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/lit/ - Literature

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17672136 No.17672136 [Reply] [Original]

*makes /lit/ questions if it is ok to put a child on this world and if suffering has any value at all or worthy*

Sorry, kiddo, nothing personal.

>> No.17672162

What an embarrassing mindset.

>> No.17672180

Yes for a braindead ape like you.

>> No.17672182

David Bentar is still alive, I'll read his book when he practices what he preaches

>> No.17672196

>antinatalist should kys

Cope and brainlet argument.

>> No.17672201

I use antinatalism to feel better about the fact that no woman wants to be impregnated by my penis.

>> No.17672205

So you don't read dead optimists?

>> No.17672209

Truly a midwit filter, people can cope with the fact that the dude has a pretty strong argument against natalism, kind of sad, because every times this book is bring to /lit/ the only replies that it gets are very low-tier only like: "muh suffering has meaning ok! why? b-because is ok so! don't question!"

>> No.17672215

What a dumb take, jesus, dude, I don't think that you are that bright.

>> No.17672235

If you're white, move to a 3rd world county. Or you can use your Green card as an advantage.
Stop being a fucking counter shill faggot.

>> No.17672266
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>> No.17672275

>makes /lit/ questions if it is ok to put a child on this world and if suffering has any value at all or worthy
Jesus fucking Christ this sentence is an abomination

>> No.17672276

>missing one of the most important argument of consent
Read a book subhuman

>> No.17672285

Fuck off goblina, I don’t want your stinking brown pussy

>> No.17672294


>> No.17672296

But it does pose the question: If life is such a terrible thing, in fact the worst thing, and non-being the best, would their death be a positive or negative development?

>> No.17672310

kino book cover, very melancholic somewhat, desu.

>> No.17672317

Dude it's already alive, why should he KYS only to bring suffering for him and those around him? Are you that dumb, nigger?

>> No.17672366

You're dodging the question. From a certain perspective, you would have a short amount of suffering but after that your non existence would be a positive development. From a purely utilitarian perspective this seems to be correct. In regards to suffering for those around you, I don't understand why you would care about that as the anti natalist constantly seems to find that his existence for the sake of others is useless. As he finds no redeeming qualities in existence by itself or for his own parents (they are selfish and careless etc).

>> No.17672371

We could do faggot sex, just think about it my faggot

>> No.17672370

No it doesn't. It affirms my decision to have children and lets me know that in fact is 100% correct and the morally superior choice. One only has to look at Ligotti to know who is right.

>> No.17672383

You should look at Silenus who was a Greek God retarded mutt.

>> No.17672384

bumpy for may antinatty bros.

>> No.17672399

>One only has to look at Ligotti to know who is right.
the greatest living american author? then benatar and the gang are right.

>> No.17672400
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>> No.17672412

Lgbtqioulmop are naive optimists not pessimists you retarded cunt.

>> No.17672414

The potential of life outweighs the suffering.
>B-but asymmetry
Doesn't matter

>> No.17672432

>almost all of literature is about some kind of conflict and suffering involved
>/lit/ loves bleak and sad shit
>"books for this feel, /lit/?"
>"sad books? my diary, desu"
>someone wrote a book saying that maybe, just maybe, is logic and right that we shouldn't but a child on this world to suffer, that is guarantee to occur
>/lit/ goes nut and ape shit with that idea

Why? Are /lit/ full of hypocrites and literal dumb nigger?

>> No.17672441

if you're white have kids
if you aren't don't

simple as

>> No.17672445

>hey dude, lets wage someone life! like, the kid could be born ok or with the most heart wrenching condition
>yeah bro, seems a nice idea and a very moral one

>> No.17672451

Birth rates in the whole world are declining, especially in Europe. So have fun fun with your daydreams.

>> No.17672456

and why is that a bad thing?

>> No.17672458

By the end of this century the wold will home to 1 billion nigger roaming around and causing chaos to the world, how to we fight that?

>> No.17672465

Here is my argument anti-natalism from autonomy

1)Anti natalists claim that one does not consent to their own birth

2)But in order to consent or not consent to something, one must be autonomous, that is, have the actual ability to choose or make decisions.

