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/lit/ - Literature

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17807656 No.17807656[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Socrates: And about knowledge and ignorance in general; see whether you think that any man who has knowledge ever would wish to have the choice of saying or doing more than another man who has knowledge. Would he not rather say or do the same as his like in the same case?
>Thrasymachus: That, I suppose, can hardly be denied.
>Socrates: And what of the ignorant? would he not desire to have more than either the knowing or the ignorant?
>Thrasymachus: I dare say.
>Socrates: And the knowing is wise?
>Thrasymachus: Yes.
>Socrates: And the wise is good?
>Thrasymachus: True.
>Socrates: Then the wise and good will not desire to gain more than his like, but more than his unlike and opposite?
>Thrasymachus: I suppose so.
>Socrates: Whereas the bad and ignorant will desire to gain more than both?
>Thrasymachus: Yes.

No Socrates, you fucking retard. Of course the knowledgeable want to outdo each other. Else every field would be uniform and doctors wouldn't disagree in how to treat a patient, or builders in how to build a building
This man is a fucking baboon. How can he be so revered for the last 3 thousand years?

>> No.17807660

seek help, coomer

>> No.17807667

waist is shooped, I can tell by the pixels

>> No.17807668
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>> No.17807672

Coomer thread

>> No.17807701

blame yourselves and this shit board that the only way I can get responses against my rage for a milenium old book is by posting photos of a seminude 15 year old Brazilian

>> No.17807721

Your analysis is shallow, and anyway "knowledgeable" and "wise" aren't by any means the same thing

>> No.17807782
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Sure, but the context implies that the knowledgeable professional is also a good one
And John M. Cooper disagrees. I suppose you speak Attic Greek to replace the correct meaning?

>> No.17807787

>he thinks those that are wrong are wise in their wrongness
Obviously Plato is talking about truth you stupid nigger, which as Plato shows more obvious in every one of his works, is a dialectic.

>> No.17807790

They wouldn’t be just or knowledgeable in the case that they seek to show off their knowledge, as that’s a moral failure which can only be derived from ignorance. You can be knowledgeable about one thing without being knowledgeable about another retard.

>> No.17807796


>> No.17807909

But he's arguing here how unjustness would be bad, while justness good, using other crafts as examples. According to him, the ones good at their craft wish to be better than the ones who are not knowledgeable about it, while the ones who are bad wish to be better than both the good and the bad
If the ones good at their craft can indeed be better than each other, doesn't that oppose the central point of why people who are just are good in the craft of justice?

>> No.17807915

Stop trying to make 'jezebel' happen. It's not going to happen.

>> No.17807923

>attaching your critique of plato to an image of a squatting whore

its like you didn't want anyone to actually read your post

>> No.17807932


>> No.17807945

I like it.

>> No.17807947

and yet, you immediately knew the meaning of my post

>> No.17807964


>> No.17807974

Less posts makey, and more meds takey pal

>> No.17807988

First, there’s a difference between an activity and a craft fuckhead. Second, your last sentence says: “if people can be more just than other people, doesn’t that contradict the claim that people who are just can be more just?” No, you fucking moron, because it’s gradable. On your view, all doctors would have to be equally as good at prescribing treatment, holy shit. Instead of having to epically destroy Plato, maybe actually read what he says? Also, read the Gorgias if you want to better understand his idea of crafts and shit.

>> No.17807991
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anons, please
it was just supposed to be attention grabbing
stop discussing the whore, I want to discuss if justice is a virtue or vice

>> No.17807993
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>> No.17808002

stop normalizing whores you degenerate fucking subhuman, what the fuck is wrong with you?
you made your bed, now lie in it

>> No.17808004

Is coffee good for you though?

>> No.17808027


>> No.17808048

spoke like a true reddit tranny
>women=whore, tranny supremacy now!!


>> No.17808072
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Stop being rude, it hurts my feelings. My initial hyperbole was just bait
Secondly, Thrasymachus is saying that the ones good at justice would be the unjust, because they could exploit it for their own benefit. Plato, the way I've understood it, is stating that people who are good at their crafts don't wish to outdo each other, but that seems foolish.
That's what I mean in my last sentence, that if people who are good at their crafts can indeed wish to outdo each other, then the unjust really are the ones who are good at justice
i should probably just delete this shit thread

>> No.17808081

no please post more softcore porn.

>> No.17808108

Of course I mean Socrates, by the way

>> No.17808186
File: 180 KB, 950x1312, 0EoLwXZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your pic is worth more than you post anon

>> No.17808191

not actually hot, gtfo

>> No.17808254

Perhaps this alternative translation will help explain:

“And how about the medical man? [350a] In prescribing food and drink would he want to outdo the medical man or the medical procedure?” “Surely not.” “But he would the unmedical man?” “Yes.” “Consider then with regard to all182 forms of knowledge and ignorance whether you think that anyone who knows would choose to do or say other or more than what another who knows would do or say, and not rather exactly what his like would do in the same action.” “Why, perhaps it must be so,” he said, “in such cases.” “But what of the ignorant man—of him who does not know? Would he not overreach or outdo equally [350b] the knower and the ignorant?” “It may be.” “But the one who knows is wise?” “I'll say so.” “And the wise is good?” “I'll say so.” “Then he who is good and wise will not wish to overreach his like but his unlike and opposite.” “It seems so,” he said. “But the bad man and the ignoramus will overreach both like and unlike?” “So it appears.” “And does not our unjust man, Thrasymachus, overreach both unlike and like? Did you not say that?” “I did,” he replied. [350c] “But the just man will not overreach his like but only his unlike?” “Yes.” “Then the just man is like the wise and good, and the unjust is like the bad and the ignoramus.” “It seems likely.” “But furthermore we agreed that such is each as that to which he is like.” “Yes, we did.” “Then the just man has turned out183 on our hands to be good and wise and the unjust man bad and ignorant.”

Plato is saying that if one doctor has knowledge and prescribes some treatment, the treatment is correct because the doctor has knowledge. Therefore another doctor who has knowledge (the same knowledge) would not try to "overreach" the first doctor, because the second doctor already knows that the first doctor did it correctly.
Your argument, that "doctors [would] disagree in how to treat a patient", presupposes that the doctors in disagreement do NOT believe their counterpart has knowledge. Because they believe they themselves have knowledge and their counterpart doesn't, they thus try to outdo their "unlike" counterpart. That is what Plato is saying here: that people only try to overreach those who they think have less knowledge than they do. In such a scenario they are either the ignorant man, wishing to "do more" than the knowledgeable man, or they are the knowledgeable man, asserting their knowledge over the ignorant man. In no case are they both knowledgeable men, because there is one man who is correct in any disagreement of this kind.

>> No.17808304

People have been complaining about jezebels on /lit/ for years

>> No.17808360

>Republic book I
ngmi. his is praised only becasue people are npcs

>> No.17808444
File: 259 KB, 1080x1028, AE69B5C7-2C30-4B31-B7AC-195318A66DA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.17808452

Tell me anon. Are these "trannies" in the room with you right now?

>> No.17808470

god I wish

>> No.17808757

>it was just supposed to be attention grabbing
>stop discussing the whore, I want to discuss if
>Posts whore
>surprised the thread revolves around the whore.

>> No.17808981
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It's a spook

>> No.17808996

i miss that version of her

>> No.17809017

Filtered hard, come in 100 years.