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/lit/ - Literature

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17640558 No.17640558 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17640566

I'm really loving the word "faggoted" today.

>> No.17640572

I ignore my girlfriend sometimes because I like having her beg me for attention, I know this is bad, how do I stop

>> No.17640573
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I really feel like shit today, but whenever I feel like shit, I write stuff that isn't, so at least there's that.

>> No.17640584

It's not bad, it keeps her interested.

>> No.17640586

I don't know, have been doing the same with my sister and my dog

>> No.17640596
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>> No.17640598
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These faggoted fake Jew ActNazi goy deleted my SABBATAI ZEVI is your daddy thread for the last time. No more little Nugents.
just anonymous doxes and drops from ghost vpns.
not even worthwhile sticking roud to see if someone quotes one of my books again. Lit is dead to me ;)

>> No.17640601


>> No.17640732
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>Write what's on your mind

>> No.17640752

that's a power move
When I feel like shit, I usually listen to a lot of BM that makes me feel even more like shit, but also not alone in it. There's something enjoyable about that.
Good luck with your writing.

>> No.17640763

If anyone's interested, here's a comprehensive anthology of what great authors and different cultures had to say about suicide throughout history. No one here is suicidal of course, right? https://ethicsofsuicide.lib.utah.edu/

>> No.17640820

I cannot do this professional bureaucracy office waging thing anymore but I don’t have a fall back.

>> No.17640932

>professional bureaucracy office waging
why not?

>> No.17640949
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>write what's on your mind thread
>no Asian goddess' feet

>> No.17640959
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There are times when I am up late when I’m disconnected from all time and space. What am I doing? Why is time? Why this? Why here? Why am I? Aided and abetted by my miserable isolation so that nothing cancels them out, these questions ricochet across my mind. I hate my surroundings. I am unknown to the world and the world unknown to me. An undefinable inanity radiates from everything. Somehow in every atom. There is enlightenment in my ignorance, in my distance from God perhaps. I do not turn from it, but see it. Sex looms like an ugly monster, making violence out of love, brutal in its futile frustrations, simultaneously beneath me yet my master. There is nothing to distract me from my own vanishing reality, here now and then gone, then nothing but nothing but nothing


>> No.17641003

It’s a matter of fitting a square peg into a round hole? Who is the wrong shape, the peg or the hole? I’m not sure I know but either way, I simply don’t fit and can’t live a life this way.

>> No.17641005

>think about my ramblings in general
>atleast they have style than substance
>quickly go through the last ones
>style of 13 year old who tries to sound deep for the first time
why do i even bother communicating with other people. even this post is absolute trash.

>> No.17641354


>> No.17641382

I'm wasting my youth in pursuit of knowledge and not women. The only thing that can actually free me from myself.

>> No.17641402

I spent the morning angry and tense and yelling at the walls and now I've just had lunch and feel so much better.

>> No.17641407

I hope you apologized to the walls.

>> No.17641413

I think I want to try writing poetry but I have no idea where to start. I don’t know the first thing about poetry. I didn’t have a /lit/ education and have never taken a course on poetry in my life so starting feels overwhelming to me. I don’t want it to be bad.

Can someone please give me advice and possibly, recommendations?

>> No.17641418

I want to cum in her mouth

>> No.17641419

do you read poetry?

>> No.17641451

God it is lent. I could jerk off to this in 20 seconds. I didnt coom since it started.

>> No.17641474

You'll realize its a cope.
t. did the same.

>> No.17641485

Could you offer me anymore advice?

>> No.17641489

Not that guy, but I will tell that those two pursuits are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.17641492

I started to pretty recently, yeah. I appreciate it but I struggle to appreciate what makes it good and how if that makes any sense.

>> No.17641496

Good point. I'm literally reading Models right now.

>> No.17641503

>But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Matthew 5:28

>> No.17641509

Meant for >>17641451

>> No.17641531

Fug I know. Its getting harder on day 10 to NOT think about women. After easter I am going full Chad and I will get a fucking women.

>> No.17641578

>tfw stopped using ssri's
i talked with psychiatrist and we decided on stop taking it because it wasnt working on me at all. He says that not even meds can help me if im neurotic with depressive leaning as oppose to only having depression. The only way is therapy but its way too costly and i already been there for about a year (didnt help much). I feel like a such a loser that i cant even help myself and basically i have to accept being inferior.