3)However those that are non existent do not have autonomy, as they are not alive or conscious to make a decision to consent or not to consent.

4)Therefore, because it is absurd to say that a non existent thing can consent, those in pre-birth neither consent nor not consent.

>> No.17672466

Making kids is literally playing with someone else's life. I don't know which kind of psychopath would be ok with making a kid while not having guarantees about the life he/she will have. Terrible diseases, accidents, suffering, having to watch all your loved ones age and die, etc. all so you can die at the end anyway.

>> No.17672471

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.17672475

please stop spamming the board

>> No.17672486

What if I am half white?

>> No.17672500

As a Christian, I can understand why antinatalism is bad (apart from rare cases when people have spiritual reasons), but what is the reasoning for having kids if you are an atheist (and a Buddhist too, BTW)?

>> No.17672504
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>Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

No, having a boss is. Just think about it for a second. Anyone can immediately see that capitalism, insofar as it creates a managerial class and establishes a corporate hierarchy, is an immense machine for the perpetuation of cucks. When a man goes to work and he has to answer to another man, he is being cuckolded. You can even say that, by the law of transitivity, a man's boss is in control of a man's wife and kids. He who decides on who remains employed and who gets sacked is the de facto sovereign.

>> No.17672512

>spamming the board
>has been a long time since a antinatalism thread
>everyday a muslim psyop shill is spamming and nobody says nothing.

Fuck you, you inbreed goat fucker, go fuck your hairy cousin Khajira, Abdullah

>> No.17672517

Never found a any good counter argument, truly having a daughter is a very cuck thing to do.

>> No.17672530

From what I can tell, he's arguing that the lack of pain is a good thing, while the lack of pleasure is not a bad thing, and uses this to justify that nonexistence is better than existence.

I find this presupposition to be inaccurate though, as I'd argue that the absence of pleasure is pain. I feel a small degree of pleasure every time I inhale and every time I blink, and not doing these things causes me pain. Therefore the idea that death is eternal suffering because it is the lack of pleasure is just as valid as the idea that death is eternal bliss because it is the lack of pain. Either way any philosophy that makes assumptions about nonexistence is never as valid as those that don't.

Also morality doesn't apply when there's nothing to lend moral consideration to. You only have a moral obligation to something once it exists, therefore making something exist is not an action which you can make moral judgements about.

>> No.17672535

Imagine believing the odds are in favor of being born with a horrible disease. You do know these always occur when the mother is abusing alcohol or a substance. Can't believ you're predicating your argument on science when you don't even understand the science.

>> No.17672537

fuck the muslim spammers too, but this is't an ideology prominent enough to deserve this many threads, whereas islam is

>> No.17672554

Let the cope begin

>> No.17672562

are incels invading now or something

>> No.17672587


>> No.17672618

Oh my God there is literally a hierarchy this is the worst thing imaginable

>> No.17672621

The point is that consent is a vital thing to have if you're going to make a decision that concerns someone else. Of course, if someone does not exist yet, you can't consult them to get their consent. The fact that it's impossible to get their consent doesn't change the fact that you DON'T HAVE their consent. And for that reason you can't rightfully subject them to a decision they haven't consented to.
It's the same principle as if they did exist and because of some extenuating circumstances you couldn't get their consent to a decision concerning them. For example, a man disappears off into the wilderness for an undefined period of time and makes a point of eliminating any form of contact so that he can't possibly be reached. It would be wrong for his friend to sell all the man's stuff in the mean time, even though getting the man's consent or nonconsent to such an act would be impossible. Consent is vital, regardless of whether or not it can feasibly be obtained.

>> No.17672624

>omqqq, life is like, SO meaningless and everyone should just DIE
>me? no I like being alive

>> No.17672630

I was considering this until some anon told me that raising a kid the right way is a good way to improve our society since most people are shitty parents

>> No.17672633

>someone else
Are you fucking deranged. Unconceive children are not persons, let alone moral persons.

