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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 232 KB, 960x720, IMG_7393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17678713 No.17678713[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Shelf thread?
Shelf thread.

>> No.17678727

did you take that pic with your old webcam

>> No.17678741

Fucking hell, I can't read shit

>> No.17678742

is this an ai generated image

>> No.17678745

How many pixels a photo has is in direct inverse to how much SOVL it has desu.

>> No.17678762
File: 1.64 MB, 2592x1944, 20210220_143011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. People are mad so I'll try again.

>> No.17678781


>> No.17678814


>> No.17678817

make sure the photo is focused before taking the picture

>> No.17678859

Open your windows, get more light, focus the camera, take the photo.

>> No.17678873

what the fuck did you take a picture of a polaroid with a flip phone camera

>> No.17679051

generic /lit/ard stack. Are you a NPC?

>> No.17679158
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>> No.17679238

how poor are you mate

>> No.17679422

What a horrible ass mess.

>> No.17679434

The only shelf I care about is from that guy who doesn't even own a shelf, the one who just posts his gigantic stack of books that always look like it's one mistake away from collapsing and burying anon.

>> No.17679499

testing your smart fridge camera anon?

>> No.17679534
File: 2.34 MB, 3968x2424, IMG_20210302_182841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bedroom setup. A few new additions.

>> No.17679549
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Closeup 1/3

>> No.17679562
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>> No.17679584
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>> No.17679591

lots of great stuff and it looks nice but i do question the authenticity of this. cologne? the divine comedy? be urself m8. other than that though good stuff

>> No.17679610

The cologne was a Christmas gift from my gf, I wear it on special occasions. Its my bedroom after all, the only people who ever come in here are me and her. Nothing wrong with Dante! I used that copy a lot during my masters.

>> No.17679642

yeah im just being a douche. have a good one anon

>> No.17679681

And you bud!

>> No.17679692

strange that your copy of Anna Karenina looks bigger than your copy of War and Peace

>> No.17679740

The AK is the everymans library version, beautiful book, thicker pages, bigger type. Couldn't find the Maude translation in hardback so opted for the Oxford for W&P.

>> No.17679763

Oh, btw, how did the Oxford edition of Devils by Dostoevsky read? I just ordered it off amazon

>> No.17679814

It was good! I'm less inclined to hate P&V than most on this board, but the Oxford translation read very well. Can't remember who it was off the top of my head.

>> No.17679843

Michael Katz. I see no problem with P&V and have noticed most arguments against them to be really shitty and just plain wrong sometimes. The only reason they get so much flack is because they are the most popular.
Tbh, the only reason I got the Katz translation for Devils is cos I already have the Vintage Classics version of C&P and TBK. I don't want all my Dostoevsky's to have that red spine. As dumb as it sounds, the aesthetics of my book shelf influences my decision

>> No.17679898
File: 1015 KB, 3024x4032, 151489919_427056261739008_8702724194476601262_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do?

>> No.17679971

>/lit - the bookshelf

>> No.17680003

You're allowed to have a little fun every now and then, anon

>> No.17680045

There are some fun ones in there, leave him alone

>> No.17680173

why dont you have any fun books

>> No.17680250

I want to see some patrician shit
Is holy based rapture (pbuh) still alive? Or some equivalent?
Someone with something special post

>> No.17680266
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Rate my Gothics

>> No.17680303

Good shelves, the third is pure kino. How do you afford all those books?

>> No.17680690
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Based and historypilled

good variety as all readers should hope to achieve

>> No.17680691

Thanks anon. I can't really, I'm just a lowly English teacher.

>> No.17680712

Where can I get those suction greek philosopher dildos?

>> No.17680720

no dostoevsky?

>> No.17680779

Going out of your way to have non-matching spines is truly hard to get the head around

>> No.17680793

Wanting variety is hard to get your head around?

>> No.17680799

I like this guy

>> No.17680807
File: 1.05 MB, 3672x4896, DSC09013-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General view

>> No.17680809

How's Naked Lunch? Is it as incomprehensible as people say?

