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17757806 No.17757806 [Reply] [Original]

We need to have a serious discussion

>> No.17757834

How do I change myself? I hate myself and I don’t want to feel that way anymore. Is there something I need to do?

>> No.17757849

There's already a thread retard >>17757782

>> No.17757884

I prefer this one over the stupid and fake picture. Almost as much as the whore in it.

>> No.17757899

where do people find partners these days? I don't have a lot of friends and I don't want to use dating apps

>> No.17757906

To-day Sandy Andy took Andy to the cleaners.
To-day the Sandy Andy took One Lee incredulously to sad street. Here:

Andy Sandy, rather demandy, holding my handy and Andy, stole Lee's bike.
Riding away quickly Andy tripped downstairs and died of a broken face. "Oh darn!" said Lee incredulously, "That Sandy not get he's bike, that's thief!"
I cried inside at home later when I told Sandy that Andy was died.

>> No.17757922 [DELETED] 

Kinda hard to do that now, but any places you go?

>> No.17757929
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Another day on beautiful earth.

>> No.17757936


>> No.17757956

I hate living in the city. I am terrorised and intimidated every day in my rented flat. Some guy upstairs threatened to break both my legs when I was on the driveway. I was worried about going out to see my parents. That morning I was on my way to work to meet someone, and as I passed very busy building where a lot of students were being put through, it was about 4am and I went by there expecting help, and it was a really scary moment for me. I was terrified. I was afraid that I would be assaulted by some of these people. And then the other day, I was walking to work and the guy on the street behind me, the guy with the knife, came forward and punched me in the face, and I fell on the floor and my pants fell down on my bottom, and my trousers went down to my ankles.

>> No.17757988

>I am terrorised and intimidated every day in my rented flat
Isn't this something you should dicuss with your landlord or with the police, anon?

>> No.17758012

I just try and befriend people in places I spend time in. Though I don't know about finding a romantic partner in those places.

>> No.17758019

Thank you for agreeing.

>> No.17758044

bet you're already missing the kpop editions

>> No.17758063

>where do people find partners these days?
I found my last girlfriend in a some battle royal video game. Try some unexpected places. Though, do give dating apps a try.

>> No.17758105

We do.

>> No.17758222

>Though, do give dating apps a try.
No, fuck off.

>> No.17758256

You watch yourself. You are loops. When you see a loop you dislike or one you've noticed before ask why and try your hardest to break the loop. You will feel pain, frustration and discomfort but you will get better. Good luck anon.

>> No.17758257

How well would this work if he wasn't playing a character? Does playing a character make attracting girls more effective?

>> No.17758298

>read a good book
>it makes you think about your whole life
>everything is so bland and pathetic
>feel anger at yourself
>stop reading for a long time
it happening again

>> No.17758417

Lately, I’ve been increasingly distant with my siblings and with my parents, the latter of whom I don’t have much close connection with anyway. I think they’ve noticed that it’s intentional but they don’t know that the reason is because I want it to sting less for them if I die.

>> No.17758427

I think being extroverted makes attracting girls more effective.

>> No.17758431

It looks like your hurting them now despite possible pain in the future.

>> No.17758436

I’m in the same spot. It wasn’t that hard when I was in high school and college but now, it’s impossible. I suppose people can meet partners through friends and family, but well, I don’t have those.

>> No.17758480

>I suppose people can meet partners through friends and family, but well, I don’t have those.
I did this once, and holy fuck, do I regret this.

>> No.17758488

Step 1. Stop hating yourself

>> No.17758499

The character is very pompous and blatantly misogynistic. It's not really the same as just being extraverted.

>> No.17758519

Yeah, but women like that in a man.

>> No.17758535

And he gets cucked by an ugly beastman who has money and lives in a castle. The lesson of that Beauty and the Beast is basically that money overrides all other shortcomings when it comes to the obtainment of desirable thots.

>> No.17758559

im in love with someone less than half my age. its RACKING myt brain how did i get so lucky

>> No.17758576
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>> No.17758605

i've said it before but i think i now understand the postmodern

>> No.17758633

Okay, what’s postmodern?

>> No.17758648


>> No.17758649

Don’t do it, you’ll go to jail.

>> No.17758660

I know but I think it’s better to inflict small wounds now to dull big ones later.

>> No.17758668

Anon, spend time with your family.

>> No.17758707

Good for you, but visit them occasionally.

>> No.17758731

That’s incel thinking.

>> No.17758760

God, I want to return to these days.

>> No.17758769
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postmodern is a step back from any art to have a post-cyclic thought.

>> No.17758778

And why do you think that?

>> No.17758788

I wish I did more when I was younger.

>> No.17758799

I’ve spent a lot of time with my family. It’s not like we don’t have any memories. I just don’t want them to suffer so much when I’m gone.

>> No.17758802

That sounds selfish. Just spend time with them.

>> No.17758825

Shit like this is why I want civilization to end

>> No.17758860
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Is it possible to make good friends when you're 24 and haven't had one in over a decade?

>> No.17758862

>Good luck anon
Thanks, anon, I really needed this.

>> No.17758873

Yeah, there’s not cutoff for making friends. Why would you think that.

>> No.17758890

Nothing moved me like really good guitar. Even a catchy riff from a pop song can near move me to tears.

>> No.17758896

Yeah, definitely. It’s just harder the older you get because of your environment and people being less willing to do thing but at 24 that’s not a problem. Are you a student, working, NEET?

>> No.17758908

I know it’s selfish but I’m also doing it because I don’t want them to hurt. I’m going to be gone soon and I want them to be able to move on with their lives.

>> No.17758910


>> No.17758916

Got any interests?

>> No.17758918

if you were 23 the answer would be yes, but it seems you just missed the cutoff point

>> No.17758931

rude people that threatened to kick your ass is common in the city, you get used to it, but some guy punching you in the face is not normal, even in deblasio's new york.

>> No.17758941


>> No.17758962

Well, that’s your first step. I mean, you make it sound like you do nothing all day, every day and you can’t reasonably expect to make friends that way. My advice to you is do 1 of the following:
1. Get a part-time job
2. Enroll in courses part-time
3. Join a hobby club
None of those will be ideal but they’ll get you out of the house and interacting with people which is absolutely step 1.

>> No.17758972

Because I'm out of touch and inexperienced and it shows. Honestly I'm a very toxic and boring person to be with IRL and I'm still learning on how to not be a cunt. It really feels like I missed the window and friends aren't going to happen.

I'm NEET as of last week but I'm usually wageslaving.

