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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 108 KB, 212x293, cat's quizzer cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17694775 No.17694775 [Reply] [Original]

I can find PDFs of everything but this one. What are you doing to preserve Dr. Seuss' works?

>> No.17694790

do you have a compiled link for all the books you found? I've been looking for one as well.

>> No.17694875

>the holders of the rights decide to not publish some of this racist shit

>> No.17694899

>preserve Dr. Seuss's works
nothing... they'll be preserved just fine by the library of congress and all the /pol/ doomsters like you

>> No.17694924

Are /pol/tards seriously pretending to care about this reddit-tier author for kids now? Also wasn't he jewish?

>> No.17695075

I got all of them from libgen.is and z library, could care less for his books though since he was a commie and am doing out of spite of the kike publishers

>> No.17695109
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>> No.17695114

I couldn't find The Cat’s Quizzer and On Beyond Zebra! from libgen.

>> No.17695120

Why are you guys so fragile?

>> No.17695128


>> No.17695136

no u

>> No.17695144

*respectfully disagrees*

>> No.17695153

I have a completely apolitical aproach to this, I just don't want them hiding stuff from us, first some stupid kids books, than actual landmarks of literature will be changed. It is my right to read whatever I damn please without interference, whether that be from God or simply myself does not matter, it is what I will and want. I have all of project gutenberg, all of wikisource, the Great Books of The Western World, Encyclopedia Britannica 1911, and a few others.

>> No.17695154

nothing respectful about polfaggotry

>> No.17695160
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>> No.17695163

meh Carle was always better anyway

>> No.17695164

He was a commie Jewish immigrant who used political cartoons to subvert during WWII. Him and his wife sued pro-life groups for using his work.

>> No.17695169
File: 35 KB, 354x512, b6bd61790949082fb22e29346aec74950d4ab0b4_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Madeline

>> No.17695172
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case in point

>> No.17695177
File: 96 KB, 669x1017, A455CA4F-7D4F-4478-839B-3BE10D880F4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>case in point

>> No.17695183
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>> No.17695191
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>> No.17695199

>racist shit
Got any examples?

>> No.17695203

>playing wojak yugioh on 4chan

>> No.17695219
File: 64 KB, 672x311, 3-15-17-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a different time

>> No.17695233
File: 117 KB, 450x404, bb7065726h_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have actually seen anything racist from him. This was a common idiom at the time, i don't think it means much. he actually see very progressive, especially for his time, based on the political cartoons I've seen. pic related is from 1942.

>> No.17695244

like I said, it was a different time

>> No.17695251

Heh, that's more blatant than I was expecting. Which book was this? I remember "nigger in a woodpile" being a euphemism for shenanigans being afoot. Granted, this is just silly caricatures, not actual racism.

>> No.17695257

blackface is seen as pretty racist these days

>> No.17695263

careful with that tinfoil hat. They stopped printing children's books with racist depictions in them. You can still buy twain and steinbeck and everyone else with the word "nigger" and that's not going to change
>I have all of
you mean you have saved to your hard drive? and I assume you use linux or BSD? or are you trusting your OS not to go in and edit the files?

>> No.17695276

Is it really blackface if it's a drawing?

>> No.17695278
File: 199 KB, 824x1024, dr-seuss-racist-824x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From just a one page drawing i guess. Makes more sense in context

>> No.17695281
File: 645 KB, 954x532, blackface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because critical theorist ideologues have conflated racism to be any form of acknowledgement of differences that isn't 100% positive, rather than limited to actual discrimination and prejudice. God forbid people poke fun at differences without some retard acting like it's an act of hatred.

>> No.17695285

He had it coming, fucker supported the New Deal, wanted to go into WWII just because "muh foreign children", attacked Charles Lindebergh, hated Hitler, disavowed anti Semitism and racism despite supporting putting Japanese US citizens in interment camps, sided with communism and was an environmentalist. Any depictions he made of certain races were just a sign of the times he lived in, though he did have dislike for some for no reason other than to protect the Jews. That cartoon illustrates how he today would support this crap, he wanted people to be cleansed by the government of "racis" thoughts. I guarantee you if he had a twitter today it would be filled with BLM crap and he would most likely be a Sanders supporter. But too bad, he died, and like all other good goys he will be sacrifice on the altar of Saturn despite being a devotee of the ideology of neo liberalism. Just goes to show that you should always, no matter what, put yourself and your people first, whether that be because of religion, Fascism, or simply self preservation. False charity is disgusting.

