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17849934 No.17849934[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is music haram?

>> No.17849943

Some even consider Sufi music to be haram! Crazy.

>> No.17849955

momo said the devil lives in instruments

>> No.17849970

because it takes your mind away from Allah

>> No.17849984

And that's how I know he was a faggot.

>> No.17850001

What if I see Allah in music?

>> No.17850004

Most of it is degenerate, simple as
Either lyrics wise or because of the instruments (rhythmic ones such as percussion)

Enjoy hell christshit

>> No.17850007

Can be used to encourage impure thoughts, espcially in these times. Different sects have different takes on it, such the twelver shia only prohibit degenerate music i.e. music that encourages sex, drug taking, dancing etc

>> No.17850012

listen to more music

>> No.17850014

Then you’re a heretic

Such as?

>> No.17850038

>Be Mohamed
>Tiny dick warlord schizo
>Dick so tiny can only sodomize young aisha.
>Invent invisible sky daddy to cope with tiny dick
>Arab people still culturally rich and produce good music.
>Insecure faggot bans music to make others life hell.

Is Mohamed the most insecure guy ever?

>> No.17850049

Because Islam is just fucking retarded, and will most likely destroy itself, if it won’t be destroyed by another fucktarded monotheism

>> No.17850051
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>muh dick
Classic christnigger

>> No.17850057

Islam is the only monotheistic religion

>> No.17850070

>Tiny dick people Join Islam all over the world.

Is this supposed to help your case?

>> No.17850078

Repent and return to Christ.

>> No.17850079

>doubles down on muh dick
You’re not helping yours, nigger.

>> No.17850091

>Allah created all
>By extension he must have created music
>Momo bans music.

Was momo LARPing all along?

>> No.17850100

Music is proof of the inherent beauty of both the world and human soul.

That's why it's haram in Islam because beauty is a strange concept to these faggots.

>> No.17850101

Allah created Satan, so what? Not an argument christcuck

>> No.17850105

>inherent beauty of both the world and human soul
Meaningless christcuck buzzwords.

>> No.17850113

There aren't any muslims here. The people here claiming to be followers of Muhammad are larpers, larping even harder than the tradcath zoomers.

>> No.17850121

Christcuck projection

>> No.17850138

I don't know why you would want to but you will never be a goatfucker.

>> No.17850164

Do you even understand what logical fallacy is?

Your pedo prophet banned music which supposedly Allah has created.

Conclusion- Momo was a LARPER and not a prophet

Seriously you mudslimes are retarded. Read something other than quran once a while

>> No.17850173

This is exactly what I was taking about.

Beauty is so alien to these sandniggers they can't even comprehend it's existence let alone appreciate it.

Only Christ can judge but if want my advice you should kys asap

>> No.17850178

Not him but you didn’t understand his point anon, that’s kinda obvious.

>> No.17850185

BTFOing christniggers is easy but fun as fuck

>> No.17850200

>Hasn't made a single logical statement

Is this the famed Islamic knowledge?

>> No.17850202

Who said that music is banned in Islam?
Islam bans something called Laghw which includes pointless talk, profanity, backbiting, etc.
I am sure that most of our modern day music (especially pop music) falls under the category of Laghw.
Whether all types of music are banned depends on the interpretation and your school of thought (Sunni, Shia, etc).

>> No.17850204

I respect Sufism as they make a lot of sense. But the average muslim is dumb as hell

>> No.17850212

Every single thing I said was logical, christcucks on the other hand only appealed to emotion

>> No.17850219

Why should I care what a hellbound christcuck respects?

>> No.17850233

>Going to hell
>Your lalaland isn't real faggot


>> No.17850240

Atheists are just christcucks lite

>> No.17850239

>God created satan for shit and giggles
>Offers no proof

Dirty mudslime

>> No.17850252
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>> No.17850257
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Muzzies BTFO

>> No.17850258

>noooo you can’t fuck little girls because... you just can’t ok?