>> No.17641584

Warmer, sunnier weather makes me more depressed. There’s probably some buried Freudian stuff going on there but I haven’t gotten around to digging it up.

>> No.17641678

the only group of people I hate unequivocally are indians.

they have no redeeming qualities, and get shit stink on anything they touch

>> No.17641681

I don't get how the fuck my parents look around today at how the world has changed since they were children and seem perfectly fine with it. I don't get how normies are just totally uncritical of the world around them. It makes me feel like a crazy person. Maybe I am a crazy person and I'm just being histrionic, I don't know.

>> No.17641730


this chick reminds me of butters

>> No.17641756

I found a girlfriend and ever since I've been both unable to write and incredibly depressed because both she and I will go back to our unis in a month's time (we both come from the same town but study eight hours apart)
And because I've been so depressed at her leaving and spend all my time with her I haven't been able to write and if I don't write and cannot love I have no reason to exist.
I feel like Werther right now.

>> No.17641769

What they should be critical about?

>> No.17641830

You'll feel like you wasted your youth no matter what you did. Everyone feels that way.

A woman will never be the answer to your troubles.

>> No.17641870

my parents intentionally set me up to fail, so I would come crawling back to their religion

>> No.17641952
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Sleep no longer gets rid of the feeling of tiredness.

>> No.17642031 [DELETED] 

my mom does that and she's not religious. the worst part is when i finally moved away from her, like 18 months later she moved two blocks from me, so that i'll be constantly tempted to go visit her for food. i'll never be truly fee until she croaks, but even then all her resentful modes of thinking will still be in my subconscious

>> No.17642094

Me on the right

>> No.17642311

imagine the smell of swimwear

>> No.17642405
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Last night I had a dream that I could jump into an alternate universe where my father was much sadder, but much more loving. This was not the issue, though it did send me into an existential crisis, because in my og dimension my father was much less sad, but more distant and the ethical issues that raised was extremely uncomfortable.
That wasn't the issue though, because the biggest issue was the maniacal, all powerful demon that started tormenting me and an assortment of people- he made thousands of holes appear on the floor, about 10mm across, from which wooden spikes would shoot up in random patterns. You had to constantly try to twist around and not get stabbed like some kind of fucked up game of twister, while trying to find like, a key, I think it was that was hidden in one of the holes, but if you stuck your finger in the wrong hole, some kind of unseen demon thing under the floor would try to bite your fucking finger off.
I beat the demon as he was going to kill me, because he kept demanding to know what the point of it all was, and all of his effort in gaining knowledge and writing it down has equated to nothing. And, seconds away from being impaled by hundreds of little spears, I screamed, "BECAUSE IT'S YOURS! YOU WROTE IT! IT'S YOURS AND NO ONE ELSE MATTERS!"
So he transformed back into a mild-mannered scientist and I didn't die horribly.

>> No.17642707

I live in a city full of poor people and in the city center there are often panhandlers, many of them young who try to guilt trip you into buying gum or whatever from them. I never do, but my denials always come out mumbling, as if I'm ashamed, and for the same reason I never have the guts to look them in the eye when I say no. I already contribute with three different charities, yet I feel irrationally obligated to give money to those people, and when I don't - which is always - I feel guilty. Yet I look at those irreversibly damaged human beings around me and wonder what could realistically help them. They're broken, it's not as if they will ever be able to hold any demanding job, or be able to sustain themselves. Yet I also think about them revolting and rioting, and how they would gladly take revenge on me if they had the opportunity to get away with it.

Revenge for what, though? For the denial of money to which they are supposedly entitled to?

>> No.17642738

is the fapping from imagination better or it's just a scam?

>> No.17642745

>Yet I also think about them revolting and rioting
Man, junkies aren't gonna riot, they don't have the energy for that. Also very few pandhandlers actually feel "entitled" to money they just want to get something to eat or drugs or whatever

>> No.17642782
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Two weeks ago(can't remember exactly the date) I said I was going to develop an eating disorder.

Well that's what I did, and now I have dropped 7 pounds in less than two weeks.

Thanks for reading

>> No.17642811

Lucky you.
I keep losing all my weight, entering a depressive phase (unrelated to weight), gaining all my weight back, over and over and over again. I'm getting pretty fucking sick of it.

>> No.17642816

Good luck getting rid of it

>> No.17642819

I hate myself and I know all of the problems that cause it but have no energy or motivation to change.

