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17852521 No.17852521 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17852576

Can you believe we all gather here and talk to absolute retards from all over the world? Like most of the people can probably race for being the most autistic person in their shitty village. Together it's like one of the worst gathering of absolute retards (myself excluded).

>> No.17852583
File: 3.87 MB, 1780x1919, 1616522038367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have we finally purged the vtuber faggots from our midst?

>> No.17852584

Most of the people here actually believe exactly what you just said

>> No.17852599

Big fuckin tiddies

>> No.17852603

this song feels so ahead of its time
i'm not a huge SY fan per se but their early years were killer

>> No.17852611


>> No.17852633

The psychological roots for monotheistic religious belief are deep and perhaps insurmountable. When one feels unsure about their decisions, it is a great comfort to know that one can turn to an all-wise being who loves all men and confide in him. When one feels downtrodden, irrelevant, and insecure about their existence in the world, it is a great comfort to know that God, who understands all men, has created you for a specific purpose, and loves you, and has endowed you with dignity. I am a non-believer but in extreme moments I fall on my knees and pray to God, just out of instinct. This may be pathetic but I can't help it. I don't know if social media, therapy, and friendship can ever adequately replace this; and so secular life is a challenge.

>> No.17852638

One day i'll make it but today is not that day.

>> No.17852640

It's only like that bc God is a real thing

>> No.17852643
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>Like most of the people can probably race for being the most autistic person in their shitty village

>> No.17852664

I live in Boulder, 1 mile from the grocery store where the shooting happened. I'm thinking about that. Did you see the video of the livestreamer who was there while it was happening? There was a guy just standing in the doorway like a dumb cow with his back to the store WHILE shots were being fired, completely oblivious.

>> No.17852674

may it work this time!

>> No.17852682

What does ADHD feel like? For me the prospect of doing anything I don't actively want to do is a lot like having to wake up after not enough sleep, I have to force myself to plunge into the activity. The idea of doing something shitty for a while and then getting a reward makes no sense to me, rewards make no sense.

However if I can enjoy an activity in any way then it's not so bad. I enjoy physical activity so sometimes "work" is easy for me because I can turn it into a game or space out and think about how my body is working hard to complete the task. But work that others would find easy, like paperwork, is mind numbing for me because there's nothing to hold onto.

>> No.17852692

Sometimes I worry that the only reason I suddenly read so much and want to be a writer is because I failed miserably at being a normie careerist. I didn’t love reading at first. I actually went to school for a business degree and got a dude bro job and just couldn’t take it. So I left and at some point started reading all the time.

>> No.17852706

That's crazy mate. I travelled to London once for a chess tournament and must have walked over London Bridge approximately 5 times. Literally one day after I went home there was a terrorist attack on London Bridge killing over ten people. It puts things into perspective; it's not just another news story which I can brush off with perfunctory pity; it really could have been me. Anyway, I think America needs to do something about gun violence. Perhaps ban guns except for people who have licenses, such as in Europe. Ik Americans have strong views on this though so it's not my place to speak.

>> No.17852715

so you had an idea on what life would be, and you were wrong, and you adapted. this just sounds like learning desu

>> No.17852735
File: 83 KB, 790x773, 1616298738935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been autistically getting interested in Ted Nelson's idea of the "hypertext" and how radically different it is from our current system of hypertext; one instance is how our current system warps and jumps from one link to another the term for this is "anchoring" while you are "surfing" the internet, this type of system leads to schizophrenia and ADHD which is what we see the symptoms of in our current world.
Ted Nelson's project on xanadu had a different idea about "hypertext" instead of jumping and warping from one link to another it proposed a system in which the links would be bridged together and we will see each and every source that is being cited in the page.
How different the world would have been if this would have been the dominating system.

>> No.17852743
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White people can have guns coming out their ears and nothing bad will happen. Blacks and muslims are 95% of the problem. The small remainder is incels produced by modern alienation from living in a kleptocracy that imports blacks and muslims deliberately to dilute working conditions and organization, community solidarity, national religious and ethnic identity, etc.

No kleptocrats pushing immigration, no weird transatlantic coastal elite cosmopolitan class obsessed with helping the kleptocrats push immigration, no problem.

>> No.17852773

>Perhaps ban guns
Bro, people would FREAK OUT

>> No.17852785

Another day spent in drink. Another day when the noise in my head wins against all reason. The faceless image of my grandmother sleeping by my bedside, moonlight pooling in the creases of her covers, my grandfather in the grips of dementia, hunched over a secretaire filling yesteryear's taxes while sickening fetish pornography blares from their CRT tv set. I walk through the benighted halls of a suburban McMansion, every other room is host to another breakdown, another day hard won as the tide of time flows forever onward. It is only when one of the sleepers, when one of the in-patients sits up in bed and demands to be euthanized that the nurses see them as human, that they have stopped the flow, they have fitted the eye of the storm around themselves, and get a needle in the side to show for it. This salvific needle, which purges one of all wants and worries, which makes whole again the mannequins of high-end boutiques, makes them conscious of the perfume, the perfunctory nods of coquettes as they pass through cramped aisles of dresses placed on wooden stalks, it alone supplies one with all the time they have foregone. As easily as one lives many years in sleep to the bite of tsetse fly, one awakes suddenly here. And what regret there is, what sort of bemoaning you'll hear from long term patients, as if we weren't doing them any good! What vicious calumnies they spread when they get their needle in the side and wake up suddenly at one or two in the morning, eager to heave maledictions at members of the staff without the proper recognition of where they are - it's really a form of dementia. Seven years hard time, don't they see what a blessing it is to be trapped, certainly the onus is gone, their teeth are gone, all that's requested is that they swallow down their vitamin paste, really nothing else is required. They get their vitamins and nutrients, they relieve themselves twice a day in porcelain pots, they sleep like children throughout the day when the sun blazes and the brown leaves fall, I don't know what you could ask for honestly.

>> No.17852816

>Anyway, I think America needs to do something about gun violence. Perhaps ban guns except for people who have licenses, such as in Europe

The amount of guns are not the issue. We can see a place like Switzerland with a very high rate of gun ownership and nowhere near as much violence. It's not inexorably tied to guns and people make that constant mistake.

Also, law-abiding people adhere to the rules to acquire a gun; even often people who plan to commit crime get guns through proper channels because they have zero red flags on their record and it can't be accounted for.

There are two issues at play: mental health issues -- which can be addressed without banning guns or restricting guns for law-abiding persons -- and criminal activity which has violence in its culture -- which can't be addressed by banning guns because criminals, y'know, don't care about laws; they find illegal means to get them.

Eitherway, I don't see much reason to punish the law-abiding for the actions of the criminal. The very essence of the right to bear arms, which predates even the Constitution, shouldn't waver simply due to violence.

>> No.17852834
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Practitioners of medicine like doctors or surgeons are more often than not athiest, or at the very least have their faith in god to a minimum in their field of work. But if you ever catch them praying with desperation, you know situation is bad. Real bad.

>> No.17852855

Isn’t it not organic though? Like if you’re interested in something or you’re supposed to do something, shouldn’t you be into it from the start and no matter what?

>> No.17852865

I mean only you know if you're being genuine or not, but as for what causes what and what should be I think it's basically unknowable, and kind of unnecessary to worry about

>> No.17852866

All men are religious (i.e. maintain faith in "x" or "y") at heart, including self proclaimed atheist. It's an inherent faculty of our psyche.

>> No.17852879

4chan is a living organism, equipped with a cyber-hosted schizophrenic hive mind where you and I are but synaptic cogs.

>> No.17852882

time space continuum

>> No.17852886

I'm mad at my friend and I don't know what to do.

>> No.17852888
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tfw none of my friends are interested in hearing about yemeni engineering, why do normies not find a 2800 year old pair of sluices that used to contain a 700m long and 15m high embankment impressive?

>> No.17852893

I'm pretty sure you need a license for a gun in Scandinavia. To get it you have to demonstrate that you need the gun, that you're mentally sound, that you have a safe at home in which to keep it, that you're not addicted to any substances, and so on. Even then I think it's mostly shotguns and hunting rifles which get sold, not handguns or assault rifles. And I don't think you're allowed to carry them around in the streets.
It would seem a bit unnerving to me as a European to know that anyone around me could potentially be carrying a deadly weapon capable of inflicting mass casualties. But again it's not my place to speak and I understand Americans have massive cultural and political traditions behind gun-ownership.

>> No.17852895

I swore I wouldn't get into vtubers, but then I discovered Jabroni-Chan.

>> No.17852901

what happened

>> No.17852911
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It never stops to amaze me how easy CS is, I can pass basically everything without doing any hard work. Engies and /sci/fags can't do it. /sci/ was right.
I haven't studied in the whole semester and I have exam tomorrow. Like any other pre-exam day I will drink liters of coffee and study maybe two hours. I'll end up just listening (and maybe dance) to the same /mu/core I always listen in these days. Maybe try to 1cc some touhou game, last time I did it with HSiFS. I will end up passing anyway, the math is so easy, the projects can be mediocre.
I should have dropped out years ago but that would have been a pain in the ass. I just need one more 10x with my crypto to dab an all these fags who study recursion for 4 yeas.