>> No.17758990

She kept talking to him, fruitlessly, unwittingly looking stupid every time her half-drooling mongoloid mouth opened. She was like one of those “special” cunts in secondary, the ones with Cerebral Palsy, that hit on the attractive teacher. Not necessarily the kind of CP that affected their mental capacity but, for all they tried, they simply appeared spastic. Take that image, put her in dark blue denim dungarees. She was like this, trying to fuck herself with a spoon. She could try and try but would never get through the thick denim. The harder she tried, the more it would make her look like a fucking spastic.

>> No.17758993

>Pierre goes to the battle of Borodino just because...
Tolstoi you fucking HACK, you couldnt even find a reason to self-insert yourself in the battle?

>> No.17759022

I really wish I explored my creative inclinations more when I was young. I didn’t really do so until I was over 25 but I didn’t feel like I had to at first.

>> No.17759067

for the anon that recommended an article on parasocial relations on that shitpost thread about onlyfans:

thank you, this is a really interesting topic that I didnt know about, Ive been reading about it , wonder if you found the other article you said you had saved but couldnt find

>> No.17759141

You can still do it.

>> No.17759169

I know and I am but now, I have a lot of directions I want to explore and I don’t have the time or energy to pursue them all fully.

>> No.17759174

You have to have one that rises above the others.

>> No.17759203

From my experience good friends are not made, they happen. All my closest friends seem to have fallen into place by accident. It's inaccurate to say we "make friends." As if you can deliberately go about forcing someone to care about you. Like any meaningful social connection, it won't happen unless there is cause to bring you together. All my best friends sort of just fell into place, but you can't expect lightning to strike if you don't put out a rod. Had I just stayed under my rock, I would have met no one, and over time I would have come to believe it was impossible to make new friends or form relationships.

>> No.17759217

If I keep drinking right now I will fuck up my entire future. Everything hangs on this pivotal, binary moment. Should I keep doing it?

>> No.17759252

Yeah, it’s not like you’ll be famous or anything.

>> No.17759286

How did I get here tonight?
What am I doing here?
How did I reach this state?
How did I lose my sight?
I’m lost
I’m freezing
And everybody knows
Everyone's watching
So here's
All my hopes and aspirations
Nothing but puke
God, I'm so lonely


>> No.17759414

No. Stop.

>> No.17759423

I do. I guess that means I have to let go of the others.

>> No.17759437

Well, there, you go.

>> No.17759466

Forgot to mention, but keeps us updated, on your progress.

>> No.17759469

Is there something wrong?

>> No.17759483

I’m in the same boat. I dropped out in high school and started working shitty manual labor jobs, I haven’t had a conversation with a woman in eight years. Plz God send me a woman

>> No.17759584

Why did you drop out.

>> No.17759860

Jesus, how have you been living?

>> No.17759977

I'm a burden. I make things worse for those around me. I bottle up my problems so I won't further burden anyone with them and I push people away so I won't get close and bother them.
Why didn't I just kill myself years ago? What am I doing? I'd like to just drive into the wilderness and vanish or curl into a ball under my blanket and shrink smaller and smaller until I disappeared. I hope nobody would remember me or care if I suddenly died.

>> No.17760044

Not really, beta buxxing is considered cope. Money-maxxing is only considered worthwhile in the attainment of better copes such as escortcel-ing

>> No.17760099

What's that?

>> No.17760116

Selling your soul for money basically

>> No.17760140

Sounds meaningless.

>> No.17760188

I feel like I’ve stifled my real self for most of my life. I’m now twenty-seven and really for the last, I don’t know, maybe ten years of my life I’ve forced myself to play the part of character, which is in truth, not at all the real me but in doing so I’ve almost forced the real me to become that. I have this horrible hang up now about being myself starting at my age. Like, how can that not be the real me if I was that way for so long? Even if it’s not the real me, have I suffocated the real me and this is what’s left? What if I’m lying to myself the “real me” I’m wanting to come out is actually just who I now want to be and was never there? What if I’m just too ashamed of who I’ve been and who I am to admit that? What the hell am I supposed to do with this?

>> No.17760208

You stole the keys to Daddy's car and drove it west,
Beating the sun along the roads that know it best,
Chasing the liquid amber sunset over crest,
Keeping the turning Earth from putting sun to rest.

The highway lines like calendar'ed time point the way,
Toward a veiled silhouette-shape of a day,
Where daydreams crystallize behind their picture frames,
And doubters press their hands and fog our windowpanes.


Our salvation's weightless to the touch,
Stillborn births in every shifting of the clutch,
The clock's hands, moving skip-ropes, trip me up,
Reds fade to blues and blacks and I am covered up.


Under my veil I watch the world get young,
Aged out of memories unmade and songs unsung,
Writing books in long-forgotten mother tongue,
Filling blanks of hollow picture frames I've hung.

>> No.17760266

I would care

>> No.17760395

Would you really?

>> No.17760437

>What the hell am I supposed to do with this?
Wear the mask and let character be real.

>> No.17760494

There is no real you. Don't search for that.

>> No.17760697

I've interviewed with all the megacorps, Google, Facebook, Palantir, Amazon, and so on. And let me tell you they hire nobody but the most venal and horrible sort of slave. The money they throw at their slaves does not negate this fact. They want to hire a useful, and soon to be expended human software program, who might contribute marginally to the very software that will put them out of a job. Never aspire to work with these fools no matter how much money they shove at you. They seek to hire temporarily valuable good little machines, human placeholders for what their technology will soon replace. Unless you are a world-class outlier on machine learning, it is nothing but an insult to let these people judge your worth. They are slaves to the insuperable flow of capital stemming from those who happened to get lucky before them. It is a system of luck and false meritocracy and I would sooner have my throat slit than agree with these people in their evaluation of my suitability for their jobs.

I guarantee you that Mark Zuckerberg is not so smarter than you. I guarantee you billionaire that Segei Brin has done nothing with his stupid rich ass ever since he got rich.These people are not better than you. Refuse to belive that. Belief in that reproduces the entire horrid police state and prison world of our day to day comprehension, the crime-ridden neighborhoods, the "there isn't enough money for universal healthcare" attitudes. Do not embrace your own slavery. Fight until they show their true colors and slit your throat in their final act of cowardice in opposition to the truth. .

>> No.17760754

How did you get an interview with them?

>> No.17760862

Live life to its fullest.

>> No.17760876

I read The Road to Wigan Pier and it was very good. When I go to the skate park I get on more with the kids then the adults. It's sad.

>> No.17760979

Any reason for it?