>> No.17642826

Last night I saw a middle aged asian hooker and when we were fucking she rubbed my gooch and it made me have to poop so I ran home and pooped but never nutted so my balls hurt the whole night

>> No.17642829

what kind fucking comedy central sitcom is this from?

>> No.17642830

She also said my penis was small

>> No.17642844

it's not I really happened

>> No.17642872

This is literally me except the depressive phase is partially related to weight.

>> No.17642903

You're bulking and cutting like a pro, without lifting weights

>> No.17642907

I stopped giving a fuck about anything and it truly feels so much better than before

>> No.17642918

anon discovers nihilism

>> No.17642961

I'd be lifting if my gym hadn't closed.
To be clear, it didn't close because of covid. It closed years ago. It was the only gym close enough that I couldn't talk myself out of going.

>> No.17642966

What do you for work?

>> No.17642978

They invent cope or they just accept the bs they’ve been told to believe. You’ve got to realize that actually the world your parents inhabit and the world you’re forced to inhabit are totally different. To them, it’s just the 60s or the 70s or the 80s again and again. It’s turtles all the way down and the only thing you really need to reinforce this is the boob tube. They didn’t go to your high school. They didn’t go to your college. They didn’t go to your work place. They don’t inhabit the same world you do. At all.

>> No.17643020


>> No.17643139

Definitely a scam, and believe me when I say it, I'm talking from first hand experience here. I used to masturbate to just my imagination, and I would just spend hours on end, sometimes a whole day, just masturbating in bed to all sorts of fantasies. After a while, it got terribly addictive. I would just be seized by irresistible urges to masturbate, and it would always happen at the worst of times. It didn't matter if I was depressed, if I had an exam, or if I had some appointment, if the urge came upon me, then I had to masturbate.
Don't go there anon. Took me a fuck lot of will power to break free from that habit. By all means, masturbate, just do it very moderately, doesn't matter what you masturbate to. Masturbation is natural, just don't overdo it.

>> No.17643161

How do you decide what to write when you have affinities for two radically different genres and styles of story? You can’t really blend them, or at least, I don’t seem to be able to do so and tell a good story.

>> No.17643181


how can white w*men even compete?

>> No.17643229

but what makes the hole not fit you if you will
I am moving towards that career you see, so it would be interesting to hear

>> No.17643245

>come up with idea for a book
>hell yeah this is going to be good
>develop the setting and characters
>looking good
>”alright time to get started, chapter 1!”
>realize I have no idea how to construct an actual plot or story
Should I just switch to writing dungeons and dragons modules? Feels like it would play more to my strengths desu

>> No.17643454
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He hasn't read Keyerling's South American Meditations ...


>> No.17643526
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I think I'm getting addicted to Japanese 4chan

>> No.17643543


>> No.17643565

Most people only expose themselves to a very narrow corridor of the world and focus only what it is directly under their noses. This is how the vast majority of people stay sane and relatively happy.

>> No.17643572

how often is moderate?

>> No.17643595

this is the way to live btw

>> No.17643607

rip to your potential as a human being

>> No.17643622

>mandatory social activity for classes next week
This is what I get for studying psychology, it's not even a first year course. If you don't think the categorisation of NPCs is a useful one, study psychology and your mind will be changed in under a month

>> No.17643661
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>had a seminar today
>never seen anyone in my class before bc corona
>supposed to read some articles
>read all but one
>put into groups, groups discuss one article each
>end up in the group for the article I didn't read
>turns out no one read this one article (people seemed ambitious, more chance than anything)
>have to give a presentation on the article
>awkward work to try to collectively cover our ass ensues
>realize about halfway that I am stuck on a sinking ship with 6 people I literally never saw before in my life
>find that quite humourous for some reason, it's so pathetic and silly
>bust out laughing
I was muted though, and I don't know if anyone noticed

>> No.17643679

I’m extremely depressed and exhausted from being harassed by strangers for years on end.

>> No.17643689

>that pic
reminds me of this

>> No.17643758

>be me
>read book
>book seems really smart
>realize I am not qualified to know
>maybe book is really dumbe
>I can't know
>stop reading book

>> No.17643766

lost £600 over the past week being an idiot by trusting a stranger
no I will not be going into detail as I would have forgotten about this thread
yes he was probably a drug addict very good at lying
yes i'm an idiot
yes i want to die
yes i will move on and learn
poo poo pee pee

>> No.17643804

born in 2004

>> No.17643866
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>> No.17643886

jezebel post; didn't read

>> No.17643888

i just want some big tits in my face and i'm tired of training artificial intelligences, and i don't care about the tradeoffs between nonlinear models and linear models on prediction accuracy and differentiability.

