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17671996 No.17671996 [Reply] [Original]

Are those kind of memes the autistic subculture of internet equivalent of haïku in Japanese culture ?

>> No.17672420


>> No.17672604

Obviously not, they have no formal structure.
The discipline of being forced to follow a set structure is the point.

>> No.17672860

Why would you even think that?

>> No.17672871

that was me 5 years ago!

The heart was pretty fucked 'cause of cigs and coffeine though

>> No.17672874

my brother suggested me that, is he autistic ?

>> No.17673694

these damn memes are getting to the point of being infuriating with their specificity

>> No.17675387

but they do have a formal structure: a 20-something age + noun ending in -er, followed by details that are just specific enough to seem like they describe you but broad enough to seem like they apply to anyone.

>> No.17676573

Never speak ill of brothers.

>> No.17676989

He's just fine but it's a nothing more than a fun idea.