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File: 210 KB, 1133x702, books stephen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17691081 No.17691081 [Reply] [Original]

Here's some better books to read to your kids instead of that old Dr. Seuss, courtesy of Stephen Colbert.

>> No.17691094

no way this is real, what a fucking shallow grift. If only there was a children’s writer who made a story about cynical capitalists exploiting racial differences for profit. Something about stars on bellies instead of race, maybe call them sneetches instead of humans. If only there was an anti-racist writer who did that. Oh well! Let’s all just buy the same 15 woke kid’s books from that one woke publisher! Yay

>> No.17691098

wheres antiracist baby?

>> No.17691489

It’s real, someone posted the clip on /tv/ earlier.

>> No.17691538

It's not "cynical capitalists" that are the problem. This isn't Big Children's Books pulling the levers to sell more of their white guilt books, or something. God I hate communists so fucking much. Think for two goddamn seconds before you attack the same nonexistent enemy every single time.

>> No.17691563

im down with the brown.

>> No.17691632

Post video, I want to be mad.

>> No.17691647
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, 1583249312841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont mean to be rude and blunt but you are fucking retarded and nowhere near as "based and redpilled" as you think you are if you think progressive culture is anything but capitalist democracy further dividing and diluting working class white people to turn them against each other and manipulate them with an infinite pool of grievances and ethnic and cultural and ideological division. leftist movements are completely neutered and subverted and have been since the 60s, doing little more than parroting liberal talking points that undermine class solidarity and thus their own goals. communists arent a threat in any way beyond the fact that they are now front line attack dogs of capitalism, barking and snarling and biting at white people

>> No.17691698

Hey retard not everyone is a communist. This is why you guys are so impossible to talk to. You only speak through "communist" frame. It is like we are talking different languages. To have any sort of productive discussion you have to assume your interlocutor doesn't believe all the same communist theories as you, right?

Communism is not relevant and has not been relevant for a long time. Neither is it dangerous. Nobody cares if you are a communist. Nobody gets in trouble for being communists. They are not destroying society with woke bullshit just to neutralize some "threat" that nobody cares about. Hey if you want to organize workers or spout Marxism go ahead. Tons of people are doing that. Nobody gives a shit. They are allowed to teach at universities and run for office. Nobody bats an eye. Because nobody fucking cares about you one way or the other. Communists literally only matter in their own minds.

>> No.17691699

When he started doing that I turned the TV off in disgust and read some Samuel Beckett. Time better spent.

>> No.17691711

Not him but you perfectly encapsulate cultural marxism in this post and prove why they're the threat they are today. Dumbshit

>> No.17691715

he basedfacin’

>> No.17691737

Wow great fucking argument.

Just once I want communists to own up to the fact that they are irrelevant, nobody cares about them, they are not edgy, they are not rebels, they are just balless servants of the powerful. As evidenced by the fact that none of them will stand up against PC bullshit. They will go on and on about how it's bad, but none of them will call out PC lies at their root. None of them will talk about sex differences, race differences, the truth about gays, trannies. Why? Because they are not rebels at all and are totally terrified of actually going against anything powerful. It is easy to rail against capitalists, that doesn't get you in trouble. It is hard to tell the truth about political correctness, and literally zero "real leftists" do.

>> No.17691773

You're right. I have personally encountered communists irl and they are exactly as you've described.

>> No.17691779

Why are you watching Cuckbert in the first place?

>> No.17691821


>> No.17691897

Not religious, but he kinda seems like a demon of some sort.

>> No.17691898

I want to hear them say

Come on you pussies

Admit it. You know what I say is true

>> No.17691907

Seriously I have never understood how people miss that. I find him excruciating to watch. He just radiates malevolence and cruelty.

>> No.17691921

It's the fact that he's been under several layers of irony throughout his career. He still oozes it even now as he tries to be "sincere"

>> No.17691938

No I think it's the fact that he's an evil fuck

>> No.17691947

>Colbert is a practicing Roman Catholic and used to teach Sunday school. He is an ordained minister with the Universal Life Church Monastery.[18]
>Although, by his own account, he was not particularly political before joining the cast of The Daily Show, Colbert has described himself as a Democrat according to a 2004 interview.[192][193]
>The 2012 Democratic Party platform endorses maintaining Roe v. Wade, a woman's right to make decisions regarding her pregnancy, including a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and a woman's decision to have a child by providing affordable health care and ensuring the availability of and access to programs helping women during pregnancy and after a child's birth, including caring adoption programs, along with opposing any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.[35]
>When asked about his views on abortion, Colbert positioned himself as pro-choice.[196]
>Canon Law of the Roman Catholic Church
>Can. 1398 A person who procures a completed abortion incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.

>> No.17691957

You can in fact be pro-choice while not supporting abortion on a personal level. It’s pro-choice not pro-abortion

>> No.17691963

It's eerie watching this where he pauses for laughter and there is none, only my lingering feeling of horror at the implications of what he just said.

>> No.17691974

woah colbert procured a completed abortion? who knew!

>> No.17691982

Actually getting an abortion is an automatic excommunication from the Church. But morally or materially supporting the procurement of an abortion for oneself or another is a mortal sin in the Roman Catholic Church. Voting for a political candidate because they plan to legally support the procurement of abortions is morally supporting the procurement of many thousands or millions of abortions depending on the size of the jurisdiction.

>> No.17691989



Read the comments. People know.

>> No.17691990
File: 128 KB, 1037x1037, 1576570491958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to put this dog down.

>> No.17692115

It gets worse, gentlemen. Please like and subscribe.

>> No.17692279

what images were so terrible anyway

>> No.17692302


>> No.17692355

Is this your video, anon?

>> No.17692654

No you can't because Catholics aren't cultural relativists. You are obligated to support a what is good and oppose what is bad. You can't be personally opposed to murder.

>> No.17692687

Brown Boy Joy sounds like gay child porn so no thanks. I'm gonna read If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and American Psycho to my wonderful beautiful baby boys instead.

>> No.17692696

>practicing Roman Catholic
>ordained minister
He's a Catholic priest?
>...with the Universal Life Church Monastery
Hmmmmm. Do practicing Roman Catholics typically get ordinations from other churches?

>> No.17692773

You haven't been paying attention.

>> No.17692797

you deserve to be destroyed by the Chinese and muttfied