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17891970 No.17891970 [Reply] [Original]

If death is immanent in life, why does awareness of death make living impossible? The average man is not troubled by this awareness because the process of passing into death happens simply through a diminution of vital intensity. For such a man there is only the agony of the last hour, not the long-lasting agony related to the very premise of life. From a grave perspective, every step in life is a step into death and memory is only the sign of nothingness. The average man, deprived of metaphysical understanding, does not have this consciousness of progressive advance into death, though neither he nor anyone else can escape its inexorable destiny. But when consciousness becomes independent of life, the revelation of death becomes so strong that its presence destroys all naivete, all joyful enthusiasm, and all natural voluptuousness. To have the consciousness of death is something perverse and extremely corrupt. The naive poetry of life, its seductions and charms, appear empty of content. Equally empty are man's finalizing projects and his theological illusions.

>> No.17891973

Dude why does he have a feather on his head?

>> No.17892002

>why does awareness of death make living impossible?
Grow up and go outside.

>> No.17892023


In the face of death , Man holds all of his vital illusions. Maybe it was all worth it in the end , maybe not , what difference does it make? Unless you lived that life worth living and affriming it in the end.

"More than the cherry blossoms,
Inviting a wind to blow them away,
I am wondering what to do,
With the remaining springtime."

- Asano Naganori,1701

>> No.17892081

>dude just cope lmao

>> No.17892126

I kinda disagree with Cioran. Normalfags actually do recognize the void but they have strong coping mechanism for avoiding the paralysis of being. The ruptures in their coping mechanism do hit them from time to time but they rarely torn the whole wall down to deeply see the outside. Most of my normalfag friends talk about suicide and death in a causal funny manner even now and then. But I do think that they don't really contemplate on the implementations of such things. The only difference between voidgazing philosophical pessimists and normalfags is of regular contemplation on vanity and death.

>> No.17892151

"Cope" would be believe that "the awareness of death make living impossible" when the whole world es full of life even when there is a lot of death. The fact that most inferior people --poltards, incels, american people, etc.-- can't handle the exhuberant quanta of life and the extreme form of blissfull that is implyied in that.
You are just a castrated child raised by a slave-moral programme who finds relief in decadentist and impotent crybabies. ywngmi.

>> No.17892164

I know it's "You will never" but what does gmi stand for?

>> No.17892182
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>> No.17892195

spbp 2002 confirms

>> No.17892199

You're just a delusional slave-moralist Nietzchean full of resentment for some brain ghosts who just can't accept the futility of everything so you have to believe in dumb bullshite of "making it". The main point isn't not even of bliss or pain but simply the futility.

>> No.17892216

t. Knight of Infinite Resignation

>> No.17892413

how do I stop thinking about death?

>> No.17892424

is there a chart for this guy?

>> No.17892441

>world does not suit my little mind
>therefore everything futile
LMAO, kys

>> No.17892583
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Obviously a paragraph cannot do this subject justice...

The knowledge of death can be liberating or oppressive. It truly depends why/how one has come to possess the K.O.D.

On the one hand, K.O.D. invalidates all one's hopes of self-preservation. What man has been designed to do, survive, is revealed to be an unattainable goal in the long of time. This makes man aware of his inbred pedigree -- his self-contradictory being. In this state man sees "no point of life," i.e., life becomes meaningless, because there is no way for him to satisfy his primary function -- survival. If man cannot evolve to the next state of consciousness, he commits suicide at this point.

On the other hand, K.O.D. liberates man from the illusions of the material world. This is the doorway to the transcendent, i.e., spiritual, state. At this point, the world is viewed sub specie aeternitatis and it is revealed to be a limited whole subordinate to the immortal spirit -- man becomes a mystic (pic related). His problem of mortal life has been solved by uniting with the immortal spirit. Some call this sprit God, some have other words for the immortal substance that governs all things in the material world. By becoming nothing, i.e., uniting with death, man becomes everything. Man must die to be born again.

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” -- John 3:3

There is an altered state of consciousness that can be accessed through overcoming death. I've figured out how to do it. I know what I've said is true, but proving it to you is not a matter of words. Only the process of transforming one's being will prove these words to be true. This reasoning violates the rational dictates of the western mind...and this is certainly why the west has such an immature spirituality.

>> No.17892621

Live. Stillness() is how life experiences death. You aren't growing and moving and so death has come to you in stillness. If you cannot escape stillness(), then you must become death.

