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17672229 No.17672229[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is marx based or cringe?

>> No.17672306

What a little bitch. WAH WAH IM A SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE IM OPPRESSED. Get a job you child.

>> No.17672322

I know, conservatives and reactionaries are just embarrassing tbqh

>> No.17672329
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based. covid is proving him right, like ww2 proved him right, like WW1 proved him right, like every single crisis of restructuration proved him right and every single future crisis of restructuration will prove him right.

>> No.17672373

What are you talking about? Conservatives build society while libtard commies want to destroy it with their stupid utopia ideals that will never work because they are against human nature. The people at the top are at the top because they are genetically superior. IQ and genetics basically debunk everything Marx ever wrote. Workers work shit jobs because they deserve shit jobs. Workers don't come up with any ideas, they don't take any risks, etc. If anything they have the privilege of being able to work in the first place. Most people would kill to have a job and it's the people at the top that make those jobs through their ideas and the risks they take. Workers get the jobs they deserve because they are stupid and inferior. And there is nothing wrong with that. We need people at the top to do all the smart work and the people at the bottom to do the work that even monkeys can do. That's how society works and everyone makes the living they deserve.

>> No.17672380

>Conservatives build society while libtard commies want to destroy it with their stupid utopia ideals that will never work because they are against human nature
>knowing anything about human nature at all

top kek

>> No.17672381

>failed novelist

>theory fag
>tranny followers

>> No.17672393

Extremely based

>> No.17672446

>The people at the top are at the top because they are genetically superior. IQ and genetics basically debunk everything Marx ever wrote. Workers work shit jobs because they deserve shit jobs. Workers don't come up with any ideas, they don't take any risks, etc. If anything they have the privilege of being able to work in the first place.
This sounds like a left-wing strawman of a conservative.

>> No.17672487

legit don't know if this is bait or real

>> No.17672501

>tranny followers
this is a pretty big one, I really hate how fags and nigger lovers taint marx

>> No.17672508

definately ironic, right anon?

>> No.17672511

marxism is capitalism for the poor

>> No.17672539

nice b8

>> No.17672544


>> No.17672561

>democracy is still bad
That particular take is ancient. Can't really say whether marx is "based" or "cringe" because, like most of you, I havent read him. However, this new 4chan exclusive upboat/downboat system is very gay.

>> No.17672565

Argument: Check
Evidence: Empty
Reasoning: Empty

1/3, D-

Try again next assignment Jamie :)!

>> No.17672578

This is still more accurate than the commie view of reality lel

>> No.17673006


>> No.17673055

marx is cringe and detached from any semblance of reality.

>> No.17673202

excellent b8

>> No.17673267
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>> No.17673276

College educated Twitter NPCs will read this quote and think he is referring to race.
He is obviously referring to the working class voting for whatever bourgeoisie leader will rule them next.

>> No.17673280

threadly reminder that marx better belongs in the genealogy of fascism than any modern "leftist" movement

>> No.17673367

He's based once you realize he is a NEET supremacist.

>> No.17673386

neck yourself capitalist cum lover

>> No.17673395
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i think it is important to acknowledge the valuable tidbits of every ideology. marxisms idea about alienation is very reasonable. and capitalisms idea of free enterprise is also very good

>> No.17673421

Post physique

>> No.17673662

Basedly cringe.

>> No.17673772

im not a leftist but you have to realize that progressive culture is not pushed by the government and capitalists for something as benign as pandering, its to undermine class solidarity by dividing society and pitting everyone against each other with an infinite pool of grievances to pull from that inevitably arise from "diversity" diversity is not a strength of the working class, unity is, diversity in the working class is the strength of the ruling class.

the problem is that leftism is utopian retardation and believing in utopian retardation leaves you extremely vulnerable to utopian progressive cultural ideals and identity politics that alienate and atomize the working class, the other part of the problem is that leftism generally does not aim for racial solidarity, nor does it aim for religious unity, so there isn't really any glue holding it together beyond their immediate material interests like getting fair payment for their labor. leftism is basically begging to be undermined by utopian ideals that will fracture what little solidarity it maintains

leftism is essentially dead because of this

>> No.17673797

leftism is dead, long live leftism.