>> No.17850268

you're mad as fuck
also muhammed fucks pigs

>> No.17850277

Wrong and wrong
Try using facts next time :^)

>> No.17850283

Pedo piece of shit.

>> No.17850285

This anti-Islam/Muslim thing is a psyops by kikes that want to see a war between muslims and Whites.

>> No.17850289 [DELETED] 
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>> No.17850296
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>> No.17850316

Sees men
1. Molest kids
2. Drink piss
3. Ban Music


Major kek

>> No.17850320
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>replies in a minute
yes you are

>> No.17850323


>> No.17850325

What is the sheytan if not a god? Isn't that basicly Zoroastrianism for retards?

>> No.17850333

>What is the sheytan if not a god
Slave of Allāh same as everything else

>> No.17850336

Unironically read Guenon.
He diffrentiates between esotericism and exotericism and says that one is for the intellectual elite and the other is for plebeians. It's not fair to judge a doctrine based on some of its ignorant practitioners.

>> No.17850345

>Allah creates some beeing to oppose himself for no good reason
Damn, muslim theology truly is the peak of human achievment

>> No.17850351

Muhammad was an exotericist. Initiation and all that bullshit is from pagans/christcucks

>> No.17850356

I wasn't arguing, you absolute retard.

>> No.17850366

Satan doesn’t oppose Allah you dumb christcuck

>> No.17850372

So you are against Sufism?

>> No.17850374

>the chad Muslim vs the virgin materialist

>> No.17850385


>> No.17850422

>>He doesn't know about the unity of being
you and me and satan and everything else in this world is the one and only single reality, that is being. Noting is created in this world without God's direct will (˹He is˺ the Originator of the heavens and the earth! When He decrees a matter, He simply tells it, “Be!” And it is! Quran 2:117)
and this is the truest form of monotheism, it's also present in advaita vedanta and is the true primordial tradition.
I don't know where christians got this trinity bullshit. Even Newton didn't believe in it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_of_Isaac_Newton..
my suggestions:
read ibn arabi or meister eckhart.

>> No.17850429

That is simply not true. You seem to have overdosed on Salafism. What is Ali? What is Jafar al Sadiq? What is Salam the Persian?

>> No.17850592


>> No.17850602


>> No.17850612

Anything that brings you joy is evil in Islam.

>> No.17850686

>Allah created poison
>Why don't we all take poison
Not everything Allah created is good, some is bad or neutral

>> No.17850688
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Is coffee halal for you?

>> No.17850692

>It's not fair to judge a doctrine based on some of its ignorant practitioners.
Whereas all these Westerners know about Islam comes from gastarbeiders which have their own working-man Islam

>> No.17850703


>> No.17850725
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You laugh at this when it's actually true. Rare but it happens. Sometimes a slight amount of admixture can persist within the genotype but not be expressed in the phenotype of either parent but be passed on to a child. Pic related is an example.

Bedouins have a small amount of sub saharan African admixture so it is plausible. This logic wouldn't really apply to a Swedish couple giving birth to a mini Tyrone obviously. Yet again memes aside our Prophet Muhammad PBUH is vindicated.

Have faith in Islam and the evidence comes after.

>> No.17850727

Islamic theology is both perfectly consistent from thelogical perspective as from non theological/psychological/atheistic. I am in a good mood and I will answer some (legit) question, for the next couple of minutes. Just gear in mind I am not a scholar and even though I might kow a lot of stuff, there are people who have dedicated their entire lives to this and their understanding far exceedees my own.

>> No.17850729


>> No.17850731

its true though.

>> No.17850732

>What is Ali
Not a shiite or sufi if that's what you're implying. As for the rest, don't know + don't care

>> No.17850738

does that also apply to physical aspects like head shape and lips?

