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File: 61 KB, 446x640, Carl Jung with Emma Jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17684071 No.17684071 [Reply] [Original]

>His [Jung's] reliance on Richard Wagner's treatment of the Amfortas theme is intriguing for several reasons. Wagner, almost the only composer of music to have won space in Jung's writings, [5] was discussed enthusiastically with Sabina Spielrein, as her diary indicates:

>". . . tears came to his own eyes when I explained something about, for example, Wagner's psychological music, for he had thought, felt, written (in unpublished works, too) the very same things." (Carotenuto, 1982: 12.)

>Spielrein's Wagnerian imagination centered on The Ring of the Nibelung, as she wished to bear Jung's blond, half-Jewish son and name him Siegfried. Jung discussed aspects of The Ring in Symbols of Transformation, having been drawn into it by his dreamer's associations. But there is a different kind of weightiness in his references to the Amfortas' wound. The symbol of the Grail King's bleeding thigh is pregnant [6] with personal meaning for Jung. Possibly he saw himself as an Amfortas who had fallen for a Kundry in Sabina.

>> No.17684079
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>> No.17684081


>> No.17684083

They seem to be especially motherly.

>> No.17684094

Hnnnnnnng kazhar milkers are a gift from God himself

>> No.17684106

khazar milkers

>> No.17684119

big boobys to suck just like momma

>> No.17684202

>be Heidegger
>have affair with young Jewish woman
>becomes Nazi
>send her to the concentration camps

>be Jung
>have affair with young Jewish woman
>becomes Nazi
>send her to the concentration camps and she actually dies

Very common indeed!

>> No.17684276

I fell for a Jewish woman because she had nice breasts (and she was nice)

>> No.17684280

Because they're more intellectual, i.e. more like real fully developed people.

>> No.17684289
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>> No.17684312 [DELETED] 
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Many Jews are inclined to marry into powerful Gentile families and to seduce important Gentiles, including intellectuals.

>> No.17684357

Whenever I think of this, I always think of that scene in Schindler's List where Ralph Fiennes talks about how he personally finds Jews disgusting, but he feels bewitched by Jewish women and is convinced they are able to put spells on men like living succubi on earth.
That is probably the best description of it.
There is something so objectively vile and repulsive about Jew women, but you still want to fuck them for some reason. It's one of those mysteries we will never understand.

>> No.17684363

To hold a Jewess’ foot in your mouth is one of the greatest experiences you can have.

>> No.17684402

Okay Quentin.

>> No.17684861

/pol/ will never understand just what exactly a Jew is.

>> No.17685382

And what is a Jew?

>> No.17685475

In pre WW1 Germany the dark haired Jewish vixen seducing the goyim was a common trope

>> No.17685503
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my all time fave Jewess is Liz Taylor as Rebecca from Ivanhoe

>> No.17685517

heidegger helped arendt escape. And now we are taught her garbage in political philosophy.

>> No.17685522

t.jew. Womena aren't supossed to be inteletual. You have your friends for that. Women are supposed to be lighter as a certain german incel once said.

>> No.17685534

Why is this board so obsessed with Jung? I've mostly encountered writers that saw him as a kind of nice retard and the ones that didn't annoyed the hell out of me and didn't make me want to know more.

>> No.17685537

>i only read secondary literature

>> No.17685540

Because he was psychologist and not a philosopher which made him fell for lower cultures.

>> No.17685548
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The Jewess is the thinking man's woman. Jewesses have a noble air to them, maybe because the fact that Jews are more or less the modern nobility, but also the eagle beak nose (was associated with nobility before Nazism tied it to Jewry), the often snow white skin (again associated with nobility, or rather a well off woman that didn't need to work in the fields) beautifully contrasted with jet black hair, and intelligence. And often being the mouthpiece of liberalism and feminism (pic not related in this case), it is an interesting game to tame the willful kikess into a subservient wife.

>> No.17685549

This is true, i learned the hard way. They seem witty and nice even if their features are kinda off. Once you start to really know them and have an actual relationship, it becomes disgusting. I learned the hard way. Jesus christ.