>> No.17680821
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Zoom on shelves

>> No.17680843
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>> No.17680845

Not that anon but yeah

>> No.17680862
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>> No.17680878
File: 1.14 MB, 3672x4896, Greek and Latin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17680920

Etsy but be warned its a tight fit

I got notes from underground and the The Double there

>> No.17680962

wow, what a waste. I mean, do you even read that shit? do you enjoy reading that shit? it's like a toilet of gold - pure fucking extravagance. Meanwhile, I'm in here with my comfy Infinite Jest, re-reading it for the third time and having a blast.

Greeks, LMAO.

>> No.17680992

>Infinite Jest
>Hating on greeks

Bait or Brainlet, either or your ngmi

>> No.17680996


>> No.17681028
File: 2.38 MB, 6576x4400, desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my desk

>> No.17681034

Yes, I do actually read that shit... Is there anything else you wanted to know?
We're not all Greekless fags here, you know

>> No.17681039

Are you some sort of scholar anon?

>> No.17681045

Tell one impactful thing you've learned from reading all that.

>> No.17681050
File: 1.59 MB, 4896x3672, DSC09019-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does that mean?

Setup très comfy, anon!

>> No.17681055

I'm making it alright, third time around even lol my friend while you're busy bashing your head against the proverbial greek penis in attempts to understand it I am basking in the light of our lord and savior David Foster Wallace and god is it a good warm feeling. Go spend 10 years learning greek, then come back and talk to me, kid.

>> No.17681069

Yes, PhD student (but scholar sounds much nicer)

Lots of epic trivia and witty punchlines

>> No.17681075

That's a well loved copy of Dracula. Love it.

>> No.17681076
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>> No.17681079

>Setup très comfy, anon!
Merci! Nice collection you got here. Kind of jealous of the Proust.

>> No.17681088

Got a bust of Robert E. Lee on my shelf from a museum shop in Fredricksburg. How do you like your busts from Etsy?

>> No.17681096

What are you doing your PhD in?

>> No.17681098

I'll say what you're never supposed to admit, but I've not read all of Proust yet desu... The result of successive Christmas presents: Pléiade edition (the new, Tadié et al. one) is very satisfying, but so autistically completist as to sometimes give you, for one page of text 5 pages of notes and 10p of draft text at the back of the book. And as I'm autistic, I read all of it. So I only embark on that adventure when I have plenty of time and quiet on my hands

>> No.17681105


> your brain on greek
> can't even

>> No.17681106

Classics (ancient Greek lit)

>> No.17681107


>> No.17681112

> in greek

>> No.17681116

>your brain on Greek
>entertaining autists on a Mongolian knitting forum

Admittedly, two different virtues

>> No.17681117

I remember you Anon. I got Plato complete works, it should be arriving during this week. So excited ngl

>> No.17681124
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>> No.17681145

mega kek

stop projecting dotard

>> No.17681176
File: 383 KB, 592x552, 1614722292760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo Mr. Greekman, when you finish with your PhD you're gonna do what? Write Infinite Jest 2?

Didn't think so.

> he fell for the greek meme
> he's a greek scholar now

>> No.17681177

>mega kek
At doing a PhD? not cool, anon... I am also teaching, tbf

>> No.17681192

I dunno, but I don't plan on hanging myself with a belt, so that's something

>> No.17681211
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I am now sad. I miss him bois.

>> No.17681220

How are your prospects looking? What's your plan when you finish? I'm doing an MA in English Literature and Culture and I'd be keen to continue with a PhD, but literally everyone tells me it's a terrible idea in the humanities and there are no jobs. Might just suck it up and take the high school route, I don't have the constitution for business or law

>> No.17681221

> so autistically completist as to sometimes give you, for one page of text 5 pages of notes and 10p of draft text at the back of the book
Ah yes that can be quite a problem sometimes with Pléiades. The rest of your collection is quite comfy too

>> No.17681288

> busy bashing your head against the proverbial greek penis in attempts to understand it

I still can't tell if your baiting me into saying you got filtered. If you are, why are you bothering to write all this autistic nonsense, lots of spare time eh?

They're pretty good for what little I paid for them, made in greece too and only took a couple days to arrive

>> No.17681314
File: 1.19 MB, 4896x3672, DSC09011-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Un peu de French /lit/ ici

>> No.17681339

Basé habitué de chez Gibert.

