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17659011 No.17659011[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books that talk about the true nature of w*myn?

>> No.17659019

shitty bait thread faggot, kys

>> No.17659028

I like women

>> No.17659039


They're so soft!

>> No.17659040

How is this a bait thread? I want answers, anon.

>> No.17659047

what a faggot

>> No.17659052

There is no need for homophobic slurs here.

>> No.17659053

My mommy is a woman. She loved me and protected me and wiped my ass for me when I was a baby. Sure women can be frivolous and emotionally unstable but men are just as annoying in a different way with their over seriousness and autism. The goal is to balance each other out

>> No.17659056

Essays on human love by Jean guitton

>> No.17659057

You're failing to be provocative.

>> No.17659060

Does she have big honkers

>> No.17659062


>> No.17659077

oh for fuck's sake

>> No.17659078

I love my mommy so much that I hate all other women because they can never compare to mommy. Any books on this feel?

>> No.17659087

>How is this a bait thread? I want answers, anon.
Because I doubt somebody like that would make an outright commitment and say they’re Buddhist or anything.

>> No.17659092


Sons and Lovers, D H Lawrence.

>> No.17659093

Give me a break...

>> No.17659103

shit thread, hang youeself

>> No.17659106

A more accurate second panel would be she rationalizing it somehow so that they only said that because racism/sexism or some shit and Biddhism is still soooo cool

>> No.17659125

I’m totally ambivalent about other people.
I don’t feel a close connection with anybody on the planet.

I had bad autism when I was little, totally oblivious, and it faded out significantly over two decades.
I enjoy other people much more now, but I’m still sectioned off in major ways.

I don’t know if there’s any diagnosis for it. It’s very bizarre.

>> No.17659149

Schizoid maybe. I'm the same. I'm quite happy to spend months by myself even years, but I'd prefer good company.

>> No.17659158

If you're a misogynist you may want to read Anthony Ludovici's "Woman: A Vindication" and "Lysistra".

Anthony M. Ludovici
The prophet of anti-feminism

>> No.17659163

Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.17659165

But the thing is, my emotional range is above average. Like I’m even more emotionally expressive than the average person. And I’ve always been this way, at least after my childhood. I might have been flat during my childhood, I don’t know.
Schizoids are flat.

I also enjoy being around other people despite being avoidant during my childhood.

>> No.17659172

So it was like I WAS schizoid, but then that faded away too and I’m left with the shell of it.

>> No.17659187

Have you ever thought about schizoid personality disorder? I mean, I have it and I suffer from a deep disconnection from the physical and social world.

>> No.17659204

Didn't know Buddhism was so gay

>> No.17659207

I don’t think I’m schizoid. I’m overly expressive emotionally. Schizoids are flat in affect.

I also like being around other people now. I don’t have social anxiety anymore, so that might be the reason.

>> No.17659208

Hmm you sound like an aspie desu. Aspies can be very emotionally brilliant. The myth that they're all hyper analytical robots is just that a myth. Reading Beethovens biography he seems to have been an actual sperg, same with Mozart and Bach, and these men wrote music of unparalleled emotional depth and scope.

>> No.17659211

I had a pretty good social conjecture as a kid, and a healthy childhood, besides loneliness.

>> No.17659218 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17659220

I mean, If you can express your emotions proficiently you probably are not a schizoid indeed.

>> No.17659224 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17659231 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17659234

I don’t think I’m an aspie. I had autism when I was little, but I’m, dare I say, the opposite in some ways now.

>> No.17659241

Freud lol

>> No.17659243 [SPOILER] 
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... MODS
... MODS
... MODS

>> No.17659315

Are you okay? You seem like you might need medication

>> No.17659332

Buddha was an incel

>> No.17659363

Umm actually the devils daughters tried to tempt him but he told them to go away cause he was busy breathing

>> No.17659373

So he was volcel? Wtf Buddha is alpha

>> No.17659430

>tfw the only woman to give me unconditional love is mommy

>> No.17659448

you don't grow out of autism, but you can adapt
t. autist with many emotions but difficulties expressing them

>> No.17659497

How is founding your autistic interpretation of ancient traditions on being BASED and REDPILLED and different from founding it on being WOKE and HECKIN INCLUSIVE? Tradfaggotry and wokeism are both brands and nothing more.

>> No.17659511

any different*

>> No.17659517

Why are you typing random words in all capitals? Get medicated, loser

>> No.17659539
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I'm implying that I disagree with the dichotomy you've placed on the issue of the interpretation of ancient traditions. Basically, I'm saying you are a homosexual redditor and probably an ugly one at that.

>> No.17659633

Free speech. Go back to mainstream social media if you don't like it.

>> No.17659636
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>> No.17659641
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>> No.17659700

I didn't know we had so many wmyn on this board. Let's see what happens when I say the word: Baby.

>> No.17659734
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>> No.17659747

what’s the book? seems interesting

>> No.17659770
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>implying a philosophy has to be either fully accepted or rejected

>> No.17659772

my big penish is not to be ignored but reshpected

>> No.17660196

I am quite attractive, and I do not partake in homosexuality. It seems like you may be projecting, anon.
Take your medication.

>> No.17660213

evola metaphysics of sex

>> No.17660220
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Pic related

>> No.17660257

Your thread sucks.

>> No.17660261

I know what you mean. I love my mom too.

>> No.17660278

Upset roastie detected

>> No.17660285

>The Republic by Plato
>Politics by Aristotle
>Considerations on France by Joseph de Maistre
>Black Skin, White Masks by Frantz Fanon
That's four recommendations. Now stop being a faggot, and go read them.

>> No.17660286
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>> No.17660402

Seething womyn

>> No.17660409

not shim but i’m glad you are spelling it with a y like mother dwprkin would have wanted. i’m glad we bith want female separatism...we’re not so different, you and i.

>> No.17660411

Afraid so

>> No.17660462

Take your meds.

>> No.17660467


>> No.17660473

does drinking from the tap count?

>> No.17660481

unironically this image makes me miss my bros on /tv/, i'm going over to visit and hate women (i'll stay here and hate women too)

>> No.17660497
File: 72 KB, 698x505, 806dc489c2e0931b4501863634654265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not someone who's overly fond about sharing religious stuff on /lit/, but this passage from my faith's scripture comes to mind on this topic.

>> No.17660589

what is this from? google is giving mixed results

>> No.17660621

Sri Guru Granth Sahib, the Sikh holy book. This passage in particular is written by Guru Nanak Ji, the founder of the faith.

>> No.17660627

>Sri Guru Granth Sahib
A religion that isn’t inherently misogynistic? Damn I think I’ll check Sikhism out, thanks anon