At the same time i just look at a bunch of women i could erp with right now and they all seem like tiresome audiences. maybe i should go make a tinder and try to get a blowie.

>> No.17643984

I don't have job. Its been so long it hurts to try. I just get flashbacks and visions of failure.
Wish I could just hide in the mountains.

>> No.17643998

I’m so depressed that the world feels grey and yet I shovel food in my mouth as if it actually tasted good. It’s a reflex and one which has been with me my whole life. Beyond embarrassing. I couldn’t even have the grace to be skinny and depressed.

>> No.17644004

>Wish I could just hide in the mountains.
I think you probably could if you wanted to that badly.

>> No.17644020

Yeah but I mean in a living state

>> No.17644023

Your conscious will let you know when you're overdoing it, so you should just estimate that yourself. If I have to give a number though, I would say once every three days is the way to go.

>> No.17644025

I just struggle to care or be engaged in any of it and I feel as if I’ve been mentally, spiritually enslaved somehow. I have always felt out of place in the world but this sort of work environment just ratchets that up to as high as it can go and it shoves it in my face so I can’t even possibly look away. It doesn’t exactly make me feel like my life is worthless. That feeling was already there. It does amplify the feeling and awareness that my life is worthless. It’s just this overwhelming sense I can’t do it and yet I’m forced to. I’m sorry but I’m not sure I can explain it any better than that.

>> No.17644047

I think you probably could if you wanted to that badly

>> No.17644066

What would I eat

>> No.17644134

I'm finally moving away from the city I was living the last five years, can't wait to leave that miserable part of my life behind

>> No.17644153

Problems with sleep are slowly killing me.

>> No.17644158

happy for you man, hope it gets better

>> No.17644520

Kpop needs a containment board

>> No.17644555
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I am starting to think that I might be trans.

>> No.17644581

do you want to talk about it

>> No.17644695 [DELETED] 

bro i have to get my sleep together. i live on a noisy ass block, but i also have a terrible habit of chugging coffee and staying up all night.

>> No.17644744
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I have done literally everything wrong in my life
This world is a hell and there's only one way out

>> No.17644821

Disagreeable, highly orderly and uncreative - the combination of traits that always destroys my mood the worst way possible aka. archetypical germans
They really infect my thinking and whenever my reflecting and expanding of their thoughts ends - because I suddenly remember who I truly am - everything changes for the better again

>> No.17644839

Food? What else?

>> No.17644873

I possess an incredible vanity that would rival narcissus.

>> No.17644889

You must have some insecurities if you feel the need to do that, read Plato and work on being comfortable within yourself

>> No.17644919

What age, comorbidities, and how much time do you spend online (specifically on tranny centric boards/reddits)?
t. former tranny that knows how it be

>> No.17644922

cant empathize with that but i wish u the best anon !

>> No.17645013
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21, no mental illnesses to my knowledge (thought that I am schizoid/depressed for a while but I don't really think so). I spend pretty much the whole day online so it's hard to say. Maybe 1-2 hours?
Thanks anon.

>> No.17645016

>and how much time do you spend online (specifically on tranny centric boards/reddits)?
This is the really important question.
> t. former tranny that knows how it be
Yep. I’ve seen it happen all too often. Sorry anon. I’m sure it’s been tough. Good to see you helping others before they’re lost.

>> No.17645232

Think long and hard about your childhood anon - despite what the modern transvestite would like to think, true transvestites are indicated to be such in their youth. Fact is, 21 is a pretty late age to start thinking you're trans. Lots of trans communities use justifications like playing female video game characters when they're younger as indications of true transness rather than following a trend, but these explanations fall apart at the lightest scrutiny. If you've really felt yourself a girl/wished to be one since your earliest memories, then you have my well wishes in your transition. But that seems quite unlikely here, so I suspect you've fallen prey to predatory transvestite cults online.

