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File: 221 KB, 1146x974, 20210324_183217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17861037 No.17861037 [Reply] [Original]

This kills the little library.

>> No.17861053

looks like it's installed in a town park

>> No.17861094

If that's true, then that's quite an ideal spot to put it in imho.
A right laugh this is, fucking zoning laws and licences and all this shit kill small businesses and unnecessarily raise the barrier to market entry mostly at the behest of special interests. Those officials need to fuck off.

>> No.17861099

access to books should be restricted to the aristocracy, change my mind

>> No.17861107

If this was the case then more people would read than ever

>> No.17861112

time for the librarians to learn to code and stop calling in zone violations

>> No.17861146

its true. so you let it violate the zone? ok now people will build weird things, like giant penis statues. is that what you want? no, me neither and that's why we curb liberty

>> No.17861160

I like those. Especially since I live near a Uni so find philosophy/academic history stuff often.

>> No.17861177

Generally people can get exceptions to zoning laws with a simple filing of paperwork, and a thing like this would be very easy to get through. Many buildings are either grandfathered in or fall under ordinances or get specific exemptions. The OP is disingenuous simply because the people who built it didn’t bother to check with the city. If they actually cared and wanted to build more in the community, like an org that would actually want to encourage reading, would fucking look it up first. These people were just being lazy or trying to purposely make a news story about it.

>> No.17861204

think i can get a permit for my planned penis statue?

>> No.17861208

all statues are penis statues, always has been, simple as

>> No.17861236

Sorry, I'm not all that interested in the contents of your mind.

>> No.17861253

There is no aristocracy. Most of them disappeared 1913-1946

>> No.17861264

If I could find a cheap source of random right wing tracts I would go around putting them in little libraries.
Not right wing personally, it would just be funny.

>> No.17861284

Print them out. Also do My Twisted World.

>> No.17861305

you think I'm made of paper

>> No.17861312

There was a copy of One Person No Vote in my book box. I wanted to take it and burn it but I was too lazy.

>> No.17861405
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>access to books should be restricted to the aristocracy

Based post-Cavalier recapsulator.

>> No.17861423

whenever i walk by those i crane my neck trying to see what's in it, but i haven't seen anything recognizable let alone good

>> No.17861431

Based. Sometimes I steal garbage from the local bookstore and throw it out(like “Open Borders: The Science and Ethics of Immigration“ which I saw)

>> No.17861437

i was listening to a book on the enlightenment all week and he talked about the spread of the novel increased empathy in society and social policy because you could read a story from the perspective of a maid, or a prostitute or whatever, with books like clarissa or werther being big examples

>> No.17861445
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This guy knows what's up. Librarians hate these initiatives because they aren't government sponsored and threaten to undermine their custodianship of literature:

>In this article, we critique the phenomenon of Little Free Libraries® (LFL®), the non-profit organization dedicated to sharing books with one’s neighbours. Through our engagement with the discourses, narratives and geographies of the LFL® movement, we argue that the organization represents the corporatization of literary philanthropy, and is an active participant in the civic crowdfunding activities of the non-profit industrial complex.


>> No.17861459 [DELETED] 

so what are they worried there's republican pac money behind little free libraries and when the signal goes out from koch headquarters they will be filled overnight with ayn rand and thomas sowell? the koch father actually wrote a book about the evils of communism after making his fortune building oil wells for stalin, haven't been able to find a copy it's like 100 bucks on ebay

>> No.17861465


>> No.17861487

they just changed

>> No.17861528
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There's a book from 1873 called 'A History of Booksellers, the Old and the New'. In it is a substantial section on the rise of private libraries. Plenty of people who couldn't afford to buy book after book benefited from these services. It's a very interesting story.

Another thing that was going on was the splitting of books. Subscription services allowed people to get good books one piece at a time at very low prices. These were people who couldn't afford to buy complete books all at once.

There was lots of experimentation, and with the introduction of railroads everywhere, new schemes were brought forth to distribute all these things to countryside as well.