>> No.17852914

It is interesting to think that i am at a crossroads in life where - this will either be my first steps in sexual mindfulness and finally achieving my fitness goals, or the point where i descend further from where i am.

>> No.17852916

I have big mindfuck.
I have developed a pretty cool relation with a person.
It may sounds weird but I havent met anyone this close for years now.
We are both med students from the same year.
However over the last week or two this "person" completely changed their attitude towards me.
I even asked what's wrong, first I got completely ignored then just got reply "nothing".

To sum up,I feel like shit, sad and angry at the same moment. I cannot focus on other stuff...

>> No.17852923

i'm getting baptized in less than 2 weeks. can't believe it.

>> No.17852933

At least I thought it was "cool relation".

>> No.17852952

CS is as easy as hard sciences go. I did CE and regretted the additional effort I put in as it 9 times out of 10 lands you end up in the same job market. The time I put into signals and circuits, microcontrollers etc would have been nicely suited shit posting, reading or going out. I guess the extra knowledge gives me some flexibility at least

>> No.17852993

>and criminal activity which has violence in its culture
This is the issue, at least as far as I can tell, and it largely falls on the shoulders of the gov'ment. If a sizable portion of the population relies on violence, either for sustenance or greed, it points less to a gun problem and more to large scale disenfranchisement and disillusionment with an overarching system meant to care/foster/lead etc... This is an oversimplification, of course, but the point is that the issue predates the decision to buy a gun.

>> No.17852998

BPD bullshit. I want to write to her and tell her she's being a stupid bitch, but she just thinks she's right. She's objectively in the wrong here.
She does the whole "I guess you don't love me" game- to the point that we argued about it just before her birthday. So, we decided to move her birthday party back. I assumed after she moved into her new place, because that was three fucking days later, right?
WRONG. The day before she moves, I ask her if she needs help. She doesn't answer. The day after, she says "if I needed your help, I would have said." then she refuses to answer. Nothing. I don't get anything from her to the point I call her fucking brother to ask if she's okay. Eventually she writes me saying something like "Oh, I'm just sad since we can't be friends anymore since you obviously don't care about me (since I didn't meet with her for her birthday" And I'm already losing it because WE JUST ARGUED ABOUT THIS. I wrote to her on her birthday, and then three days later, she's already mad. I couldn't make an appointment with her because she'd ALREADY GHOSTED ME THE DUMB BITCH!
So I said we just fucking talked about this, and she's really starting to piss me off, and if she's trying to hurt me, then it's working.
And she's all "then be pissed off."
I'VE BEEN PUTTING UP WITH HER SHIT FOR 10 FUCKING YEARS! I don't want to bring it up, because I don't want anyone to think I'm expecting recompense, but HOLY FUCK.

>> No.17853024

and im ignored even on 4chan, how great

>> No.17853025

I'm sorry to hear that anon. I'm sure she'll come round sooner or later. is she moving far? maybe she's freaking out over that

>> No.17853044

just end it and spare yourself the investment, jesus. she’s crazy or doesn’t respect you so walk away, there’s nothing you can or should do in either case. also
>letting a female friend upset you this bad
you’re down bad man collect yourself. stick to male friends, there is a reason the greeks quartered the women off from their discussions. they too loco for something platonic.

anon, let me ask, are you in love with this girl?

>> No.17853055

Sounds interesting, could you please develop / dumb it down more for my tiny brain

>> No.17853063

don’t be passive aggressive you fucking autist, which was your post

>> No.17853085

Thanks anon; but she moves three times a year. It's not that.

I've been seriously thinking about it. This shit is step too far. I'm a really chill person, but she finally found my last nerve.
>are you in love with this girl?
No. Not sexually or romantically.

>> No.17853103

True. I was saying more in the case of the sudden shift in faith (be it for a brief moment) is usually indicitive of the situation. A faith in medicine to sudden faith in God.

>> No.17853138

>it largely falls on the shoulders of the gov'ment
Yeah man, if they didn’t prop up those white supremacist superstructures, Chicago southside would transform overnight. Especially in regard to the anti asian violence, I think if we just squeezed out reparations from middle america that would stop too. Literally if we just douse them in money their behavior will change, I read this in a wapo oped last week.

>> No.17853164

Im sorry, I didnt want to sound pretensious.
I just really feel bad.

>> No.17853165

literally just looked up the Finland homicide rate in the OECD and it's 0.25 not 3.3

>> No.17853169

surrealistic pillow

>> No.17853175

i’d suggest going on hiatus and leaving lines of communication open in case she recomposes herself. i understand 10 years is a lot of time, but you have got to reduce the amount of attention you’re giving her if she’s going to throw it right back into your face.

>> No.17853191

The internet space is a space without direction. It is woven from possible connections, or links, which do not fundamentally differ from each other. No direction or option has an absolute priority over the others. Ideally, a change of direction is possible at any time. There is no finality. Everything is kept in limbo.
The internet space does not consist of phases of continuity and transition, but of discontinuous events or facts. Thus, no progress or development takes place in it. It is an ahistorical space.You move from one link to the next.
Ted's idea gave weight to the links and also gave them continuity but the links we have on the internet aren't continuous.
I would advice you to visit Ted Nelson's YouTube channel where he discusses his ideas with demos of his ideas.
He may seem stubborn, an old fool,too late(matter of fact he coined the term "hypertext" in the 60s which inspired Tim Lee to create WWW, so he wasn't really late) etc but his ideas are truly SANE in this crazy world.

>> No.17853199

Switzerland has so many guns because the entire country can be conscripted. They have plans to blow up mountains if there's ever another war in Europe. They weren't shooting down everyone in WWII because neutral means "friendly".
Can you imagine if you suggested full conscription to become a legally registered gun toting adult? Bear in mind, Switzerland also has mandatory gun ownership on the books for some situations because if you are a citizen you are expected to go Rambo if the Italians, Germans, Austrians or anyone looks at Switzerland wrong. You have to carry cash on you because of their vagrancy laws too. Do you really think that America is going to bring those kind of duties concomitant to the right to bear arms? Ofc not, which is why American gun ownership is considered fucked by the rest of the world- rights without duties are a fantasy.

>> No.17853240

is it a guy or a girl? I know it seems like a crude question to ask, but the dynamics of each are very different. if the latter, are you crushing on her?

> However over the last week or two this "person" completely changed their attitude towards me. I even asked what's wrong, first I got completely ignored then just got reply "nothing".
you’re in your right to feel hurt. I think especially when you’re vulnerable socially, having your sense of trust or amicability crushed like that can be devastating. don’t worry tho anon, you’re of no fault. if this person was more genuine or honest, they would give you at most some explanation. on the otherhand, they might be going through something very personal thats weighing on them, and they don’t want to share it with you. either way, don’t let it wring you. you did nothing wrong.

>> No.17853243

they count suicides as part of the homicides in some ratings because it's "death by gunshot"

finns are a depressed people

>> No.17853252

>Do you really think that America is going to bring those kind of duties concomitant to the right to bear arms?
The entire point of America's gun laws are so the people have at least some ability to rebel against the state, so it is a duty in some sense.

>> No.17853255

The day of judgment will come, and Jesus will sit on God's tribunal and try the souls of mortals, whether they have been good or bad. And the line will also come to you, and Petrus will begin his interrogation, rolling out the long list of your misdeeds. Yet Jesus will interrupt him: "Spare the charges, Petrus, for they delay the punishment." And he will draw his katana.

>> No.17853260

Sounds cool, I will check it out.

Have you used Obisidian? What you described got me thinking about it. It is program where you can make notes with backlink functionality and display them all in one big graph. https://youtu.be/dddIzjZ_WUo?t=55

It can actually be incredibly powerful since it can help you make connection between topics / memories you at first may not have thought were connected.

>> No.17853263

good thing you debunked black crime disparities with a lowercase tweet about something peripheral though

you want to play again:
> U.S. Government official crime figures show that 37,460 White women and girls were raped by Black men in the United States in 2005. That is more than 100 White women raped by Blacks every day. In contrast, the government figures show that there are almost no rapes by White men against Black women
>In Table 42, entitled “Personal crimes of violence, 2005, percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender,” we learn that there were 111,490 white victims and 36,620 black victims of rape or sexual assault in 2005. In the 111,490 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was white, 44.5 percent of the offenders were white, and 33.6 percent of the offenders were black. In the 36,620 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was black, 100 percent of the offenders were black, and 0.0 percent of the offenders were white. The table explains that 0.0 percent means that there were under 10 incidents nationally.

>> No.17853270

I think this board is getting stupider.

>> No.17853276

Looking at how BLM was handled, the people of America would 100% be crushed by their own military if they tried to rise up against the state.

>> No.17853327

i just want to have a life changing dream. sadly, oracles doesnt exist no more.

>> No.17853351

>Just write bro
>Believe me its easy see I just let the pencil follow certain lines bro
>t. 6´3, oxford dandy style dandy dark hair, mysterious and handsome face, writing chad

>> No.17853360

Hey, thank you.
I am a guy and the person is a girl.

Unfortunately I think I could have develop some feelings for her.
Over the time I know her(like half year) she was very amazing person, open to me, kind and sincerely interested in me.
I havent felt like this in years.
I also havent had a crush for 4-5 last years.