>> No.17760988

I should be more clear, I get on with the adults who have kids, and the kids but the people my age I don't seem to feel comfortable with. I think it's because they're a group who is very close and it's hard to break my way into it. I also don't do drugs so I don't really appreciate their vibe.

>> No.17760989 [DELETED] 

this whole time i thought gigachad was a 3d render, you're tryna tell that's some russian dude? wat

>> No.17761019
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I love cute cats. They are cute. I don't care that they kill native wild life.

>> No.17761117

Veins full
Break down
Hold on
It will
End now
Die now

Don't take
Any thing
That will
Be you
Don't take
Your soul
All end
All end

Veins full
Break down
Hold on
It will
End now
Die now


>> No.17761125

Which is the absolute worst of them?

>> No.17761240

i can respect a homo whos against all this lgbt organization

>> No.17761326

A thread on another board asked "What's your favorite medium?" and I decided it was music. For top 40 stuff this isn't very relevant, but music is really an abstract form of art like poetry. It bypasses the concrete representation of things and channels pure human emotion. Somehow it can capture almost any emotion without feeling silly. And a lot of the best music involves a high degree of imagination too, since it's not even clear what it's supposed to be about. You just get it on an emotional level

>> No.17761435

most of the gay people I know don't give a fuck about politics or social issues

>> No.17761481

I just noticed high increase of pro-lgbt articles in local news sites.

>> No.17761807

Where do you live?

>> No.17761810

eastern europe

>> No.17761861

this thread is slow as hell
let's get a party going

>> No.17761871

Probably due to Democrats controlling the states. It always happens like that.

>> No.17761884

I've always had a strange relationship with literature. Text interpretation was one of the hardest (if not the most) things for me back in highschool. I always had a different opinion on what the text meant for me. Writing essays was too much for me, i never had an easy flow and even if did, my grade was killed by poor grammar and stylistic errors. However that didnt stop me from reading books. Sometimes i do feel like a caveman trying to understand advanced maths.

>> No.17761899


>> No.17761912

I thought you guys were anti-LGBT

>> No.17761915

How does that happened.

>> No.17761972

Why do I feel “stuck” when trying to express my feelings towards someone? By example telling my mom I’m happy she is my mother and I appreciate what she has done for me. Don’t know why I can’t say it.

>> No.17761985

It's not like we're western tier of lgbt but it's increasing rapidly

>> No.17761988

none of your bees wax

>> No.17762000

i dunno, i guess if you're serious about it just be more outgoing, hang out with people you wouldn't normally hang out with (colleagues etc.) so you can expand your social reach
and then if you meet a girl you like ask her out

>> No.17762001

Emotionally repressed.

>> No.17762006

Seconding this >>17762001

>> No.17762031

paper-writing season again starting monday. I could work today or rest up. I strongly feel i should rest up, maybe just loaf around. I'm reasonably well prepared, I should get away with going over my notes (a lot of notes, but still), and I can maybe do that sunday. I'm only writing to see if this sounds reasonable outside my own head or if I'm being a pussy.

>> No.17762047
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>> No.17762161

>paper-writing season

>> No.17762184
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I find it pretty funny that the whole message of the last Eva Rebuild movie is just: "Stop watching anime and become a salaryman".

>> No.17762202
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I'm so tired - in a very literal sense. Did not get enough sleep last night and now I can't go home for a couple of days. I need some coke or something to survive.

>> No.17762205
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Funny to see how you keep ignoring Anno's message and instead you keep polluting other boards with your /a/utism, butthurt asukek

>> No.17762207

I feel tired no matter what, I'm starting to feel like I need that medication that they give to narcoleptics.

>> No.17762213

they come pretty frequently here, semester is basically broken up into 4, we're hitting the second one. like 4 pages to be written in about 4-5 days

>> No.17762218

I'm a fag and never gave a shit about all the LGBT screeching, but the tranny infection made me homophobic

>> No.17762222

That literally is the message though, the last scene is even Shinji dressed in a bussiness suit running into the real world.

>> No.17762225

do gay/lesbians/bi hate trans?

>> No.17762257

I've never understood why men who want to have sex with other men should give a shit about nature freaks obsessed with chopping their dicks off and getting boob surgery. Again, I don't even pay any atention to today's LGBTQFHDJD nonsense, but trannies/drag freaks are ruining many people's conception of what gays/lesbians are

>> No.17762286

So comfy...

>> No.17762384

you think Pierre is Tolstoy's self insert? that's a pretty hot take

>> No.17762397

I'll sleep in that room.

>> No.17762436

I'm more pissed for
>why have you come here, count?
>yes, yes

>> No.17762463

seriously, he just goes into the battle in his white sunday attire
is this supposed to be a great narrative?

>> No.17762550

maybe i don't know so much cus I only watched the old soviet 8 hour dramatization, but I got the impression it was a kind of a time of upheaval and it just struck him that he needed to know first hand

>> No.17762623
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Some people are destined to be winners, others are destined to be loser. Unfortunately I'm part of the latter.

>> No.17762819

These quads don't lie

>> No.17762851

how do you know that?

>> No.17762900


>> No.17763097

Why do you have to post spoilers outside of /a/. We haven’t seen it yet.

>> No.17763114

I would

>> No.17763225

I feel like I have conflicting desires and a conflicting past, as if the things I want for myself and my future and my place in the world are not only mutually exclusive but also inaccessible due to my life thus far. Has anyone else ever felt like this?

>> No.17763249

was the /lit/ /his/ split the beginning of the end?

>> No.17763498


>> No.17763545

>Has anyone else ever felt like this?
It feels like I’m having a midlife crisis at times.

>> No.17763552

It doesn’t feel exactly like a mid-life crisis for me. My like a crisis over past up to this point.

>> No.17763568

>The One who can remove and obliterate all traces of wrong actions.

>> No.17763797


>> No.17763807

all you gotta do is ask

>> No.17763859

It’s good that you embraced it rather than fight it.

>> No.17763875

That’s my problem, even as a child, is that I don’t ask.

>> No.17763882

well it's free, so when you want to get around to it it'll be there

>> No.17763913

A small solace for my predicament.

>> No.17763962

Sure.m, anon, we believe you.

>> No.17764578
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Is there any worthwhile dissertation on the logic of the gay icon? I'm straighter than 99% of the population, but I still find myself drawn to them.

>> No.17764601


Thinking about the French and how their youth are Pythagoras-pilled.

>> No.17764772

not even books help with despair

>> No.17764817
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I can't sleep.

>> No.17764849

We were told to not settle down until we’re older. Then we were told we can’t make friends or date our coworkers. They fucked us. Most people will find their partners if not at school then at work. That’s just how it is. They don’t just want you to be a good little employee. They want you to a good little employee and alone.