>> No.17695297

lol dude they just stopped selling some of his more outmoded works, relax

>> No.17695304

>you mean you have saved to your hard drive? and I assume you use linux or BSD? or are you trusting your OS not to go in and edit the files?

At least I am trying to do something with my limited technical knowledge, I doubt my OS has the capability to go through thousands of pages of pdfs and thousands of epubs and edit out stuff. A certain level of paranoia is unhealthy. Fuck you trying to seem smart with your obscure tech bullshit. I do what I can.

>> No.17695315

And the Nazis were just burning some outmoded books

>> No.17695323
File: 68 KB, 640x400, booma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah like einstein

>> No.17695328

>they just
We all know this is a bold-faced lie

>> No.17695359

no, it's the truth

>> No.17695390

All the people crying 1984 need to realize this is only because it’s children’s literature. Children is very impressionable so yes you do need to control what they are exposed to.
For example is my child was exposed to 4chan at a very early age you can bet his development would become stunted

>> No.17695399

What so we stop selling the Odyssey because it reflects ancient morality?

Most of those books were just crap about trannies and stuff from obscure Marxist and pedophile authors, and the book burnings were just for show, they were still readable in archives

>> No.17695410

>Most of those books were just crap about trannies and stuff from obscure Marxist and pedophile authors,
Don't hold me on that stament actually some of the authors they banned I actually really like.

>> No.17695414

>Children is very impressionable
That's exactly why we should show it to them. They should know what the white man naturally thinks of the nigger instead of being brainwashed by globohomo media where we're all equal and niggers aren't repulsive and unaesthetic. But I guess it's too late now.

>> No.17695424

Odyssey isn't marketed to or meant to be read by children

>> No.17695429

Fairy tales were quite gruesome in their early versions, when they were still mostly based on folk tales told in hope it will prevent children from getting into trouble. I don't recall most of population becoming murderous psychopaths back then.

>> No.17695437

Sure, but you don't need to sell it to them, big brain.

>> No.17695447


>> No.17695465

>I do what I can
which is nothing. Imagine thinking that the all-powerful globohomo conspiracy is going to completely remove from history entire books, but they'll be incompetent enough to leave you alone

>> No.17695506

The quality on this one is kinda trash desu

>> No.17695597

People are so fucking demoralizing on this board all the fucking time. Never use capitalization either.

>> No.17695694
File: 128 KB, 237x242, amoungsus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polfaggot whining about demoralization

lmao look at a mirror you hypocritical cocksucker

>> No.17695732

>wahhhh why won't anyone entertain my fantasies of government oppression

>> No.17695743

/lit/ is not your safe space. Dilate.

>> No.17696024

Thanks. I couldn't find a single thing in the book that can be considered racist. Maybe the "how old do you have to be to be Japanese" and the chop sticks questions, but that is a bizarre stretch.

>> No.17696047

blame the free market

>> No.17696181
File: 173 KB, 946x2048, lk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of companies that need to burn to the ground.

>> No.17696210

oh no not zogbay

>> No.17696238

We read it in class in freshman year at high school, so I'm calling bullshit. Besides, I binged old mythology in elementary and middle school (with all the bloody details) and I turned out fine. Kids aren't as fragile as adults seem to think. Hell, even the Animorphs series had some pretty brutal scenes of torture

>> No.17696271

Did you read Dr. Seuss in high school too?

>> No.17696322

Fuck them, we are right

>> No.17696328

No, I read them by binging my grandma's collection and filling in the gaps with my elementary school library. Little did I know those evil books were grooming my impressionable mind into a lifetime of hatred and bigotry.