>> No.17673819
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This. Look into the actual history of leftism in the 20th century and you will find the same theme repeated again and again and again and again: an initially modest socialist movement, based on actual worker solidarity and workers rights, with the goal of increasing worker representation by the state and turning the state into an authentic organ of the majority of its population, is infiltrated by utopian internationalists bugmen weirdos who bog it down in millions of pages of abstract "theory" about how we are all repressed child rapists and any acceptance of concrete realities (like the state) is "selling out" and we should focus on liberating our inner child rapist instead.

Focus everything away from praxis, away from grassroots organizing, focus everything instead on "critique" and inviting as many faggots and drug users into the group as possible. No elitism allowed, elitism needs to be critiqued, and elitism is statism anyway. No vanguards, everything has to be radically democratic so the fags and druggies and losers and fair-weather women can have a say. The end goal of every meeting is to "feel good." Don't ever do anything that might require risk or compromise or strategy.

That might make someone feel bad. Remember, the future utopia will be free of ALL bourgeois contradictions and conflicts, so we should start pretending we live in that world already, so that a precondition of communist organizing is making sure we have exactly the right number of gendered bathrooms stipulated in the manifesto. Don't pay attention to how the DSA removed their #ForcetheVote strategy from their own manifesto as soon as praxis became possible, and a thousand ostensibly autonomous "leftist" organs spontaneously and simultaneously organized to quash a tactic that the DSA FORMERLY ITSELF HAD PROMOTED, AND ONLY STOPPED PROMOTING IT AND MEMORYHOLED IT WHEN IT ACTUALLY BECAME PRACTICAL. No no no don't pay attention to that, let's do jazz hands at the DSA so the fucking FAGGOTS can join in.

>> No.17673824
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>Before the civil wars, even those who most disliked the opinions and manners of the Puritan were forced to admit that his moral conduct was generally, in essentials, blameless; but this praise was now no longer bestowed, and, unfortunately, was no longer deserved. The general fate of sects is to obtain a high reputation for sanctity while they are oppressed, and to lose it as soon as they become powerful: and the reason is obvious. It is seldom that a man enrolls himself in a proscribed body from any but conscientious motives. Such a body, therefore, is composed, with scarcely an exception, of sincere persons. The most rigid discipline that can be enforced within a religious society is a very feeble instrument of purification, when compared with a little sharp persecution from without. We may be certain that very few persons, not seriously impressed by religious convictions, applied for baptism while Diocletian was vexing the Church, or joined themselves to Protestant congregations at the risk of being burned by Bonner.

>But, when a sect becomes powerful, when its favour is the road to riches and dignities, worldly and ambitious men crowd into it, talk its language, conform strictly to its ritual, mimic its peculiarities, and frequently go beyond its honest members in all the outward indications of zeal. No discernment, no watchfulness, on the part of ecclesiastical rulers, can prevent the intrusion of such false brethren. The tares and wheat must grow together. ...

>Thus it was with the English Nonconformists. They had been oppressed; and oppression had kept them a pure body. They then became supreme in the state. No man could hope to rise to eminence and command but by their favour. Their favour was to be gained only by exchanging with them the signs and passwords of spiritual fraternity. ... The sincere Puritans soon found themselves lost in a multitude, not merely of men of the world, but of the very worst sort of men of the world.

>> No.17673833
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>> No.17673841
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>> No.17673847

This is, this why we need a party like the ΚΚΕ with good party men and tradition strength. A Union η $0¥

>> No.17673849

that time article truly blackpilled me. if trump said that there's a secret cabal working against him he'd be accused of being a qanontard and yet here we are

>> No.17673888

you never read article, did you? No. It is about it was about, it is about how groups protected electoral integrity, not went against any particular candidate. Foolish, you are a fool. I do your own investigation into things do not just do not just believe in the internet in the.

>> No.17673908

I think this is one of the most important aspects of the world today and it's a question that needs to be answered. At this point it's obvious that the system is gradually moving into progressivism, but the question is, where did progressive ideology come from? On one hand it's easy to say that it came from Liberalism because it's so ingrained to the global system now, but on the other hand Leftists are almost universally supportive of progressivism yet still claim to be rebellious and against the system.

So basically we have a situation where people are constantly accusing Leftists of pushing progressivism as a Marxist ploy (even Trump called Democrats radical Leftists) and Leftists are now LARPing and calling themselves radical Marxists just to seem more dubious and threatening. But it's painfully fucking obvious to me that this is all just a natural development of neoliberalism and how it's expanding the global market under the guise of diversity, why Leftists support it absolutely baffles me and why people are so hesitant to blame Liberalism is also sad

>> No.17673948

He is just repulsive in every form. From his physical appearance to his ideas. For me, seeing him has the same effect as looking at a human turd.