Since maybe week or two she gradually become more and more secretive.
To the point where we are like strangers.

>> No.17853399


Why does everyone type like this now? Doesn't matter if it's here or twitter. It's not just young people either, millennials are doing the same shit.

>> No.17853421

>Just write like a retard bro
>What you are not a doomerboomercoomerthoomerchadthadtradlad its easy bro just tip on your keyboard like this see bro
>t. 6´2, shaved head but visible hairline, dangerous looking slayer face, oomer chad

>> No.17853445

Just guessing, but you may have been more intense than you know.

I have a very close female friend who befriended this dude. She thought he was kinda funny and was kind to him, and over the course of three years he eventually started considering her his best friend (while he was not even top 10 for her, if I put it crudely). She vented quite a lot about this dude to me. He just became too much for her, so she started dropping subtle hints that she wanted to take it a bit easy with their friendly relationship. He didn't pick up any of them. After a few months of this she started dropping some quite obvious hints (just replying "ok" or not at all, constantly finding excuses et cetera). She didn't want conflict at all, but it lead to a kind of weird situation.

If I have to guess, you might be in the same situation. You may have overestimated how close your relationship really was. What can you do now? Lay low for a bit. Consider if you are putting this girl on a pedestal. Do you have other friends which you can turn to? If not, consider that this might be a sign for you to branch out. Learn some hobby. Doesn't really matter what you do, just get your mind of this chick for a bit. Trying to reconnect with her after she has displayed these signals will only generate an even stronger counter reaction from her. Read some Epictetus or something to cope in the mean time. Hope this helps.

>> No.17853460

>Just become stoic bro
>What do you mean you cant cope with being an ugly incel loser who gets rejected by cunts regularly just be stoic bitches love that shit bro
>t. 6´4, slicked back greek style hair, rugged but handsome warrior athlete face, stoic cope chad

>> No.17853489

that hurts. do you mean complete sensory deprivation?

>> No.17853521

“Write what you know.”

Well, what the hell do I know?

>> No.17853540

I have a theory that intelligence is wasted most in the computer science and economics departments.

>> No.17853542

Interesting ..
I will check that out but one important thing about the Xanadu project is that it is non-hierarchical (it works in parallel) while obsidian from the video you shared seems hierarchical in the ways it is structured that's the only difference I guess I found but would have to try it to see it myself.

>> No.17853555

well, if she’s hardly talking to you and you’ve taken offense to it (naturally), then the best thing to do is express it to her directly. say something to the effect of “hey, you’ve been ignoring me for the past couple of weeks and as a friend it hurts. is there something you want to say?”.

the benefit of being direct is that regardless of whether she answers or not, you’ll have a sense of closure in this chapter. either she fesses up what’s bothering her and you both resolve it or you part ways from there. in all relationships anon, sometimes the scales of how much you care for one another tip away from one of you, and being on the end that cares disproportionately more sucks because you feel betrayed and like a sucker; your initial reaction is to care even more than usual to revive and elicit the same affection towards you. unfortunately, sometimes those scales tip irreversibly, and the only thing you can do is detach yourself from the relationship completely.

so brace yourself: you might need to forgo the relationship. just know if you do, you will have done yourself a self loving act. acknowledge it as such, because nobody attracts people more than someone who cares and values themselves appropriately.

>> No.17853560

First Write what's on your mind and now the writing General. Why do people keep making threads before the bump limit.

>> No.17853562

Its a language like any other a
And more than most things people want to be understood.

Also i believe it's a real life phenomenal parallel to what was seen in the "idiocracy" movie. (Not sure if I'm spelling it correctly, a bit to lazy to look it up)

>You talk like a faggot and your shits all retarded. = Cringe, based, etc etc

>> No.17853587

*i shouldn’t say detach completely, but maybe reduce your investment to the amount she is showing you. there’s no need to be absolutist

>> No.17853589

Thank you for sharing your experiences.
I mean I really dont want to look and behave like a cuck or simp. It would hurt me more than not knowing her at all. I've always been kind of rational and objective and for sure not intense. At least I think so.
Most of the time she started convos.
Of course Im not nagging her and dont talk to here anymore since she "changed".
But feels are real

>> No.17853600

> write what you know
What the hell do I know? I feel like I don’t know anything...

>> No.17853606


>> No.17853611

Every thing is alright

>> No.17853620

Is this what breaks the camels spine ?
A hair ?
One hair after another
And I lose my sanity

>> No.17853625

>missing the point this hard
Better luck next time, schlomo.

>> No.17853637

One of the reasons the alphabet agencies were so interested in infiltrating and assassinating the Black Panthers is because the Panthers would open carry on private property. Nothing like armed black militias exercising their rights on private property to make the state reconsider the idea of supporting rights. Most American rights are now entirely illusory.

>> No.17853639

learn what a bump limit is stupid

>> No.17853642

past 310. Anything before that is just spamming the catalog.

>> No.17853659

When that schizophrenic anon kept making Write what's on your mind threads before the old ones died because he was scared the next thread would have an anime pic.

>> No.17853660

There's some guy triggered by anime. He makes threads early because he's afraid someone else will post anime.

>> No.17853670

this one was made at post 312

>> No.17853675

Holy shit you're right. he doesn't even hide it.


>> No.17853692

Lots of other boards view spamming as posting when the old thread is still on the catalog. Making a new thread because you reached the bump limit but are still on the catalog is for /b/tard f5 addicts.

>> No.17853704
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I pretend to be progressive among my progressive friends but I always subvert the dialogue with conservative opinions. When they disagree, I make them feel like they're not open minded enough.

>> No.17853707

Some anons bullied him for making threads early a few threads back because he's been spamming for weeks. He's fucking insane so it's just best to avoid him.

>> No.17853714
File: 53 KB, 660x574, 1616345170360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The schizo r*dditors are back

>> No.17853728

You know it's an anime website right?

>> No.17853734

So, he just makes threads before the bump limit because he’s scared of anime? He does know that the only people writing in /wg/ are the animefags right?

>> No.17853736

Well, she said that nothing is wrong.
I kind of accepted that this the end of story.
Extremely weird end.

The worst thing is that we study together.
Thank you again anon.

>> No.17853755

He thinks there is a secret anime conspiracy. IDK if he's doing this across all boards, but he thinks people are posting anime just to fuck with him.

>> No.17853767

he is incredibly based and as usual the animefags are sputtering about how virtuous their work and effort is when in fact it is cringe and fetishistic, a sickness of the soul.

>> No.17853772

Fuck. I’m a lot lonelier than I thought I was.

>> No.17853784

>He thinks there is a secret anime conspiracy.
What? You’re fucking with me right? There’s no way he actually thinks like that.
>IDK if he's doing this across all boards, but he thinks people are posting anime just to fuck with him.
So what? Is he legitimately schizophrenic? I just can’t believe someone would believe this.

>> No.17853836

Check the archive. Or check this thread, he's probably going to be replying all night defending his crusade now.

>> No.17853856
File: 161 KB, 1200x650, The-High-Middle-Ages_Medieval-Knights-on-Horsebacks_QBS_Main[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i with him. he shall never be in want of kinship as long as animefags spread their repugnant images and shallow fantasies and dishonestly advertise their "royal road" cesspool on OUR HOLY BOARD OF /lit/.

>> No.17853865

So, instead of actually writing, you waste your time and energy focusing on an OP that for all intents and purpose inconsequential, because you're triggered?

>> No.17853882

this song sounds exactly of its time

>> No.17853883

She broke up with me and sent me pics and a vid of her making out with her best friend. I have no friends. I feel suicidal. How can I go on when my life does not compare?

>> No.17853885

It’s just one of the many reasons why animefags in /wg/ are the only writers on that General.

>> No.17853891

Bro you're talking to a literal schizophrenic, just pretend he doesn't exist like everyone else

>> No.17853892

maybe. it has a very 80s noise rock thing to it but I find the song structure really interesting, feels like there's a lot of potential there.

>> No.17853897

>literal schizophrenic
>has proofs in the archive
Are you that faggot that keeps making threads before the bump limit?

>> No.17853899

You reminded me of the Faulkner quote (I think it's his anyway)
>Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
Make your life better instead of hoping someone else will.

>> No.17853902

she was a cunt anon. if she did that then she was. be happy you didnt put a baby in her. it's gonna sting for a while but this is really easy: you are way better off without her if that is how she treats people.

>> No.17853906
File: 23 KB, 600x550, 1608401412587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The profound effect Simone Weil had in me some years ago is finally wearing off

>> No.17853919

tell me about it. I read something about her yesterday that I liked

>> No.17853935

I read The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie during the height of /lit/'s obsession with the red virgin, now might be a good time to scar yourself with that. It's different to the movie too if you've seen that.

>> No.17853940
File: 19 KB, 250x353, Richard Wagner 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's his best character?

>> No.17853944

Fuck off with your revisionist history.

>> No.17853949

Bug in room. It has evaded my pursuits. Will update.

>> No.17853960

I've killed two in the past few days and it made me feel like a ninja master. One I got with a tea towel, and it was so fucking elegant I kind of wished someone else had seen it. I believe in you, grasshopper.

