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17744542 No.17744542 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books on British conservativism? I want to learn more about conservative though. I was recommended to read The Conservative Mind by Russell Kirk but I’m concerned that it might have an American bias and therefore I wouldn’t be able to relate to it.

>> No.17744548

Kirk is fine. Other than that look into what Roger Scruton had to say or read Burke.

>> No.17744551

read the diaries of Alan Clark

>> No.17744554
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>British conservativism

>> No.17744562

Anything by Roger Scruton (How to be conservative), anything by Peter Hitchens (The Abolition of Britain).

>> No.17744581

Based AND/OR Redpilled

>> No.17744587

Conservatism is the most braindead political ideology because they dont believe in anything at all. Not saying its bad to be conservative, just very uninspiring, especially modern conservatism

>> No.17744604

thank you for your input, amerifaggot

>> No.17745443

Roger Scruton. or Jonathan Bowden if you want some 'Radical Conservatism'

>> No.17745478
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Read the Distributists.

>> No.17745499

distributism is just agrarian socialism, may as well just read das kapital

>> No.17745508
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>tfw you marry a 16 year old girl at age 30

>> No.17745528

Socialism is the state ownership of property or means of production, or you could say the centralized distribution of resources. Distributism is the people owning the means of production with a minimal exchange of resources (depending on who you ask). It's an extremely decentralized ideal so you're just confusing terms. They can look similar at first glance if you don't actually know what these things are.

>> No.17745633


>> No.17745653


>> No.17745658

The real genius behind conservatives is that they never actually manage to conserve anything. It's 4D chess and basically a statement on the absurdity of life.

>> No.17745686

This is basic bitch rhetoric and it's dumb as fuck. Even if we ignore that you're equivocating conservatives with the liberals who call themselves conservatives, what you say still doesn't make any sense because everything that exists ipso facto has been conserved. Otherwise it wouldn't exist.

>> No.17745707

read some enoch powell

>> No.17745738


>> No.17745773

It be better to just stay with establishment figures than fringe figures to understand things... I mean maybe Thatcher wanted to ship all the darkies home but it never happened e.g. there's a lot of radical libertarians in America but any influence on things is limited.

>> No.17745842

Bruh he was a conservative with only institutions and immigration, otherwise he was a classical liberal.

>> No.17745888

A conservative is a liberal, more precisely the right within the liberal order.

>> No.17745895

The Talmud

>> No.17745912

conservatism exists outside of the liberal establishment and can exist in any non-revolutionary nation-state under any form of government, retard

>> No.17745993

John Pilger: I read that you were a vegetarian and you are seriously concerned about the way animals are killed.
Alan Clark: Yeah.
John Pilger: Doesn’t that concern extend to the way humans, albeit foreigners, are killed?
Alan Clark: Curiously not

>> No.17746020

The conservative disposition exists of course everywhere but in the liberal systems where they manifest into parties there's a specific role a political conservative plays in the evolution of the social order. In rough technical terms he guards the efficiency of the whole from the excesses of liberals who at least historically seek ways to broaden cooperation. Meaning a political conservative doesn't have to have a conservative disposition, he can just think an innovation doesn't work. I'm an example of that. This is bwhy it is silly to say 'conservatives don't conserve anything', if you think stasis is the conservative role they are always 'on the wrong side of history' whereas in reality evolution here is a cooperative enterprise. You would actually rather quickly return to monkey if you would just let liberals do their thing undisturbed, it's just not the conservative agenda.