Consider the following: gender dysphoria can be created by outside influence. Many such cases: young man with some dissatisfaction browsing the web, finds a transvestite group with mildly relatable memes about wanting to be someone else and playing tomb raider, group provides the perfect explanation to the unexplainable dissatisfactions of life - gender issues beneath the surface (an utterly freudian proposition when you think about, the term "egg" they use), it's convenient and so the mind retroactively constructs a reality where it applies, desire to fit into the group they've invested time into plays a part as well, suddenly they have gender dysphoria to fit their constructed notion of a true transvestite. And it's such a real feeling, utterly fucking miserable dysphoria is, so how can the young man deny it as a mere construction? I recommend that if this second scenario I describe applies to you (as opposed to the first where you are born disliking being male) you think through possible influences on your line of thinking, and read books that offer alternative explanations to dissatisfaction in life (for me that was ted k's manifesto kek). Regardless, it's all up to you anon. I don't think being trans is bad per se, it's just approached too uncritically 99% of the time - people haven't realised yet that memetic hazards are real
Tough, but an excellent learning experience. We've entered an era of mental illness as identities, so it helps to have some first hand experience to avoid it all. Not quite as severe, but I've noticed similar things in the spread of depressive thinking, and notable on 4chan is the desire to be schizophrenic

>> No.17645370

I want the stalking to stop.
I’m just some random fucking person. It doesn’t make any sense all, and the people doing it are barely sentient.

>> No.17645386

I wonder what its like to stab someone with their own bones.

>> No.17645392

I would love to do it to these idiots.

>> No.17645418

I would legit kill these people. They are scumbags.

>> No.17645423


>> No.17645432

Woah, I think I know #2, the one looking down. She went to my college and took a poetry class with me

>> No.17645486

See this:

I get stalked and people post stupid shit like this in threads.
I have no idea why they do it. It doesn’t influence my beliefs. It doesn’t influence my behavior.
They just follow me around... like creeps.

They need to go to prison for a long time.

>> No.17645487

It's called spring depression, some offshoot of seasonal affective disorder. The thinking is, winter creates a hormonal drive to survive that counteracts the negative effects of less daylight and less activity. When this goes away in spring,, the world "wakes up," but if you're still trapped inside doing nothing with your life, you feel left behind and feel depressed in comparison to everyone else and to nature. I recommend regular exercise and good diets

>> No.17645507

When I was a younger teenager, I think about 14 or 15, I was sent to a "youth leadership conference" about technology. It was in San Jose, California, for obvious reasons due to Silicon Valley. I spent about a week there, staying in a room at a hotel with a roommate.

One day the entire conference took a day trip to San Francisco. We were assigned buses and each bus had a supervisor. The supervisor on my bus was a very pretty young woman with red hair. But she was also very fat, and she had a big belly and an even bigger ass.

It was hot that day, which she complained about. I was either assigned to the first seat from the front or the second seat--very, very close to the front. So I was very close to the supervisor, and she did not sit down herself. Being a fat girl, though, she needed some support, so when the bus got underway she turned towards the front and leaned back a bit against a partition dividing the driver's section from the passenger section.

This meant that I was literally less than six feet away from her huge ass. She was wearing white pants, and a combination of the heat, the thinness of the fabric, and the sheer size of her buttocks meant that the fabric of her pants clung to her very tightly. As a result, I could clearly, clearly see her big fat girl panties, their panty lines visibly outlined against the plump edges of her big rump.

Naturally I got a massive boner from this, and I stayed rock hard all the way to San Francisco, a drive that took more than an hour. I barely remember my time in San Francisco itself, except that I ate some good seafood. But of course I eagerly looked forward to the drive back to San Jose. Sure enough, the cute fat supervisor stood at the front, leaning back, just as she had before, and once again her great big butt was tantalizingly close, and her great big panties were clearly outlined. And, once again, I had a boner for more than an hour, on the drive back.

That was, looking back, one of my most formative sexual experiences. It's probably one of the major reasons I have a fat fetish today. Or, at the very least, it was one of the major reasons that fetish awakened in me.

>> No.17645509

I’m depressed because I’m being stalked by creepy autists like you giving out useless wisdom I’ve already been aware of for years.
But I’m not really depressed either even though I said I was because your influence is rapidly declining.

You need to be held accountable and go to prison for a long time.

>> No.17645529

I don’t give a shit about Silicon Valley.
Don’t share anything about it like I care.

>> No.17645531


>> No.17645533

Sometimes when I’m sitting I’ll remember Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister, and the images of him explaining and boring everyone to sleep about his story, about how he was a child and his parents put on a little puppet show and how he fell in love with theater from this, how he learned all of the plays and stories just to play with his puppets and the passion and just pure love for the art he explained, and I think about the character and how he struggled to reconcile his love with the facts of his life.