>> No.17853964
File: 13 KB, 325x250, 1537218012125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit don't feel like contributing to society because of women having rights and untrustworthy leaders, also democracy seems scetchy.

>> No.17853986

Thank you, sensei. I scan room with flashlight, no movement. Last seen vanishing into corner. I think of Iaido technique, keep tissue in lap, ready to strike.

>> No.17854040

Be like the coiled serpent.

>> No.17854042

The more I've listened to music, the more I've realized I like a kind of concept that isn't very common but still really cool. Essentially it's when an album has a few really good ideas, yet they're not catchy or full of hooks, but more like longer, atmospheric tracks with lots of repetition with minimal filler. Each songs has only one idea to it, there's no chorus or complex structure, just a crescendo or slight change of parts if anything. These are usually albums that would be classed as rock (not even post-rock), but they feel like their own thing usually, not quite anything neatly defined by a certain label.

>> No.17854054

Think about how much insecurity would be a pre-requisite for her to do that to knock her down a peg in your brain mentally and then go over it.

>> No.17854058

Like concept albums?

>> No.17854062

maybe pretty different genre but got me thinking of this

>> No.17854078
File: 1.34 MB, 640x800, Pure.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a depressive episode 10 years ago that turned into chronic depression. They told me that it would get better, but it's a lie. I havent felt happiness in 10 years, and my life feels as if im watching a television of people commutting to their work. It's fake and empty.

>> No.17854086

Yeah that's kind of how it works pal

>> No.17854099

this might be an offensively retarded post and if it is then I appologize, but hvae you looked into religion at all? I think one of the major points of spirituality is that it's a refuge that is not on the terms of any thoughts or feelings

>> No.17854111

It's actually a good post. The Spirit is always an avenue and a very comforting one.

>> No.17854113

yeah ive looked into christianity (Catholic and Orthodox), Islam (mostly Sufi) and Buddhism. None of it really helped

>> No.17854117

I was in the car with my mother today after work and mentioned in the course of conversation that I wouldn't want to get a dog in the future because it makes it harder to go anywhere, to which she said, "well, if you had to go somewhere, couldn't I watch it?" I asked how that would be possible since she planned to retire to Florida in 2 or 3 years (we live in New York now). She said, "I just assumed you'd be coming with me" and I immediately got angry, though I didn't express that and said, "well, my job is here..."

And while it's true that I live with my mother, I am totally financially independent (and could easily afford to live alone), but stay here because I can invest my entire paycheck every two weeks and because I think it's good that she has someone around to talk to outside of work.

Her suggestion that I would follow her somehow felt somehow totally emasculating, because my mind immediately jumped to the idea that she was implying that I could not handle living on my own or something like that, but having thought it over, I remember mostly that she doesn't ever express herself so indirectly and, more importantly, that all it probably means is that she enjoys my company, she loves me because I'm her son, and she wouldn't want to be alone if there were some way that that was possible. She knows I could do my job from Florida without even getting a new job because it's remote work.

I realized that I am simply self-conscious about still living with my mother at 25, so that nearly any mention of it as a permanent or semi-permanent situation feels like a challenge to my independence and masculinity.

I find it very hard to not take certain innocuous things wrong, even when I know that they are not what the person means.

>> No.17854128

alright. good luck going forward.

>> No.17854130

You have to perform the acts relating to faith. Go to church every week for a year, read the Bible, confess to a priest, help the poor etc. You won't feel it or believe it until you actually act as if you have faith. Spontaneous conversion is extremely rare and mostly affects feeble minds, because God is mysterious and it requires a long contemplation of religion before you truly start to understand its contours. What's one year of performing if there's the chance that it will lift 10 years of depression?

>> No.17854152

dilution is diluted, existence is existed, thought is in the mind, the mind sees away the font, of a darker low, lowly lit by cigarettes in face of the light, personified through the lungs, its faint taint, the inhale of a thought, and exhale of the matter.

im fear in that im low. the mind was the color. it shaded the fade of paint, a picture in the end of thought, left there, and away. and to then, to see always, the constancy always was, but to the blur of mind that doesnt memory, low that pressure exists.

an emptiness in void, by abstraction of dilute, concentrated in mono-xyl, only of the tone, sent me away by thought mind aware, to thought empty mind.

the mind, in unknown of font, how see you the light, the one in darkness, volume and frequency, the space in between of all, that i couldnt see anyway.

>> No.17854156

Call me superstitious (ironic) but life circumstances only seemed to get worse and worse when I got into Christianity.

>> No.17854265

>Or check this thread, he's probably going to be replying all night defending his crusade now.
Is it funny or is it sad? Because he legit sounds mentally ill.

>> No.17854290

I really regret not heading to the city at some point. I’ve been stuck in small town hell for my entire life now.

>> No.17854341

i think Baudrillard is underrated, i have recently got into his idea of simulacra and was mindblown. unrelated but i sometimes feel nostalgia for when i first discovered schopenhauer and how his idea of the will really left me in awe. Im a psued btw

>> No.17854343
File: 114 KB, 625x505, 1563747262665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family keeps egging me to "confess" to a pastor. Of my 23 years, what the fuck is there for me to confess when I've been pretty 'tame' throughout my life up until now?
>smoked pot occasionally for 2 and half years
>smoked ciggs for 18 months and gave up after smoking too much and puking
>began drinking at 18 but that too occassionally also
I've never done hard drugs or didn't do any fucking crime. I've been practically preoccupied with vidya and other distractions for years. I just don't get where their perception is coming from.

>> No.17854359

>been practically preoccupied with vidya and other distractions for years. I just don't get where their perception is coming from.
dude. no sense of irony here? You’re probably a classic lazy shut-in. Only makes sense for them to assume.

>> No.17854364

>My family keeps egging me to "confess" to a pastor. Of my 23 years, what the fuck is there for me to confess when I've been pretty 'tame' throughout my life up until now?
>>smoked pot occasionally for 2 and half years
>>smoked ciggs for 18 months and gave up after smoking too much and puking
>>began drinking at 18 but that too occassionally also
>I've never done hard drugs or didn't do any fucking crime. I've been practically preoccupied with vidya and other distractions for years. I just don't get where their perception is coming from.
For being a degenerate?

>> No.17854375

have you tried MDMA?
I've never had real chronic depression, but there were those years with casual anhedonia, I felt like I haven't felt actually happy for several years and MDMA helped (even long-term).
DISCLAIMER: if you're considering this and are on meds, be careful with this..

>> No.17854383

I get what you're saying but compared to other guys who go out late and come back the next day I'm practically a hamster. I've basically quit vidya now anyway, so I'm working my way being more of a normie.

Was quoting my entire post necessary?

>> No.17854386

They know about the anime children
It happened to me too

>> No.17854393

Ive tried Dexamphetamine and also shrooms
Dex briefly helps with the anhedonia but its very brief and the crash is so bad that it doesnt matter.

>> No.17854394
File: 2.18 MB, 2000x1217, 9C6278AB-0CA5-440B-A6CB-513B9F0C8B73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s nothing sexual about them though.

>> No.17854397

Consider this unresearched and completely unproved thesis:
In modern very intelligent people, religiosity correlates with the sense for aesthetics.
The difference between an agnostic intelligent person and a theist one might be the theist puts more attention to aesthetics.. this would explain the /sci/ vs /lit/ thing.

>> No.17854404
File: 6 KB, 236x213, like_yare_yare_daze_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've more or less quit hentai too. I'm inadvertently even doing nofap. Speaking of anime, I think my family has a problem with me enjoying anime or anything animated in general. Even shit like GiTS for some reason.

>> No.17854416

>I get what you're saying but compared to other guys who go out late and come back the next day I'm practically a hamster
Which is part of the problem lmao

>> No.17854430

I haven't tried either. For me, I really made the MDMA experience a spiritual one. It made me content with everything and happy to be living in the world as is.
The experience was so strong that the comedown meant nothing to me.
What might have helped was I did it with plenty of friends with a great atmosphere. It was also my first experience, so that's always the best one I've heard.
Anyway, might not be the thing for everyone and as I said, I was never even diagnosed with anything. Also never seeked psychiatric help although I'm 90% sure they would put me on some meds if I went.

>> No.17854447

So what do I say?
>Forgive me for being a lazy shut?

>> No.17854449

>>Forgive me for being a lazy shut?
Yeah, how hard is it to comprehend that?

>> No.17854455

Yeah I totally agree with you here but well, I got a talk about mental health by my mom days after I got caught watching Non Non Biyori by my older sister some years ago.

>> No.17854457
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>> No.17854465

i forgot, but i actually have done ecstasy once with my brother, and it did absolutely nothing to me.
And it wasnt like the pills were duds, because my brother felt it really hard.

>> No.17854483

that seems to be the case sometimes, for whatever reason

>> No.17854486
File: 27 KB, 292x446, 41pQki-0LyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro! if ur into ancient hydraulic engineering you gotta read wittfogel, yeah he's marginally connected to frankfurt school, but its not wack i swear and his thesis is actually anti-communist, highly recommend if antique sluices are up your ally

>> No.17854558

Not him but here's the thread where anon decided to bully him for making duplicate threads
He's legit mentally ill and unable to read the room.