>> No.17764915

I feel disgusted with people who attempted to be my friends. How fucking lonely and desperate fo friendship could you be? I have no respect for people who like me.

>> No.17764920

They want you believe that you're free when you're just a slave.

>> No.17765218

Why do you continue to come to this heap?

For me, it’s because I like books and I get very little social interaction so I’m addicted. No other reason.

>> No.17765236

Social interaction

>> No.17765293

>tfw early Friday afternoon and still haven't received job offer call or message from either company
Nice. I'll keep pushing this boulder and applying for jobs then.

>> No.17765326

Social interaction. It's good though. Just make sure it's not your only form of socializing. 4chan is best for obscure hobbies or stuff that's taboo to discuss elsewhere. You still need to have personal and long-term friendships. I bought into the 4chan idea that discord and social media are evil, but trying them lately and I'm having lots of fun. Real life friendships are the best ofc but we're still in corona season so you get the idea

>> No.17765336
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>You still need to have personal and long-term friendships

>> No.17765375

Being an ESL that want to pursue knowledge in a third world country is making me crazy. Learned English and 2 other language but still no chance or money to move to another country. Felt like I hit a wall and I don't know what to do. All that I have learned seemed useless.

>> No.17765389
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There's always time to restart your life. Especially if you're in your 20s.

>> No.17765430

Don’t you think it’s easier to learn ESL, move to an English speaking country, and successfully integrate than the other way around?

>> No.17765443

>Just make sure it's not your only form of socializing.
It is. Not sure what I’m supposed to do. Most of my family isn’t interested in me. The ones that are a too distant. As for friends and girlfriend, my only girlfriend left 2 years ago, haven’t had any real friends since college, and don’t think I have much chance changing this considering I work in a 30k person college town out in the middle of nowhere (so it’s all <25 or >35), especially now that I work from home. We don’t even have a single bar here that’s not catered specifically to undergraduate students.

>> No.17765455

I’m really interested in guitar but I have no idea how to play the guitar and I don’t think I really have the capacity to learn it anytime soon.

>> No.17765457

Ngmi unless he makes brain and brawn games though.

>> No.17765458


>> No.17765512

When it comes to things like friends, yes I think that’s true but with many other things I suspect it’s not. By the time you’re nearing your 30s, I wonder if you’re sort of just formed too much by the places and people you’ve encountered so far to “start fresh”. I mean, it’s kind of an absurd idea when you think about it. You get older. Time moves along. You can’t ever actually start over with anything. You can just change it, but how much can you change yourself at say, 27, 28, 29 years old? You know?

>> No.17765542

I think I didn't phrase my sentence well. Writing is really hard. I've successfully learned English, I can speak clearly with natives online. I am also learning other languages too like German, Latin, and Japanese. Mainly just to read more books and connect with others. But lately it feels like that I hit a wall. I can't move anywhere because of covid restriction in my country and money problems. Really don't know what to do. It's like I'm the jack of all trades but master of none, going nowhere.
Pick it up. Find a song you really want to play. When I first pick it up, I can't play any of the basic chords for 3 weeks although I practiced daily. I thought my fingers was weird or something. Now when I play my favorite song, it felt like I'm in peace for just a moment. It's worth it. There's a lot of tutorial and stuff out there, pick it up now.

>> No.17765609

I would say start by making online friends. Use Discord for meeting people into niche hobbies and social media apps for meeting more normal people/girls. You should also try living more like a normal person and maintaining interest in more popular stuff since it helps with having mutual interests. Recently I was lurking Japanese 2ch and saw a thread that was written like "Imagine the sort of person who isn't reading Kimetsu no Yaiba, who doesn't listen to YOASOBI, and who hasn't watched Pupelle". It's kind of a shitpost because these are all very popular things in Japan, but I doubt most anons ITT recognize even one of them. The point is it's a good idea to know what the equivalent trendy stuff is at the moment and maybe even try one, you don't have to like it but it's good not to seem out of touch. I'm not saying to join the hivemind, but not all popular stuff is bad, and liking some of it is really helpful for socializing. If you gravitate towards obscure stuff naturally like me it's good to try normalfag stuff now and then just because it's useful to know it a little

>> No.17765647

In the most apt sense, it means there's always a chance to change your life for the better. Of course there are still missed opportunities. If you start playing Chess in your 30s, you'll probably never be a pro player. I think the important part is there must be some silver lining in most situations in life, even if you end up absolutely screwed in most ways. I wouldn't be offended if someone thinks I'm naive for that belief though

>> No.17765717

Your sentence was fine and your English is fine. It’s obvious from your text. I hear you though. I’m a native English speaker (American), Japanese as a second language speaker. I had actually planned to relocate to Japan several years ago, life got in the way, I planned to go again this last year, and then COVID made the hide in their bedrooms. I feel more or less the same way. Do you happen to be a student or something?

>> No.17765719

I wonder what my shadow is like in Jungian sense as i dont really know myself that well.

>> No.17765724
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I like going to physical therapy because the doctors there are the nicest and patient with me

>> No.17765744

>physical therapy

>> No.17765757

he's talking about those parlors where women jerk you off

>> No.17765830

I don’t do any of that social media stuff. I don’t even really know what discord is. I’m fairly normal though. At least, I’m normal enough. I’ve had friends. I even had a serious girlfriend once, and not so serious girlfriends on an occasion or two back in college. So I guess what I’m saying is not super into zoomer stuff or anything but I’m not totally disconnected to pop stuff. My problem is it’s just really hard to meet people and I don’t have the type of personality where I’m going to make that my life’s goal or something. I don’t meet anyone at work and I wouldn’t be able to date them if I did. It’s just a shitty logistical situation coupled on top of being a generally sort of quiet introverted loner type guy.

>> No.17765839


>> No.17765849

Sure, but I guess what I’m saying is I wonder if by the time you’re 30, if you just kind of are how you are in some respects. I mean, I don’t know the answer but I think about this a lot because I personally feel like I had a really hard time between like 17 and 25, like I never really got to be the person I either wanted to be or was supposed to be in that time, so now I’m 27, going to be 28 soon and it’s like “Can I really just change who I am? If I go here will I adapt? If I do this will I ever do it well? Is who I was at that time actually who I am and I’m just lying to myself?” There’s all these questions that you think you’d have resolved by my age and the one lying beneath them all is “Are you just sort of are who you are due to your experiences, relationships, places by the time you’re my age?”