>> No.17892930

He's right but also kinda not because what is even the point of being mad about something you can't avoid? It's all true but what you gonna do about it. You better live what you have to live, it's not like you have a choice.

>> No.17893321
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>cant breed therefore pessimism

>> No.17893432
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Yes. Yes, there is.

>> No.17894316


>> No.17894348

The average man believes in life everlasting through Jesus Christ our Lord and is given grace and salvation as a result.
The above average man understands and believes in eternity in each instant and the blessing that is life itself.
The midwit is petrified with death because of their own arrogance and embittered about their own fear.

>> No.17894370

>Truly, truly, I tell you, if anyone keeps My word, he will never see death."
John 8:51

>> No.17894915

Life is too scary

>> No.17894935

>dude nothing matters life is absurd we all die what is existence lmao
Read the bible

>> No.17894970

As long as the universe created entities with the inmate will to exist, prosper and evolve, I refuse to believe that there's no meaning to anything in this world.

>> No.17895094

>futility does not suit my little mind
>therefore everything is meaningful

>> No.17895130

How do you know those entities care about you?

>> No.17895134
File: 25 KB, 340x485, Corneliu_Zelea_Codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The average man, deprived of metaphysical understanding, does not have this consciousness of progressive advance into death, though neither he nor anyone else can escape its inexorable destiny.
Yes he does, he's just not mentally ill enough to let it control his life. Cope.

>> No.17895156

Pretty much. I've gone in and out of existential crisis my whole life and my knowledge of death never changed just how I responded to it. Funny enough the only times it becomes debilitating is when all I do is sit in my house reading, browsing 4chan and jacking off...really makes you think.

>> No.17895171

The Vanity of Compassion

>How can one still have ideals when there are so many blind, deaf, and mad people in the world? How can I remorselessly enjoy the light another cannot see or the sound another cannot hear? I feel like a thief of light. Have we not stolen light from the blind and sound from the deaf? Isn't our very lucidity responsible for the madman's darkness? When I think about such things, I lose all courage and will, thoughts seem useless, and compassion, vain. For I do not feel mediocre enough to feel compassion for anyone. Compassion is a sign of superficiality: broken destinies and unrelenting misery either make you scream or turn you to stone. Pity is not only inefficient; it is also insulting. And besides, how can you pity another when you yourself suffer ignominously? Compassion is as common as it is because it does not bind you to anything! Nobody in this world has yet died from another's suffering. And the one who said that he died for us did not die; he was killed.

>> No.17895183

wow it's almost like you guys found copes to distract yourselves with real geniuses

>> No.17895196

You're coping by hanging onto your mental illness to not have to face life. Kill yourself or shut the fuck up baby.

>> No.17895201

The real mental illness is inventing copes due to the inevitability of death.

>> No.17895204

>still alive and not dead

>> No.17895208

You don't even have to kill yourself. Just drink enough alcohol until you lose your alleged "metaphysical understanding." Or just take heroin until you OD. No one wants to hear you winging about the inevitability of death. Yes, we're all aware of it. No, it is not as much of a big deal as everyone makes it out to be.

>> No.17895219

Why should I be? I am a self conscious nothing. I am weary of life and I am weary of death. My being is contradiction and I here to scream and laugh on the face of nothingness.

>> No.17895227

Holy mother of cope batman

>> No.17895292

Awareness is one thing and contemplation is completely the other. Go contemplate on death and imagine your the picture of your body filled with worms, keep contemplating on it for few days. You will either become a salvationcuck(either in humanist sense or christcuck sense) or you will really begin to see the void.

The real cope is to follow some messiah and expect from him to guide by your hand, to look for meaning beyond yourself, to look for salvation, to look for immortality, to look for something for breaking the trap of death, to try to fill the void with meaningless copes in the quest for fulfillment.

>> No.17895310

>gets called out for being a moody faggot witohut the guts to end his miserable life
>b-but christcucks! I have to be just sad enough to take meaning from it (cope) as to not kill myself but I swear I'm totally aware of death and how meaningless things are! it's not a cope!
This cope is un fucking believable

>> No.17895318

I define entities as everything that exists in this world. As a result, all entities will only care about maximizing their power in relation to others.

>> No.17895331

If you are such a good christcuck then why you're eating up the bullshite of the church? Go live in the desert and contemplate in bone dry silence if you want to stay near the God. Early egyptian monks knew the essence of Christianity and for this same essence your cucked church has been seething because those monks saw the things for what they really are.
Stop coping and start contemplation.