>> No.17861709

And the aristocracy should be subject to proving they can win wrestling matches against farmers.

>> No.17861972


>> No.17862107
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Fucking Zioning laws

>> No.17862149

Farmers are slaves and should be pitted against each other in gladiatorial death matches should they even so dare to rise against their masters.

>> No.17862211
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I get the reference. Good job.

>> No.17862450

If it were a penis statue it would be a hate crime to remove it

>> No.17862487

I'll never forget about the story I heard about how the cops made a guy stop giving free food and water to the homeless, because he didn't have a distribution license, or some shit.
what a nightmare world

>> No.17862521

i mean this fucking moron put it in a public park, they are for putting in your front garden and whatnot. wtf is this bullshit article, and why did you idiots repost it here?

>> No.17862544

Little Free Libraries are complete garbage, they're nothing more than glorified recycling bins. In fact, I've had more luck finding good used books in actual recycling bins than I ever have had with a Little Free Library.
They're no threat to public libraries at all, I'm willing to bet the guy who wrote that thinks the same way but couldn't resist the urge to kvetch anyway. We need actual private libraries, not birdhouses stuffed with some soccer mom's used children's books.

>> No.17862563



>> No.17862567

>We need actual private libraries, not birdhouses stuffed with some soccer mom's used children's books.

Why not both?

>> No.17862576

Timocracy is not aristocracy. trust me I just read the Republic.

>> No.17862578
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I had to walk by this abomination everyday when I went to university. Psychic assault.

>> No.17862631

I put a few Mein Kampfs in those once

>> No.17862642
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>nnnnooooo you can't just hecking take the initiative to improve the community you have to bow and scrape before your kike masterinos!!
>the wealth they steal from you deserves to be wasted on nepotism and kickbacks!!
""people"" like you should be killed

>> No.17862643
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>> No.17862646

Why are Americans so afraid of anything communal

>> No.17862655


>> No.17862669

too many fucking lawyers

>> No.17862684
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>> No.17862690
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Sharia Law would fix this instantly. Mashallah

>> No.17862692

>nervous system - carbohydrates rich
Enjoy your prion diseases retard

>> No.17862698

It was the fucking government retard.
Private American citizens where the ones who put it up and (would have) used it in the first place.

>> No.17862703

kek, based KoH-poster.

>> No.17862728


>> No.17862760

Yes build penis statues who gives a shit

>> No.17862777

>Sorry citizen, this town park is for the enjoyment of the general people and fostering of the community.
>Truly, how can the park foster a community if you keep launching your private community-fostering initiatives here?

>> No.17862883

>not birdhouses stuffed with some soccer mom's used children's books.
Implying I don't have a budget of $100/month for stocking my LFL with works of quality literature

>> No.17862936
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>tfw you live in a major metro and every week yo purge 5 "little libraries" of books by Jews and POC

>> No.17862941

I have NEVER found anything good in any of these boxes. It's all stupid self-help bullshit or children's books.

>> No.17862946

I'm in full support of anarchistic improvement of public spaces, but without getting permission from momma the state, they are just going to take it down again.

>> No.17862947

Childhood is wanting the big-titty brunette. Adulthood is preferring the blonde with the modest-chest.

>> No.17862949

i saw a biography of bill clinton once

>> No.17862952
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>adds a copy of Mein Kampf

>> No.17862955

>In this article, we critique the phenomenon of Little Free Libraries® (LFL®), the non-profit organization dedicated to sharing books with one’s neighbours. Through our engagement with the discourses, narratives and geographies of the LFL® movement, we argue that the organization represents the corporatization of literary philanthropy, and is an active participant in the civic crowdfunding activities of the non-profit industrial complex.
Jesus christ that's a lot of words to say "I'm mad butthurt"

>> No.17862956

These stairs don't look safe. There isn't even a railing on the one sid and it looks like the steps are uneven/not uniform.