>> No.17673971

I think it's because the core groups of actual leftists, like the people who actually consider themselves Marxist-Leninist and think a worker's revolution is necessary, have been so infiltrated by ideological dilution artists for so long, and by useful idiots who propagate diluted forms of leftism freely without even needing to be actively manipulative (rich "leftists" in college mostly), that they just don't have many opportunities to think in terms of excluding dangerous people and dilettantes from their movements. Their #1 instinct is to "be nice." That's what they have in common with progressives and why progressivism has such an easy time absorbing and steering them. When in doubt, don't be a dick.

A lot of serious leftists I've known clearly hate trannies and hate the half assed and retarded people in their groups, but when the moment comes to say something, they pussy out and go with "be nice" instead. They default to a typical progressive "can't we all just get along" platitude.

The progressive establishment seizes on this by convincing them that any hate, any disgust, any anger is right wing. The only correct way to be a leftist then is to be ultra inclusive, ultra permissive of degeneracy, failure, loser behaviors of every sort. Because they live immersed in a liberal society during their normal daily life, this already comes easy to them.

The few who still care after all this programming just swallow their misgivings and try not to think about it too much. They focus on the utopian aspects of communism. "I may not like trannies but this is all just symptoms of capitalism in decay, if we could just focus on the revolution this stuff would clear itself up anyway, so that's what I'll do, I'll focus on reading Marx even harder." Okay bud, do that for another 20 years. Now your movement is 80% tranny instead of 20% tranny. What now? Another 20 years of knuckling down and reading more marx?

>> No.17674017

>how groups protected electoral integrity

>> No.17674050

>why Leftists support it absolutely baffles me
see >>17673772
leftists support it because leftism is very utopian, and people who are already open to utopian ideals are much more vulnerable to the utopian ideals presented by "progressive" liberalism. progressiveism is just the utopian ideals of lefitism for an ideal society looks like pushed to its absolute conclusion beyond just economic liberation, but also cultural and ethnic "liberation" too

>> No.17674081

Well he was wrong about everything and completely unable or unwilling to question his basic assumptions. Aside from that, maybe.

>> No.17674115

Marxism has some valid critiques and analytical perspectives of the economy but it should not be treated as dogma

>> No.17674124

not the anon you replied to, but you are a brainlet

>> No.17674134

I'm still waiting until we have a modern thinker that gives a cohesive critique of the world post-1991 but we're not even at the stage yet where people are willing to criticize Liberalism for the global technocracy we live in. We still have people on the right whining about communism and Leftists directly supporting the worst aspects of the system under the guise that it's actually rebellious and Marxist. I can't tell you how many goth teenagers I see calling themselves unironic communists especially after the 2020 riots, it's not only fucking obnoxious because Leftists are clearly just role-playing a nostalgic ideology that they weren't even alive to witness but everyone also obfuscates how much Liberalism has set in a world of decadence.

I fear that we'll eventually become so anxious and hysterical that we actually will see violence erupt in the same way that it did in the 20th century, and after the dust settles people will realize they don't know what enemy they were fighting and aren't sure what to do next. The same system we live in will continue while we just fight ourselves over false specters

>> No.17674135

>where did progressive ideology come from?
The root cause is that it's a battle of good versus evil.
States are generally evil and if they don't start out evil they become evil over time.

>Leftists are almost universally supportive of progressivism yet still claim to be rebellious and against the system.
Ted Kaczynski called this "the system's neatest trick".

tl;dr read Ted's manifesto and the Protocols of Zion

>> No.17674320

Marx had this insane capacity to see the world without tinted glasses.
He is not even that smart but he had this capacity.
About OP's pic related quote, in 2021, it's obvious, but in Marx's era, nobody saw this, except a tiny fraction of exceptional people.

>> No.17674365

>>Leftists are almost universally supportive of progressivism yet still claim to be rebellious and against the system.
>Ted Kaczynski called this "the system's neatest trick".
It's Capitalism absorbing even it's own opposition. The only thing that Capitalism cannot digest is spontaneous class struggle.

> it's painfully fucking obvious to me that this is all just a natural development of neoliberalism and how it's expanding the global market under the guise of diversity,
Obvoulsy this. Diversity and feminism is to increase the supply of workforce on the labor market, thus decreasing labor price, thus making more profit. LGBT is about diverting attention from class struggle.

>> No.17674393

Marx is based because he btfos modern lefties.