>> No.17765873

Yeah. I've been planning to go to college for more than 3 years now. There is some thoughts to just enroll somewhere in my country uni but it just doesn't feel right here in Indo. It feels really weird being the minority here. Don't really now what to do. I'll just let life flow I guess...

>> No.17765928

It's just a suggestion. I'm not into it either, but I went from only socializing on 4chan to lurking in and occasionally talking in some discords, and it's kind of fun. Also I signed up to some messaging apps to practice writing/speaking my Japanese and it's been a good pretext to meet new people. There are other ways but this seems to be going well so far for me. I don't love social media but it's where everybody is nowadays, so you might just want to say screw it and give it one try.

>> No.17765943

I just started day 1 of bodyweight training. I'm using a guide from reddit. Join me, guys. Let's get fit.

>> No.17766029

It depends on what sort of problem you have. I won't deny that some people's personalities may inevitably set themselves up for failure, but there's also countless people whose lives go south due to simpler reasons and it's probably within their power to turn it around.

>> No.17766051

Well, I will say that it’s particularly hard right now because of COVID but under normal circumstances a student visa via going to college is the single easiest way into the United States, if you’re at all interested in the United States. Of course, you have to go then extend into graduate studies, get an employment visa, or a green card but it’s a step. How old are you?

>> No.17766084

I don’t really have any one problem. On paper, I’m perfectly fine. I’m 27, I have a “good” office job, a “good” degree, I make a comfortable middle class wage with good benefits and a retirement pension, I’m healthy, most of the problems that once plagued family is now resolved, which don’t get me wrong I’m happy about. Sure, I’m single and don’t own a house but that’s true for lot of guys my age. Still, I don’t know. I just feel like I’ve never been who I really am, or like I’ve never explored the parts of me that I have a genuine impulse for, and I regret that. You know? It’s not like anyone one thing about my past is so horrible, besides dealing with some tragedy but that’s neither here nor there. It’s more just like it’s been wasted. So on one hand, it’s like there’s a natural impulse there but on the other hand, they’ve been snuffed out so you can’t win at my age. Either you didn’t develop these things and it’s too late because you can’t change at my age or you’re wrong and it’s not who you really are. Maybe I’m dramatic. I don’t know. I’ve always been an emotional person but that’s how it is for me right now.

>> No.17766112

Thinking of holding a woman. Who’s vagina is pressed against my pelvis area

>> No.17766240

That's a pretty normal feeling. Most of us have some dreams we want to pursue but it's not an urgent feeling, so we put it on the back burner for years and after a while it feels like it's never going to happen. It seems foolish to call it snuffed out unless it's not actually possible anymore. There is some stuff that's dependent on age but the vast majority of dreams people want to pursue aren't. Even if you want to be a rock star, someone like Michael Gira has produced some of his best work as a 50s/60s year old man. Plus all those writers that didn't begin producing anything really until their 30s. I get why you might feel that way but there is little reason to worry. It almost sounds like your real problem is you haven't figured out any dream to pursue, which is why you've expressed the problem in such vague terms

>> No.17766282

Don’t you think there’s certain things that you need the “story arc” for? It just seems to me that when you look around a lot of people, if not all of them, that get where you’re trying to go start whatever it is or do whatever it is when they’re fairly young. So that’s a hang up for me personally. What’s been the real issue for me honestly, is a failure to find what I’ll call here “meaning” (even though I don’t know if that’s the appropriate word) in doing anything else. So it’s like you have these things you snuffed out, and now, not only do you want to get to point B with those things, but you actually feel like you have to or else life is unbearable. Is any of what I’m saying making sense at all? It’s like you spend so long trying to choke something off only to find out right before it’s dead that you could never live without it. Is that actually a common feeling? As for a dream, yeah I don’t really have one. At least, I don’t have a specific one. It’s just a series inter-related impulses for certain things.

>> No.17766313

I don't get what you mean by stuff you snuffed out

>> No.17766413

Let’s say you were young and you had a sort of impulse for something, to do something, but you either ignored it or purposely avoided it for whatever reason. And you do that for, I don’t know, like 10 years, maybe more. So you have these impulses but you’ve put them aside. We can use dance as an example. Maybe you were 18 and really wanted to be a dancer but you didn’t because you thought it was effeminate and family pressure or something and then you’re 28 and you’ve not really danced for the last 10 years. That’s sort of what I mean.

>> No.17766510

I get what you mean. When I was 10 or so I wanted to start a diary, but decided not to since I thought it was a thing for girls only. When I was around 15 though I got over that and kept a diary I maintained regularly until graduating high school. It would have been nice if I started earlier, but I'm still glad I began when I did. Maybe you need to recognize the desire in yourself now and just go for it. If nothing is stopping you it shouldn't be a problem. Sounds kind of like you have a complex about pursuing stuff you value, because if not then you would have already started going for it once nothing was in the way.

>> No.17766595

15 is still pretty young. There’s a big difference between developing something at 15 vs 28.

> Sounds kind of like you have a complex about pursuing stuff you value
I do. It’s the same thing that’s left over from why I didn’t pursue when I was younger in the first place mixed with some pessimism about the future and indecision, I guess.

>> No.17766860

Is no one going to start exorcising?

>> No.17766865

If you don’t believe in God you have no rights.

>> No.17766915

Little extreme.

>> No.17766930

sent a little text to my friends asking for their opinions, they still haven't read it, feels bad man, can't post it here by the way it is on my native language

>> No.17766976

What language is it?

>> No.17766979

But that's wrong, you're the patient with them.

>> No.17767003


>> No.17767009

Are you retarded?

>> No.17767169 [DELETED] 

My friend got a warning on a website saying they reported my IP after searching "preteen". Is this for real?

>> No.17767366

lately i've been pretending that the world is like a fantasy novel. not in the sense that there's magic but that in such a way everything fits together and has it's place. there's acts of good and evil, variety of characters, tragedies and miracles. for some reason this makes me feel a lot better even though it's kind of autistic.

>> No.17767405

Exodus 22:18

>> No.17768148
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I'm getting a biopsy in two weeks. I've had a dark mark on the left side of my right toe for at least 8 months, never thought much of it. Apprarently, it could be an "acral lentiginous melanoma", very rare and deadly. If it's such and has metastasized, I'll be dead in like 2 years.
A little anticlimactic, but my life evokes much of that sensation already as it is.
Maybe it would do me good to experience the strain of mortality. Maybe it would motivate me to approach life with a little more aggression and less care over the feelings of others.
But then, what would be the purpose of those if there's nothing in this world that I want?
I'm not interested in women, money, love, friendship or anything. If I approach those it's only because it feels like I'm required to, as if it was a mannerism or a token to society.
Frankly, I'm angry and disgusted with everything and perhaps it's better to die.