>> No.17862960

High-literacy on the frontier is an American tradition. Alexis De Tocqueville wrote about how strange it was to visit homestead hovels in the middle of nowhere and find the yeomen in possession of a KJV and complete works of Shakespeare.

>> No.17862970

Well, yeah. One of them is going to have bad back issues in her adulthood, and the other is not.

>> No.17862978
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If crowdfunding was available to right-wingers I would set one up to put a Dalton translation in every LL the money would buy. I would raise at least $100k and I'd damn well make good.

>> No.17862981

humans used to hunt mammoths

>> No.17862996

>I have NEVER found anything good in any of these boxes.

The trick is using them to dump your own bad books. It's like a black-hole for bad literature. Use this to your advantage.

>> No.17863002

>One of them is going to have bad back issues in her adulthood

Lugging around chest weights strengthens the back muscles though.

>> No.17863006

I've seen less-safe stairs leading to hiking trails in county parks.

I'm a child of the 70s. You should have seen how "unsafe" our playground equipment was. Steel bars and bolts sticking out everywhere. No one got hurt because we learned early that life was full of risk. Reasonable caution was second nature. Nerfing the commons does no one any good.

>> No.17863008

>These stairs don't look safe.

Then let some other citizen build even better stairs. This is the power of anarchism.

>> No.17863013

>If crowdfunding was available to right-wingers
this is the wackiest shit to me. im supposed to believe a fascist takeover of the free world is right around the corner when the banks and payment processors have unlimited power to just unilaterally exclude people from participating meaningfully in the economy, with no oversight and no recourse. yeah dude Hitler is seconds away from keeping up out of the ground and putting the entire world in a concentration camp lmao

>> No.17863016

There's a point at which it becomes too much. She is at that point.

>> No.17863021

Go fix it, faggot. Oh wait you've probably never held an impact even once in your life

>> No.17863026

Do people really take used books during a pandemic?

>> No.17863052
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You have to be propagandized about the impending fascist apocalypse every moment of the day to suppress organized resistance to neoliberalism.

Eites understand as they consolidate power and force the population into fertility collapse + debt slavery right-wing revolution becomes more and more appealing. So the efforts to prevent it are scaled accordingly.

This because they know reactionaries are the only real threat to their power. They fund the "left" because not only is it no threat, it's their vanguard.

>> No.17863054

Obviously that situation is wacked out, but it's a sad consequence of the courts. The mere threat or possibility of litigation changes how people behave. As it stands, a private citizen or even a public private partnership like a business can be fucked by lawsuits despite doing no wrong. If you are sued, you have to pay money to defend yourself, and you can't get it back even if you did no wrong. The courts can be used as a weapon to coerve behavior. If vexatious litigants had their throats cut on life television this might not be a problem but sadly we do not live in a just world.

>> No.17863062
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>> No.17863077

go ahead, the world wouldn't lose anything if you couldn't get access to books

>> No.17863085

Civic art s uniformly bad for a reason. It's the jews dabbing on the Aryans.

>> No.17863094
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>> No.17863101

adulthood is preferring the one with the better face ignoring tits which is the brunette

>> No.17863106
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I am the aristocracy because I have declared myself so, the books chose me

>> No.17863204
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>> No.17863271


You mean the Romans. The guys who destroyed Judea.

>> No.17863326
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>> No.17863343

edge lord faggot alert

>> No.17863355

>getting permission from momma the state
that's not very anarchistic

>> No.17863384

This straight up.
I'm a fascist, but I respect the praxis of true anarchism.
Modern "anarchists" are just statist faggots.

>> No.17864133

This picture is horrifying. I can feel the curtain of heavy and hot Florida air, the musk of exhaust fumes, cold rice and the odor of their naked feet wafting through everything as the two faggots to the left prattle on about some faggy topic and the monotone drone through the the window of Billy Bob truck driver's attempts to pick up the exotic Ms. Dreadlock.