>> No.17850754


Embarrassing cuck here

>> No.17850784

>dude X only looks retarded its SECRETLY BASED
naw nigga

>> No.17850786

>Why is music haram?
because the musicians from Meca mocked Mohammed and called him out on his bullshit new religion. same with non-religious poetry and visual arts. in the end they all got jihad'd after he raised and army of bandits and took Meca by storm

>> No.17850814

Cope harder

>> No.17850844

talk shit get hit

>> No.17850851

Dancing is haram?

>> No.17850871

Partner dances are obviously haram, as for the rest it depends on context and intention

>> No.17850879

Islam is an introvert's religion. Just think of all the things introverts avoid/can't do and you're a step closer to understanding Muslims.

>> No.17850898

Do you have to ask that question after seeing the current state of the music industry? Things like this are seen by non Muslims and even some misguided Muslims alike as strange, irrelevant and nonsense. The truth of the matter which even non Muslims on this site can admit is that music is a tool which can be used to subvert a society. This is done by introducing ideas and concepts that lead to the inevitable acceptance of degenerate behaviours.

If you're interested on the Islamic rulings check out
The website isn't perfect and is run by so called "salafis" but on most topics there is an agreement.

>> No.17850902

allah is the demiurge and the demiurge has a record of hating music because music helps the soul transcend the material world by being entirely made up of the patterns of the material world. the soul recognizes the patterns and stops falling for the tricks of samael, thus transcending him

>> No.17850913

Allah is the "Godhead", schizo.

>> No.17850918

>music because music helps the soul transcend the material world by being entirely made up of the patterns of the material world.
OMG why are /mu/fags the most insufferable creatures of Allah? And I'm saying this as a /lit/fag because they can be insufferable as well. I like music as much as the next guy, but it's always muh soul, muh transcendent this and that

>> No.17850922

Just. Another. Archon.
At least for gnostics.
Protip: Escaping from this wretched demiurge just entails escaping mystical nonsensical thought altogether and going beyond it.

>> No.17850937

>Escaping from this wretched demiurge just entails escaping mystical nonsensical thought altogether
You mean like gnoscuckism?

>> No.17850946

>Allah is the "Godhead"
Partially. Allah is both the Godhead and the underlying parts at the same time

>> No.17850957

Not all siblings look alike. The range in features is much larger in admixed populations compared to reasonably pure and homogenous ones. A pair of mutts have kids with a range of features whilst a pair of two nilots or Scots or Koreans will have kids with much more similar features. It's not rocket science

It's not cuck behaviour when it's a real phenomenon. If the prophet didn't make such a ruling then many innocent women might have been killed for giving children that don't look similar to the husband even though they are his kid which you can today prove with DNA tests. However that technology didn't exist at the time so it's a cautionary measure to not have so many guys with paternity insecurities kill. 1400 years we had to wait for DNA tests.

That into account he said this to a Bedouin who are known and proven to have a few % of sub saharan admixture. I'm not saying this applies to a pair of Adaman islanders having a Chinese looking offspring but it did to them.

Laugh all you want but the science backs our Prophet Muhammad PBUh

>> No.17850965

No, just suspending irrational neoplatonic bullshit myths from being the basis of your life and doing something instead of blaming the demiurge all fucking day.

>> No.17850968

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.17850977

>blaming the demiurge
Nobody does this except gnostic larpers

>> No.17850996

"Gnostic larpers" is redundant

>> No.17851017

It’s not haram. Don’t trust the Hadiths. Most of them are satanic or elements from Judaism and/or Christianity added by converts.

>> No.17851050

Allaah says in Soorat Luqmaan (interpretation of the meaning):

“And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing) to mislead (men) from the path of Allaah…” [Luqmaan 31:6]

Basically Allah is telling you not to be a Jew and follow the trends the Jewish Music Industry puts forwards. Sure you can listen to Music but only if it serves a good purpose not that celebrity pop culture and gossip garbage.

>> No.17851216

Music however will always be a tool which can be used against us and would be a vulnerability as long as it is permitted. I'd rather be cautious and not engage in it at all. Poetry is perfectly fine and isn't as close as an effective tool in destroying the cultural fabric of a society as music.

