms.

>> No.17896089

I hear everything he writes in his voice which make the Shapiro-isms like that even funnier.

>> No.17896094

And this is after he was quiet for about a year whole supposedly "in rehab" but actually, I think I can comfortably say, just taking a break from public to write his new book. Some people would use an extended absence to grow and evolve but he came right back in with 10 Shapiro takes a day.

>> No.17896096

More like cable TV - of which the internet is in all functionality just an extension of. This stuff started disappearing in the 90s, same time you started getting hundreds of channels all with 24 hour slots to fill. Back when it was like 3 channels that stopped broadcasting at midnight, consumers didn't have much choice, and the guys who ran the TV stations were all toffs from elite universities, which meant that they were able to sneak high brow shit into the scheduling.

>> No.17896100

I'm sorry I'm not a communist so I guess he wasn't on my radar.

>> No.17896113

anyone who cant spot zizek as the commie version of peterson is not serious