>> No.17672640

you're already alive, it's a different topic to never being born

>> No.17672655

Right, but all those kids raised by terrible parents are going to make your kids life hell

>> No.17672657

off yourself then, your suffering ends there because you can no longer feel pain and our suffering ends there because we don't have to put up with your incessant whining
its a win-win situation

>> No.17672703

Lmao, shitty argument bro.

>> No.17672710


Just read about behavioral genetics, the only way to have a good kid is to have good parents themselves, if you have a kind with a trashy women, no matter the sheer good dad that you are, the odd are that you will have a trashy daughter or son.

>> No.17672734

The antinatalist logic follows exactly that of laws. It's about prevention. Take for example a law against drunk driving. The reason why such a law is good is because it helps to PREVENT bad outcomes. Of course, people are still horribly mangled and killed in accidents involving drunk drivers, but one presumes that the consequences that the law attaches to being caught drunk driving act to deter people from engaging in drunk driving, and thus the frequency of drunk driving goes down. One cannot point to the people walking around at present who were saved by the anti-drunk driving law, but we can be certain that law did in fact prevent many bad outcomes. That's the reason why we made the law and keep it around: it prevents hypothetical bad outcomes. Now take this same logic and apply it to procreation. One can form a practically infinite list of all the bad outcomes that we might be subjected to on this planet, many of which might have a very low probability of occurring, but nonetheless it is easy to conceive of fates that make us shudder, and we should recognize that countless people have existed who have endured such horrific fates. By choosing not to procreate, we prevent all these fates from befalling anyone, and while this takes place in the realm of the hypothetical, in the same vein as our anti-drunk driving law, such a prevention of bad outcomes can only possibly be considered a good thing.

>> No.17672753

source? your peehole

>> No.17672808

Interesting as far as being able to make a compelling and logical argument that you still know to false without having to know why you know.

I guess it's proof of God in that sense

>> No.17672884

Robert plomin blueprint is a good pop into to behavioral genetics

>> No.17672919

There is no such thing as moral argument. There is no reason to refute him.

>> No.17672925

>has been a long time since a antinatalism thread
Yea. Like 3 hours or smth

>> No.17672930

Well yes, they both try to prevent hypothetical situations, but that's about where the parallels stop. Let's consider both of the scenarios they're tryna prevent.

-Drunk driving laws-
Hypothetical before: A driver or pedestrian, presumably with the desire to continue living, and with friends and family who care about them or depend on them.
Hypothetical after: A dead or suffering driver or pedestrian with suffering friends and family.

Hypothetical before: Nonexistence. No feelings, thoughts, desires, preferences, or relationships to speak of. The absence of spirit and body.
Hypothetical after: An individual that experiences or creates suffering

See the difference? One of those "hypothetical befores" deserves moral consideration and another doesn't. Furthermore, only one "hypothetical after" can be confidently said to be worse than its corresponding "hypothetical before," since nothing can be said with confidence about the nature of nonexistence.

>> No.17672934

Is a joke. You get cold water instead of hot and you bitch and moan about the "nature" of being because you are a weak, pathetic failure. That is all.

>> No.17672939

he's gonna call you a midwit, just watch

>> No.17673056
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>this fucking thread again
For fucksake i want kids and that's final, whoever overrides his natural instinct to create offsprings because of a fucking book is not smart, but a weak pussy at best

>> No.17673085

I don't understand the distinction you're trying to make. Why does the latter not warrant moral consideration? There is a chain of cause and effect that results in the birth of a child. Why does it matter how far back you take the act of prevention? We humans have intelligence that allows us to foresee potential outcomes down the line. We can see beforehand that procreation leads to a situation where we have a human being who experiences suffering and can potentially be subjected to a variety of horrific events. The particular identity of that human doesn't matter, but rather our recognition that humans as a class can and do experience such trauma. If we managed to create a simulator such that when we turn it on it is populated by a number of sentient AIs who will then be tortured pointlessly, would ethics not factor at all into the question of whether we should turn it on or not?

>> No.17673097


>> No.17673136

What if I like to watch antinatalists suffer and I will teach my children to do the same?