>> No.17685551

Petersonfags just moved on to Jung after he outed himself as a pseud

>> No.17685552

I said it twice because it was important kek

>> No.17685555

Some peterson fags moved to peterson because he spoke about jung and neetchan, but then moved away because he was a pseud.

>> No.17685561

An adherent of Judaism.

>> No.17685562

How are these jewish woman traits any distinguishable from woman traits?

>> No.17685579

when did he out himself as a pseud?

>> No.17685584

it's nothing to do with their tits, appearance or intelligence. men simply like getting yelled at by insane women.

>> No.17685586

Not only but I do not want to lose my time engaging with an irrelevant thinker. So far I am not convinced at all that Jung has something of value to say and your post does not help.

>> No.17685608

Jewish women are intelligent and witty, unlike the vast majority of women.
Also, the meme about female manipulation is completely divorced from reality. The average female's attempt at lying is like trying to pick a lock and ending up bashing the door off its hinges. The meme is only perpetuated by men that get so caught up by a woman's outwardly appearance that they end up getting burned by them cheating or whatever when the red flags were in the air and clear to see to anyone not thinking with their dicks. Jewesses don't have the jaw-dropping appearance (to most people; I find a lot of Jewesses to be downright beautiful but I know they aren't attractive in the conventional sense) to be deficient in cunning and get away with it.

>> No.17685611

No, jews are by default pseuds. They are emotionally charged and not intellectually as any other non-white race.

>> No.17685642

Holy cope. If Jews are pseuds what does that make of the goyim they have been lording over for the past several centuries? You are on the same level of niggers who say whypipo r the reel stupid wonz and we niggaz wuz kangs and invented everythang dat whitey stole.

>> No.17685671
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You're the one coping, you literally cant survive without people's pity and you still take full advantage of it then act surprised by the consequences. All jewish """intellectualism""" is based on plagiarism and apologism of depravity. Too intelligent for israel to not be a shithole, right?

>> No.17685714
File: 591 KB, 1377x1600, 69FF862B-2B3B-4EDD-B96D-F08BF3B4CBFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.17685737

Spinoza gets the oven exemption pass.

>> No.17685747

>There is something so objectively vile and repulsive about Jew women, but you still want to fuck them for some reason. It's one of those mysteries we will never understand.
Cumbrainism is very understandable

>> No.17685758

Why? It's exactly what a jew would write.

>> No.17685766

>unironically invokes the einstein insanity meme quote
>calling other pseuds
You outed yourself as a dumb nigger by the fact you think that it was one singular group, The Jews™, that was expelled 109 times, not hundreds of different groupings of Jews that were being expelled one by one over a period of time. Do you know what "diaspora" even means?
>All jewish """intellectualism""" is based on plagiarism and apologism of depravity.
That wasn't my point retard. My point was that if you think Jews are so dumb why do they currently rule the entire Western world?
>Too intelligent for israel to not be a shithole, right?
Ashkenazim (aka the 115 IQ, borderline "white" Jews that is everyone's default image of what a Jew is) makeup little less than a third of Israel's population; the rest of it are Arabs.

>> No.17685803

>calling other pseuds
Yes, because you can't even understand when someone is mocking you.
>that it was one singular group
Clearly they are acting the same way, or is it just a, if I dare to say it, a... coincidence?
>Jews are so dumb why do they currently rule the entire Western world
They can't rule it, the second they get any power the western world crumbles. It's just tat the western aristocrats became apathetic from their superiority to all other beings. Though there will be a revival considering jews fuck up perfectly made countries.
>115 IQ
Yeah, but that is after we add the 50 IQ points for a minority and this IQ score is for verbal.
>makeup little less than a third of Israel's population; the rest of it are Arabs.
Still semites, still living in hoods like other minorities in USA.

>> No.17686179
File: 32 KB, 625x208, homo fascism gorky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can dishonesty be so vile yet so entertaining.
Truly mans perfection is his jewel and his flaws are his foil.

>> No.17686215

What are you trying to imply?

>> No.17686319

Now I am actually curious, is there a certain appeal about jewish women or is 4chan being cumbrained as usual

>> No.17686340

Nobody cares what you're not interested in reading, why do you think this would be an opinion anyone wants to hear

>> No.17686371


>> No.17686426

because I have better tastes than you and I will revolutionise literature in the five years to come

>> No.17686434

We dislike Jews for their subversive bullshit, which leads to confused feelings towards attractive Jewesses.