>> No.17674397

marx's thinking is still obscure. most people do not understand marx. they just throw their dung at him, hoping it will make communism and commercials featuring too many black people to disappear.

>> No.17674401

Did conservatives build America? Remember that in the 1700s a conservative would have supported Britain.

>> No.17674414

based defender of black people in commercials

>> No.17674420

Biden is a conservative

>> No.17674434

not really, he's a left leaning liberal, conservatives are right leaning liberals

>> No.17674444

>the word liberal is being used in its proper meaning for once, on 4chan of all places
I feel euphoric

>> No.17674446

Hes a politician the same as the rest.

>> No.17674469

It's a long process.

>> No.17674499

one day lmao

>> No.17674516
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It is for you to decide.

>> No.17674519

He is cringe and his writing is extremely dense and boring. Engels wrote much clearer and is a much better read overall.

I fail to see how anyone in modern times in the USA can relate to what he says. Everyone here is so egregiously individualist that some state of "worker solidarity" would crash and burn faster than lightning let out of a jar. It's basically a LARP by young people who have no skin in the game.

>> No.17674520

he's only the most based thinker in human history

>> No.17674546

no one expects you to read much of anything

>> No.17674566

It's not even true that worker solidarity = marxism as marxists like to larp. Workers movements in many west european countries were extremely successful while largely not caring for marxism. Marxism was always a thing for intellectuals claiming to be the true voice of the the workers. This was all based on marxist eschatology and the inevitability of progression to socialism off a proletarian revolution.
Always many 16 year olds in marx threads.

>> No.17674602
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Reading this article has made me realized just how based the Sharia rules are for sleeper cells

>all people regardless of rank is permitted to go directly to the decision maker
>speeches must be kept brief when others are to talk, Muhammad ﷺ once became red in the face when he found out someone was talking longer than fifteen minutes when time was short, anecdotes should be historical or religious, not personal
>all matters must be decided immediately while everyone is present and if someone is missing then without them if notice has already been given
>"avoid irrelevant talk" is literally a legal precept for gatherings
>keeping minutes is not to be done if it obstructs process
>it is not permissible to revisit the decision made in mashura, even if you have good reason to regard it as wrong
>decision is up to the leader, not the majority, even if everyone disagrees

>> No.17674615
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>Always many 16 year olds in marx threads

>> No.17674631

no one expects a 'classless stateless society' to ever occur either lmao

>> No.17674683

holy shit this is some seriously based and redpilled posting, this is why I come to /lit/ for

>> No.17674759

It's trite leftist cope for leftists who are not YET ready to kneel to blacks in the streets, blaming "idpol" on some devious corporation conspiracy to divide the working class that totally exist and is totally ready to rise up and establish socialism if it weren't for this. This is easier than fundamentally re evaluate their thinking/ change the memes they base their identity on. 16 year olds from leftypol repeat this tired take endlessly.
Fucking kill yourself my dude.

>> No.17674798

Idpol is not some internal conspiracy to tarnish leftism it’s literally just how mass liberal culture developed. Leftists accept it because they accept anything related to inferiority and struggle whether it’s class or identity. I don’t know why these “REAL” leftists don’t just accept that traditional working class unity and Marxism is obsolete and liberal values are now hegemonic especially among the global youth raised on social media

>> No.17674834
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> kneeling to blacks in the streets is acksually really bold and valid and a mature political stance.
I wanna stomp on your neck.

>> No.17674846
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>the CIA says trans rights and abolish whiteness!

so this is was dismantling the bourgeois patriarchy looks like

>> No.17674853

>The only thing that Capitalism cannot digest is spontaneous class struggle.
care to expand on this? I have heard about that before but the faggot made it so cryptic I couldn't wrap my head around it

>> No.17674875

Yup, obviously. Many of these "REAL anti idpol totally EDGY leftists" we get here are internet addicted 16 year olds though.
Goddamn you're stupid.
It's marxist dogma.

>> No.17674877

The whole trannies/ BLM for Marx has nothing to do with Marx the writer, but Marx the commodity. He is a popular face, like an Andy Warhol painting, that is slapped on whatever the identitarians want.

Don’t believe me? Read Marx’s biggest, most popular works— even just one— and then push these people on it.

>> No.17674884

I hate how the modern stereotype of a commie is just some weak nigger loving faggot, no point in writting a rant over it, other anons have done so more eloquently, still I have made peace knowing there will never be a revolution

>> No.17674891

>the cia is run by people like this
unbelievable how gay everything is

>> No.17674898

He was a hidden satantist. Read Kengor.