>> No.17673253

Fuck you I'm having kids

>> No.17673261

Anon at least don't post the same picture of the book from the same angle every time we do this thread

>> No.17673270

Nobody's gonna override their biological and emotional inclination to have kids because some faggot decided to write a book. Give up and move on to another philosophy anon. Try one that emphasizes making people's lives better

>> No.17673297

>have a massive fucking ego, be a completely self-absorbed twat
>misinterpret everything in the universe which doesnt serve you personally to improve your condition as "suffering"
>terrified of finality and your own insignificance, interpret this as "suffering"
>misinterpret the concept of consent, interpret this as "suffering"
>interpret all of existence in such asinine, childish, self-serving ways as "does this make me happy? then it's good, unless it makes someone else unhappy" and "does this make me sad? then it's bad in all cases"
>have to rely on misinterpretations of famous thinkers and religious figures who directly contradict antinatalist idiotic conclusions, ignore that these contradictions exist and cherrypick only what supports their ego-defense mechanism against being an insufferably selfish and childish twat
>extend this concept to THINK OF THE CHILDREN sententious bullshit, arrive to conclusion that continuing life is an act of violence
Nothing to be sorry about, OP. David Benatar is a pseud who doesn't understand that the universe doesn't exist for his personal happiness or the difference between simplistic overthinking and actual analysis (like every antinatalist). Only idiots and losers who are equally childish and self-centered can ever read antinatalism and think it makes the remotest sense.
It's the academic equivalent of the Tumblr Depression Death Cult.

>> No.17673319


>> No.17673320
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What the fuck is wrong with Google images? If you google 'david benatar' it shows a bunch of Peter Singer photographs.

>> No.17673358

This but unironically

>> No.17673422

>my interpretation is right, his interpretations is wrong
Great argument
>the universe doesn't exist for his personal happiness
And that's good because? What's your goal of existence? Are you another larping christian?

>> No.17673431

Mindset embarrassing and what?

>> No.17673438

It’s literally impossible to state that life is “asymmetrically” full of suffering because what is considered good and bad purely relies on the individual. It’s also stupid to compare existence to non-existence because it’s like asking whether a cup full of piss or an empty cup has the better liquid. The empty one will never have the better liquid. Antinatalism is just cope for genetic failures

>> No.17673489

WHAT? So you have no preference whether to drink piss or nothing at all (when you are not in desperate need of liquid)? Anon, this is a beautiful analogy, but I don't think it supports the position you meant to support. Yes, non-existent people need life as much as regular person needs a cup of piss.

>> No.17673699

Dude is truly anonymous, nobody know mr Benatar face, truly a mestiruous man.

>> No.17673708

>Muh genetics
>Muh incel
>Have sex

Like a animal, this being doesn't think, just groans

>> No.17674312


>> No.17674364
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But if you haven't read his book, how do you know what he preaches?

>> No.17674381

>Antinatalism is just cope for genetic failures

It's more like the philosophical cope because of an economy that increasingly can no longer sustain people having children.

It's not a coincidence that in a time that decadent capitalism has completely annihilated a historical middle class, such that people can no longer have children without completely impoverishing themselves, you suddenly get an increase in cynical hatred for having children. It's literally a psychological defense mechanism.

>> No.17674400

>What's your goal of existence
To crank out a son who could beat me in mortal combat, the same as every living creature since the good old unicellular days
Have antinatalists addressed how stupid it sounds that the telos of life itself is apparently a multi-million year evolutionary quest to get smart enough that we can conclude to just throw in the towel on a planet-wide scale? Is that the same telos for a population of whatever beat will be the next to get smart once humans voluntarily go extinct?

>> No.17674422

I know that NOOOO YOU CAN’T JUST GO BY ANECDOTES but an old friend of mine became a hardcore antinatalist and got into “polyamory” after his longterm gf left him and he developed depression. Now that he’s doing better he’s reconsidered it and seems to be monogamous again.
Everything about these new-age anti-life philosophies reeks of spiritual cope. If you’re unhappy with your life I can’t even blame you, but I at least wish they would admit that to themselves instead of making weak arguments as to why everyone healthy has to agree with them. It’s like a fat woman claiming not that being fat is her personal choice (sure), but that fit people are the ones who are wrong.