>> No.17854581
File: 3.14 MB, 2000x991, Miyamoto-Musashi-Fights-Sasaki-Kojiro-at-Ganryujima-Ukiyo-e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By my hand the bug has left this world.

>> No.17854615

You are true ninja master now. Use your powers wisely, anonsama.

>> No.17854684

Managed to get all my life admin stuff done - i.e. laundry, haircut, change my sheets, lunches for the week etc. in a single day after way too many weeks of a depressive funk that left all of that piling up. You can do it too anons.

>> No.17854691

Lol @ the schizos trigged by anime on an A N I M E W E B S I T E. Christopher Poole (the FOUNDER of 4chan) was a weeaboo. Get a grip.

Imagine getting so upset about something so small.

>> No.17854707

Don't tell us that, tell >>17853678 and >>17853474

Making threads purely because they're scared of an anime pic. Absolutely pathetic.

>> No.17854718

It's one schizophrenic who has a nervous breakdown every time he sees anime. He has been losing his mind in every thread ranting about it.

>> No.17854723

This looks fantastic, thanks for the rec brother, will definitely check it out

>> No.17854732
File: 32 KB, 1080x621, 1603742939079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am terrified, please advise me what to do. I've been living in a new apartment for a little over 2 months now and everything is fine except for one thing... bugs. Some weird barely nail sized bug with a hard carapace that seems to be able to occasionally fly - I've had 10 of them in these 2 months.
The issue is that I've checked every hole and crevice and have found nothing, and there is exactly zero evidence for them appearing from outside, entering through my window when I open it. I have no idea what to do - I have a slight phobia of bugs and I overreact each time I see one. I can't even google them and find out which ones they are exactly because I get terrified of having an insect on my screen. Should I spray the entire house with Raid and leave for like 6 hours? It's 2 in the morning, I can't sleep because I saw one 3 hours ago - I flushed it down the toilet but ever since I saw it I have not been a reasonable man.

>> No.17854755

You sure that's not bed bugs? Bed bugs are a living hell. If you have them the whole building probably does. Sadly there is no way to be sure of a good apartment in today's cities, you just have to gamble with a landlord who doesn't rent to too many ethnics and hope for the best.

Try to catch the next one so you can show it to an exterminator. Call them and ask if they do consultations. The landlord company may freak out and want to spray your apartment if you tell them about it so be strategic depending on what you actually want out of this.

May also be carpet beetles. I know someone who dealt with those and they were very aggressive. He thought they were bed bugs for the longest time.

>> No.17854760


>> No.17854766

What are the demographics of /adv/? Just seemed like a quarantine zone for roasties on the rag whenever I went to check it out

>> No.17854768

Gonna need a better description to tell you what they are, anon. I have death watch beetles living in my house because it's old, but I just squish them now and then since a barrier of bug powder keeps them mostly out of my living areas. A barrier line probably won't work for flying insects though.

>> No.17854849
File: 828 KB, 4608x2240, 20210109_093221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a very blurry picture of one I chucked into my bath which I proceeded to rinse for two hours afterwards. I know they're not bedbugs because they feel too big for those and have never been even remotely close to my bed. Not googling the other names because I want to try to sleep.
One fairly often characteristic is that they fall from the ceiling to the ground - it's how I knew about the last one. Was getting ready to turn off my PC when I suddenly heard a slightly quiet crack and instantly knew that it was one of those devils either falling or God forbid flying towards something (full disclosure, I've only ever seen one of them fly).

>> No.17854863

If you kill them, does it smell bad? Those look like stinkbugs.

>> No.17854867

Looks like carpet beetles to me. They're harmless I think but they can be aggressive if you let them get out of hand.

>> No.17854878

>He has been losing his mind in every thread ranting about it.
I'm just surprised those threads weren't prune.

>> No.17854886

I can't respond to myself because I can't bear to look at even the thumbnail (forgot to spoiler it due to panicking) but one day I was brave enough to google "house bugs" and managed to leave the page open for more than 1 and a half seconds before closing it.. I am fairly certain that I saw one of these retards in one of the very large suggested thumbnails, but I'm not googling that ever again, and especially not know.
One of them did however fall very near me while I was taking a shit once. I don't know if their point of origin is something like the air conditioner or the windows (I have a window in my toilet which I open for a bit after taking a deuce) but I'd expect maybe seeing at least one in two months somewhere in the building itself. I don't know if any of the neighbors have them, haven't really met them and I don't wanna start up a conversation with effectively random people with "hey do you have bugs?"
Showing the picture to an exterminator might not be a bad idea though.. .

>> No.17854894

My butt cheeks move like knights on a chessboard
They manouvre across L Shaped pathways independantly from the rest of society
Did I just upturn your expectations of me? Oh I'm sorry - NOT
If you fall behind I won't slow down for you kid. My time is too valuable to waste on your assumptions. Don't try to label me.

>> No.17854909

Nope - at least I'm fairly certain that the answer is no. I've vacuumed up two that were very high, stomped one with a shoe which was then drenched in chemicals and the rest were chucked into the toilet.. but I know what local stinkbugs look like and this is not it.

Can you please google what kills, repels or diverts them? I would but it's insanely late in the night and I'm scared that if I google anything related with their name, I'll get their picture pop up on my screen which will just frighten me even more.
Interestingly enough, I don't have a single carpet in my entire apartment. Two did cling to my drapes however...

>> No.17854941

Looks like a beetle but no way I can tell which from that pic. Not all beetles fly and some only do it for mating purposes. You can probably put down borax and dehydrate the little guys. If furniture has legs, put it round the legs to stop them crawling up (you can even put it in a dish so you don't have borax on your floor slowly spreading out with the breeze) and otherwise dust around furniture and baseboards etc.
Borax is really cheap, but you could also probably use permethrin to dust. Obviously read safety instructions especially if you have pets but you would need to use a lot of either of those to poison yourself instead of just the bugs.

>> No.17854957

>Controlling Infestations. To eliminate carpet beetles, you must locate all infested items. The primary source may be a seldom-used wool or fur hat or scarf on a shelf in a closet; an antique rug stored in the basement; or the remains of a bird or squirrel nest up in the attic. Carpet beetles prefer to dwell in dark, undisturbed areas where susceptible items are stored for long periods. When inspecting clothing, pay attention to seams, folds, and creases (e.g. cuffs and collars) where larvae often prefer to feed. Larvae also tend to infest the lower edges of rugs and carpeting. Use needle-nose pliers to lift the outer edge of wall-to-wall carpet from the tack strip along baseboards. Other possible locations include under/within upholstered furniture, or inside floor vents and ducts with accumulations of pet hair and lint. As noted earlier, infestations may also stem from bird nests, animal carcasses, or accumulations of dead insects such as flies or lady beetles in attics or elsewhere. Plant-based materials (cereal, pet food, bird seed, etc.) stored in kitchens and basements, or cached by rodents, are other possible sources of carpet beetles.

>Once found, infested items and susceptible articles nearby should be laundered, dry-cleaned or discarded. Bagging heavily infested items before disposal can help prevent further spread of the beetles. Dry-cleaning or hot laundering kills any eggs or larvae that may be present. Heat generated by a clothes dryer is effective as well. Vacuuming floors, carpets, and inside heating vents effectively removes larvae as well as hair and lint, which could support future infestations. Be sure to vacuum along and beneath edges of carpets, along baseboards, underneath furniture and stored items, and inside closets and quiet areas where carpet beetles (and clothes moths) prefer to feed.

It says there are traps and pesticides you can use but the main #1 top priority thing is identifying the source of the infestation if it is them. I would ask my friend who had them what he did but I think they ate him.

>> No.17854991

Not always, but they can be. If you're interested I can give examples if you care enough to try one out
Pale Cocoon - Cocoon
Animal Collective - Hollinndagain
Shizuka - Heavenly Persona
Bluetile Lounge - Lowercase
I'm sure I could say more than four, just not right now. There's stuff like late Talk Talk and Les Rallizes/Fushitsusha too I guess, but I like this kind of thing most when the sounds are really simple and easy to pick apart sonically, having only 3-4 distinct sounds is part of the appeal. For that reason you can see why this isn't that common, earlier I mentioned there aren't hooks or choruses, it's rock music kinda but very minimal. If you're interested then I recommend you try one of these out, they're all all-time favorites of mine.
I'll check this out.

>> No.17855003

I'll try to get either/both, should local apothecaries have those things or is that more in line for drug stores?

Man, none of their preferred nesting places (or whatever they're supposed to be called) are even close to where I've been finding them. Two on the drapes, one on the window, two relatively close to the air vent (but on the floor so may have fallen from wherever), one in the toilet and and (I think) 3 more just aimlessly walking around the wooden floor.
I'll have to check the terrace for anything old and shady looking as one of my walls (the one where the air ventilation should lead outside actually) is adjacent to the terrace wall.. maybe my initial suspicion was right, I'll just douse the AC unit with Borax and Raid, fuck off from my house for like 10 hours and come back hopefully never disturbed again.
I even started looking into insect repelling plants and will get Lavender, Rosemary and Lemongrass soon, but I've also burned a few incense sticks with a lemongrass "tint" due to bugs generally hating both lemongrass and smoke... Why are phobias like this

>> No.17855038

You should take TOO MUCH VITAMIN C powder.
They give you a daily dose recommendation of like 1g but if you do 10g once in a while it wont hurt and it will boost you.