>> No.17696341
File: 26 KB, 128x128, pepe123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't agree with me you're a TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY TRANNY

>> No.17696357

If it makes you feel better, widespread mockery is one of the early stages of normalization and eventually acceptance.

>> No.17696377

when i spent a year as an ESL teacher in Asia, I taught the kids via Dr Seuss books, got them to all chant in unison, it was fun

>> No.17696408
File: 108 KB, 579x680, 1612454745051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah something tells me /pol/ is mostly soros money too

>> No.17696438

I don't know why people write off Soros' influence, especially since it's public record that he's got a fuck ton of politicians and prosecutors in his pocket and isn't shy about his plans to erode borders. What's even more bizarre is people constantly assume criticism of him is based on antisemitism, given that he worked for the Nazis to sell out his own people.

>> No.17697467

obvious bait is obvious

>> No.17697485

imagine when liberals find out about Henry Ford, you think they will cancel ford?

>> No.17697498

has 4chan become so infested with trannies that there are people here actually offended over a children's book? Time to dial 8 and commit 41%, GUYS

>> No.17697510

o b s e s s e d

>> No.17697518
File: 1.02 MB, 3500x2322, db9tN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this afraid of children's books

>> No.17697539


Upload any pdfs her pricks. We need more people to gain up on the lit.

>> No.17697548

not a single person cares about the book
righties can mock lefties for being offended about the racist kid's book
lefties can mock righties for thinking not republishing a kid's book is 1984

neither side actually thinks either of those things, they just insult the strawman of the other guy, and play up their own strawman to provoke, and then once they're together they can start the usual flamewar about politics. The book is just pretext 10million to have another political argument. Personally I don't even bother pretending to talk about the book, I just start spamming inflammatory racial images

>> No.17697561

>not republishing
It's being thrown into the memory hole.

>> No.17697588

nobody's "afraid" of anything

they aren't banned

>> No.17697606

>They don't gotta burn tha books they just remove 'em
How does it feel that you sold your soul and are The Man now?

>> No.17697612

Online retailers have been blocking re-selling the books by people that still own copies.

>> No.17697628

>and that's not going to change

It’s the current year Anon.

>> No.17697638

They're not getting removed, just not being sold.

>> No.17697646
File: 10 KB, 275x183, hgfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he supports a publisher not printing children's books cause he fears they will turn kids racist

>> No.17697650
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This isn't authoritarian China, no matter what Joe thinks

>> No.17697657

Hey it's a free market

>> No.17697674

This isn't the only case either. You'll know the cancer has metastasized when libraries start pulling their own copies off shelves. Sure it's not 1984, but it's pretty damn spot on for Fahrenheit 451. Can't be having books that make people think unhappy thoughts, right?

>> No.17697676
File: 54 KB, 594x311, goalposts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this pathetic of a shill attempt
Yep. Soul gone.
>I used their argument against them; I am le clever
Then why aren't people allowed to sell it?

>> No.17697689
File: 243 KB, 680x709, aaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, not being sold. It's not like ebay called the cops and had his organs harvested...

>> No.17697693

>only books /pol/ can reference are 1984, brave new world and farenheit 451, the absolute entriest fucking level of literature

>> No.17697704
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>> No.17697705

what is this american bullshit, why can't you be normal and read racist european fairytales and fables

>> No.17697711
File: 175 KB, 620x345, tranny5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. I refuse to believe that anyone but a tranny would get offended over this shit. Has this really what you people have come to?

>> No.17697715

>say why I'm not allowed to run a red light
>haha all they ever bring up is safety and the law

>> No.17697726

good riddance

>> No.17697729
File: 1002 KB, 2320x3088, Tranny 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to dial 8 and kill yourself

>> No.17697756

Wrong post? I was arguing that anti-censorship anons keep bringing up 1984 and 451 because it's the most apt description of how the left acts.

>> No.17697757

>hiding stuff from us
There are thousands of texts that go out of publishing and thousands of texts that have never been published just sitting in some dark room. It isn't hiding it from you because someone else isn't making it commercially available to you.

>> No.17697777

Keep pretending >>17696181 isn't happening, it makes you look honest and trustworthy.