>> No.17686437

Jews were also expelled because they were accused of spreading the Black Plague, being vampires, or refusing to convert to Christianisty. Funnily enough, those who did the expelling were also often indebted to those same people, but I'm sure there's no relation there.

>> No.17686450

>often indebted to those same people
Since you assume things I will do the same, yeah sure.

>> No.17686480

You're the one posting poltard infographics as a gotcha, I doubt you care too much about sources or research.

>> No.17686495

>as a gotcha
Why do retards type like that?
>I doubt
But if you did and actually disproved me won't you win then? You make no sense.

>> No.17686521

>were also often indebted to those same people,
Do you think this makes Jews look like the good guys here lmao? "oh the poor predatory usurers''

>> No.17686537
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Pretty much every day

>> No.17686553

He can't even comprehend that white people accepted them when they were in need. Literally shows how evil are jews and that they always conspire against the host. It's like inviting a homeless man to live and eat in your house just to get stabbed in your sleep.

>> No.17686563

because jewish women are slutty whores

>> No.17686701

>no jew you are not allowed to be a farmer and own land
>you are only allowed to loan money from now on
>usury is a heathen practice that good Christians don't do
>yes the christian populace will pay your interest rates, rest assured jew
>don't annoy me jew or i will scape goat you

Even among the rich whites the jews have always been a minority.
Fascists see in jews what they refuse to see in themselves.

>> No.17686738


>> No.17686739

Source? Also are you trying to say that jews wanted to work, how high are you right now?

>> No.17686764

>It's like inviting a homeless man to live and eat in your house just to get stabbed in your sleep.
>us hwhyte peepo
You fags are nearly as bad as the populist ruling class in haiti.

>> No.17686770

What are you trying to say here, I'm really interested in your thought process because what you just wrote seems like gibberish.

>> No.17686888

Probably because they're on average so intelligent. It's not that different from beta white men falling for Asians today.

>> No.17686909

medieval anti-semitism
>Also are you trying to say that jews wanted to work
>how high are you right now?
as high as any self respecting aryan

>> No.17686914

Because JAPs are cute. No matter their country of origin.

>> No.17686924

>medieval anti-semitism
It's the very definition of jews. I guess some people live in a bubble or straight up disable their brain.

>> No.17686944

>They are emotionally charged and not intellectually
projecting much?

>> No.17686947

I'm merely saying that it's populist drivel used to control people through hatred.

>> No.17686978

Why would I project when the reality proves me right? The world would peaceful and utopic without non-white people.
>populist drivel
So it's morally right to stab the people who saved your life.

>> No.17687013

yes don't you know history, a lot of xenophobic christians bullied jews.
>It's the very definition of jews.
Ok, if jew say so.
>I guess some people live in a bubble or straight up disable their brain.
How about you activate your neurons for once pal

>> No.17687059

>So it's morally right to stab the people who saved your life.
Because saving life is something only good people can do for morally good reasons. How old are you?

>> No.17687061

>accept them
So you don't know how it works? You don't even know the definition of the words?
>How about you activate your neurons for once pal
Maybe when you learn how to argue, you literally say nothing, I can barely decipher what you're trying to say.

>> No.17687079

>he removes the context

>> No.17687127

>he omits the parts of context he didn't mention
I'm not surprised.

>> No.17687135

So you're trying to say that it was immoral to accept them because they were jews? I agree.

>> No.17687180

n. A strong antipathy or aversion to strangers or foreigners.

one of many acts perceived as virtuous and in consequence performed by villains who seek good publicity

either your dumb or just bad faith

>> No.17687211

>A strong antipathy or aversion to strangers or foreigners
So that's why the accept them? You have not yet proved the anti-semitism thing.

>who seek good publicity

>> No.17687400
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>grug tier
Getting yourself a dumb blonde sweetie
>midwit tier
Getting yourself an "intelligent" Jewish wife
>160+ IQ tier
Getting yourself a dumb blonde sweetie

>> No.17687455

Because of the implication

>> No.17687549

They’re (often) cute and brainy.