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17715657 No.17715657 [Reply] [Original]

>strong central governments bad

>> No.17715666

depends on the scale

>> No.17715669

go home

>> No.17715832

That wasn't Orwell's message at all. Coming from a background of being both a socialist and a British patriot, he had become disillusioned by the excesses of Stalinism on one hand and the lies of British war propaganda on the other. 1984 was drawn directly from his experiences working for the British Ministry of Propaganda, just as Animal Farm was drawn directly from the firsthand accounts he'd read of Stalinism.

>> No.17715848

Such a prophetic book.USA was dangerously close to this type of government when Trump was in office

>> No.17715867

We’re so lucky the good guys managed to turn it around in time.

>> No.17715880


>> No.17715884

Oh sweety, when we round you up in cages like you did thos poor BIPOC. you'll then realize what it's really like to be oppressed

>> No.17715895

orwell was writing about the ussr you retarded faggot

>> No.17715903

Trump is literally Big Brother

>> No.17715904

He was writing about the British Ministry of Propaganda, which he worked for.

>> No.17715913
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>> No.17715933

Biden and the dems have more in 3 months to make the country more like big brother and have total control over the average person than trump did in 4.

>> No.17715944

The book almost reads as a parody of a parody

>> No.17715957

have sex

>> No.17715961


>> No.17716080

with your?

>> No.17717068

What if I don't want to?

>> No.17717086

have sex anyway

>> No.17717094

I bet you believe the "great reset" is a fantastic idea.

>> No.17717108

I don't want cooties