>> No.17768254
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Why the fuck is sexual frustration such a breaking point for women ? Everytime i hear complaints about it they make it sound like their entire life will end if they dont immediately satisfy that desire. Can they really not live when they're "frustrated" ? If so that's pretty fucking sad.

>> No.17768366

Would join you if it were a running program

>> No.17768398

Have any of you ever known anyone who was murdered? I do. It was a family member, although not immediate. It’s hard to really figure out how I feel about. On hand it bothers me a lot almost as if it were immediate family and for a time I was deeply disturbed by it. On the other hand, we weren’t close enough for me to still feel really impacted by it. The whole thing is so confusing. I almost feel guilty for how I feel.

>> No.17768571

this idea has probably been thought of before, but I feel like there should be an institution that deals with homeless people by making them self-sufficient farmers. I mean they already form their own communities in cities. somewhere in the remote country with little access to their previous existence. this idea seems better than trying to make them into urban burger flippers, which only fuels their depression and drug addiction.

>> No.17768756

The beauty of a single name.

>> No.17768863

I’ve come to think my friends from college were a negative influence on me though at times I miss them

>> No.17768899

I hate the feeling of constant uncertainty. That's why I limit my thought process to five seconds before taking a decision, however stupid it may turn out in the end. It could drive me straight to a fire pit, but I don't care.

At the moment, I'm in a mental struggle because I can't apply the concept. My mind is in scrambles, I can't even think straight. I want to build a website, I want to write, I want to be good at my job, and yet I can't do any of that. At least I'm writing, it'll be shit, I'm freewriting and won't even check for edits or prose after I'm done, but at least I'm doing it. Hope you guys are proud of a fellow anon.

I think about making myself a cozy place in the future, but I can't see how I'd attain happiness in a world my kids won't be safe in. I'm almost 21, I'm at crossroads, and I can't move forward. I want them to be safe. I need money to buy them protection or isolation. I need to work for money, but I don't want to lose my humanity by doing mindless jobs. There doesn't seem to be a solution, I'd have to either be incredibly lucky or determined, or both, to really make it. I'm neither, so all I can do is sit on my ass and think about what I could do in the future to be happy. Man, being a doomer is no joke.


Well. That's it.

The clock is ticking and I'm still doing nothing.

At least I have some investments in crypto. It'll return me a couple thousands at best, but it's still better than nothing, right? Fuck.

I wish I was born simple-minded, at least I wouldn't have a worry about a thing in the world. I'm not even wasting my youth, it's just been there rotting in the corner the whole time.

The only thing I've got left since everything is doomed is the ability to close my eyes to imagine a better world, because I'm a little shit that does not have the courage, nor the willingness to build one myself.

No matter what I do, I'm stranded to an inane life. I hated my parents for living aimlessly, but I was treading the same path all along. It hurts to be such a pussy. It really hurts.

>> No.17768932

Women are children, what did you expect anon? How funny desu

>> No.17769052

Why don't you want upper body strength?

>> No.17769066

My upper body strength isn’t really lacking but I don’t lift weights anymore I’m just focused on running and weight loss at the moment.

>> No.17769083

For the entirety of my life I’ve done so little living.

>> No.17769125

Post it.I speak portuguese

>> No.17769258
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Why haven't put an end to my life yet?
why do I still keep going
I struggle for nothing

>> No.17769324

they are patient with the patient

>> No.17769357

You ever figured you’d be this lonely when you were younger? I know I didn’t.

>> No.17769447

The worst thing on image boards is to read a post of someone doing well in life. Someone achieving their goals. Someone who's improving. Someone who's content. Nobody wants to read that. That's something that should not be spoken of. It makes my days worse. It makes me angry. Fuck those people.

>> No.17769567

I'm incapable of doing absolutely anything! I'm incapable of even procrastinating. I can't even settle on a movie to watch. I have no inspiration to write about anything. I waste each weekend and tell myself I'll get my act together the next weekend but i never ever do!

>> No.17769609
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Is it morally incorrect to be friends with people who are racist/ generally hateful despite myself disagreeing with it? I enjoy their company but cringe hard whenever they say some hateful shit and begin to wonder

>> No.17769718
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Becoming a Vtuber during this pandemic has been unironically one of the best things that I could have done.
Its fun and comfy, I got to learn a lot about different shit because I decided to DIY almost everything myself, so I got back a bit into using graphic software, learning how 3d models work and even dialogue writing for some of my videos.
And the most surprising thing for me is that I have an audience not to many people but they are always there watching what I do, without using a voice changer or even trying to be cutesy just acting like my regular self with an anime avatar.
I really want to keep doing as long as I can and start using the medium for interesting things.

>> No.17769731

are you a grill?

>> No.17769739

You're contributing to the extinction of the human race :(

>> No.17769741

I am just a regular dude
How so?

>> No.17769749

why would people watch a dude?

>> No.17769756

I am guessing because I am kind of funny and don't take myself seriously at all.
And I try to do things a bit different not just "here another among us stream and after that some minecraft"

>> No.17769780

Everyone's going to substitute real relationships with parasocial ones. No one will have sex anymore.

>> No.17769790

everyone said the same about tv bro

>> No.17769806

Based Townsend Poster
(Also Robert please be kind to yourself)

>> No.17769875 [DELETED] 

it's weird when i look at the stuff i "add to library" on apple music, it's never my most favorite stuff. my library is full of "just ok" type stuff. i guess i add it because i don't want to forget about it whereas i will obviously remember my favorite stuff. i guess i use it more like bookmarks than a favorites list.

>> No.17769912

I have to come up with a best man speech and I barley know the bride, maybe I should just mention her as little as possible

>> No.17769929

The point of a Best Man speech is to talk about your bro. Tell people silly relevant stories that won't embarass him too much, and tell them how happy your are for him. Simple as.

>> No.17769962

I didn’t know my Dad for over a decade but several years ago we established contact again, I spent a short period living in his house while I was unemployed, he helped me with some things, and I now I’m just so confused about this relationship. I used to think that I just wanted a father and it was nice to have someone to rely on when I needed it. Now, I realize he wasn’t there when I needed it and that can never be changed. I just can’t look at him the way I think someone looks at their father. He wants to spend time together all the time now and I just don’t want to. I think he sees me as the kid I was when I was eight years old but I’m a man now and to me he’s just sort of a guy, like somewhere between friend and family. How convenient that I don’t want him around now when I don’t need anything anymore. God, I’m such a despicable, repulsive, self-centered person. I deserve nothing from no one. Part of me almost wants to harbor resentment even.