>> No.17851264

This is my biggest fear being half spic. My dad is white, I'm even paler than him, but my mom being a 2nd Gen immigrant obviously has darker skin tone. I'm afraid my child might end up taking after my mom's side. And there is no way to prove it as mine without genetic tests.

>> No.17851271

>following a hadith

>> No.17851291


>> No.17851295

Don't offend muslims

>> No.17851307

>can be used against us and would be a vulnerability as long as it is permitted
Unbelievably true, I used to hate music when I was younger, but I was also influence free. Once I opened just a little and started to enjoy it I could feel like the floodgates opening and everyone could influence me.

>> No.17851340

piss off

>> No.17851356

>Dismissing Hadiths
That would be like a Christian dismissing The Gospels

>> No.17851360
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Islam is for stupid faggots. muslims have no sense of humor, their spirit is circumcised. Islam is literally sickness.

>> No.17851369

>t. I like to speak from ignorance

>> No.17851373

fuck your society fabric, pathetic, and fuck you, scum.

>> No.17851386

humor is reddit

>> No.17851389
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you like to speak from asshole, faggot

>> No.17851401
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humor is spirit, humor is life itself. allah is pathetic faggot.

>> No.17851408
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>> No.17851410
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don't offended muslims bloated ego, self importance

>> No.17851411

>muslims have no sense of humor
>'Amir b. Sa'd reported on the authority of his father that Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) gathered for him on the Day of Uhud his parents when a polytheist had set fire to (i. e. attacked fiercely) the Muslims. Thereupon Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) said to him: (Sa'd), shoot an arrow, (Sa'd), may my mother and father be taken as ransom for you. I drew an arrow and I shot a featherless arrow at him aiming his side that he fell down and his private parts were exposed. Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) laughed that I saw his front teeth.

>> No.17851418

>allah is pathetic faggot.
You're lucky you aren't aware of who you're referring to when you say Allah, for he is The Lord of The Worlds, so you probably aren't going to be punished.

>> No.17851454

I don't understand the irrational hate for Islam (and christianity but not as bad) here

>> No.17851461
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of course, dancing, music, smiling, laughing, any freedom of expression offends slaves. muslims cannot produce rock, grind core, black, glam, punk, trance, ambient, dark wave music, industrial, they are deaf and blind. muslims cannot produce warcraft, starcraft, subnautica, shadow of war, they have no imagination, no inspiration, no spirit, they have only fear. islam and creativity are opposite.

>> No.17851474
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you faggot have no brain cells to even grasp possibility of having idea of who I am.

>> No.17851486

Freedom is satanic you dumb christcuck.

>> No.17851488

>Muslims cannot produce noise therefore they are void of creativity
Highly limited mindset, probably a product of the western education system.

>> No.17851498

>Pretending to be God
Nice LARP, true Christian would be afraid(due to respect) of what God is and how dangerous is for people to imagine they are God.

>> No.17851517

Aquinas said music was bad except if it venerates God

>> No.17851537

Your worshiping an idol, a fictional character that you confuse with the Prophet and this character drinks camel piss and raped a little girl. Shame on you, you filthy piece of shit. This character will tell you how to wash your ass and he’ll tell you that music is bad. This character was created more than 150 years after the death of the Prophet.
Shut the fuck up, retard. There’s only a single Message and that’s the Quran.

>> No.17851549

>Your worshiping an idol, a fictional character that you confuse with the Prophet and this character drinks camel piss and raped a little girl. Shame on you, you filthy piece of shit. This character will tell you how to wash your ass and he’ll tell you that music is bad. This character was created more than 150 years after the death of the Prophet
>Shut the fuck up, retard. There’s only a single Message and that’s the Quran
Am i the only ome seeing a conflict within the same post?

