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17712415 No.17712415 [Reply] [Original]

Which other authors besides Philip K Dick have wrote weird sci-fi that I should check out?

>> No.17712458

Gene wolfe

>> No.17712538
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>> No.17712549

Some of Pohl’s works have a similar vibe. Stand of Zanzibar by Brunner is also suitably weird. Harlan Ellison too but his stuff is generally malevolently weird.

>> No.17712587

>Stand on Zanzibar
Sorry fucked that up.
Also Vonnegut if you haven’t touched his stuff.

>> No.17712596

he's the polar opposite of PDK and honestly sperg trash

OP just read Brett Easton Ellis if you want surreal depravity mixed with black comedy

>> No.17712597

I just read the lathe of heaven by le guin and it was extremely dicky

>> No.17712633

jeff noon

>> No.17712787

Op here, where should I start with Po and Ellison?
same question about these three
I really should, maybe I'll start with him.
Also stumbled upon a book called Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny which seems pretty weird and intruiging, has anyone read it?

>> No.17712794

also futurological congress by lem would be good

>> No.17712802

I've read crash but I really should check this out.
I'm Currently going through Burroughs' Naked Lunch and kinda wanna check out his Nova Trilogy sometime as well.
I'm also reading Neuromancer which isn't super weird I guess but I was wondering if the other 2 books from the sprawl trilogy are worth reading and if they're direct sequels or if it is okay to read them sometime later on.

>> No.17712850

vurt by jeff noon. also check out gun with occasional music by lethem

>> No.17712855

For wolfe, start with Botns which is his most famous or you can also opt for fifth head of cerebus, which is brilliant.

>> No.17712912
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Yeah, High Rise is great fun. Strangely I've never read Gibson, though I think it'd be right up my alley. If you enjoy Ballard I'd say pic related is similar (ish) stylistically, and quite enjoyable as well

>> No.17712956

>Iain Banks
the bridge is really good. he has a lot of great sci fi too. I would recommend excession for a PKDick lover

>> No.17712968

>Lord of Light
It’s an interesting read that goes off the rails in the final act. Worth it though. As for Pohl, try some of his shorter stories like “The Merchants of Venus” and for Ellison try “I Have No Mouth and I must Scream” by Ellison. See which you like more. Neither quite hits the same tone as PKD but there are some weird, surreal elements in both (Pohl tends to be a lot less weird in most of his novels though). Vonnegut is probably a great place to start though. Sirens of Titan is a good one, very like PKD. I also liked Player Piano and Galapagos. Harrison Bergeron is a good short story to start. I’ve never touched his bigger ones like Cat’s Cradle of Slaughterhouse Five so I can’t say anything about them. Richard Matheson might also hit the right buttons for you but he wrote everything from scifi to westerns, so choose carefully.

>> No.17713092

Yeah Excession is also good. I remember enjoying The Player of Games many years ago as well

>> No.17713251

Can I start with Excession or do I need to read the previous Culture books first?

>> No.17713546

I've only read like 3 Culture books, don't remember it being a particular problem. As long as you understand the general idea of what the Culture is (Wikipedia article would probably suffice) I'd say you're fine.

>> No.17714036
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>> No.17714227
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Alfred Bester, particularly The Stars My Destination, The Demolished Man, and his short stories.

>> No.17714349
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has anyone read his later works. they are definitely a lot weirder and less received

>> No.17714382

Just note that they all pale in comparison with PKD

>> No.17714449

The Computer Connection/Extro was good. Worth reading, but only after you've read The Stars My Destination and The Demolished Man. The Deceivers and Psychoshop are much weaker. I didn't finish Golem 100; need to retry it sometime.

>> No.17714453

what is the literary equivalent of NGE+EOE?

>> No.17714509

agree about it being weaker but it has snake mommy and anime fights, fun little read

>> No.17714851

oi Ballard is sick m8

>> No.17715900

Arthur C Clark ‘Childhoods End’

>> No.17715935

I came here to suggest lathe of heaven

>> No.17715937
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R A Lafferty wrote some of the most surreal sci fi ever, his stuff makes PKD look tame in comparison

>> No.17715941
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You want weird? Here's weird

>> No.17715963
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>> No.17717574


Cordwainer Smith.



Seconding Jeff Noon, Pollen, and Falling Out of Cars are all interesting.


Zelazny is good; Creatures of Light and Darkness is very similar to Lord of Light. His other works tend to be a little more conventional

>> No.17718177

Finnegans Wake and Phenomenology of Spirit