Also if you drink coconut water it has loads of potassium in it, which everyone is deficient in. If you drink coconut water every day for a few months it will transform every cell in your body. Potassium is used in every single cell in your body, eyes, organs, skin, bone marrow etc. I did that while I was working a tough physical job and I just blitzed through it.

Doctors are faggots and they would never tell you to do something based like put too much vitamin C in a jug of water.

>> No.17855061

Borax is pretty common, because it's also used for cleaning. Permethrin is pretty common too because it's used for scabies and other worse insects, but you want the powder for dusting not the cream which is for rubbing on humans when they get parasites.

>> No.17855071

>I'll just douse the AC unit with Borax and Raid,
Do not do this. Avoid aerosolizing yourself with poisons. If your AC is the problem, get that cleaned, but do not use it to pump insecticide through your home.

>> No.17855117


Explain annoner

>> No.17855179

Yeah, that's what I'm doing, but it's hard not to fixate on it. I'm hanging out with other friends and tending those relationships.

>> No.17855363

Why do people care more about gender freaks than real mental illnesses like autism (not the meme tier autism) and such?

>> No.17855375

The same way, why so many anons here are perturbed at the thought of having anime pics in the OP. There's no rhyme or reason to it.

>> No.17855413
File: 46 KB, 658x448, 1616157011921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deliberately push people away and sabotage my relationships out of fear of burdening other people
>feel lonely because I pushed everyone away
"Wtf how could this happen??" t. me

>> No.17855427

I wonder what do some of the people behind these accounts actually look like in real life. How is it like when they go to the grocery store and interact with cashiers and other wagie workers? Do these people feel threatened or are they even aware when stared at by boomers and children?

>> No.17855439
File: 1.33 MB, 252x261, E32ACE6D-E9C7-4C80-BC7C-E76D2DA482FE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you haven’t.

>> No.17855486

better marketing

>> No.17855639

I've never felt like so miserable
I've never felt like thinking this will last forever

>> No.17855642

Feser is amazing

>> No.17855752

been laughing at this all day

>> No.17855823

That's a common stinkbug dumbass. Another infestation we can thank china for.

>> No.17856131

Honestly nothing surprises me anymore. I'm just becoming numb. I don't even know what I want.

>> No.17856329
File: 82 KB, 978x1080, 1586919957515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the actual fuck I was thinking when I decided to study stem two years ago? I don't give a shit about this stuff, I never did. I should have studied some easy shit like the dumb normalfag I am.

>> No.17856411

I was told that I cried when I was born. I don't know whether I was moved, sad, or what.

>> No.17856420

Sounds like the intro of a story

>> No.17856442

I don't deserve the love and support I get from my family.

>> No.17856448

I had a cord around my neck. I didnt want to be born.

>> No.17856522
File: 207 KB, 421x421, 1600902575647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're past your mid-20s and/or are in your 30s and still blame the world or your parents for your shortcomings I will see you as nothing more than a manchild.

>> No.17856532
File: 306 KB, 2051x1012, nighthawk thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a moment of weakness I abandoned spiritual exploration because I regretted living a "shallow" life. Within 6 months I had revived a 60's Chevy and drove it halfway across the country with no prior wrench experience. In the next 4 years I completely overhauled my office and mentored the first generation of leaders for the redesign with no prior office or mentorship experience. But in another moment of weakness I abandoned both of these projects entirely and began exploring spirituality once more.

What I've learned: pursuit is busywork and spirituality is opaque. The respective accomplishment and satisfaction of these is fleeting and met with much greater amounts of failure and dissatisfaction. Before this journey, I wished for understanding, and after having achieved it, I have nothing left to wish for. In the end, my curiosity has doomed me to stalk the land for the rest of my life as a shell of a man.

>> No.17856535

If I have a healthy body/mind, a good family, and make $500K annually after taxes, I will have made it as a person.

>> No.17856563

Eh, i used to do that much more in the past. Now i solely blame myself for everything.

>> No.17856567
File: 118 KB, 375x375, 1613588993887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he gets butthurt over anime

>> No.17856596

Advance tracker down the path into eternal forest dense thicket; an infinite journey. And so it would seem the way lead nowhere after years on the path. Eventually they all turned astray. Eventually they all broke with the path. Some by increments and some would suddenly rush into the unbridled wilderness. All of them would think they saw the path again from time to time; inviting them back. Tracker walked in the dark beneath the canopy through the underbrush alongside where the path must lie, although in truth, the ages had long past since those eyes had graced the trail: still the imagination would never subside in suggesting from time to time that we skirted alongside it still as in memory long lost.
Forge a trail. Summon your perceptive strength. The way forward and the way back… marked with clues… riddles for solving. Follow the course of the yellow flowers; where they lead…. Follow the call of the ‘kittle-ka-koo’ bird. Wander as you play the game that makes the path reappear. Only; it never leads anywhere. And sometimes once set on some landmark to call home it would simply disappear the moment you looked away. These trajectories of fate dispelled by the siphon that kept us moving along somehow with a sense of purpose as though some thing like a destination might exist though millennia told a different tale. The morphic terrain proved ever different. Nothing repeated.
Inwardly the tracker turned to trace the dimensions of the body and know its ways. In the depths of these hands the clearing emerged and therein did these eyes find emptiness. Great blank vistas of emergent features greeted sight and hearing, touch, taste and smell. Sometimes events would transpire and memory would chart a course which only ever shattered into so many journeys through dimensions of time, time spent on that endless quest. The seeker sought alone to seek; by itself. Dissipated magic of that life now terminal; sow forth the seed to carry on for I slip under the veil. Cary on. Carrion.

>> No.17856611

Blaming yourself seems like the natural progression from the previous but remember that there's a difference between taking responsibility and blaming yourself.
Hope you don't wallow in self pity too much my man. Hell isn't always a place.

>> No.17856613
File: 29 KB, 262x256, D-fohFdXUAEUEEV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he gets butthurt over people who get butthurt over anime

>> No.17856617


>> No.17856645

If im being honest with you, i just cannot accept the fact that im the one whos responsibile for my life and the choices i take. I know this sounds like a kids talk and people get a grip of this very early in the life but i've never been able to fully integrate it into my psyche. Therefore i disconnected from myself and sentenced to the blaming hell.

>> No.17856653
File: 137 KB, 269x293, ohshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sheesh my dick fell of sheesh

>> No.17856666

Professional wrestling is an immensely influential art form with a massive impact and long shadow on contemporary American culture. Vince McMahon may be one of the most important individuals of the 21st Century.

>> No.17856680

I prefer wrestling existentially for my grip on reality.

>> No.17856709

did vince mcmahon write this post and bribe hiroshimoot for these fucking quads

>> No.17856711

Pretty sure I got an std, wish I would just die in my sleep.

>> No.17856713
File: 323 KB, 412x718, punpun-is-18-just-fine-again-today-me-irl-56753442__01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bashing my head repeated because my problems arise from my bad attachment style and it probably won't change unless I go to some brain doctor(which I can not afford anyways).
Overall, I am just fine.

>> No.17856720

It's just soap opera for American men.

>> No.17856727

Camus "the plague" is a very good read and especially during this lockdown.

>> No.17856752

The years go fast and the days go so slow

>> No.17856769

I know a guy like, unfortunately I can't really say I know what you're going through because of my own perspective being different. But if you disconnect yourself from the past 'choices' maybe you should let it be and make it a conscious decision to be responsible for the actions to come.

>> No.17856842

Accepting responsibility would mean accepting that it was me all along who fucked up my life, who took all the wrong choices and wasted all the precious time. Shame and regret for not understanding this fact earlier would make me completely defeated "if it took that much to understand this simple thing, i have no chance against the bigger tasks of life". I cannot escape this stalemate as i either run from life or towards it, i still get hurt.

>> No.17856866

So, you're one of us; the criminally insane.

>> No.17856940

The last time that I posted on here was about a year ago. I was thinking about killing myself everyday. Since my last posting I was institutionalized at a hospital for about a week. After the hospitalization, I began seeing a therapist once a week and have been good about staying on my medications.

I've since moved back in with my folks to help lessen the financial burden as I try to get out of debt. My relationship with my folks has greatly increased, largely because we see each other daily. I've enjoyed talking with and spending more time with my family; they're great people.

I've landed a job with a pretty solid stress / money ratio as well. Things are looking up, fellas.

>> No.17856947
File: 50 KB, 1010x783, hypnotherapy-behavioural-therapy-and-psychoanalysis_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get over my first heartbreak? How did you get over your first heartbreak?

I am prone to controlling and abusive behaviour so I need to focus on myself. I'm seeing four therapists currently because I wanted to save the relationship. I don't feel motivated because now she is out of my life and all I have to look forward to is my incel life. Her friends said I was "fucking weird" and controlling. This is a common complaint against me. How do I fix this?