The moments that ring out the most strongly to me are the discussions between him and his business minded best friend, first he describes Art as a beautiful goddess, decked in jewels and so forth and to him business seems as if a old and pointless hag. To which his friend replies it is not so, wealth is a goddess who wears true gold, real pearls, all of her jewels are true and how she provides for the material existence of man.

I remember them arguing, and him trying to convince his father that he should be a player.

I remember him moving out and dedicating his time to business, the celebration he saw as he entered a little town, how mignon danced for him, how the old Jewish looking man played for him also. I remember mignon’s Song, even his other best friend who despised women.

Eh, it’s all so vibrant and alive in the mind, the world so real. The story at surface will seem boring until you give it a chance but it’s so well done and so alive. Wish the book was longer.

At least he wrote a sequel eventually.

>> No.17645547

Get a grip, (wo)man!

>> No.17645550
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>> No.17645551

I choose wealth.
Anything else?

>> No.17645553
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Reminder /lit/ bros: Kazuo Ishiguro is releasing a new book in a week called Klara and the Sun.
If you aren't familiar with him, read Remains of the Day.
Makes me glad some of the greats who I read as a child are still around and publishing. I know he released The Buried Giant in 2015 but it feels like a lifetime ago. This is just the cope I needed.

>> No.17645567

You can call me a woman. I’m not afraid of them like you, you closet case.

>> No.17645571

What's it about? Japanese author?
I'm looking for more writers to practice my Japanese with. Might check him out

>> No.17645576

He's actually English. I mean, obviously he's of Japanese ancestry, but he was born & raised in the UK, talks with a British accent, and writes entirely in English.

>> No.17645585

As in books that I just randomly get phantom memories of? Or more benefit to wealth? Kek.

What works haunt you Anon?

>> No.17645588

Kill yourself already, tommy. They're never giving you the nobel. give up

>> No.17645610

Rope. Neck. Now.

>> No.17645612


You don’t have to give me anything, but you must leave me alone.
It’s really fucking gay being obsessed with another man like this. But I’ve gotten gay vibes the entire time. Seems to go hand-in-hand with you reactionaries.

>> No.17645630

Come meet me down south and we’ll have an old fashion queer drag from the back of my car.

>> No.17645638

2/8 r8ed shitposting
I'm bored, bye bye

>> No.17645690

Sorry your good post got that shitty response
But this is a good point. Makes me think how I'll feel when the lockdown is completely lifted.

>> No.17645704

I sometimes thing about what it's like being a woman. Everything seems horrible. The superficial relationships, having to put way more efforts into your appearance and being judged heavily on it. Judging people by their appearance, having a body that's oppressive in itself, being shallow, never knowing the true intentions of a man that's approaching you. Never being able to be taken seriously. I could go on all night.

I believe that womanhood is a curse and I say that without even disliking women.

>> No.17645742

m8 people will give you free shit for having tits and nobody will punch your dumbass face for some stupid shit you said and you not only get free drinks you also get drunk for cheaper. most of the bleeding for days problems are solved by staying fit enough you stay cute too. if you don't buy the wimp out curse meme, it's life on God mode. you can even create little motherfuckers who love you more than foot anons love kpop who will feel guilty about not giving you part of their liver despite years of your alcoholic abuse. God mode.

>> No.17645780

that sounds very interesting, thank you anon

>> No.17645791

What does it have to do with stalking? What the fuck are you talking about???

>> No.17645801


>> No.17645823

I hate how much power women's bodies have over me. The fact that the mere image of a woman's body or face provokes such overwhelming, involuntary feelings of intense sexual desire is deplorable to me. No matter what I'm doing or thinking about, if I see an attractive woman I instantly get this porno movie playing in my head.
I wish I had more control over my body and mind and could train myself to feel no sexual desire whatsoever. I already feel no social desire for female companionship and honestly have no interest in a relationship. But I can't shake this awful need to fuck.
I'm a 5'9" manlet with bad skin, sever social anxiety, and no friends so I'll probably never be able to find a woman who'll want to fuck me.
Puberty genuinely brought nothing good into my life.

>> No.17645855

And to be honest, from a purely social point of view, most women are at best tedious or annoying. I honestly think that the only reason that most men seek out their companionship is because their brain gets flooded by enough pleasure chemicals when they get a positive response from a woman to convince men that they not only tolerate women, but in fact love them. It's as artificial a happiness as heroine.
I've had "crushes" before but once the artificial pleasure wore off, it became clear that these women were just overgrown children with nothing to really offer me.