>> No.17681350
File: 1.41 MB, 4896x3672, English lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in France, so academic careers are probably a little different; still teaching assistant at university rn, and I've already got the high school (lycée) teaching qualification, so I've got a job there no matter what, but it'll probably be soul-crushing. University prospects in classics are not much better here, I should expect, but maybe in a few years...

>> No.17681361
File: 1.41 MB, 4896x3672, DSC09020-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff and more stuff (Paul Auster is kind of out of his depth here, but I had to read it for school, baka)

>> No.17681400

Cannot make out anything but nice collection. Are these the complete works of Rutebeuf on top? Bought them a few days ago in a used book stores. How are they?
Cramé. Faudrait que je pense à enlever ces étiquettes plus souvent.

>> No.17681418

A couple of days international shipping? Damn impressive.
Do you have a link to the seller by any chance?

>> No.17681486

How do you feel about eating beans?

>> No.17681520

Welp looks like they closed shop... maybe try looking for a similar seller

>> No.17681621

not him but beans are fuckin great. Then again, I'm latin american so we are really good at cooking them

>> No.17681720

Red beans are my favorite kind what are yours

>> No.17681758

Kidney beans, chickpeas, black bean.
Lentils are cool too

>> No.17682083

Paul Auster is good desu

>> No.17682233

dude. get some bookends. they shouldn't be leaning like that.

>> No.17682321

>jurassic park
this is slowly making its way into /lit/core lol

>> No.17682359

FINALLY someone who read something else from Bolaño other than 2666 and Savage Detectives!

>> No.17682394

..its a good tale on the ethics of science

>> No.17682650
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>> No.17682658
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>> No.17682664
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>> No.17682669
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>> No.17682680
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>> No.17682691
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>> No.17682697
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>> No.17682698
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Mein negro, I have most of them. It's good to see another gothic enthusiast on /lit/.

>> No.17682705
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>> No.17682717
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>> No.17682772

when are you going to be fluent in Latin and Greek?

>> No.17682806

there is nothing interesting enough here to justify 9 posts. Just stand back from your bookshelf and take one or two pics like everyone else

>> No.17682825

Shelf threads are peak consoomerism

>> No.17682843
File: 36 KB, 512x194, 20210302_225815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fck off mutt fgt, I can't send 1 single photo, it won't fit or see correctly (bookshelf for ants).

>> No.17682855
File: 86 KB, 880x751, 6875751_wojak-retarded-wojak-png-download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bookshelf consoom


>> No.17682877

>there is nothing interesting enough here

How in the hell do you know or judge that? Did you read any of those books? retard.

>> No.17682907

as I said, nobody's really interested in your shitty collection anyway. Limit yourself to 1-2 photos next time.
he uploaded an entire photo that was just 15 volumes of slam dunk

>> No.17682923 [DELETED] 

Just tell me, what do you read of my shelfs? As I said earlier, fk off mutt

>> No.17682942

>speaks Spanish
>calls others mutt
there isn't a single white spanish speaking country
the only people who abbreviate "fuck" as "fk" are ESLs. Don't make up slang in someone else's language.
>what you've read
nothing, I don't read spanish translations because I'm white

>> No.17682943

>Nobody is interesting in your shitty shelfs

Just tell me, how in the hell do you know that? what do you read of my shelfs to judge as shitty? As I said earlier, fk off mutt

>> No.17682955
File: 227 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20210302-181658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think your post sounds better the second time?

>> No.17682979

Then you don't even know what latin is or at least what a romance language is.

There is not a single proof that you are "white"... and fuck off illiterate fat mutt, go kiss Shakespeare dead ass.

>> No.17682987 [DELETED] 

how are latin or other romance languages relevant? There are white speakers of French and Italian and Romanian, just not Spanish or Portuguese
>There is not a single proof that you are "white"
It's not my job to prove my whiteness to mestizos and arabs

>> No.17683081

Then your ignominy is much greater than I think...hmmm, still you don't answered if you read any of the books I have?. Remember what you said about translations when you want read Quixote or Bolaño (yes, the Ñ letter), Borges, Lamborghini (not the car company, retard), Laiseca, Escohotado, etc, if not, then you are missing to much literature son. Im spanish

>> No.17683177

>yes, the Ñ letter
do... do you think that people don't know about it? we have the word piñata in English, and most people have taken at least a few years of Spanish
>Im spanish
I know, that's why I've been pointing out you're not white

>> No.17683208
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1608240568972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Write...written...writers...reads...readers, etc

>> No.17683249

this post probably made more sense in your head

>> No.17683262

And still you failed at spanish. Hmmm...and where is the origin of the word "piñata" son?