>> No.17674430
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>if suffering has any value at all or worthy
That has never been a question. Suffering itself has no value and does not even merit consideration. All pain, even agony, is merely information before the senses, data in the computer of the mind. David Benatar relies on suffering having a negative value; he is just as guilty as the rest of them.

>> No.17674452

Imagine being able to adopt any moral system and you GENUINELY choose negative utilitarianism holy fuck
You could have just screamed "I'M AN INCEL I'M AN INCEL" over and over again and it would convey the same message

>> No.17674453

Qué No Sabe Follar, Dice

>> No.17674459

same idea at the same time

>> No.17674480

>Economy increasingly can't sustain child-rearing
>This actually makes people mad because they want kids
>instead of demanding a political change they just create a philosophical cope that says "actually having children is bad lol"

>> No.17674492


>> No.17674506

The rare, fleeting moments of sublime beauty that existence provides are enough to make it worthwhile

>> No.17674525

Have you ever composed an English sentence before?

>> No.17674535

All jews get mawkish when they moralise.

>> No.17675296

Thanks for the infallible sign to disregard anything you say.

>> No.17675304
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>> No.17675327

looks like someone based their "life philosophy" off of /pol/ screencaps and motivational pics from reddit

>> No.17675449

To this day I've never heard a satisfying answer to "why don't you kill yourself" from an antinatalist, or how if you cop out on "n-no, it's different when you're already alive!" then somehow arrive at your conclusion to questions like involuntary euthanasia, which seems to get a different response from every antinatalist you ask.

>> No.17675511

Only normalfags oppose antinatalism. They're sheeple after all.

>> No.17675562

honestly anti-natalism is correct for the vast majority of mankind. most of human life is not worth perpetuating as the people living them don't even enjoy them and having not been so deceived by the banality of life would end them. further more they don't have the time or resources for the children to be fully free of them ever, stunting them forever and forcing them into the same cycle of regular life. however some people have the ability via resources or general deadbeatness to abandon their children allowing them to most likely expierence the full subjectivity required to truly be human at all but even then it's a crapshoot.

>> No.17675569

all argument this easy
normies reproduce spergs don't

>> No.17675597

Most people on this earth don't deserve to reproduce but do anyways. Someone or something needs to put an end to it, for the good of humanity.

>> No.17675635
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>> No.17675673

cmon anon a lot of people don’t want kids, they’re called redditors

>> No.17675721


>> No.17675742

it's not even that they deserve it or not they are mostly likely perfectly good people who have the personal virtue or talent or potential or whatever, it's simply the material realities of the world that make life by and large not worth reproducing. odds are regardless of how good you are you will just wage cuck half the time and get caught up in dumb bullshit regarding your family, loved ones, friends for the rest of your life.

>> No.17675743

Antinatalists to stick it out it in order to spread antinatalism as a philosophy. The goal of all real antinatalists (i.e., efilists) is the elimination of all sentient life, something that an individual obviously can't do on his own. Somehow, the public must be convinced of the truth of the antinatalist position so that we can then collectively usher sentient life out of existence.
Aside from that, many are simply scared of dying like everyone else. This isn't a contradiction, but rather further support for the antinatalist position. Why force conscious beings to wrestle with and rationalize their own inevitable deaths? This is a form of psychological torture, and it would obviously be better if no one had to go through it. Naturally, the fear of death can be outweighed by other forms of suffering, leading to suicide. Benatar's distinction between a life worth starting and a life worth continuing seema perfectly reasonable.

>> No.17675856

I disagree that the main goal of all anti-natalists is the end of sentient life. perhaps their aversion to birth it being robbed of a better one in the spiritual void or the destruction of a world that made life unlivable

>> No.17676162

My genes are great. I have an obligation to spread them as much as possible. You ugos can keep pretending that you're galaxy brains for not breeding, but deep down yku know it's because you're dygenic

>> No.17676839

Notice how all the anti natalist cucks can say is insults when faced with their refutation. Imagine thinking that you are doing someone a favor by preventing them from coming into existence while clinging desperately onto your own.

>> No.17676851

That's a bizarre argument, on one hand you want to desperately cling onto your life out of fear (this means you think you have something to lose), and you are using this fear that your life has value as evidence that your life doesnt have value?? This is a fundamental contradiction.

