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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 263 KB, 1589x1960, russell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17840515 No.17840515 [Reply] [Original]

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra is pseudoprophetic
>The misery of a whole nation, he says, is of less importance than the
suffering of a great individual: "The misfortunes of all these small folk do not together
constitute a sum-total, except in the feelings of mighty men."
>"he says in Beyond Good and Evil, where he adds
that we should think of women as property, as Orientals do. The whole of his abuse of women is
offered as self-evident truth; it is not backed up by evidence from history or from his own
experience, which, so far as women were concerned, was almost confined to his sister."

You guys love to hate him, but Russell's description of Nietzsche is actually pretty good. A true incel idol for sure

>> No.17840522

Jesus, why do you fags always create shitty threads?

>> No.17840526

nice new meme, now contribute something

>> No.17840542
File: 14 KB, 247x204, `ORRIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

musickk turns u into a cunt.

>> No.17840557


>> No.17840621


>> No.17840635

>this is a virtue not a vice

>> No.17840643

He was right, that's why Nietzsche appeals to teenagers and losers

>> No.17840659

Sounds reddit and cringe. Russell has never said anything of worth.

>> No.17840711

>it is not backed up by evidence from history
Evidence for a value judgement? What?

>> No.17840809

Russell was my introduction to philosophy and for that i am eternally endebted to him. that being said, apart from his overly pedantic and dry style of writing which only loossens up once in a while through a pinch of equally dry humor. i fail see anything unworthy when it comes to his philosophical works. politically speaking i would accept your reproach but in terms of his writing on other subjects, disregard the latent ideology in them and you get a sharp mind with the prose to back it up.

>> No.17840823

>there's no proof that someone's subjective ideal is right or wrong
Gee, Russell, you don't say. Let me guess, at the same time you believe your utilitarianism is somehow "self-evident" or objective despite suffering from the same flaw. Just another idiot who went well under the wings of the soaring Nietzsche.

>> No.17840825

Not him but the same applies to for example Kant. I often wonder how much we can truly vindicate their ratiocination when, in some areas, they have so clearly been unreasonable.

>> No.17840903

i think you're no more obligated to vindicate than you are to dissmiss a writer that touches a magnitude of subjects such as philosophers commonly do.

>> No.17840908

You are not the superman and never will be.

>> No.17840919

Russell's right on the money about a lot of things, that's why he makes /lit/ seethe so hard. Because deep down they know that both him and by extension, reddit, are right.

>> No.17840924

holy fuck based

>> No.17840930

>and by extension, reddit

>> No.17840931


>> No.17840967


>> No.17841296
File: 11 KB, 220x123, 1615159475982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17841525

>I am an atheist who loves some other atheist pushing for science and humanism

wew, who knew

>> No.17841531

is this satire?

>> No.17841990


>> No.17843377

Reminder that Russel was a literal and unironic cuck in an open relationship who eventually lost his shit when his wife became pregnant by another man.

His views on pretty much everything outside of mathematics are notoriously bad for a reason, he was a fag.

>> No.17843465

The long tears
Of the violins
Of Autumn
Wound my heart
With a languor

Lost my breath
An white, when
Rings the hour
I remember
The old days
And I cry those tears;

And I go away,
Always in a bad way,
That takes me
Over, yonder,
As would a
Dead leaf.

>> No.17843848

But he also cucked someone who was unwilling (Whitehead) let's not forget about that.

>> No.17843886

Whitehead is a nobody.

>> No.17843933

He’s BASED cause he’s SMOKING in the pic and is SMUG. He BTFO’D Nitch, how will the enemies of liberal democracy ever recover?!?!?

>> No.17843946

Based Russell (pbuh) utterly destroying c*ntinental cuck n*etzsche

>> No.17843984

the only person more bothersome and regurgitated than nietzche is russell.

>> No.17843995
File: 611 KB, 601x567, D5312960-0C61-482A-8796-DD872046BB0B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and by extension, reddit

>> No.17844116

>we should think of women as property
Women aren't sentient so I don't see why not.

>> No.17844197
File: 208 KB, 327x316, 2ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The whole of his abuse of women is
>offered as self-evident truth; it is not backed up by evidence
You literally can't make this shit up

>> No.17844200
File: 284 KB, 584x520, 1613874506151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wander into thread i posted yesterday
>catch up with ppl's posts
>hating on Russell, somehow reddit is in volved
>see pepe
i think pepe's losing it

>> No.17845711

Anyone who uses the word incel always seems to look like one in some way. Or they are simply a homosexual

>> No.17845765

existential proof pl
I'll start it for you:

>> No.17845797

Nietzsche FUCKED and Russell FUCKED and Wittgenstein FUCKED and Hegel FUCKED and Jesus FUCKED you see what I'm getting at here? All these niggas FUCKED

>> No.17845960

i love fucking. what about it?