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17661267 No.17661267 [Reply] [Original]

What are the chances we are already in hell?

>> No.17661277

What if this whole board is one giant psy-op?

>> No.17661283

Zero (0) zed, zip, nada

>> No.17661297

Seems about right to my thinking.
Moot ostracizes “chanology” protesters, then turns right around and makes a home for stormfront refugees

>> No.17661326

there is always something worse, anon

>> No.17661331

mass communication, particularly the internet, in general is a massive psyop.

>> No.17661332

It is

>> No.17661339

Badge and timestamp

>> No.17661347
File: 127 KB, 750x388, 6526808F-7DB7-4F22-98BC-BB660FE7582B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s true of hell though.

>> No.17661522

show your work

>> No.17661547

There is no hell but a tormented mind.
There is no meaning to life but what you make of it.
The possibilities are seemingly infinite, but only the deranged find the world’s challenge evil

>> No.17661562

4chan is indeed a psyop designed to turn bright young men into nervous wrecks and chronic masturbators

>> No.17661579

i said show your work retard, do you know what that phrase means?

>> No.17661604

It seems more likely hell was just something people dreamed up.

>> No.17661605

extremely high. gnosticism is basically the answer to religion. it's another thing that the hive mind of 4chan discovered.

>> No.17661606

You want an essay on how the world isn’t actually hell?

>> No.17661617


>> No.17661622


>> No.17661624

Unlikely if you believe the torment of hell is eternal

>> No.17661632
File: 198 KB, 2356x1403, B8DDEBB7-A133-46F5-BD2B-D785EF13074F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gnosticism makes the most sense, this reality really doesn't feel like the final one. it's a pale imitation. but we can't escape it due to material ego. it is also why the elite freemasons have realized they can do evil things and not be punished. the demiurge who rules this domain has an ends justify the means approach himself. this whole realm is a rebellion against god.

>> No.17661657
File: 306 KB, 1080x998, 666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. The chance is 100%

>> No.17661677
File: 55 KB, 531x755, 10FBE5F8-E1BA-4005-B58A-C1B1061A8410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Much smaller than the chance we are already in heaven.

>> No.17661697

Gnosticism only "makes the most sense" to confused young men desperately seeking an explanation for their pain

>> No.17661718

Je me crois en enfer, donc j'y suis.

>> No.17661916

the reason I believe it is because the hive mind of 4chan have embraced it. they are never wrong because we have no outside conditioning or spin. the collective autism finds the answer to everything.

>> No.17661922

hell for some heaven for others thus can't be completely hell but i get your point life in this world is hard

>> No.17661936

>they are never wrong because we have no outside conditioning or spin
Imagine unironically believing this

>> No.17661943


>> No.17661982

Didn't know mods were based. Strike down the off topic posters and all who humour them

>> No.17661989

a simple explanation of your reasoning would suffice

>> No.17662210

Apparently not

>> No.17662276

when there are no social manners needed and total anonymity... you can uncover the direct uncomfortable truth that most people ignore, but can't say without conseuences.

that is why the constant discussions here about what the freemasons and kabbalists are up to, and the gnostic reality that has enslaved us, have taken off.

the problem is that this site will be shut down so soon these topics will never be discussed freely again.

they will say 'we can't have anonymous free speech platforms because within just one decade everyone knew what we were up to and why'

>> No.17662306

0iq take, i'm surprised you can manage to feed yourself

>> No.17662327

God I wish I were Mia