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17892664 No.17892664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend gave me 2 books as a present, from authors I've been talking about.
This made me really really happy and I felt loved.
We just had a fight and she said I never think about her, and how she thinks of me and buys me presents when I don't buy her anything. I tried telling her it was unfair, we never agreed to buy each other presents, she just gave me them out of nowhere. It didn't matter to her.
In rage I told her to not buy me anything, if it means she will use it to yell at me, and so I went to my bookshelf, picked up the 2 books and tore them up in front of her. She had a shocked look as I came in with them, and as soon as I started tearing them she started crying.
She's picking up her things from the apartment now, as I lay in my bed.

>> No.17892670

chuck the nintendo at her

>> No.17892676

your fault desu

>> No.17892682

Tearing up the books was retarded and gay honestly. The proper response was to buy her something back entirely inadequate, like a chocolate bar, because then she thinks 'this is what im worth'

>> No.17892683

>tore them up in front of her
You sound like a hysterical drama queen here. Sounds like she’s going to be better off with her new Chad bf who semi-listens to her and just buys her shit now and then

>> No.17892684

lol what a retard. You deserve to be alone.

>> No.17892691

post torn up books with timestamp or it didnt happen

>> No.17892696

It's not too late to apologize profusely to her.

>> No.17892702


>> No.17892704

Post pics of the torn books you sad sack of larping shit

>> No.17892706


>> No.17892707

OP here. I’ve seen the error of my ways and decided to come out as trans and let my gf fuck the black guy she’s been flirting with on Twitter.

>> No.17892729

There's no coming back from what OP did. She just dodged a bullet desu.

>> No.17892736


>> No.17892763

What are you serious lmao? There are girls who stay with men who beat them every day, he just tore up a book

>> No.17892784

Well go buy her something showing you think about her. Tape the books back together as best you can. Then make a good apology when you preant her with these efforts and tell her you love her. or die alone

>> No.17892814

If he's willing to tear up a thoughtful gift she gave him over a silly argument then I would assume there's not much happiness to be had in that relationship. I don't see how OP could expect any other outcome after such a childish outburst.

>> No.17892874
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>We just had a fight and she said I never think about her, and how she thinks of me and buys me presents when I don't buy her anything. I tried telling her it was unfair, we never agreed to buy each other presents, she just gave me them out of nowhere. It didn't matter to her.
Classic mistake -- there's no agreement to purchase gifts. Your two positive options: be so moved by her act to take her out on a nice date (in a spontaneous way that would make her think you're in total mental ecstasy from her, meaning she has some purpose in your life other than sex) or to let her get angry, wear herself out, and then give her a thoughtful gift a few days later. Tearing up her gift is something a child would do when angry at his mother.

>> No.17892875

Based and bipolar pilled. High ground pivot immediately [pandemic, bitch, we must horde] or forever alone. Alternatively you can renege and simp back into her good graces, in which case you’d need to semi-regularly tokenize your set of inside jokes/whatever else with physical objects/activities. If this sounds like hell, marriage will be worse

>> No.17892893

how do i get a girlfriend?

>> No.17893015

Fuck these pussies anon. Even if you went too far there’s no sweeping it under the rug now. You felt what you felt and you did what you did, no apologies. If you try to play coochy coo now you’ll just come off as desperate and she’ll hold this moment over you the rest of your life. Let her pick up her shit up and leave. that little display will probably get her going later and she’ll come back anyway

>> No.17893034

So she’s upset because she feels like you’re not appreciative of her presents so your response was to destroy the presents she gave you in front of her?

Once you come to your senses show up to apologize present in hand.

>> No.17893039

>She had a shocked look as I came in with them, and as soon as I started tearing them she started crying
Geez, whos the woman here?

>> No.17893048

I think you lost the moment your rage is higher than her. Shes just yelling, you went around tearing gift apart. But its hindsight i guess its frustating dealing with woman that doesnt understand being loved =/= gift and attention.

>> No.17893094

There comes a time in every man’s life when he has a psychotic breakdown when the woman in his life won’t shut up. OP is not the first, he will not be the last.

>> No.17893104

Heh heh. Another failed relationship because you can't keep your temper in check.

>> No.17893199

I now feel so much better about myself OP! Thank you. I thought I fucked up when I yelled at my sister.