>> No.17676938


>> No.17676948

Antinatalism ist the biggest cope for bad genes ever.
What an emberassment!

>> No.17677184


Depends on the mindset you have as a parent. You don't treat your kid like a project, but like a wild animal that you take care off for a bit and then send it back to the jungle to roam free.

>> No.17677189

Yet low class low IQ white trash breed a lot

>> No.17677198

Antinatalism is the biggest cope for being high IQ.
What an privilege!

Empedocles - no kids, an hero
Heraclitus - no kids
Silenus - no kids
Parmenides - no kids
Plato - gay nigga
Epicurus - no kids
Epictetus - no kids
Bodhidharma - no kids
Zhuang - no kids
Abhinavagupta - no kids
Shankaracharya - no kids
Mani - no kids
Al-Kindi - no kids
Al-Farabi - no kids
Averroes - no kids
Avicenna - no kids
Aquinas - no kids
Spinoza - no kids
Kant - no kids
Leibniz - no kids
Hume - no kids
Kierkegaard - no kids
Fourier - no kids
Schopenhauer - no kids
Stirner - no kids
Mainländer - no kids, an hero
Nietzsche - no kids
Weininger - no kids, an hero
Michelstaedter - no kids, an hero
Spengler - no kids
Wittgenstein - gay nigga
Zapffe - no kids
Weil - no kids
Evola - no kids
Arendt - no kids
Beauvoir - no kids
Sartre - no kids
Debord - no kids, an hero
Caraco - no kids, an hero
Cioran - no kids
Althusser - no kids
Foucault - gay nigga
Kaczynski - no kids
John Gray - no kids

>> No.17677203


Against birth =/= against life.

>> No.17677211

>Hypothetical before: Nonexistence. No feelings, thoughts, desires, preferences, or relationships to speak of. The absence of spirit and body.

Doubt it.

>> No.17677212

>>misinterpret everything in the universe which doesnt serve you personally to improve your condition as "suffering"

What is the correct interpretation then?

>> No.17677216

>It’s also stupid to compare existence to non-existence because it’s like asking whether a cup full of piss or an empty cup has the better liquid. The empty one will never have the better liquid.

All the MORE reason to oppose birth.

>> No.17677238
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I'm gonna have 3+ kids. Are you angry OP?

>> No.17677251
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>I'm gonna have 3+ kids
>Said the frogposter on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.17677305


>> No.17677309

>Doesn't know any real life antinatalist
>Go on make assumptions and projections

Brainlet move and insecure as fuck

>> No.17677323
File: 102 KB, 674x667, 1611594265850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a married man, and I post frogs.
Do not mistake everyone else for yourself.

>> No.17677337

As do niggers and browns, because life's fondest desire is to perpetuate life, and they aren't smart enough to neurotically think themselves out of that core knowledge.

>> No.17677341


>> No.17677456

what if you are a rich person and can ensure that your children have access to any pleasures they can imagine? are you obligated to have as many children as possible? Seems like you are purposely taking away possible pleasure if not. I don't see how that is any different to a utilitarian than having the opportunity to prevent suffering and not doing it.

btw, utilitarianism is fucking retarded.

>> No.17677669

>>17672196 #
>>17672215 #
>>17672294 #
Antinatards backed into a corner yet again by the hypocrisy of staying alive, have to resort to ad hominem

>> No.17677701

He's against birth because life is allegedly bad

>> No.17677715

You're silly and dumb.

>A-antinatalist are coping and incel!
>n-no look! they are ad homien my!

Brainlet take

>> No.17677780
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Consider the following, and give me ONE good and non-refutable argument after this, why an antinatalist shouldn't kill themselves

> b-b-but muh grieving family, muh grieving loved ones
Oh sorry, isn't life all about suffering in general? The suffering of a grieving person is FAR shorter than the suffering of a whole lifetime, infact, why don't you go on a murder spree on children? They have a whole life ahead of them, infact, kill their parents too! Make sure you especially focus on killing everyone with no close relatives as well! You'll be reducing the suffering in the world so much!

