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17666450 No.17666450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that explore female autism?

>> No.17666466
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Sure. Both female autism AND exploration.

>> No.17666472
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No, females with autism are at best men, and at worst barely men

>> No.17666489

Someone post that greentext of the anon and his high libido autistic friend with benefit.

Made me feel better about beinghigh functioning.

>> No.17666496

this is autism though, you'd have to have low-tier autism to not realize that people would see through your attempts to appear like you have high-tier autism

>> No.17666573

Women can't have autism. Women are anti-autism, hyper social normies par excellence

>> No.17666578


Little Women
The Joy Luck Club
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Are You there Vodka it's me, Chelsea

>> No.17666599



>> No.17666606

why she moves her hands like this?

>> No.17666607

I met a chick who was "diagnosed with autism" in uni and she was just a normal uni-slut lol, she was having one night stands every week, cried about guys thinking she's a slut, and gossiped endlessly about random shit i never thought anybody would give a single fuck about

>> No.17666642


>> No.17666644

Is autism in women even a thing though? I mean, except Marie Curie it seems like every woman claiming they have autism or mental illnesses (except being slutty, self-destructive, or having daddy issues) is doing it for attention. I've known perhaps one with such symptoms in my entire life, she was isolated from others and I never asked so I can't be sure either.

>> No.17666646

autism is boring
SHOW TITS YOU FUCKING WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17666652

Women cannot be allowed to have autism, it is too pure for their relentless dilettantism and whorish ways to ruin it, we must ban women from claiming to have autism

>> No.17666657



>> No.17666666

I hate women so fucking much it physically hurts me

>> No.17666675

Girl autism is obsession with models / singers / actors.

>> No.17666679
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beautiful, i'm glad you got these digits because i couldn't have said it better myself

>> No.17666680

If you mean legit autism, the people who don't really talk but just kind of grunt/moan mostly, refuse to do almost anything, etc. yes women get that.

>> No.17666682
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>> No.17666691



>> No.17666693
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Oh my

>> No.17666696
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>> No.17666697
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You deserve those digits

>> No.17666698
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fucking BASED

>> No.17666700

The digits don't lie

>> No.17666702

the haunting of hill house

>> No.17666703

I see thanks anon
It's a shame nobody exposes these attention seeking tiktok thots.

>> No.17666729

Actual good rec

Nice audiobooks of it available

>> No.17666731

i think i hate women so much because i am jealous of them, they literally can just get free attention and money just because of how their face looks, they can do things that if a male did it everyone would think they were a faggot retard, is there any wonder there is so many trannies now? fuck i hate this bitch.

>> No.17666733

I knew a girl with autism. She was a walking, talking Disney encyclopedia. She had every line of dialogue memorized from damn near every Disney cartoon produced from the 80s to the early 2000s. She was also a fantastic singer, but only when it came to Disney songs. Couldn't hold a tune, otherwise - couldn't even sing the happy birthday song. Early bloomer physically, obsessed with Disney romances, but completely and utterly asexual. It was like other people didn't exist to her. And she had all the other characteristics of autism in addition to her weird obsession with Disney shit. Stereotypy, stimming, the works.

>> No.17666736


>> No.17666747
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Women have this peculiar quality of RUINING absolutely everything they come into contact with or even observe. If there exists a pure, untainted concept, once a woman observes that concept, it becomes tainted and corrupted. Women corrupt.
By ruin and corrupt I mean innately bring it down towards a baser level. Even a "bad" thing becomes worse under the touch of the woman. It's downright hinted in the Bible that women are the ruin of men, but I'm actively studying and trying to find a reason for it. Why did God make women as the harbingers of ruin and desolation? They don't even destroy. No. Women downright bring rot. Make bad to worse.

A woman shall bring stain to a color that doesn't exist

>> No.17666753


>> No.17666754
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>> No.17666756
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>> No.17666763

there's an autistic chick at my work who is always looking for an excuse to sing a pokemon song, every time we're in a meeting and she mentions something about pokemon, which is frequently, everyone start looking at each other like "oh god, she's going to sing again"

>> No.17666777

I genuinely cannot picture what sort of social environment your work meetings are that this would be a frequent occurrence

>> No.17666780
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>> No.17666795

she just works pokemon into anything, like "while i was working on this it reminded me of chormandizar who has a special power" and then tries to explain how it vaguely relates to this shit in her spreadsheet and then she'll be like "i have a special power too, my power song!" i think she mostly does it when there are new people around to show off, but it's always a risk

>> No.17666803
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hahahah holy fuck, fuck women hahaha

>> No.17666811

I didn't believe that bitch for a second, until I saw the fucking funko-pops

>> No.17666815

How did people tolerate this? Do her boss fear that firing her will cause problems because of her autism?

>> No.17666830
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Never be jealous of women. Under the happy exterior there exists nothing but shame, insecurity, confusion, despair and a hinting sense of imposter syndrome with everything they do. The average woman is twice as bitter as the bitterest incel. Never envy women, ever.

>> No.17666831

Holy fuck

>> No.17666837

They are probably some IT onions firm, that sort of behavior is only acceptable in that environment.

