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File: 45 KB, 850x400, quote-if-god-does-not-exist-everything-is-permitted-fyodor-dostoevsky-133-62-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17725428 No.17725428 [Reply] [Original]

He was right you know

>> No.17725444

Yet we have modern secular societies functioning in a more humane way than the dogmatic conservative third worlders

>> No.17725447

>first world is secular
>communist countries aren't' inhumane
What a waste of trips.

>> No.17725451
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>Yet we have modern secular societies functioning in a more humane way than the dogmatic conservative third worlders

>> No.17725464

Secular societies are either consoomerist capitalist shitholes or communist shitholes. Not saying theocracies are any better but come on man.

>> No.17725481
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It doesn't follow from God's existence that anything is morally wrong, including whatever He might consider a sin, just the same as it doesn't follow from a powerful state's existence that violating its laws is morally wrong

>> No.17725493

What's human about gay sex?

>> No.17725501

>It doesn't follow from God's existence that anything is morally wrong

of course it does. if God exists, then that God may have had a hand in creating man; and being that man feels very strongly about things that few (or no) animal does, man's conscious becomes a law unto itself

peer around at every world's religion and you see a reflection of man's idea of right and wrong carved upon every god

>> No.17725503

Humane by whose standards? Those of modern secular societies?

>> No.17725507

i'd rather die in a third world knowing my place than live in a pod sipping doritos crumbs chasing dopamine fixes

>> No.17725516

>when your definition of humane is turning kids into trannies and having public parades for men who put things in their rectums

>> No.17725522

a state existing within the bounds of creation and god are not the same thing retard

>> No.17725550

If God exists, and creation has been bounded by adjusting a specific form of being from an ocean of endless potential possibilities, the moral realm cannot scape from this adjustment, but is absorbed on the divine order.

>> No.17725604

He didn’t even say that, Ivan said that.

>> No.17725651

That secularism was born from the remnants of christianity.
And of scientism, progress, idealism, universalism, all of these liberal idols.
Guess what's happening in the meantime? Demographic shift. The more civilized and industrialized a society, the less incentive for reproduction, the more childish its people, the more dysgenic, the less better selected traits gene-wise, the more mental illnesses etc.

>> No.17726657

Lacan says the opposite. Without God nothing is permitted. And he is right, all that we have is a society based on Nihilism, our political system cannot affirm anything, by virtue of defining itself solely as a negation of "Totalitarianism", it itself becomes a bureaucratic hellscape filled with meaningless laws and regulations.
Whereas in Christian society and any other society before this one, you had a grand vision that allowed you to participate in something meaningful. That is forbidden now, you'd be called an extremist for positing anything that would violate the Nihilism of democracy and liberal rights. Welcome to society, know your place or you'll be trampled.

>> No.17726890

Isn't it true even if the Christian God exist? He's supposed to have given us free will so everything is permitted as long as you accept the consequences.

>> No.17727420

Technically that's true but you know what he meant: the consequences are so severe that everybody who will go with them is going to regret his choice.

>> No.17727454

Mistranslation. It’s “without immortality everything is permitted”

>> No.17727473

Man’s feelings about moral questions are not evidence of objective morality. Why do brainlets keep making this claim?

>> No.17727482

>this fucking thread again
It's so pleasant to see this meme religion die out in real time, an entire thread of cope every single day lmao

>> No.17727526

>communist countries
You've ousted yourself as a moron.

>> No.17727535

He was.

>> No.17727615

Begging the question this hard

>> No.17727620

humane according to whom

>> No.17727622


>> No.17727630

No, because I would not permit it.

>> No.17727668

This, these larping subhuman degenerates would be crying if they had to live in a strict theocracy.

>> No.17727679


>> No.17727719

even if god exists everything is permitted, just learn the "laws" like buying indulgence, basically you can do anything and then buy your way into fairy land, fuck dostoevsky, retarded christcuck

>> No.17727735

everything is premiered buy there is a price to pay. And its not money.

>> No.17727761

>but there is a price to pay
only if you get caught
>And its not money.
sometimes its money, sometimes its prison time, definitely not some fairy fire land

>> No.17727798
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>if they had to live in a strict theocracy.
This is a strawman. Just because a society is 'religious' doesn't mean there is a god or even that they follow his commandments. In part that is why this post >>17725444
is so terrifically stupid. I find it interesting on how often the 'rational' atheists of the world struggle with basic logic or reasoning in their eagerness to denigrate religiosity. They've turned intelligence into a sort of cult where they mistaking simple professed membership for actual qualities.

>> No.17727817
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wishfully thinking

>> No.17727848

yes, fairy tales are wishful thinking, slave away until the rich get richer and powerful get more powerful, thinking theyll comeuppance will come, fun fact, you both will go to the same void, except they will be remembered as heroes and you just a statistic

>> No.17727871

they will all go to dust my man. And their memory as well. Power and money are not eternal and life is a so fleeting waiting it on them is sad.

>> No.17727892

> Power and money are not eternal
true and i dont care what you do with your time, just dont threaten people with fairy tale lands

>> No.17727895

so you care ? weird

>> No.17727904

maybe youll learn reading comprehension in the void

>> No.17727921

>i dont care what you do
>except i do care i you cant to X

>> No.17727944

stick to fiction, you clearly are retarded

>> No.17728084
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>in a more humane way

>> No.17728089


>> No.17728582

Dostoevsky mentions that there are secular forms of morality in the exact same novel.
Plus he obviously distained people who followed this logic considering the outcome of Smerdyakov.
Dostoevsky's observations were most significant at the time given the political and philosophical climate in 19th century Russia

>> No.17728869

God created the human “machine” and the Moral Law is the correct way to run it. To commit adultery, murder, theft, etc. destroys this machine, aka begets death, which was never an intended feature.

>> No.17728877

how about Serfdom, ole Dosto?

>> No.17728894

>The more civilized and industrialized a society
It's neither civilization nor industrialization that are to blame, but irrational rejection of evolutionary human behavior that spanned over inception of our existence for enforcement of artificially enforced ideals in society, one of them being liberalism.

until liberalism is rejected, the trend will continue.

>> No.17728904

>if you don't worship dem idols and the czar everything is permitted
you know he would go into incel rage when his comrades would debunk his faith?

>> No.17728932

I am LITERALLY GOD, and I am LITERALLY telling you that there will be justice. There always is justice.

>> No.17728938

****murders a baby in his mother's womb****

>> No.17728943

Indeed he is. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves. This is good thing perhaps.

>> No.17728957

>To commit adultery, murder, theft, etc. destroys this machine, aka begets death, which was never an intended feature.
The way you put it that way, like we’re “programmed” machines made for a certain task almost makes it sound good to break your “purpose.”

>> No.17728973

Well I don’t permit you to not permit it and I will stop you!

That is the beauty, of a godless world. Ultimate freedom, your will is the will of the world if you try hard enough.

>> No.17729085

doestoesvly was also trying to say it, as a warning

>> No.17729096

If god DOES exist, everything is permitted. After all, if god tells you to rape and murder and pillage (like in the Old Testament) that means it's permissible.

>> No.17729566

Why would it be good to die? Being alive is great, it’s this world in its fallen state that sucks, a state that was brought in by our decision to cut off from our life source (i.e God) in the first place.

>> No.17730799
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the fuck you saying brah?

>> No.17730809

>he says on 4channel