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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 120 KB, 864x475, 1BJTq7kXVDkX-sxhCNDt8C85uUZHUO7UE1I-4k2ggqg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17760818 No.17760818 [Reply] [Original]

>Love the Lord of the Rings movies as a kid
>Watch the Tolkien movie as an adult
>holy shit, Tolkien was a master of languages, he must have had an incredible ear for prose. I should read the books
>Score a copy of LOTR
>Good morning mister Frodo! Shall we sing the morning song?
>Breakfast looks lovely today! Isn't there a song about this?
>The directions can be kind of tricky, so I made up a song to help you remember.
>Ah yes, the old Shire Gate. What was that song that the gatemaster used to sing? You know, the one that doesn't rhyme or follow any sort of meter?
>Good song, let's hear it again!
>We have a similar song here in Barrowtown, but two words are different. Let me sing it for you.
>Cheese is yellow, sometimes white! I eat cheese every night! Cheese for camping, cheese for hikes! I take lots of cheesy bites!
Should have known something was up when the retard in the movie unironically said "cellar door" was the most beautiful phrase in the English language.

>> No.17760829

The "biographical" movie is more fictional than TLOTR. That movie is a disgrace.

>> No.17760835

>Get out, you old pleb! Vanish in the sunlight!
>Shrivel like the cold mist, like the winds go wailing,
>Out into the barren lands far beyond the board!
>Come never here again! Leave your reply box empty!
>Lost and forgotten be, filtered in the darkness,
>Where OP shall be for ever banned, till the world is mended.

>> No.17760865
File: 1.34 MB, 2400x3138, byron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't deny his importance on 19th century literature, not just on the Anglo tradition but in general, but jesus christ was he disappointing. From what I've read he does have a few good poems and some beautiful verses, but he seems so much more shallow and simplistic than any of the other English romantics and is, in my opinion, nowhere near as good as any of them. I don't understand why he's so still so acclaimed even today. Maybe if I read Don Juan I'll change my mind…

>> No.17761010

>This fiend wishes to banish me! I have only seconds to act if I wish to preserve my life. There is no time to dally. I must be hasteful if I wish to survive. Shall I use my magic dagger to slay him or use my all-powerful ring to evade him? Wait a minute... Of course! The magic songs the wizard taught me. But which song? Perhaps I should sing them all...

>> No.17761029

I just want to see him shouting the Latin rite at the novus ordo priest, is there a scene like that?

>> No.17761057

Facts, tolkien writes ass piss books
Byron always came off to me as more fun than most other romantic poets. His humour is phenomenal imo. Havent read don juan yet though.
I'd say henry james but he seems to be hated adequately on this board. I'll say mark twain. Twain's masterpieces just arent good. Meandering trash that relies on race commentary for any redeemable qualities at all, and even then is just as bland and boring as any austen i've read. Been superseded in every way by many more people. Faulkner is funnier, more evocative storyteller, more daring stylistically, better at writing characters (faulkners child characters aren't just 10 year old everymans), and writes more progressive and valuable race commentary.

>> No.17761075

Don Juan is mixed. It has some great parts and some tedious parts. It looked like it was going to get real tedious -- le vicious satire of English country manners -- but fortunately Byron died before he could get that part off the ground.

>> No.17761079
File: 279 KB, 940x1210, Don_Quixote_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17761163

He was 20th century's JK Rowling

>> No.17761190 [SPOILER] 
File: 33 KB, 308x475, 1615531844791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just 2 pages of atheist Reeeeeee after a pointless story. Big deal at the time, I imagine, but who cares now?

>> No.17761208

Twain had some killer short stories, but I think you're right in that his major works are disappointing

For my money, Hawthorne. America had this surge of fantastic ideas and art come out in the 19th century, and there sat Hawthorne, amongst it all, his finger on the pulse of a blossoming country... and he just chooses to be a worse version of a British Romantic. Boohoo, my family tree. Dislike him

>> No.17761251


>> No.17761370

Pynchon. But he is somewhat underrated outside of this board and his subreddit.