>> No.17769993

Post your channel bro

>> No.17770110

i'm not an expert but if you have trouble really getting close to him then it seems like you should actually have a talk with him about it. you have to really let your anger and emotions out and see what happens. otherwise you will just be stuck in an awkward phase.

>> No.17770160

I always knew. I used to trick myself into believing that i cant stop being lonely but it was just refusal to accept the truth.

>> No.17770178

>God, I’m such a despicable, repulsive, self-centered person.
bro i have no clue how you reached that conclusion from the rest of what you wrote, you have no obligations to someone who never recognized his own. maybe you can develop a relationship with him, maybe not, but whichever it is, you should accept your own feelings first, because they don't just appear from nothing and they're not caused by you being some kind of bad person. they're a legitimate and normal reaction to your present situation and you should recognize them as such

>> No.17770185

Have you ever heard of reddit? I think you would like it more over there

>> No.17770205

I'm not even thinking about my novel anymore. I'm thinking about how I'm not thinking about it

is this the end?

>> No.17770257

Can't find a job. Very picky. Very suicidal. Need money.

I like the idea of a whale anthropologist. Should I go to graduate school in pandemic for gibs in ciis or anthropology or be an hero unemployed?

How do I avoid going in debt by getting to graduate shit?

Go full weirdo intellectual or functional studies?

>> No.17770418

I wish i'd have a creative mental illness like melancholy, depression, bipolar, mania or even schizophrenia. Too bad im left with poorly functioning neurosis.

>> No.17770420

nvm grad school is expensive as hell. I'm getting old, rather suck it up, do my own thing, read during my free time.

>> No.17770432

I don’t know if I have trouble getting close to him. I’m not sure I would even characterize it as awkward. We’re comfortable enough around each other I guess. It’s more like I don’t know if I want to get close to him. He wants to be around me a lot these days. He asks to come visit, asks me to come visit, tries to help me out things, and that’s all well and good but a part of me almost wants to harbor some resentment and push him away I guess.

It’s guilt I guess. It’s not like we don’t have a relationship because we do. It’s just that it’s not really a father-son relationship. At least, it’s not for me. So I feel partly guilty for that and I also feel partly guilt for the fact that while I’ve pretty much forgiven him and can recognize that I love my father because he’s my father, there’s some angsty impulse there to want him to F off out of my life because it’s like “where the fuck were you when I needed you?” That feels self centered and deserving of guilt to me.

>> No.17770437

Yeah don’t waste your time in grad school unless you get a full stipend and even then it’s probably still not worth it

>> No.17770570

I want to read but as soon as i start reading my head gets dizzy and i can barely understand the text.

>> No.17770881

Go to the doctor.

>> No.17770883

Get that checked out.

>> No.17770891

I was on meds for a while but they didnt help. Maybe reading is not supposed to be my hobby lol

>> No.17770913

>tfw taking drugs for anxiety that make me tired all the time, but if I stop taking them I get panic attacks every day that make me want to kill myself

>> No.17770971

>before /lit/: no Pynchon anywhere
>on /lit/: Pynchon Pynchon Pynchon
>today: billboard advertisement, buy Pynchon's book translated by some chick
Conclusion is that /lit/ is cursed in many ways.

>> No.17771023

Ghosted again. I’ll entertain the hope of a response for probably three more days but it’s pretty unlikely by now. I’m so depressed and alone. That’s how this goes though, people are weirded out by people with no friends. I’m tired of being stuck in this hole.

>> No.17771033

You need money to make money.

>> No.17771175

Tell me the backstory about your relation with the person that just ghosted you, if you want

>> No.17771232

my father is incredibly racist, sexist and homophobic and it's super cringe and I shouldn't let it bother me but it does

>> No.17771261
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Don't let it. Your father sounds based.

>> No.17771297

True in every way. Even for negative things.

>> No.17771377

>everyone said the same about tv bro
And they were right, to an extent.

>> No.17771542

not really

>> No.17771584

When did everyone forget about class war? Its barely even mentioned today.

>> No.17771757

i've been trying to make friends with people a little over a messaging app but women are unusually hard to talk to
I've only messaged about 5 but most of them either aren't replying or do it stupid slow
if this is par for the course then I can see why a lot of guys hate these sorts of apps
i'm not even bad looking

>> No.17771790

growing middle-class, exported working class jobs

>> No.17771893

if you have some kind of hobbies its almost inevitable

>> No.17771895

So middle class dont care about upper class?

>> No.17771904

I don't think so, no

>> No.17771905

Could we please write about K-On

>> No.17771927

It seems like its getting worse - rich get richer and former opponents stading by their side.

>> No.17772135

I wonder how many more years I have to go on pretending I like my family. They don't really speak to each other because they're all deeply unlikeable selfish people who have no appreciation of the consequences of their actions on relationships. I wish I had run away properly when I was eight. I shouldn't have trusted them it would get better.

>> No.17772436

what app?

>> No.17772468

it's this language exchange app called tandem which in reality functions like social media since you're supposed to use a real picture of yourself
I usually don't go for stuff like that but this time I said fuck it
it felt kind of bad getting ignored by girls but maybe that's par for the course in social media style apps and I just need to get used to it

>> No.17772488
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I've realized this whole culture war business is just a massive time sink and a distraction, and being on the frontlines and delighting in anger and conflict gives me nothing at this point. In social situations where others love to indulge in discussing hot button issues I just can't be bothered.

>> No.17772622

Why didn't 4chan told me women hated vtubers sooner? I like em softy, cute, 3d models now

>> No.17772659

Recommend me your favorite romance novels.

>> No.17772670

the enemy of your enemy is not always your friend, anon
remember, they would have hated regular 2d just as much if it was in the mainstream. they can't stand being compared to what an ideal woman should actually be like

>> No.17772750
File: 1.96 MB, 1000x755, BF4C8D80-1A70-4042-9CC9-957ED636E4B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get your own name

>> No.17772766

I’m mulling over the idea of starting a YouTube channel where I discuss authors and books, mainly fiction. Specifically, I’m thinking about making a channel to talk about the deeper themes in fiction, how it’s written, and sort of influences go into a work, and not in a vague sense. Looking around YouTube, I’ve found a few philosophy-oriented podcasts which are happy to discuss authors and their more abstract ideas and the themes that are sort of subtly interwoven between their works but there’s not much out there for fiction and of those channels which are out there regarding fiction, a lot of them are pretty shallow, boring, kind of self centered. This isn’t at all my primary passion but as long as I can remember but I’ve been interested in what authors are really trying to say in their fiction, why they write what they write, and how. I wouldn’t mind being able to sit down and talk about this with people. Would you guys be interested in something like this?
Here’s an example of the sort of thing I’d want to accomplish. This channel is about Philosophy but this episode is obviously based on a work of fiction.