>> No.17864664
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>The visible positioning of these book exchanges, particularly on private property in gentrified urban landscapes, offers a materialization of these neoliberal politics at street level.
>Someone freely sharing books with their neighborhood is neoliberalism

All fucking bureaucrats must fucking hang.

>> No.17864720
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tbf you can find a loudmouthed idiot for every indefensible opinion imaginable.

Actually reading the dumbass article you quote, they feature pic related, which is a fairly good argument for the people who run this sort of thing being a little retarded, because who the fuck needs to throw down a grand to buy a waterproof box.

On the other hand, there's one near where I live and it's pretty decent. I throw away a lot of what I read, and have found some pretty decent shit in there (Sebald, Pedro Paramo, couple of history books). When you put non-shit material in, you increase the chances of literate strangers visiting it.

>> No.17864760
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Actually, I'm quite enjoying this as a demonstration in reaching for arguments. After a graph showing that the organization actually is non profit and spends its income on more libraries, and some maps showing that there are more of them in richer areas, but still some in poorer areas, we arrive at an argument that you shouldn't give things to poor people because it will drive them mad with resentment.

>> No.17864775

It already is, as plebs literally only read trash like Harry Potter and the Bible

>> No.17864818


>> No.17864832

buy a hundred copies of HOGG and put them in all the little libraries you come across

>> No.17864898

This is probably the best argument. Countries used to have these tall, highly-intelligent elites whose impressive nature gave them a reasonable right to authority. Now it's all nepotism and technicians. A math savant could become a billionaire by starting a hedge fund, but that wouldn't make him as holistically "elite" as the old aristocracy. To restore these types, you'd be pulling literal who's from all over the place, and it'd take generations for them to adopt the mindset of an aristocracy.

>> No.17864915


>> No.17864933

I found Less than Zero by Ellison. It was rather shocking yo find that book is my cozy little upper class neighborhood.
Damn kids.

>> No.17864944

Its about a maurading rape gang that the author admitted to writing only because being the gang rape gimp turned him off.
Man, authors are fucking weird.

>> No.17864994

*turned him ON
I swear, I'm useless before my coffee!

>> No.17865012
File: 267 KB, 1200x1200, the-private-memoirs-and-confessions-of-a-justified-sinner-james-hogg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Our friend is clearly alluding to James Hogg. I too think everyone should read his book.

>The plot concerns Robert Wringhim, a staunch Calvinist who believes he is guaranteed Salvation and justified in killing those he believes are already damned by God. The novel has been classified among many genres, including gothic novel, psychological mystery, metafiction, satire and the study of totalitarian thought, it can also be thought of as an early example of modern crime fiction in which the story is told, for the most part, from the point of view of its criminal anti-hero.

>> No.17865013

I don't see the contradiction in that anon's post, because I don't see him say that he approves of the state taking down whatever improvement is made, only that they will. Presumably he would prefer that the state not interfere even though he recognizes that they will.

>> No.17865015

Why would you be surprised to find a book by an author who was popular decades ago? I bet you find a lot of books like that in these things. My bet right now is that plenty of then are currently holding the likes of Franzen and Sadie Smith, and if they exist ten years from now, they'll be filled with Rankine and Kaur.

>> No.17865023

I'm a bureaucrat. I would leave little-free-libraries well enough alone. Busy-body HOA and city zoning/planner types are the ones to watch out for, and they are present both in the private and public sectors. Much of my time is spent counseling some of those under me to let a lot of this shit go and just let people live their lives.

>> No.17865025


This is all profoundly disturbing.

>> No.17865040
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>let people live their lives

This is the way.

>The wisest course, then, is to keep the government simple and for it to take no action, for then the world "stabilizes itself." As Lao-tzu put it, "Therefore the Sage says: I take no action yet the people transform themselves, I favor quiescence and the people right themselves, I take no action and the people enrich themselves…."