>> No.17697778
File: 8 KB, 225x225, gggf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, if anything you're being the most orweillian with how blurry you make the concept of censorship seem

>> No.17697795

You tried.
Shills really have no idea how often they give themselves away, do they?

>> No.17697812

If you were honestly worried about the lack of availability of certain literature it wouldn't begin with a dr. seuss book. Why haven't you been crying about the thousands of unpublished manuscripts at universities, museums, or other archives?

>> No.17697840

>wouldn't begin with a dr. seuss book.
It didn't.
However, there is a difference between removing something that was available, for ideological reasons, and not releasing archived content that was never published. Do you also think masturbation is mass murder?

>> No.17697858
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nice arguments

>> No.17697862

>for ideological reasons
It isn't for ideological reasons it is for financial reasons. The publishing house is just doing what is financially beneficial.

>> No.17697874

Not to mention bowing to the mob isn't actually beneficial.

>> No.17697885
File: 86 KB, 1189x840, Fahrenheit 451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Fahrenheit 451 wasn't dead accurate
Whether or not it's entry-level is irrelevant.

>> No.17697902

They believe otherwise. The publishing house believes it is financially beneficial so they are acting accordingly. Perhaps you can email them your economic analysis of why it is more beneficial to publish the books and they will renege.

>> No.17697947

stop publishing something that still sells massively for a few twitter sjws complaints are you being a retard on purpose anon

>> No.17697948

kek friendly fire

>> No.17697964
File: 394 KB, 788x1576, 1613395860066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine supporting censorship of innocent children books
>Imagine blaming the people who oppose censorship
You shills are less then human. You're twisted manipulative worms.

>> No.17698010

if you believe that some board of directors actually cares about a minor social grievance and it isn't just catering to consumers for future financial benefit or mitigated loss you are retarded and should go back

>> No.17698064

troglodyte tier take look at the comic book industry it keeps pumping out sjw garabage that doesn't sell companies haven't been about profits in a long time

>> No.17698077

>comic book industry keeps pumping out sjw garbage
so nothing has changed

>> No.17698084
File: 19 KB, 676x431, 1608325934187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine coming to a literature board with no respect for language

>> No.17698135


>> No.17698161

This, comics were always propaganda.

>> No.17698226

>posting the leftist Rush Limbaugh
kek. I dunno how this brainlet has such a following, but then again I've seen literal piss drinkers get decently sized followings.

>> No.17698337
File: 323 KB, 2048x1152, skynews-peter-pan-disney-native-americans_4837119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I don't see anything wrong with racial caricatures if they're presented in a respectful way, as an artistic exploration of a certain culture. Some of the Dr. Seuss stuff that was banned seemed legitimately de-humanising, though. But it's worrying to see people say stuff like Aladdin and pic related are "racist" just because they're influenced by different cultures and feature characters of those cultures.

>> No.17698375

That's unironically an insult to Rush Limbaugh.

>> No.17698383

Just read this article and tell me we're not hopelessly brainwashed.

>> No.17698433

They stopped publishing it not because people didn't want to buy it but because of an ideological commitment. This is just pure censorship based on the desire to socially engineer kids into believing in multiculturalism.

>> No.17698434

kill yourself tranny
Try to deny chinks have slits for eyes
And I will show you a liar

>> No.17698443


>> No.17698459

Reminder that (((Dr. Seuss))) was a commie fag.

>> No.17698461
File: 59 KB, 600x477, dr-seuss-black-people-as-monkeys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17698659

>and that's not going to change
Are you so sure about that, anon?

>> No.17698671

well I'm buying all my niggerbook physicals now just in case

>> No.17698913

take your meds, they stopped publishing it because they think it will look good publically and bring them social credit, not because of any ideology they are secretly pushing themselves. It is just an attempt to appease consumers all for the end of profit.

>> No.17698994

One of the things he's accused of is antisemitism, so...

>> No.17699008
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>> No.17699028

Can someone post the 'offensive imagery" from the various discontinued books? All the articles I read list the books and give descriptions of some examples, but none show the actual imagery.