>> No.17772781
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After 20 years, I think we've found a medical cocktail that actually works for me. It makes me feel like a normal human being (almost), but after my while my body acclimates and the effect fades. Right now I'm taking 90mg. The upper limit is 500mg. It might be a long way off, but I dread the day that I hit that wall.
Mental issues are a fucking nightmare. Normal people don't have to worry about the day when they suddenly stop being able to function. I'm not bitter, exactly, but the process is exhausting, and it never ends.

>> No.17772818

>Normal people
What you're describing is eminently normal. These drugs did not make billions by having no market. Half of them make billions out of patent.

>> No.17772885

yeah, I know. But we're still held to the arbitrary standard of "normal".

>> No.17772889

I have no idea what to do with my life. I cant think of myself and i dont want to do what others want for me to do. I've been staying in this stalemate all my life. Sometimes i think that i've never been cut for this life.

>> No.17772893

There’s been an uptick of weebs and weebery on this board as of late. It’s an anime board so it’s not like there’s never been weebs here but lately it’s been more than usual. They have a point honestly. Japanese media just absolutely shits on Western media these days. We have nothing like the light novel, manga, or anime industries here. Even though most of this stuff is low brow, somehow, Japan and their cultural outputs still feel pretty /lit/. Ours don’t. Sure, if you’re into books you can find a canon of Western writers that completely drops off over the last several decades. Even there, at least the Japanese still have Murakami. It’s tough dilemma because on one hand the large majority of Westerners taking an interest in Japanese are basically nerdy weebs or weird but on the other hand, it’s kind of natural if you’re interested in literature and media. So what are you supposed to do?

>> No.17772898

Do you ever feel like nothing really feels attainable or what is attainable isn’t worth it? I feel like that about even mundane things like relationships or work.

>> No.17772907

No, you're following a flow chart of medication prescription. Normal is that you hit the limit and switch to a new cocktail.

>> No.17773137

I constantly feel this sense of unfullfillness. I wish i'd be either happy idiot or suffering genius but im just an idiot who thinks that he has untapped potential but doesnt have a clue where it could be.

>> No.17773167

Had a dream where I electrocuted myself flying 8 man bicycle airplanes, fucked tranny asuka, bud from my grandmother, chased after a blond girl into a hobby lobby that turned into a used book store, almost bought a big print version of Plato’s the laws, and then complained about cactus so much when arguing with my arch enemy that the camera guy agreed with me.

>> No.17773173

I can sympathize I suppose. Do you have a job or a school or anything like that?

>> No.17773191

Materialism cannot explain experience, that's just a fact. There is no physiological explanation for consciousness. A bunch of nerve cells exchange electricity in a circuit; how do "you" enter in? Soul theory stays winning, atheists perplexed.

>> No.17773268

What’s actually the hardest is not how I find life or the world to be unsatisfying but how I find myself to be wholly inadequate. It would be preferable, I think, if in light of things I could view myself as sort of a tragic or romantic character - the brooding literati, handsome and talented and yet who struggles in interpersonal relationships, in work, in finding meaning, etc. but I just can’t even see myself that way. The truth is, I hate myself. Everything about myself, I loathe. Whether it’s my appearance, my past, my current circumstance, my lack of talent, whatever it just all feels so unredeemable to me.

I think a lot of us turn to books because we find life at large dissatisfying. What the world has to offer is somehow not right or not enough and that’s what gives us the itch to read, or even write, things fiction or philosophy. We’re unhappy with the world and what it offers. But really, our life is the world. When one speaks of “redeeming the world”, he really means “redeeming life”, specifically, his or her own life. Their life is the world and vice versa. The world is yourself. But what then, when you can’t feel yourself to have a method of escape?

Sometimes I feel like if I could just be happy with myself, if I could just be better looking, feel romance, have some talent somehow I could make life in this world bearable in light of everything. But I don’t. I hate myself. I hate who I am. I hate my life. I hate what I’ve done, what I do. So it feels like there’s no solution. It’s a bit like being trapped in a room and knowing exactly which key is needed, only the key lies locked behind a closed door in another room. That’s what I find the hardest to cope with actually. It’s not any one thing about life or the world broadly. It’s me. It’s specifically me.

>> No.17773339

People really need to learn how to use the catalog

>> No.17773349

>fucked tranny asuka,
German tranny asuka or Japanese tranny asuka?

>> No.17773357

People need to stop making threads using anime girls or girls in general (except holy virgins).

>> No.17773367

Nearing bump limit

New thread for when this one dies

>> No.17773368

What about anime versions of the Virgin Mother?

>> No.17773372

Anime fags are at best fit for chattel slavery but more realistically ought to be used for cannon fodder

>> No.17773380

Only if they are big-breasted (though the nipples shall not be visible [areolas are ok]).

>> No.17773382

it's one guy who keeps spamming them, reminder to ignore the animefag until he fucks off

>> No.17773385

>Attention whore who kills other threads because the idea of replying without bumping is as anathema to his personality as not being a total bitch
Thanks for the warning about how desperate you are for (You)s. Btw you're cancer.

>> No.17773391

>animefag freaking out because he can't make another v-tuber thread
to whoever made the new one before he did, nice job

>> No.17773392

>No loli virgin mothers
That's headcanon, stop it, fanfiction is not allowed here

>> No.17773399
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>when you realise you hate and distrust women way too much to become a family man

>> No.17773405

>No everyone must make threads ten million times a day just like me
I haven't made a thread since I dumped screenshots of a rangeblocked book for an anon. You are cancer and killing threads to compete with a cancer you think is worse than you. You're still fucking cancer.

>> No.17773452

>making a new what's on your mind thread is cancer
i didn't, someone else did, you mentally ill attention whoring faggot. sorry you can't have another 400 post long roundtable about your love of anime feet.

>> No.17773501

lol at this argument

>> No.17773531

Hello? Auctioneer department? I'd like to purchase this anime fag. I need some help cleaning my room and then I would like to fire him out of a cannon

>> No.17773546
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> when you realize that there were vanishingly few opportunities for you to become a family man as time went on, regardless of your trust issues

>> No.17773563

>can't make bump limit even saemfagging

>> No.17773648

Im a neet for 5 years. I gave up completely after last mistake.