>> No.17893240

why are you dating your sister

>> No.17893253

holy based, i hope you can make more women feel bad

>> No.17893276

The real question is why aren't you dating yours?

>> No.17893280
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Why aren't YOU?

>> No.17893334

She's a lesbian

>> No.17893350

>'this is what im worth'
Nah, in that situation it would just confirm that he's a retard that brings nothing of value to the relationship, and I'd start planning my move in the following days.

>> No.17893392

OP here. I am retarded.
But I feel it's not fair. She started the fight, by saying I never do anything and when I told her what she wanted me to be better at, she had a mental list of all the things I could do better. I don't clean enough, I put on too much weight, I don't show her enough affection, I don't have enough drive in life, I don't have a part time job next to my studies, I'm, not very productive. I tried telling her that yes I could be better, but all my usual hobbies and my fitness life has gone to shit with corona. I am a mess and yes I have gained weight, but I hug and kiss her every day. But she says she feels sad all the time and that she doesn't feel I love her. I understand her, it's horrible she feels this way, but I tried telling her that listing off all those things about me, made me feel like utter shit about myself. I mean, what can I even do if that's what she thinks of me.. "I keep myself in shape FOR THAT" and she looked at my body. I know I'm a retard, but this kinda hurt me and all those things she said about me. I just wanted to not feel like shit, but each time I tried saying "I understand you're sad, but this is too much for me.." she just kept going and didn't go back on anything she said. I got fed up towards the end, and said I didn't want her presents if all it meant was that she could get mad at me for not buying her ones, even though it wasn't planned at all.
I'm a retard, but I just didn't feel it was fair.. We've been together 2 1/2 years, and in that time I've dealt with milder depression, a shoulder injury keeping me from sports and fitness and now my habits are fucked even further by covid. I try my best to love her and show her affection, but she doesn't feel like I do anything.. I know I'm retarded, but I try my best, I guess I just don't show it the way she wants it. I don't know, I appreciate your honesty, I really do. Even those of you calling me a faggot, because I know you're honest with me. And the one guy who said to chuck the Nintendo, fuck you, it made me laugh out loud, because we have a Nintendo wii together and the thought was hilarious.

>> No.17893404

That's not how it works, because in this situation the girl obviously cares more than him, as shown by their actions

>> No.17893483

I mean, she basically just said she doesn’t like you. Like, not even not love, she doesn’t LIKE you. If she ain’t on the lease get her the fuck out. If she is on the lease, relish the approach of her banishment once it’s up like a rich kid relishes the approach of Christmas.

>> No.17893498

why is this so funny

>> No.17893519
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>Who’re you calling out of shape you whore?!

>> No.17893527

>just buys her shit now and then
I love with my parents for the time being, and before I leave the house to see a friend or girlfriend, I sometimes grab a ziplock bag and fill it with little goodies. That's literally all it takes. I can't tell you how much asses I've got to fuck for something so simple

>> No.17893535

Welcome to women 101. They do things nobody asked them to do, and then get upset when other people also don't do things they were not asked to do. My wife does the same thing. The best solution I have found is just to make a list of random things, buy flowers, wash her car, write her a poem, and just pick one at random and do at minimum one per month. Most women will not tell you what they want and then complain they don't get it. And this is society oppressing them. So just make the random list if nice things she might like you to do or buy for her and just do them. Don't bother trying to find a rhyme or reason for any of it, beyond the lunar cycle anyway.

>> No.17893576

And you think women don't realize when they're not loved, or cared about?

>> No.17893608

That's because when you truly love someone, they're always on your mind. You see things you know they like and just pick it up for them. Or you know that doing something for them would make their life better/easier, so you just do that thing. Over time you will just naturally know everything about them, and (as with most people) they like being happy and you know showing them that you care about them will make them happy, and them being happy makes you happy. That's why women do things like buy you gifts that mean something without being told you want that thing, or do things just for you. Because women actually love the men we say we do. Men only love money and possessions, and having people think about them, and do everything for them like wash their clothes/dishes, clean their home, raise their kids, cook their meals. But they don't love the person doing those things, they just love the fact that it's being done and they can continue on being lazy and full of themselves.

>> No.17893671

Tits or get the fuck out

>> No.17893693

Your friends let you fuck their ass for giving them bags of treats?