>> No.17895341

Actual mental illness. Case closed.

>> No.17895349

>Churchcuck is way too much of a pussy to face the real trial of his being.
Filthy hedonist. Case closed.

>> No.17895357

>Awareness is one thing and contemplation is completely the other. Go contemplate on death and imagine your the picture of your body filled with worms, keep contemplating on it for few days. You will either become a salvationcuck(either in humanist sense or christcuck sense) or you will really begin to see the void.
I don't identify with my mind, body, or my personality, so I see only indifference in that visualization. Please stop trying to pretend you "know." It's exceedingly obvious you are just a very desperate and exhausted person. I am not a Christian either.

>> No.17895382

Ah, the skeptic. Fuck your doubt, nothing is more real than pain.

>“Filming a scene, there are countless takes of the same incident. Someone watching in the street—obviously a provincial—can’t get over it: “After this, I’ll never go to the movies again.”
>One might react similarly with regard to anything whose underside one has seen, whose secret one has seized. Yet, by an obnubilation which has something of the miraculous about it, there are gynecologists who are attracted to their patients, gravediggers who father children, incurables who lay plans, skeptics who write….”

Emil Cioran, The Trouble With Being Born

>> No.17895391

Did you think this was profound?

>> No.17895395

Profundity depends on the subject. Yes, this is profound for me.

>> No.17895399


>> No.17895407

This sterile chump couldn't even live by his own words (a fact he had to invent copes for in the form of "they're just my feelings, bro"). I know that because he lived well into senility.

>> No.17895425

He suffered from dementia in his old age due him being insomniac his whole life. How much of it is a fucking cope? Have you ever experienced insomnia?

>> No.17895428

You can barely spell anything correctly, why should I consider your post's ideas? Trashed

>> No.17895458

thinking any illness or anything has "meaning" to it including "muh insomnia" is a cope.

>> No.17895459

the anger is evidence he's right and you are coping
brutal stuff

>> No.17895468

I've been an insomniac for over 10 years. I know it's coming for me, too. Point is -- if you're a faggot nihilist (that's Cioran), and you live well into senility, you haven't exactly lived your philosophy, have you? Instead, you've acted like a cancer upon society.

>> No.17895483

the smugness is evidence he's right and you're coping
brutal stuff

>> No.17895496

>you've acted like a cancer upon society.
Based Cioran

>> No.17895544

Something tells me the two of you have that in common.

>> No.17895622


>> No.17895642

Going to Make It?

>> No.17895650

>The above average man understands and believes in eternity in each instant and the blessing that is life itself.
i understood this during a weed high, i kept repeating to my friends: we actually spent the eternity in this room boys

>> No.17896809

>cancer upon society
Doubt he careslol

>> No.17897426

Yeah the eternity of torment.

>> No.17898228

>If death is immanent in life, why does awareness of death make living impossible?
It doesn't

>From a grave perspective, every step in life is a step into death and memory is only the sign of nothingness. The average man, deprived of metaphysical understanding, does not have this consciousness of progressive advance into death, though neither he nor anyone else can escape its inexorable destiny.
The higher man is aware of his constant descent into death and is not afraid of it. But it is only apathy or foolhardiness if his reason for being so is anything but God.

I am constantly aware of my death. To be "fully aware" of it in Cioran's terms seems to mean to be aware of death without any coping mechanisms; but that itself would not be true awareness, because it still ascribes some value to death- making it worthy of fear, inspiring lassitude and sadness. If you want to take his route, it would be more correct to say that we cannot say what happens after death, whether it is bad or good, so life is a mystery rather than a tragedy. Of course, a proper man is not content with only mystery

>> No.17898424

How does one live when hes aware of eventual death and God/afterlife is beyond knowing?

>> No.17898979

Ask Cioran. He lived until his 80's.

>> No.17899401
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No. The eternity of everlasting bliss.

>> No.17899543

Awarness of death doesn't make life impossible. Post discarded.

>> No.17899571

I'm afraid of existing forever senpai. How do I overcome this?

>> No.17899592

Selfish cunt.

>> No.17899623

Awareness of death should spark you to focus on living in the here and now. It's like being in a video game and only focusing on what's outside the map.

>> No.17900630

>it's like
Stop. There is nothing remotely comparable to death.

>> No.17900772

>To be "fully aware" of it in Cioran's terms seems to mean to be aware of death without any coping mechanisms; but that itself would not be true awareness, because it still ascribes some value to death
Not really. Acknowledgement isn't judgement.