>> No.17856955

Happy for you anon. Keep the good spirits up.

>> No.17856974

It takes time. You'll get over her eventually. And about changing your personality... we should be prepared to admit we're wrong, or change our manners to accommodate other people, but you can't force yourself to be something you're not. Be the person you want to be, make reasonable accommodations for people, but be true to yourself. There's nothing wrong with being different, even if some people think you're weird. Being different can be a good thing.

>> No.17856984

Got an interview this Saturday, already have had at least 7 over the last 4 months or so so hoping I finally get a fucking job

>> No.17856994

how long have you been dating?

>> No.17857049

>hoping I finally get a fucking job
We're in need of another Moses to save us from this slavery

>> No.17857149

That's great anon

>> No.17857222

Dude I've been sitting around getting neetbux for over a year now, it's fucking hell, I see nobody, I've burnt out my interests and have literally nothing to do apart from surviving. NEET living is fucking pathetic.

>> No.17857232

Do you reckon I can fix my posture just by standing up straight for an hour each day? My posture is a lot better than it was in high school, but I feel like my core is weak so I catch myself slouching forward if I'm not careful. If I just stood with proper posture would that strengthen all the necessary muscles? Isn't that why they get French school girls to walk with books on their heads?

>> No.17857243 [DELETED] 

I got dumped by the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I'm not exaggerating, she looked like an angel - I was batting way out of my league. I don't know where to go from here, everybody else will be ugly by comparison. So I've set myself a new goal. I have been spurned and I will not rest until I am dating a literal fashion model. That is the only way I can I possibly level up. I will make this happen.

>> No.17857285


>> No.17857290

>tfw quarantine didnt change my life in any way
i been neet for 4 years

>> No.17857306
File: 767 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20200920_223344_com.instagram.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got dumped by the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I'm not exaggerating, she looked like an angel - I was batting way out of my league. I don't know where to go from here, everybody else will be ugly by comparison. So I've set myself a new goal. I have been spurned and I will not rest until I am dating an actress or literal fashion model. That is the only way I can I possibly level up. I have tasted heaven once, I will not return to pleb muck. I will make this happen.

>> No.17857307

that's no way to live my man.

>> No.17857309

They're just fat neckbeards

>> No.17857314

NEETlife is hard. It's legitimately a difficult lifestyle. The 1st percentile of achievers are just as dedicated and struggling just as hard as the 99th percentile. Having a job is just much easier than not having one. People talk shit on NEETs for having an easy life as if it isn't characterized by endless suffering. In reality, it's the work-doers who live life on easy street. They get social interaction and structure literally handed to them on a silver platter, whereas the hardscrabble, noble NEET has to create it for himself or else be miserable. When will the tyranny of the simpering, servile work-doers end? They scurry about appealing to groupthink, doing their best to stay supine before the almighty Dollar and only in their twilight years question the wisdom of organizing a value system where currency is the basis of good. Even then, those puerile work-performers have an easy catch-all: the "midlife crisis," which comes with its own prepackaged solutions and methodologies to ensure that any doubt in the Holy Spectacle never gets past an initial doubting stage and never escapes the context with which we are supplied. Don't you see? The spectacle never allows itself to be discussed or questioned outside of the narrowly permissioned scope of its own context. NEETlife is what was stolen from you. The greatest tragedy is that it also stole the means to enjoy it; to exist instantaneously and inside the context of your own humanity. And you have the gall, the utter lack of awareness, to suggest it's NEETlife itself which is the problem.

I'll pray for you.

>> No.17857322

What drives you to get out of bed in the morning?

>> No.17857323

Actresses and fashion models are ugly as fuck, you dumb mongoloid. They're selected to appeal to gays and/or Jews.

>> No.17857326

Two months

>> No.17857330


>> No.17857331

It's the literal opposite. They're made to appeal to goyims

>> No.17857332
File: 35 KB, 720x717, 1616339921721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know but the outside world will eat me alive
i hope for miracle

>> No.17857333

You're missing the point retard - this has nothing to do with looks. It's all about status. It's all about who people see hanging off my arm.

>> No.17857337

Go back retard

>> No.17857340

No, they're made to reinforce unhealthy physiques so the goyim get body dysmorphia.

>> No.17857355

Most more successful working man don't despise the NEET, they might even pity them. They despise the low end wageslaves, the people who do all the (literally) shitty work and minimum wage working drones. That's how bad it is. The people who do the work that's actually needed and important receive the most disdain. What a fucking joke.

>> No.17857360

you'll do much better when you realise nobody pays attention to anything.

>> No.17857380

sure everyone has its own problems but i just feel inadequate for normalcy hence i avoid stress by remaining neet.

>> No.17857388

Opt out. En masse, opt out. Society's bedrock is nothing firmer than fiat currency. It's the alpha and the omega in the infinitely fungible world of rampant postmodernism. People accept it as if it's the word of God himself (fucking puritans) when in reality the money machine prints abstraction from His mulched corpus like processed meat. You're supposed to eat shit and ask for seconds, then flush the remainder of your humanity down the toilet with it. Revolt, revolt!

>> No.17857393

revolt is never going to happen

>> No.17857403


>> No.17857409

Just wait for automation, my man. It's right around the corner. It's going to be the great reckoning. When you've replaced with machines and AI, what do you do with the downtrodden? What do you do with the human beings who've outlived their utility? You're going to treat them right, finally, or they're going to eat you.

>> No.17857455

Only singularity could effectively make a change.

>> No.17857459 [DELETED] 

>landlord came over unannounced
>my appartment is messy as fuck
>she's mad about it
>can't explain to her that almost all of it is depression / executive disfunction/ I don't know where to put it
>can't explain it to her without it sounding like terrible excuses

>> No.17857466
File: 33 KB, 315x346, 1610795706233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>landlord came over unannounced
>>my appartment is messy as fuck
>she's mad about it
>can't explain to her that almost all of it is depression / executive disfunction/ I don't know where to put it
>can't explain it to her without it sounding like terrible excuses
I can't deal with this. What do I do?

>> No.17857470

Your landlord can’t tell you how to live. If you’ve broken no rules of your lease, they can’t say or do anything. It’s also illegal for them to come over unannounced like that. Find a new apartment because this one is going to be a nightmare soon.

>> No.17857471
File: 1.47 MB, 1400x1400, circus-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need anonymous advice. I wasn't gonna write about this, but it comes to a point where anonymous advice would be good.

Twelve years ago (I think) me and a friend got really drunk and kind of roamed the area around where we lived. I would have been 18. I suppose we were experimenting with rebellion: we broke a window on a country store, did some other weird shit. the major thing was that we kinda strolled into an area where a circus kept their equipment. Nothing was locked, there was no gate, we just strolled in. What I remember concretely was that we found their kitchen-wagon, ate some shit. I remember there was a stove/oven-unit, and I pissed in the oven. that's one strike of vandalism against me, I can't imagine it was usable after that. I remember somewhere in there I found a spray-can, and we found the wagons that they use more closely to the circus-work, the ones painted all bright and nice. I remember I graffitied one of the big broad-sides on one wagon. That's strike 2. Now it's possible I did more shit, but I don't remember.

Now I've been meaning to try to set this right. I'm responsible for damages of at least 500€, I'm sure, but it could be more because there could be an opportunities-cost if their wagon being fucked messed up future gigs for them. I don't really know what it costs to clean/repaint a circus-wagon, so I don't know the cost, and this is just what I remember. I've looked up which circus it was and I can get ahold of them.

The crux is that I don't want to out the other guy. We aren't in touch anymore, but I figure it's his business if he wants to settle his debt or not, it's not for me to decide. So one idea would be to say I was alone. On the other hand I have no memory of what he did, and I don't want to pay for his fuckery. I have this vague idea of a memory that maybe he took a shit somewhere he shouldn't have, and I don't want that on my record.

I think they stopped with the circus-work and branched out into other stuff, there's like a big mother-production-company. One idea would be to try and find a local school, be really honest with them and say exactly what I'm doing and why, and offer to sponsor a field trip of theirs to the circus. This way the circus gets compensation, the kids get a day. I don't really know if a school would react positively to this though, it's kind of an odd thing, and it sort of wouldn't settle my debt since the circus-people wouldn't get their satisfaction. The other ideas are simply to pay it off with interest or to work for free for them, if they accept this as compensation. I hope they don't bring in the law, but I reckon they could as I will be admitting to a crime. I've basically decided that I will have to do something about this, so if you think I'm being an idiot about it then that's what I'm gonna be. We'll see, but that is my intention.

>> No.17857474

that's the downside of renting. one time i rushed off to work and left my room a mess like who gives a shit it's my room, and then the landlord came by with an exterminator to spray so not only was he in my room but some rando exterminator and maybe my other roommates were looking around, on the other hand, if you own your own home, there won't be some magical guy that brings an exterminator by to spray while you're at work, so it has upsides and downsides

>> No.17857476

Don't know if you're still here to read this but seeing from your outlook in life you're gonna go through pain in life either way. It holds true for practically anyone. Maybe it was you who fucked up your life maybe it wasn't. Taking responsibility doesn't mean you blame yourself, it means whatever happened happened and you make the best of the worst situation. You can have shame and regret, everyone else does, hell I do too. But its better to have that than to live without the conscious of knowing you could've been better. That way you know you can still be better. I regret my teenage years for the most part because I felt like I wasted it on being an angsty runt. I could've been fitter, I could've learned a new language, etc. But now that I know I didn't, I can do it now. Because although those days are gone I still have the days ahead of me.