>> No.17893700

Baby I swear I'm not like those other jerks that've mistreated and hated you. Please be my gf.

>> No.17893706

Well it seems shes no longer attracted to you and this is just a perfect reason to break up lol.

>> No.17893707
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>> No.17893715

You are autistic. She was telling you that your relationship is boring as fuck. She wanted more energy and so she started conflict. You have to fuck them incredibly hard when they get like this. She was challenging your dominance. You failed and cried about it. So stupid.

>> No.17893718

Lmao the amounts of autism in this story are unreal. You don't buy gifts because of an 'agreement', and destroying what she gave you makes you an ungrateful child who doesn't value what the has (that being a partner who tries to get you something nice).

Honestly it's better if you don't have a girlfriend, it's better if you never progenate your genes.

>> No.17893719

>Tearing it up in front of her.

You overstepped here and acted like a petulant child.

>> No.17893749

Honestly no not really. Men aren't very good at it either, when they like someone they will just delude themselves that the other person cares as much as they do

>> No.17893765

When women tell you things or do things, you have to discover why they did them because they are never direct. If she says you never think about her, that means she's bored. They never say what they mean because their domineering nature would be revealed if they did. She can't say "I want more from you." So she says "You don't think about me." Then she buys you something and says look, I do things for you and you do nothing for me. Constantly painting you as the bad guy, but she's the one that wants to dominate. She wants to be the center of your life.

No thank you.

If you lay down your dominance and call her out on her shit, she will submit. This is ultimately what they want. They want you to overcome them. That's how you prove to them that you will be an acceptable mate.

>> No.17893767

Maybe that's why I keep getting shat on in every relationship that I'm in, even when I'm sure they love me back. I'm probably just a good target for abuse because I'm kind and caring, and really do love with all my heart.

>> No.17893777

You failed the test. Out of the gene pool.

>> No.17893802


>> No.17893809

Nope, it's because you're ugly.

>> No.17893921

I am attractive and very sexually talented, these are things I can say with confidence. If you want to try and hurt me, get into a relationship with me, tell me you love me multiple times a day, then take advantage of and abuse me whenever you see fit, and gaslight the shit out of me when I try to have a conversation with you about it. But insulting my appearance will do you no good, I have mirrors.

>> No.17894044


>> No.17894061

>If you want to try and hurt me, get into a relationship with me, tell me you love me multiple times a day, then take advantage of and abuse me whenever you see fit, and gaslight the shit out of me when I try to have a conversation with you about it.
what's your email?

>> No.17894098

>what's your email?
It doesn't work long distance, you have to look me in the eyes with pure sincerity when you're lying about loving me. And I really doubt you live in central Kentucky.

>> No.17894116

I think the point is that you are supposed to value her enough to once and a while think "hey, my partner would really love this, it would make their day!" and theres even a pseudo-selfish aspect to it where you think something along the lines of "if I make their day, their happiness would make me happy to"

honestly if you dont ever feel this way about your partner there is a chance you dont belong with them.

>> No.17894140

You sound like children

>> No.17894181

Well, the thread did open with a picture of Winnie the Pooh. I don’t know what kind of discourse you’re expecting.

>> No.17894195

An intellectual one. This is /lit/, where intelligent people talk and discuss literature.

>> No.17894321

So, is it over? She gone?

>> No.17894337
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who the fuck cares

>> No.17894339

>She gone?
when the fuck did everybody start speaking in ebonics? i can't fucking stand it, what the fuck is wrong with every single other english-speaking person? it didn't used to be like this

>> No.17894465

>people can only prove they love someone by becoming a house nigger slave
Have some God damn self-respect, you walking hole. No man you have ever dated has predicted being with you on getting random gifts and having his chores done. You even admitted it by starting the post saying that you do it for love and ending it by declaring men want you to do all that horseshit, it's YOUR fucking idea to take up all that extra work and then you turn right the fuck back around and assume he's the one who made you do it. Bite a pillow and never open your mouth again, stupid whore.

>> No.17894469

They didn’t think it be like it was, but it did

>> No.17894490

OP's gf be cry

>> No.17894525

Jesus, get off your autistic high horse, anon. If this isn't bait, just buy your next girlfriend something thoughtful once in a while wtf