>I know, that's why I've been pointing out you're not white

Hahahaha, and what's your argument of value to say that? I can say the same thing to you.

>> No.17683297

>still you failed at spanish
I didn't
>and where is the origin of the word "piñata" son?
spanish... that's why I mentioned it... you seem very confused.
>and what's your argument of value to say that?
because you're spanish, and your country was raped by moors. do you not remember?

>> No.17683379

>because you're spanish, and your country was raped by moors. do you not remember?

Im not mestizo or moor, but you still keep to fail to make a valid argument, I as said before, I can say the same to your "race" if you think "im white", keep trying little boy...oh and piñata is not the only spanish word.

>> No.17683405

>Im not mestizo or moor
Your comprehension is poor. All Spaniards are part moor. Your country got raped by arabs for centuries. There is no one white in Spain.

>> No.17683413

>piñata is not the only spanish word
is this bait? or are you 14? I reported you an underaged, I refuse to believe a grown man is this stupid

>> No.17683450
File: 1.54 MB, 3024x2410, 128376636312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it

>> No.17683480
File: 1.01 MB, 698x1000, 03_01_Platon_Pleiade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at my picture, if none of your books have as much effort into them then....

>> No.17683487

Samefag...as you said "part of" not all the population unlike yours (right now), I can even report your posts for racism, you can go to /pol to make your useless rants about races.

>> No.17683499

Just because you are a midwit that can't remember or understand things he reads the first time around doesn't mean other people also can't.

>> No.17683520
File: 3.54 MB, 2860x4022, 20201010_125848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found some more books, have to update my shelf pic.

Hows Democracy? Been meaning to pick it up.

>> No.17683534
File: 526 KB, 739x739, EqkvAYyW8AEUmUu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow...look at that jealousy post.

>> No.17683536 [DELETED] 

yes... I wasn't trying to hide that I was the poster for both of those. Is everything working all right in your head?
>as you said "part of" not all the population
your reading comprehension is abysmal. 100% of your population is part moor.
>not all the population unlike yours (right now)
Again, you clearly don't understand. Your country was raped for 500 years by sandniggers. Everyone in your country has moor blood.
In the US, we've had a small number of immigrants in the past 50 years or so. But not 500 years of interbreeding. There are a lot more whites in America than Spain
>I can even report your posts for racism
oh shit, that sounds serious, I better watch out so the niggermods don't ban me

>> No.17683563

It is certainly interesting, I enjoyed it and it made me think differently about not just democracy, but monarchy as well.

Is that the readers edition of The Red Book or the original? I've been meaning to get it to add to polish off my Jung collection

>> No.17683586
File: 276 KB, 1401x524, method.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not jealousy, sadness at the low amount (to my eyes) of engagement. Because important things are forgotten or ignored.

A poor short term memory does not = stupidity.
Notes are for remembering what is worth remembering or connecting ideas to other books, this is the art of reading books. Having notes does not mean you didn't understand.

You don't remember multiple, entire quotes from the author in one read through, but maybe I am wrong and you are right. If you don't find many quotes worth remembering the book you're reading is unworthy or you're not reading with intent.

>> No.17683620

And that's your opinion, which it means...nothing to others.

>> No.17683648

>low amount (to my eyes) of engagement. Because important things are forgotten or ignored.

Maybe you have that problem.

>> No.17683756

Yes because I didn't take notes KEK

>> No.17684141

Probably readers? Wife got it for me for Xmas. It's very enjoyable, would rec.
Also read Origins and History of Consciousness. Jung recs it.

>> No.17684239

I think taking notes is probably unnecessary but i think rereading books until you basically have memorized them is the only true way to appreciate any work. I've kind of lost touch with the appeal of being "well read" i just want to know a few nivels very well and read poetry

>> No.17684397

Wow you can tell how much engagement someone has with their books based on how they look on a shelf? Is it possible to learn this power?
M8, sticking bits of paper in a book isn't the only way to engage with it, baka