>> No.17674914
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Ask me how I know you aren't white?

>> No.17674934
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> vietnamese & French Canadian
Can't be both enculé de merde.

>> No.17674948

Whiter than you, 85 iq amerimutt.
The cia is unfortunately just another gov agency.

>> No.17674949

>The whole trannies/ BLM for Marx has nothing to do with Marx
no shit

>> No.17674967

it kind of does though, marx was a utopian brainlet and directly opened the door to more utopian thought becoming normalized

>> No.17674987
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He was a necessary step toward Posadism, so quite based in that regard.

>> No.17675468

cringe, because landlords are the unsung heroes of society. They make urban society possible.

>> No.17675478

shit bait, mate

>> No.17675575


> Ultra cringe

Basically, Karl Marx: How To Ruin The World with cringe nonsense in two books or less.

>> No.17675626

Contemporary ideologues have ruined those words for me.

>> No.17675639

No, “being Utopian” isn’t necessary or sufficient for BLM/ trannyism to mean “Marxist.”

>> No.17675753

ahem.... JEWS. That is all. Russia destroyed by bolshevik scum.

>> No.17675849


>> No.17675853

So many girls in here, where do I begin?
I seen this one, I'm 'bout to go in
Then she said, I'm here with my friends
She got me thinking and that's when I said
Where dem girls at, girls at?
Where dem girls at, girls at?
Where dem girls at, girls at?
So go get them, we can all be friends
Hey, bring it on baby, all your friends
You're the shit and I love that body
You wanna ball, let's mix it, I swear you're good, I wont tell nobody
You got a BFF, I wanna see that girl, it's all women invited
Hair do's and nails, that Louis, Chanel all up in the party
President's in my wallet, no rules I'm bout it
Blow the whistle for the hotties
I got it, shawty, it's never too much, can't be doing too much
Ten to one of me, I can handle that love
Outta of my reach, we can all get buzz
Holla 'cause I'm free, no matter it's no rush
So many boys in here, where do I begin?
I seen this one, I'm bout to go in
Then he said, I'm here with my friends
He got me thinking and that's when I said
Where dem girls at, girls at?
Where dem girls at, girls at?
Where dem girls at, girls at?
So go get them, we can all be friends
Peebe, peebe, who's people barkin'
Two years ago I renewed my license
Anyway why'd I start my verse like that
'Cause I can do it, you can suck on a ballsack
No, no I don't endorse that, pause that, abort that
Just the other day mi go London, saw that, kids down the street
Paparazzi, all that
Hey hey what can I say?
Day day day da-day day
Coming through the club all the girls in the back of me
This ain't football why the fuck they tryna tackle me?
Really, I pick dude at the bar like really
Looking like he wanna good time like really
Said he had a friend for my home girl Lilly Lilly, Lilly, Lilly
So many girls in here where do I begin
I see this one, I'm 'bout to go in
Than she said I'm here with my friends
She got me thinking, and that's when I said
Where them girls at, girls at?
Where them girls at, girls at?
Where them girls at, girls at?
So go get them, we can all be friends
Where my girls at uh, hm, uh
Yo, where my girls tryna get to jumpin', jumpin', jumpin'
So many girls in here, where do I begin?
I seen this one, I'm 'bout to go in
Then she said, I'm here with my friends
She got me thinking and that's when I said
Where them girls at, girls at?
Where them girls at, girls at?
Where them girls at, girls at?
So go get them, we can all be friends

>> No.17675854
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Don't forget the eternal TVRK

>> No.17675860
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that is lust in her eyes anon

>> No.17675967

dunno, lots of right wing people think like this

>> No.17675973

pretty cringe he was a misogynist

>> No.17676460

His critique is based and correct, but communism and socialism are cringe. Capitalism needs reform to get rid of the large inequality of the current system, but blindly replacing it for systems that have yet to work is moronic, you will often see Communists and Socialists making valid critiques, yet they are unable to give solutions to those problems.
It also doesn't help that many of them are economically illiterate.

>> No.17676576

C'mon I can't be the only one who fantasizes about surrendering my bussy to a strong chadly landlord if I don't make rent

>> No.17676666

>libtard commies
I swear conservatives are the biggest retards on the planet.
Liberals are centrists to center-right, you fucking roach. Leftists hate liberals aswell.