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[ERROR] No.17690758 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to be honest guys: I hate christianity. I think it is the most disgusting thing to ever exist. The amount of torment and misery it has caused is unquantifiable. I want to see every christian killed. Nietzsche was 100% correct in his prognostication of this putrid religion, it is the most brazenly nihilistic mentality to ever afflict humanity. I hate it so much, bros.

>> No.17690764
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>> No.17690765

Get into demonolatry then

>> No.17690769

I'll pray for you anon, have a great day/night/evening/whatever

>> No.17690770

A world without Christianity or religion would’ve been worse.

>> No.17690776

you are underage, peter. go do your homework or something

>> No.17690777

rome collapsed due to christianity

>> No.17690780

> /lit/ - literature

>> No.17690785

are you quite certain you hate it specifically or is it simply the most immediate and intimate of all religions and ideologies you can critique/are able to critique? the others being somewhat more distant to your immediate situation and surroundings.

>> No.17690787

Don’t worry anon, most religions are. They’re built on dogma and are generally for sub-humans that have no control over themselves.

>> No.17690790

Read one book

>> No.17690796

Trips wasted on puerile LARPagan brainletism

>> No.17690798

this always gives me a chuckle. people decide they hate christianity and so they go to one of its byproducts. i don't post peanut brain wojak but this would definitely merit it.

>> No.17690811

Considering many of these demons used to be venerated gods you can't really call it a byproduct of christianity

>> No.17690821

Venerated by who? Some ofshoot of some special snowflake religion. Same shit

>> No.17690827

Are you joking? Mesopotamians, Greeks, Romans, Celts, Germans, Persians, Hindus, etcetc. Don't act like christianity doesn't consider every spirit not under the control of yhvh to be a demon.

>> No.17690829

buster... you just tried to put me in the groan zone and for that i am terminating this discussion effective immediately.

>> No.17690845

That's okay. I didn't really expect an honest conversation on this topic anyhow

>> No.17690852

We get it, mommy made you go to Sunday school so you hate Christianity.

>> No.17690869

Not really but ok anon. If you feel the need to pretend that people hate your religion because your religion is correct, I won't stop you

>> No.17690876

Why does christianity cause so much seethe?

>> No.17690880

because we are on the right side of history

>> No.17690885

This is stupid; there is no "right side of history" so what the hell does that even mean

>> No.17690890

This is faggoty bait. Its not that its particularly bad it just reeks of angst, repressed homosexuality/transexuality and cringe

>> No.17690894

no, i'd give you an honest discussion but i suspect we've both been baited into silliness and i'm quitting it. good luck in your other endeavors and i'm sure i'll meet you on better terms in some other thread.

>> No.17690918

>There is no "right side of history." There are only those willing to fight evil, and those unwilling to do so.
Ben Shapiro

>> No.17690920


>> No.17690929

I dunno why you would use a Ben Shapiro quote to bolster your argument but if 'evil' is defined as murder and degeneracy and the general perpetration of human suffering and pain then I guess I agree somewhat

>> No.17690932

Yes but "demonolatry" is indeed a byproduct of Christianity

>> No.17690939

>the amount of torment and misery it has caused is unquantifiable
>I want to kill 2.38 billion people, from the old grandmas to the little babies who were just baptized
Ah yes, atheism. The religious position for the truly ethical and moral person.

>> No.17690950

>religious position

>> No.17690951

It's up to you to be redeemed how is this nihilistic

>> No.17690953

>f you pay tuition, you're sponsoring the militant homosexual agenda. If you pay taxes, you're sponsoring the militant homosexual agenda. If your child majors in English, you're sponsoring the militant homosexual agenda.
Ben Shapiro

>> No.17690965

Unfathomably based, but all religions are dogshit

>> No.17690968

Luke 14:26 is not exactly life-affirming

>> No.17690978

Redeemed from life lol how is this NOT nihilistic?

>> No.17690990
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>The amount of torment and misery it has caused is unquantifiable
> I want to see every christian killed.

>> No.17690998
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I think it has something to do with the hypocrisy.
The religion teaches selfless love, letting go of material possessions, and hard work.
The majority of it's followers do the exact opposite of the teachings.

Obviously when people see a City of Ego instead of a City of God they start seething.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.17691001

>The majority of it's followers do the exact opposite of the teachings.
how would you quantify this

>> No.17691003


>> No.17691005

all christian history

>> No.17691007

The United States of America?
Europe (rather understandably) has become increasingly atheistic.

>> No.17691150

Nice png brainlet

>> No.17691217

Then why did the Byzantines persist?

>> No.17691356

It's talking about how if people go to Christ searching for bettering themselves then they will be reminded of their inferiority/sins and the inferiority of their parents. I do not see how this connects to nihilism/discouraging.

>> No.17691370

>degenerate shithole with no culture collapsed

>> No.17691380

>but all religions are dogshit
the materialist atheist says.

>> No.17691388

>degenerate shithole with no culture
that would be post-christianity rome

>> No.17691412

because there is hope, if there was no christ then there is nihilism

>> No.17691414

>an enlightenment secular government represents all of Christendom

>> No.17691425

>The majority of it's followers do the exact opposite of the teachings.

It's okay you can say it: caths are more materialistic than prots

>> No.17691428

Hope for the end of this life, and nihilism without Christ merely because you're still measuring existence based on Christ's.

