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17753521 No.17753521 [Reply] [Original]

>make a fake coin
>get a worse punishment than if you killed someone
Fucking really?

>> No.17753534

yeah it's pretty retarded.

>> No.17753541

One threatens only the individual, the other threatens the very system that allows the individual to exist in the first place.

>> No.17753544

Inflation is worse than murder because murder only hurt one person while inflation hurts everyone, this is why bitcoin is good even if it allows you to hire hitmen

>> No.17753545

This. Dante was right about everything.

>> No.17753552

Non posso respirare

>> No.17753553

>a murderer only threatens one person
Holy retard

>> No.17753554

Before airpods you’d hire mice to sing songs in your ears.

>> No.17753555
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It hurts especially art, this is what Dante was concerned about.

>> No.17753563

oh no not the heckin SYSTEM!!!???

>> No.17753571

He doesn't mean system in the Hobbesian sense, he means it in the peril of money and greed in society.

>> No.17753573

mental gymnastics. forging coins is not worse than murder you utter fucking faggot

>> No.17753633

Murder can always be genuine and from the heart, but deception is always the product of promiscuous interaction between the soul and matter. You people will never understand your ancestors.

>> No.17753659


>> No.17753660

Tax evasion is a sin anon

>> No.17753662

What does that mean anon? Don't breathe through the pussy?

>> No.17753664

>in my opinion

>> No.17753697

Money allows them to exist?

>> No.17753710


>> No.17753831

In a way, yes. I can conceive of societies that do not need money, but it is undoubtedly true that all existing societies need it (or similar barter systems) to function. You may see a state of natural existence - living in harmony with nature as a hunter-gatherer et al - as an objection to this view, but I'm influenced by Hobbes here and would contend that the natural state doesn't actually confer freedom in any way. Destabilizing the fragile veneer money and capital exchange stretch over the brutal natural human state is one of the more heinous things someone can attempt.

>> No.17753975

Murder can be out of passion. Like your gf cheated on you and you kill her in a fit of rage. But fraud is always premeditated. Do you are perverting the God given gift of intellect to commit an evil. Whereas for murder you just surrender to your bestial side.

>> No.17754006

Based. All cryptofags should be minecrafted

>> No.17754061
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>You WILL be sincere
" Come on then, you who wish to break my will by your will, and try your arts. You can torture me by the rack, you can threaten me with hell and eternal damnation, you can make me so nerveless that I swear a false oath, but the truth you shall not press out of me, for I will lie to you because I have given you no claim and no right to my sincerity. Let God, “who is truth,” look down ever so threateningly on me, let lying come ever so hard to me, I have nevertheless the courage of a lie; and, even if I were weary of my life, even if nothing appeared to me more welcome than your executioner’s sword, you nevertheless should not have the joy of finding in me a slave of truth, whom by your priestly arts you make a traitor to his will. When I spoke those treasonable words, I would not have had you know anything of them; I now retain the same will, and do not let myself be frightened by the curse of the lie."

>> No.17754104
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>a traitor to his will
>tfw "his will" is not identical with a drive to truth and transcendence

>> No.17754379

I made a print if anyone wants it. Probably won't leave it up for long just to avoid conflicts.

It's a bit more expensive because of the size and had to remove the notes because they double the length. 4 bucks more to keep the notes in.

>> No.17754405
File: 12 KB, 269x187, images (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I should strive for Truth
Spooked. Truth is my property, I am not it's.
I am All-In-All. I am already perfect.
"They say of God, “Names name thee not.” That holds good of me: no concept expresses me, nothing that is designated as my essence exhausts me; they are only names. Likewise they say of God that he is perfect and has no calling to strive after perfection. That too holds good of me alone.

I am owner of my might, and I am so when I know myself as unique. In the unique one the owner himself returns into his creative nothing, of which he is born. Every higher essence above me, be it God, be it man, weakens the feeling of my uniqueness, and pales only before the sun of this consciousness. If I concern myself for myself,[Stell’ Ich auf Mich meine Sache. Literally, “if I set my affair on myself”] the unique one, then my concern rests on its transitory, mortal creator, who consumes himself, and I may say:

All things are nothing to me."

>> No.17754470
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>Spooked. Truth is my property, I am not it's.
Really? And what are "you" my friend? As to transcendence, a lot could be said on that too, but first I would like to hear what "you" are.

>> No.17754489


>> No.17754553

Theists absolutely BTFO, holy shit.

>> No.17754722


>> No.17754791

If you admit to this kind of obfuscation of reality and consistency, other people are ontologically justified in murdering you

>> No.17754857

Nothing. I am not nothing in the sense of emptiness, but am the creative nothing, the thing out of which we re everything

- என்பான

>> No.17754891
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But how can nothing give birth to anything, much less everything, anon? What is a "creative nothing"? How can a "nothing" create and not just that, but create a something?

>> No.17755002
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How and from where do thoughts and perceptions, the universe itself, come to be if not by arriving from nothing, the creative nothing, me?

>> No.17755071
File: 38 KB, 480x522, smug anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah but anon, is this not just verbal sleight of hand? "You" are the creative nothing, but the "creative nothing" is itself you. What use is this "creative nothing" as a term, then? Are we not speaking just of "you" in the conventional sense? Do you not - as a human being - have human perceptions and human thoughts, thinking in human constructs and ideas? How do these things belong to a "nothing" rather than a "something" - a human being? Furthermore, is there not a causal link that irrevocably ties your thoughts and perceptions to the body and the brain, which certainly are "something"? Whence the "nothing"?

>> No.17755129
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, VivaPosadas!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the very system that allows the individual to exist
God fucking Christ please burn it down already.

>> No.17755144
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>verbal slight of hand
Ya probably, but who can provide an answer that wouldn't be? <3

>> No.17755163

everything should be handled on a case by case basis anyway. there's no reason why it shouldn't be.

>> No.17755172
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Plotinus. Read the Enneads.

>> No.17755189
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>tfw you get trips with an epic picture of Pound and no one replies to you

>> No.17755202
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I can't believe I talked to someone who thinks Plotinus isn't trash...

>> No.17755293
File: 35 KB, 686x386, 3fv8924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sorry anon. Here's a (You).
You wound me anon. Did I not do a good job critiquing your Stirner memes? I am very opinionated on Stirner, yet I went out of my way to argue with you just to show you the validity of an alternate perspective. There is a wealth of beauty and meaning in good, comfy, traditional schools of thought like Neoplatonis.