> muh survival instinct
Every person who truly can't handle their suffering eventually overpowers their survival instinct, every single one of them, if you're not seriously, seriously considering and preparing to commit suicide, then you can handle your suffering, but you're just too much of a stuck-up bitch to not grandstand and virtue signal about your pessimism.

> muh asymmetry
1. Life is not a binary pleasure and pain ride, unless you can sufficiently refute the utility monster, the fact so many would refuse the pleasure machine, so many would refuse the experience machine, prove that all intellectual activities are valued solely for pleasure, and prove that it's not our moral obligation to kill anhedoniacs.

2. So absence of happiness is not bad? Why is anhedonia disliked?

3. You don't get to define the rules, you're the ones making claims that contradict most people's intuitions, such as nonexistent beings, which are entirely imaginary, being in a positive state, rather than a neutral/null state, or that happiness in general is a neutral and not positive things; since these claims contradict intuition, the burden of proof is on you that most people are insane for valuing their happiness and preferring to stay alive, not on us to show that what we value is genuinely valuable to the majority.

> cope, cope, you're coping, you're delusional
Ad hominem nonarguments.

>> No.17677867

no it doesnt.
Because existence is inevitable

>> No.17677901
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people who don't walk the talk are not worth listening to

>> No.17677906

>still no refutation
As expected.

>> No.17678060

>so many would refuse the experience machine
I have always thought that this thought experiment (and it's offshoots like the matrix) is incredibly insightful on human motivation. There is a book (or lecture) titled Death and the Afterlife by Samuel Sheffler that touches on similar themes about what motivates us ethically:

"In Death and the Afterlife, philosopher Samuel Scheffler poses this thought experiment in order to show that the continued life of the human race after our deaths--the "afterlife" of the title--matters to us to an astonishing and previously neglected degree. Indeed, Scheffler shows that, in certain important respects, the future existence of people who are as yet unborn matters more to us than our own continued existence and the continued existence of those we love. Without the expectation that humanity has a future, many of the things that now matter to us would cease to do so. By contrast, the prospect of our own deaths does little to undermine our confidence in the value of our activities. Despite the terror we may feel when contemplating our deaths, the prospect of humanity's imminent extinction would pose a far greater threat to our ability to lead lives of wholehearted engagement. Scheffler further demonstrates that, although we are not unreasonable to fear death, personal immortality, like the imminent extinction of humanity, would also undermine our confidence in the values we hold dear. His arresting conclusion is that, in order for us to lead value-laden lives, what is necessary is that we ourselves should die and that others should live."

>> No.17678067

All I see is coping

>> No.17678083

There is nothing to cope against.

>> No.17678133

read the goddamn book, for the love of god. there is no equivalency between not being born and comitting suicide. its embarassing for you.

>> No.17678206

Suffering is good. The existence of suffering should not negate existence but rather its absence should. The worst people are those who grew up without any financial struggle or health struggle. They're prideful pieces of shit who think they did everything right in their life. Whereas someone who grew up in poverty or suffered or even died through bone cancer was a better person because of it. If you could make the world suffer 1000x more, it would unironically be a better place.

>> No.17678797

Calling something "cope" with no argument is also an ad hominem, try harder

>> No.17678886

so badass dude. wanna know how i know youve never suffered in your life?

>> No.17678927

Its compassionate to put children in the world because in the future humans could help alleviate the suffering of beings on other planets, humanity has to exist in the future for that to happen.

>> No.17678955

no one in this thread is going to reproduce so benatar wins in any case lmfao

>> No.17678986

Including (you).

>> No.17679005

Antinatalism is simply the final redpill, but breeders cannot handle this fact, so they take to seething and coping and the famous "muh kill yourself" non-argument (AN isn't about not living, but rather about not birthing children).

>> No.17679025

It's not a refutation, Like I said here: >>17679005 , But it's a cope from the breeders on /lit/ who think they can deboonk AN's arguments by asking why they haven't KYS:d yet, but hey, AN was never a suicide cult, it was always a not-having-kids cult, so it means that AN:s win again.

>> No.17679291

and when did you address any of the points made by this anon? - >>17677780

>> No.17679331 [SPOILER] 
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Antinatalism implies promortalism.