>> No.17857481

I've lived here a long time already, and she came over because there had to be work done on the faucets.
She's one of those super strict grandparent types that purse their lips and tells me that I'm just being lazy. I'm doing my best goddammit. My apartment is 30m^2, so if I even a little bit of shit laying around it looks like a trash heap.

>> No.17857482

I really regret not finding my passion for reading and writing when I was younger and I honestly harbor a lot of resentment for my dad specifically because of it. I knew I liked reading and writing by the time I was 14, but he was the stereotypical jock dad who liked to drink and I was terrified he would think it was effeminate. We didn’t have a good relationship and I just wanted him to like me. By the time I was 16, mom and dad had divorced and we basically got kicked out. We started to struggle from there. From 16 to honestly like 24, I never saw my dad and the only thing I thought about was trying to be some successful dude bro that he could admire. I didn’t read enough. I actually tried to suppress my desire to read. I didn’t write at all. It wasn’t until I was 25, living alone, and had reconciled with my father that I just stopped caring and started to read voraciously. I want to write now but it would have been better if I had been younger. I just couldn’t get over that damn complex and I blame him for a lot of that.

>> No.17857485

>be tall, fit and attractive enough to be offered modelling work
>still do not have the confidence to get gf
What the fuck is wrong with me it's like I'm minmaxing in the wrong stats

>> No.17857486

but the landlord is not allowed to come to your house unannounced

>> No.17857491

You could make an anonymous donation

>> No.17857492

She still can’t do that. And just clean your apartment already.

>> No.17857493

i feel you that if you pay rent you should be able to organize your living space how you see fit even if that means chaotic piles, but not to sound petersonian, but keeping your shit mostly presentable really is a better way to live, doesn't have to look like you have a maid service preparing for an architecture digest photoshoot, but it also shouldn't look like an abandoned storage container

>> No.17857503 [DELETED] 

i had that, when i was a super gym rat in my 20s, i got stopped by photographers on the street in manhattan that wanted to photograph me, one guy was like "i'm sick of these boys from the agencies, i need someone masculine" i owed student loans back then and didn't even think hey how much do i get paid, oh well, i'm fucking dumb

>> No.17857515

The thing is, is that I can get it "presentable" in about 10-20 min, but I just didn't have the time. Since my medication got tweaked, I've been doing a lot better, but I have some issues.
I can't explain that to her.

>> No.17857521

you're right anon, you're right about everything and i'm the only one who's too dumb to understand this fundamental of life.
>I still have the days ahead of me.
sometimes i feel like i have the days ahead of me but there's nothing to which i look forward to. i know that the truly courageous people face immense fear but still act courageous despite it. there's too much regret, too much to swallow and the last time i let myself to see through the keyhole - i was so overwhelmed that i punched the wall so hard, it broke in two places. it was like this sensation that it was my own fault for everything and me blaming the external things is just an excuse.

>> No.17857522

What do think the vaccine was for?

>> No.17857525

I plan on getting blackout drunk and walking as far out into the ocean as possible.

>> No.17857534 [DELETED] 

i had a coworker that tried the walking into the ocean thing, someone saw her and she got saved, she had to jump off a bridge later to get it done

>> No.17857567

currently waiting for some tax forms to come in the mail. i should be able to file them and get a couple grand from them all. i'll be buying my big titty goth gf a nice milkshake and i'll be taking her out to a nice dinner

>> No.17857572

drink me

>> No.17857583

I don't think you should do that anon. I could go on like the religious fruitcake I am, but I assure you that it is easily within the power of God to turn around whatever it is that is going wrong for you, and every day that you continue to hold on to that hope is a day you will be compensated for a thousand fold, or more than that. Holding on is all you have to do right now. It will pass, things will turn around. So hold on.

>> No.17857593

I feel like as far as suicide methods go this one wouldn't work that well

>> No.17857596

>within the power of God to turn around
Anon... It's nice you're trying to help the guy, but by your own logic, it's God that's screwing him over right now. I'm pretty sure there's no magic force in the universe causing things to happen. There is only cause and effect, and sometimes it isn't fair.

Saying it's God just makes it worse, because it means he singles out certain people for shitloads of misery.

>> No.17857602

no, not complete sensory deprivation. just don't do anything to stave off the boredom that descends on you if you put away all devices and just be.

>> No.17857606


>> No.17857615

Nothing is going wrong for me. On paper, my life is fine, even good besides a bit of isolation. I have just realized that I can’t live up to my ideals.

>> No.17857616

>It's nice you're trying to help the guy, but by your own logic, it's God that's screwing him over right now.
yea, as a way for him to realize the emptiness of the material world. Everything that happens is only meant as a possibility for spiritual growth. Hard times are hard but simple, difficult to go through but then going through them is all you have to do. Good times are easy but complex, because when you have an abundance you have to make the effort to give, and you have to have true gratitude for what you have been granted. All of human life exists between these poles. No one is cursed except the one bound in material life. Suffering can be a way out, but not if you die.

>> No.17857637

it is NOT an anime website, retard. it has boards for anime. this isn't /lit/ - anime literature,/tv/ isn't anime television, etc. the fact that it originated as a weeb site is irrelevant. it hasn't been for a long time.

>> No.17857653

there are a lot easier ways to kill yourself.

>> No.17857672

>He doesn't know all other boards exist solely to keep /a/ pure
Do you think /b/ is called /b/ because random starts with a b?

>> No.17857673

They didn't let me be born.

>> No.17857678

>Hard times are hard but simple
>Good times are easy but complex
>All of human life exists between these poles
I agree with that.
"It matters little if you're born to play the king or pawn, for the line is thinly drawn between joy and sorrow."
I don't agree that the material world is empty. One thing that's definitely true, though, is that this life is temporary, the universe is unbelievably huge, creation might be infinite, and so might your soul.

>> No.17857679


>> No.17857682

>NOooooooo it's the eternal summer website now
I'd say that's a lot of summerchildren's experience.

>> No.17857684

It all went wrong with /g/ becoming technology.

>> No.17857685
File: 96 KB, 598x343, nonsense redo it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Esteemed writer anons of /lit/, this is Miyako she's read your latest piece of work.

>> No.17857689

>liked book reading from childhood
>text analysis is the hardest thing for me

>> No.17857692

text analysis is bullshit. the curtains are blue.

>> No.17857698

no, because it started as a weeb site, as I said. pretty sure the title also used to be anime/random or whatever. it changed. certain boards are for weebs. the rest aren't. again, this isn't an anime board with a literature theme, it's just a literature board.

>> No.17857701

>the correct text analysis depends on teachers mood

>> No.17857708

It reminds me of gematria. It's tea-leaf divination, but with books.

>> No.17857717

Answer me graduated or PhD bros, currently working my ass off in this second semester, freshman.

Does it ever get any easier or fun?

>> No.17857730

First year is supposed to be the easiest mate

>> No.17857731

>board and website are interchangeable
>thinking you alone can bruteforce a culture change here
How young are you?

>> No.17857735

Get a trade.

>> No.17857738

If you don't have the confidence to chat up women IRL just download Tinder and put some pictures of yourself on there, if you're attractive the women will tend to message you first. You listen to the things women talk about in conversation and you'll quickly come to the ephinany that you don't need to take them that seriously
t. former model and former sperg

>> No.17857750

Tinder as a device for exposure therapy does sound great.

Probably should be described to all incels.

>> No.17857755

They say it gets easier in 3rd and 4th year, because then it mostly practice.

>> No.17857774

it's still an anime website, and always will be. this is an anime board. all boards on 4chan are anime boards
it is not, however, and never will be a vtuber website, and this is not a vtuber board. the only vtuber board is their containment board, like /mlp/

>> No.17857797

It's literally the same person making the threads each time. The vtubers are obnoxious, but not as obnoxious as this little shit who thinks he owns all the generals on /lit/

>> No.17857805

vtube is anime

>> No.17857808

To be fair, there are some boards which don't allow anime but they're all porn boards.

>> No.17857815

It's not like I can't get laid, I just have to get drunk.
Getting gf is much harder. What do I even say or ask her to do?

>> No.17857823

First year was the easiest but not fun. It gets harder but more fun.

>> No.17857836

"will you be my girlfriend", dipshit

>> No.17857843

Uni is fucking boring unless you're taking a fun class or something practical like research

>> No.17857851

Yeah but don't you date her for a while before asking shit like that?

>> No.17857890

Yeah, idk. I was just being a dick. It's been 7 years since I've had a girlfriend. I think it's normal go on dates for a few weeks and then ask. 2 dates is too soon, 30 is too late. Correct me if I'm wrong, /lit/ Chads.

>> No.17858042

my stomach hurts but my heart hurts worse

>> No.17858325

It's probably gas m8. Not even joking.

>> No.17858895

>Perhaps ban guns except for people who have licenses, such as in Europe.
You already need a license