>> No.17691435


>> No.17691449

>Hope for the end of this life
It's actually, [Hope at the end of life*]
There is pleasure in doing good and improving both the exterior and interior.
>merely because you're still measuring existence based on Christ's.
No, (nihilism without Christ) merely because you realize there's no creator and everything becomes meaningless, "this life is all you have and it'll soon become nothing to your conscious"

I rather believe in God and be surprised there isn't one, than to not believe in God and get BTFO when I meet him

>> No.17691456

Read a book. No one gives a flying fuck if you're a fedora tipper or a tradcath

>> No.17691477

>It's actually, [Hope at the end of life*]
A Christian's actions don't suggest that. They do things in this life simply for a good seat in the next. If they're doing it out of a personal pleasure, they're not really practicing the religion.

>No, (nihilism without Christ) merely because you realize there's no creator and everything becomes meaningless
You just changed the words around. You're measuring existence based on a creator's. That's the only reason why there's nihilism after the creator leaves the picture. Why not move the center of gravity somewhere else?

>> No.17691514

No matter how much you hate christianity, you know thay there are worse religions, like muslims, (((etc)))

>> No.17691531

There are too many ‘Christianities’ for this to mean anything

>> No.17691546

>Why not move the center of gravity somewhere else?

Because of the (not surprising) correlation: Atheists and suicide

>Pitzer College sociologist Phil Zuckerman compiled country-by-country survey, polling and census numbers relating to atheism, agnosticism, disbelief in God and people who state they are non-religious or have no religious preference. These data were published in the chapter titled "Atheism: Contemporary Rates and Patterns" in The Cambridge Companion to Atheism, ed. by Michael Martin, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK (2005). In examining various indicators of societal health, Zuckerman concludes about suicide:
"Concerning suicide rates, this is the one indicator of societal health in which religious nations fare much better than secular nations. According to the 2003 World Health Organization's report on international male suicides rates (which compared 100 countries), of the top ten nations with the highest male suicide rates, all but one (Sri Lanka) are strongly irreligious nations with high levels of atheism. It is interesting to note, however, that of the top remaining nine nations leading the world in male suicide rates, all are former Soviet/Communist nations, such as Belarus, Ukraine, and Latvia. Of the bottom ten nations with the lowest male suicide rates, all are highly religious nations with statistically insignificant levels of organic atheism.

>> No.17691554

Because it's the truth and people despise the truth and want nothing more than to be fed endlessly with self gratification and bullshit.

>> No.17691560

>Jesus: here are some lifestyle changes to keep in mind that will help you live a better life and avoid destroying yourself
>OP 2000 years later:

>> No.17691568

Also, >>17691477 a true Christian is out in the woods praying and fasting not in churches which are planted in the centre of a materialistic society.

Good deeds aren't necessary for salvation, but that doesn't mean go out and be a shitty human being, it means be in the centre- having no negative impact on others or do your best at helping others

>> No.17691570

The ones that commit suicide failed to move the center. What you just gave me is good reason to move it.

>> No.17691586
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>an empire collapsed because of degenerate retarded people who lived their lives all but completely rejecting christian philosophy, this is Christianities fault

>> No.17691607

(You're saying that their decision is based off their realization that there is no god and you're saying they should shift from that idea into a life affirming mentality like the admiration and creation of art, right?dontreplyifimcorrect)

Every atheist moves the centre, initially.

>> No.17691623

Not the admiration and creation of art, necessarily

>Every atheist moves the centre, initially.
The ones that don't become nihilistic and sometimes commit suicide on that account. It's not atheism that makes people suicidal, it's failing to adapt to atheism.

>> No.17691624

christianity isn't the problem. pretty much every religion, every culture, every group has been problematic at one time. to make christianity the scapegoat is low IQ.

>> No.17691678

>it's failing to adapt to atheism
What do you think this failure originates from? Intuition? Why is there an inability to fully accept that there may NOT be a god? If one reaches the declaration that one is free what is holding one back? Doubt?

>> No.17691697

be honest with yourself. you're not that smart.

>> No.17691717

>What do you think this failure originates from?
Liberals and our educational system both play a big part. You don't just uproot people out of a culture that has hundreds of years of history behind it, throw them all in a classroom where they learn basically nothing about themselves since such a setting is terrible for that, and expect good results. Tabloid / social media culture also aggressively perpetuates bad cultural norms and even influences the already-broken educational system at times which makes matters worse. Basically, the society isn't structured properly at all for the transition, and it's only rare individuals and families that adapt and survive.

>> No.17691730
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I'm going to be honest guys: I hate atheism. I think it is the most disgusting thing to ever exist. The amount of torment and misery it has caused is unquantifiable. I want to see every atheist killed. Nietzsche was 100% correct in his prognostication of this putrid belief, it is the most brazenly nihilistic mentality to ever afflict humanity. I hate it so much, bros.

>> No.17691814

>Liberals and our educational system both play a big part. You don't just uproot people out of a culture that has hundreds of years of history behind

Right. I like to think of globalism as "reverse" colonialism, (divide and conquer) extract everybody around mix them all up erase culture and religion for ____. People are being forced into a religion since their first year and it continues as the official religion until the end of their education. The next generation from my observation are not religious (traditional religions), they're lost.