>> No.17679399

I have read his post thoroughly, and I truely can't find any points worth addressing. His post comes off as very confusing and rambling.

>> No.17679420

anti-natalists btfo

>> No.17679424

Not so much.

>> No.17679756


Because they are against birth, not against life.

>> No.17679771

Based. Utilitarian ethics is retarded anyway. Imagine thinking it’s wrong to give birth.

>> No.17679811

I say that it is wrong to cause children to come about by having sexual intercourse, as for the act of giving birth I do not regard it, as it is only a natural consequence of conception, but it is conception in the traditional sense that I am against as an AN.

>> No.17679818

>literally none of them were anti-natalist

>> No.17679820

Why is that funny?

>> No.17679832

Besides zapffe who was a retard
Because it means the premise that antinatalism is for high iq people is false.

>> No.17679838

/lit/ is full of existential masochists

>> No.17679845

>Because it means the premise that antinatalism is for high iq people is false.
No it doesn't necessarily mean that.

>> No.17679861

Technically your correct it just means his argument is garbage.

>> No.17679871

His argument may be bad but it does not mean AN is bad. If you want to be AN, you need to first and foremost supress your desire to have sex. If you can't do that, you can't live as an AN. That's a big reason why we see a lot of breeders on /lit/ struggling to argue against AN, for many of them it's because they want to keep cooming (having sexual orgasm, in one way or another).

>> No.17679924
File: 195 KB, 680x383, gigachad dator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[5] And still I, John, questioned the Lord, saying, "Lord, how did man have spiritual origin in a carnal body?" And the Lord said to me: "By their fall spirits of heaven entered the female body of clay and took on flesh from the lusts of the flesh and took on [spirit at the same time]. . . . Spirit is born of spirit and flesh of flesh; and thus the reign of Satan ceases not in this world."

Fellow Cathar Anti-natalist Gigachads, where are you at.

>> No.17679955

My point was that none of them had kids.
But sure it's a shitpost in response to a shipost.
Also more than ten philosophers on that list were pessimist.

>> No.17680417

You'd better have as many kids as physically possible. In fact you should be impregnating every fertile woman who enters your sight.

>> No.17680497

Self absorbed twats don't consider the consequences of their actions and how they can potentially hurt others. Complete anti-natalism is silly in practice but it challenges us in an important way. What kind of parents are we if we don't consider the circumstances of our child's birth? Our ability to provide for their development and prepare them for the hardships they will face?

>> No.17680541

They're against birth on the assumption that life is not worth it

>> No.17680605
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>> No.17680617
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>> No.17680745

Monumentally based

>> No.17680749


>> No.17681081 [DELETED] 

There is literally no point to thinking like this. There's no way to solve that without creating more suffering than there already is. Suffering gives value to joy.

>> No.17681178

>and that's good because?
I reject the presupposition that good is desirable to the point that you may disregard all else.

>> No.17681633

Breeders can't cope at all, kek

>> No.17681646
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>a simple book make the entire /lit/ seethe hard and go nuts


>> No.17681994
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>grandparents enjoy life
>parents enjoy life
>I enjoy life
>have kids to keep it going

>> No.17682032

And how are you sure that your kid would go on to have such good life? You know that you don't have control over all of your child's life, so, you're gambling which your child's life.

>> No.17682064

The suffering caused by suicide is a social construct. We should de stigmatize suicide

>> No.17682079

Based as fuck

>> No.17682099

>that could not have befallen one had one not come into existence
How do you justify depriving a would be life of the joys you can only experience if you're alive.
"It can be bad, therefore it's not worth it" This just seems defeatist.

Yeah, this is just defeatism. Beside that, your child isn't a die. There's something dreadfully ironic about anti natalists refusing humans their agency in the name of not making them unhappy.

How does suicide magically make the loss of loved ones not hurt.

>> No.17682123
File: 102 KB, 1242x906, A65228C2-D49F-426F-BB9F-85147C7B98CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d rather gamble than not play, watch the new Disney movie out on Disney+ now for £7.99 a month called Soul. Is all this life really worth dying for