>> No.17666838

white-collar work is the biggest meme now

>> No.17666842

>sixfold of Satan
I used to love women but that's over now

>> No.17666847

we have a very muddled hierarchy so everyone with managerial responsibility just pretends it's someone else's responsibility, makes for a highly laid back work environment, but sometimes you have to hear tangents about pokemons

>> No.17666858

It is VERY rare, but autistic women exist. Most of them are the full retarded type that can't speak and keeps doing weird shit and breaking everything and you won't be hearing much about them for obvious reasons, but there are a few with aspergers too.
However, most women that say they have autism, or any other mental illness, are just pretending for attention and to use it as an excuse when they fuck up.

>> No.17666872

Okey. You're in charge of the whole based department now.

>> No.17666877

What happens to autistic women after the age of 25? Where the fuck do they end up? I'm a male autist that went to austitic support groups, the males are still out and about working jobs or NEETing it up, being semi-functional, but the women all seem to have disappeared into a black hole never to be heard from again.

You never hear about older autistic women either, ever, do they become the highest level of shut-in and stop going outside or something?

>> No.17666891

Sometimes them retarded girls can be hot


>> No.17666908

suicide or they get married to a guy who's supportive and understandable enough that they no longer need to work or go to support groups

>> No.17666910

I stand with you, king.

>> No.17666915

id marry her

>> No.17666925
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>> No.17666928

This was also fake autism.

>> No.17666931

Who cares?

>> No.17666934

I mean, I don't go to the support groups anymore either because I'm actually functioning, but it's just males left there now and the women all moved on. Female autists are basically universally NEETs already (male aspies are pushed by their family into working and typically finish out doing warehouse work) but they're still heard from doing stuff until they're 25-30, getting invited out and the like. They get boyfriends on occasion (typically men that match the basedboy look), but I don't think they really get married and settle down. But maybe they do and they just sit at home all day never going out, hmmmm.

>> No.17666939

Screen cap me for reddit

>> No.17666941
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>> No.17666944
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>> No.17666987
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Put me in the screencap

>> No.17667004
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>> No.17667024
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>> No.17667078

desu either way I hope they're doing well

>> No.17667090

okay turbosatan

>> No.17667114
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Even with the 'tism they still become e-thots. God I hate women.

>> No.17667123

>junko pop
She's trash.

>> No.17667126
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>> No.17667136
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I genuinely know one woman with autism and then she later came out as a FtM tranny lmao

>> No.17667139
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>> No.17667148

>A woman shall bring stain to a color that doesn't exist
This is beautiful.

>> No.17667162
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Women BTFO

>> No.17667164
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Fuck, I hate women too now

>> No.17667169
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Hoes will never recover from this

>> No.17667171

I'm stealing this, it's brilliant.

>> No.17667179
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>> No.17667182

Jay? More like gay lmO

>> No.17667186

That's racist against fags

>> No.17667197

>Guys with autism

>> No.17667234

this site has become reddit

>> No.17667250

yeah why tf is everyone replying to a guy just because he got the same numbers in his post # lol this place is getting stupid lately -_-

>> No.17667274

its more all the people doing it 'to be included in the screencap'

>> No.17667280

Roastie roastie roastie
Not even 30 and your life is toastie

>> No.17667392

Still more social value than a functioning average male.

>> No.17667415

hey boy, I like yo numbers. Do look me up if you're ever in my area.

>> No.17667421

The Opposite of Love Is Not Hate, But Indifference.

>> No.17667438

>Women downright bring rot.
Lol. Seriously just fuck some nigress.

>> No.17667447


>> No.17667448

Yes but a lot of that is superficial and women are easily used and thrown away if they're not careful.

>> No.17667452
File: 60 KB, 640x640, D0F4305B-F7E0-4BDE-9CCD-85AA455B0757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you and your digits have completely changed my views on women

>> No.17667471

t. woman

>> No.17667477

There is an established correlation between gender dysphoria/atypical sexualities and having autism. This isn't to say that all autistics are dysphoric, but anecdotally, just about every trans/nonbinary person I've encountered in life tends to display at least some symptoms. I guess the fundamental alienation from the rest of humanity that sort of comes with the territory of being autistic sometimes translates into feeling you're in the wrong body.

>> No.17667515

probably something wrong with their mirror neurons

>> No.17667537
File: 161 KB, 669x952, 1610064996332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit fucking digits of truth. Unequivocally, absolutely based. This is the gigachad of /lit/ posting

>> No.17667543

Dub plate massive

>> No.17667553

>Six sixes
Based ultra giga satan. Fuck women

>> No.17667593

Imagine being so autistic that you gatekeep autism

>> No.17667597

who is that fag and why do i want to fuck him

>> No.17667625

It is a young Wagner

>> No.17667661

based, fuck womens, they will never pay taxes on they lifes being parasites to society

>> No.17667677

Fake as fuck lmao

>> No.17667886
File: 412 KB, 1470x2410, 4E4CD7B6-884D-447D-AD29-AFA70527B665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]