>> No.17699117

Have we westerners got it so good that we need to have discourse over childrens' books? Imagine if a real crisis happens.

>> No.17699162

Imagine people with strong opinions about some books and it's author arguing on a board about literature and some dumbass coming in like "lol what about real world problems"

>> No.17699167
File: 101 KB, 836x786, 20210216_104806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racist shits
Idc and neither should you.
>licking the corporate boot that hard
Anon idk what to say other than ask why would you defend a corporation instead of attacking them on all available lanes?

>> No.17699203

You are really overthrowing the evil corporations right now. Keep posting schizo, your attacks have almost destroyed them

>> No.17699208
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>> No.17699216
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>> No.17699234

nobody believes this lmao, you don't even believe it yourself

>> No.17699264

yes anon, I definitely believe Nabisco cares about trannys more than money

>> No.17699272

They care about following the state religion

>> No.17699281

Oh my! How offensive!

>> No.17699302

there is something wrong with them, I think in the end we're going to end up shooting at each other

>> No.17699305

You will never be a womXn.

>> No.17699308

wtf I hate minorities now!

>> No.17699318




The cognitive dissonance is astounding.

>> No.17699536

>see Dr Seuss books getting cancelled online
>6 of them are no longer in publication as a result of this
>notice the vast trove of problematic, popular, common books and media just floating around
>see that there are Dr Seuss books now being sold as collectables online
>start ordering in bulk copies of famous stories that by today's standards are racist, sexist, transphobic, etc
>write articles calling for the cancellation of all these old books and force publishing houses to stop printing them
>sell old books to rich rightoids as collectables for profit

Already preserved. PDFs exist of all of them. Now excuse me, I have money to make

>> No.17699563

imagine caring about retarded zippity zoop zip furry comics from the 1700s when you could be making a killing off of the cancellation of the Berenstein bears

>> No.17699577
File: 236 KB, 1005x793, Dr.Seuss Ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What annoys me the most is the doublethink/silence from liberals. It's them defending this laughably clear censorship while still proclaiming themselves advocates of free speech.

Just come out already and admit free speech is an outdated concept so there can be actual debate instead of continuously doubling down on whatever your liberal elite masters push.

>> No.17699636

"Sounds like the free market to me :^)" Is what they'll say to you when pressed.

>> No.17699803

>they aren't banned they're just not making new ones
>they aren't banned they're just not allowed to be resold
>it's a free market except when cake is involved
>I have nothing inside me, I'm just a hollow shell made of meat filled with dead words

>> No.17699817

Fuck I didn't realize that was from the book until he said "three-dimensional sex-magazines".

>> No.17699845

is anyone else here racist, or is it just me?

>> No.17699905

Wait, why is Dr. Suess being "canceled"?

>> No.17699965
File: 598 KB, 1021x678, success-kid-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I made thousands of dollars off of this shitstorm

>> No.17699981

>the right being concerned over slippery slope censorship and doing nothing to stop it
>the left gaslighting and insisting this isn't a trend after almost a decade of it

some things never change

>> No.17700425
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>> No.17700506

>I just don't want them hiding stuff from us, first some stupid kids books, than actual landmarks of literature will be changed.

This here. These are books that would continue to sell if kept in print, it's not a case of the books falling out of print because there's no interest in them. If you apply present-day censors' rules to books of decades past, there's plenty of still-popular books that could have their ongoing reprints ceased, all because a Twitter mob howled loud enough. Most of the books I read are reprints from the 20th century, and almost all would have "problematic" aspects according to the censorious views of today. Don't think these people will stop after just a handful of books, either. Their hunger to ban and censor will never be sated.

>> No.17700954

>we have to buy illicit Dr. Seuss books from the shady man in a trenchcoat now
Is this what we've come to?

>> No.17700964
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>> No.17700974
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>> No.17700977

The books are still on Abebooks (for now anyway). Saw someone selling a 2000s-era reprint of Scrambled Eggs Super for $1200.

>> No.17701308

Can anyone share me their collection in mega or something?

>> No.17701558

all i wanted to do is sell these books at ridiculous prices because of this stupid shit is that so much to ask?