>> No.17851573

Muhammad didn't drink camel piss, just because it's not explicitly forbidden doesn't mean you have to do it
>raped a little girl
Can't rape your wife, that's a liberal spook
>This character will tell you how to wash your ass and he’ll tell you that music is bad
Music *is* trash and reminding people to wash their ass is good, look at Americans, most of them think using paper is enough.

>> No.17852228

I am not true christian, I am Christ. so stfu stupid faggot, opinion worth shit.

>> No.17852283
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for limited mindset music is noise. that is very descriptive of muslim, they want attention, as anybody, but they have nothing to offer except their bullshit talks. toxic narcissism 101.

Salvation is very simple, my children, save yourself from those who want to help you to save yourself, they only need your loosh, they create fear to save from. Keep away from christians, muslims, scientists and other believers, children and kittens are based.

>> No.17852300
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bullshit, you are just a shill with the task to annoy.

>> No.17852334
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bullshit is toxic, and this is hate for bullshit. bullshit diverts attention, diverts will, spirit, energy, bullshit reduces wu wei, joy, life itself. islam is bullshit.

>> No.17852355


Music is a direct expression of a natural human essence - by negating this you are denying your innate animality, but also the profound human reason which turns the primal rhythm implicit in our very organism (the heart, duh) into art. My grandfather is a Muslim and he never listens to music (or interacts with any art) - accordingly, he is the most miserable, joyless person I know. In fact, all Muslims are joyless and life-denying, worse so than Christians and Jews.

>> No.17852425

>but also the profound human reason which turns the primal rhythm implicit in our very organism (the heart, duh) into art.
Boy, you haven't a clue about the rhythm of the heart unlike those who have mastered it to the utmost degree and made ot the higest art form which are Sufi's. Don't berate things tnat are beyond your comprehension

>> No.17852620

such a shame that an attractive woman would degrade herself like this

>> No.17852641

how is it degrading?

>> No.17852642

scum, go away to your based muslims.

>> No.17852768

I don't want to blame all muslims and all muslim movements (some of em might be less idiotic), but essentially, just as it happens with many abrahamic, but also non abrahamic religions, it boils down to:

>"Whaaaaaat appreciating anything that actually exists???? Affirming worldly life??? Nooo, you must constantly be obsessed with a non existing Hinterwelt (God) and practice asceaticism!"

Maybe my interpretation is a bit too Nietzschean for some, but Nietzsche was right in pointing out the pessimistic denial in these ideas.

>> No.17852832

The pepe is only photoshopped there, anon.

>> No.17852836

do yyou think she may have kissed apu? not like a sexual kiss but just a friendly kiss on the forehead? ha ha. just imagining.

>> No.17852870


>Islam is beyond my comprehension

Mate, I literally have Muslim family members and they are all scum, the worst people I have met. Everything is an offence to them, everything an affront to their maniacal sensibilities. They cannot create anything beautiful - in fact they destroy beauty.

>> No.17852878


*Medieval, not maniacal

>> No.17853195

What do your family members do?

>> No.17853210

I just noticed the penguin
what the fuck is going on in that picture

>> No.17854426


The few I know over here in bongland are in medicine or property. Successful yes - good people, not at all. This isn't a racial thing at all, it's completely cultural. They're holier-than-thou hypocrites, who don't do any of the pillars bullshit. I don't think my miserly grandfather has so much as spoken to a poor person, let alone given them alms. I've cut ties with them all anyways.
All the rest I've never met, (they're distant relatives more than anything), and never want to meet - they're in Pakistan in some shithole or other probably.

>> No.17854544

It depends. You can follow Ghazali's opinion, and a lot of the Ottomans. Classical music is the safest bet when it comes to "halal" music.
Most opinions regarding Music being haram is rational interpretation of Hadith, using logic to justify how music does in fact intoxicate someone in some sense, furthering them from focus and sobriety instead of anything explicitly said in any hadith.
This lecture by Syeikh Hakim Winter is a good introduction to this topic.