>> No.17865050

Is it really so disturbing that leftist/statist library science academics have a bad hot-take about a pseudo anarcho-individualist movement of starting tiny lending libraries? They're worried about being put out of work. I'm not surprised.

And while I find their arguments spurious, I also wouldn't be surprised to see their equivalents on the libertarian-right get elected to some town council and decide that 'we can cut local library funding and rent out existing libraries to private enterprise, because after all people can already get books at the little free libraries on my street.'

Such absolutist thinking is the way of ideologues.

>> No.17865092

I was shocked because the book has plethoric and relentless drugs, rape, molestation, pedophilia, disintegration of morals and family and climaxes when the protag discovers his friends bought a 12 year old rape slave they intended to use up and simply murder.

>> No.17865121

You are the embodiment of the sheltered life

>> No.17865129


The linking of private small-scale non-profit initiatives by civic minded people to "neoliberalism" is what surprised me. There's a certain logic to it--charity serves to strengthen Capitalism's hand, but it's rather self-serving.

>> No.17865141
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>Intellectual freedom and anti-censorship are cornerstones of public library values. LFL® stewards, on the other hand, are encouragedto avoid keeping overly political or religious materials in their exchanges (Little Free Libraries 2015b). We feel these examples are powerful juxtapositions of the stark difference between public library values and LFL® practice. One embraces discomfort and dissenting opinions, while the other seeks to avoid controversy and tends to overemphasize their impacton systemic issues.

Are they implying that public libraries stock disturbing books?

>> No.17865158

>There's a certain logic to it--charity serves to strengthen Capitalism's hand
commies will absolutely never intuit the glaringly obvious realization lying behind this

>> No.17865185

>The linking of private small-scale non-profit initiatives by civic minded people to "neoliberalism" is what surprised me.
Fair enough. I think that linking is a big stretch as well. But I do see a clear link between private small/medium scale non-profit and charitable initiatives and anti-statism (or little-statism). The first 100-150 years of US history was dominated by a small/weak state and strong local civic/charity efforts (largely religious ones). It was only after the Civil War, and really after Wilson was elected, that the state took on the role of providing what we commonly think of as public programs today (low-income assistance, education, work programs, etc).

The little-free-library 'movement' (to the extent you can call it that) can be seen as a throwback to that earlier local and smaller scale concept of civic work, and that's clearly a threat (even if not a very big one) to those who are deeply embedded in state-run competitors, even if they're actually closer to state-run collaborators.

>> No.17865196

>Are they implying that public libraries stock disturbing books?
There was a time not too long ago (1990s, early 2000s) when most public libraries (or at least the staff of those libraries) would have said that libraries *should* stock disturbing books.

That's changed over time, as the 'disturbing' books are now coming from the right as opposed to the left, and as the west has grown increasingly uncomfortable with free and unfettered speech.

>> No.17865510

One of thier biggest concerns is they can't exclude books they don't control.

>> No.17865550

Good, they're glorified garbage bins and nobody actually uses them. I used one for getting rid of a few cringe books I had lying around such as Atlas Shrugged, Mein Kampf, and the The Turner Diaries.

>> No.17865754

>edge lord
Nah I just like the character. To claim books only belong to the aristocracy is retarded, who decides who is the aristocracy nowadays. There is no standard, so in the vacuum I declare to myself that I am.

>> No.17866020

The weak should fear the stairs

>> No.17866310

>Not building giant penis statues

>> No.17867117

Please do note desecrate the herms.

>> No.17867275

You just raped what was left of this thread with your contribution

>> No.17867342
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>A neoclassical representation of the herm sculptor.

>> No.17867520

yeah well im a baby nigga i wanna bite them big titties all night

>> No.17867856
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the Liberian fears the birdhouse full of books

>> No.17868059

Brutal mogging. The blonde is cute but she gets blown out in every way. You can see it in her dead eyes and resentful half smile

>> No.17868138
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Someone down the street put one of these up. Should I fill it with F. Gardner???