>> No.17701595

I'm russian and literally how the fuck this offends me?

>> No.17701943
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>> No.17701957


>> No.17702291


>> No.17702463
File: 32 KB, 640x420, 1585383765746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, are these "trannies" here in the room with us now? What are they telling you to post?

>> No.17702502

can't wait to dm this to Nick Mullen

>> No.17702521

>"heheh that will show then!! i will defend oligopolies and their ability to collude with eachother in order to censor what they don't like"
So.... you are for Anarcho capitalism them? anyone can do anything as long as they have the money?

>> No.17702541

Get in like and shut the fuck up acting like i want you to or you aren't really Russian.

>> No.17702664
File: 628 KB, 1079x958, 1613927408266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not censorship when your publisher decides to stop selling something.

>> No.17702726

To be fair, they do eat with sticks.

>> No.17702749
File: 225 KB, 1253x927, you did.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is directed to anyone who tries to preserve the past.

>> No.17702813

No one cares about big jewish company
Big jewish company only does what rabid goys want so they can make more money
You think they would just stop selling it on their own initiative?
You are retarded
remember to dial 8 and off yourself, because life won't be easy for you if you are going to get offended over the smallest shit imaginable

>> No.17702825

Arrest this man
The new turner diaries

>> No.17702838
File: 269 KB, 1440x1858, tranny 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No trannies replied to this because they cannot refute

>> No.17702895
File: 41 KB, 1014x640, offensive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what exactly is so offensive about any of this? Holy fucking fragility, Batman! It's times like these that I wish observing the Offended page of Encyclopedia Dramatica was required to graduate. Maybe then people wouldn't be such chronic crybabies.

>> No.17702911

imagine if these crybabies found the turner diaries or something
they would blow up (like a chinaman on a railroad)

>> No.17702931

uh oh anon easy on the anti-Semitism there, this isn't /b/

>> No.17702939

lmao nobody with higher than room temp IQ takes that trash seriously

>> No.17702977
File: 79 KB, 584x530, absolute rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this part of the high school reading lists? Are too many lazy faggots just using Cliffnotes and not actually taking in any of the lessons they are supposed to be receiving? Seeing a bunch of my old friends openly be in support of all this madness is making me genuinely seethe.

>> No.17703062

I'm dating one. I can confidently say that even my partner is frustrated with the sheer histrionics of the "community" and how most of the vocal ones are full blown commies hellbent on cultural destruction and making everyone as miserable as them.

>> No.17703081

And yet these room temp IQs seem to have enough pull that major companies left and right are bending to their retarded whining.

>> No.17703164

>Implying this isn't just a corporate scheme to play both sides and drive costs up at the same time
Bowing to the "woke" crowd will further their brand loyalty, these are the same people that say "Disney good for Lion King 2019 make diverse, make girl boss." By pulling the books it creates a market scramble where trumptrads buy as many copies as they can before product is pulled from the shelf. When the books are eventually reissued (and they will be) both sides will be clamoring to buy new copies simply because there's been no new copies for however long. Do you really think a company like Random House gives two shits about anything other than profits?

>> No.17703247

Yeah but... 1984 MAN

>> No.17703322

kill yourself collaborator vermin

>> No.17703373

go back eledctionfag scum

>> No.17703706

Чтo ты нecёшь, eбaнyтый?

>> No.17703793

That's racist.

>> No.17703814

God just fucking put this deformed sloth out of his misery. How pathetic.

>> No.17704160

>All over amazon best sellers to own the libs
>Free 24/7 media advertising costing $0
>Value of these books skyrockets
isn't actually beneficial?

>> No.17705010
File: 89 KB, 700x700, 820019ee222f70575598fe3dcf366ae6cb-11-freud.rsquare.w700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm dating one
like clockwork

>> No.17705374

>this made fragile liberals shart and vomit their pants in 2021

>> No.17705775

t. collaborator and terrorist

>> No.17706298

my source tells me Chinese bootlegs will be printed and ready to ship by next week

>> No.17707149

Because the market is free to make that decision?