>> No.17645890

There are other things that I guess could be called artificially pleasurable, such as the pleasure I get from drinking water when I'm really thirsty, going to bed when I'm exhausted, or masturbation, but in these cases, the effort and time needed to achieve the pleasure is reasonable, and I'm also doing something that I need to survive in most of these cases. The time and effort needed to actually achieve sexual satisfaction even once with a woman is far greater than the momentary pleasure I would feel from achieving orgasm from fucking her.
I like design solutions. Instead of solving the problem by finding a way to cope with it, dissolve the problem by removing it. I'm tempted to get voluntarily castrated so I can stop giving a fuck about women and their worthless bodies.

>> No.17645928

Women are held to lesser standards than men and there's far less accountability. Social situations will contort themselves around your comfort levels and you can always demand that the world change to better suit your desires. When a woman is harmed, it's a tragedy; when a man is harmed, it's business as usual. He should have the strength to handle himself like a man, while woman can rely on their social network to always rush to their aid and wipe up all their tears.
Sex and relationships are controlled by women since men are more interested in women than women are men and desire sex from them far more than women desire sex from men. If they want it, they get to have it because men always want it, but if men want it, they have to wait until women grace them with access to their bodies.
Women simply have more social capital than men do just by occupying women's bodies.

>> No.17646093

Take your medicine that converts you back to an automaton, Anon.

>> No.17646116

I am a homosexual effete college student majoring in philosophy. I make passive income by selling shoddy paintings online through the Etsy marketplace as well as placing bets on sports or foreign elections, and of course stock speculation. There are occasional takers for the artwork, but usually if its a fetish porn commission. My desire is to become a serious artist painting vivid landscapes and pictures of ponds or aquatic scenes, but nobody wants to buy that. I am not proud of what I have done for money, but it is the dilemma I am faced with today in the capitalist paradigm. My parents are dead after they got shot while getting carjacked (it was on the local news), my sister is an alcoholic who has been hospitalized several times due to her drinking problem, and I was molested by my uncle Doug as a teenager. He still gives me money sometimes through my venmo at random intervals. I've sold pics of my anus on Only Fans, and I have no job prospects.

>> No.17646120

get a gf

>> No.17646144

Do ESL in the Middle East for a few years after you graduate. Come home with enough money for a down payment on a house.

>> No.17646328

>Random people shit posting in you threads
Get a grip lad, at least people are posting
My threads usually get zero replies

>> No.17646526

>My threads usually get zero replies
I know this feel anon. I since stopped caring completely. They can all go suck a fucking dick!

>> No.17646546

I am starting to genuinely believe that mass sterilization would fix a lot of humanity's problems.

>> No.17646554
File: 10 KB, 259x194, tumptok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beginning to think memes damage the mind. This is only a rudimentary theory, I haven't developed it, but my intuition is usually right.

In a word, overuse of memes leads to stunted expression. It's vaguely comparable to Orwell's Newspeak, without necessarily the ominous totalitarian connotations. Both are these abbreviated, brute coded languages rather than fully expressive languages. Memes tend to propagate and traffic with other memes, forming a meme ecology or memeplex. The problem is that this meme system is circular, it is closed under memes. Meaning that participating in the replication of a meme always implies a repetition of an idea, usually a very lousy one, because those memes which appeal to the lowest common denominator and are the stupidest will have the widest population through which to reproduce and thrive. What this is getting at is that memes make you dumber by their repetitive nature.

This wouldn't be so bad if it was restricted to frog posters or the harmless little jokes of internet culture. Something more worrisome has appeared on Tiktok. I use Tiktok for my research. In between completely irrelevant videos of zoomers showing off their junk I noticed that memes take on a more malicious character when they involve bodily movements, and recordings, and other IRL manifestations. You might scoff as though it were harmless fun but there's something insidious at play.

These teens may indeed be having fun but what is really happening is that their mirror neuron systems have been taken over by an abstract pattern of imitation behavior which has a life of its own. Internet memes have now evolved outside the internet through video based social media and infiltrated the world of human behavior.

This could have devastating implications for humanity. Imagine the horror if the whole world started behaving like one big ironic meme circuit, pepes replicating to infinity like the grey goo nanomachine scenario. It would be a mass hysteria, already it afflicts the young who are neurologically the most susceptible.The world must know of my findings!

>> No.17646570

Oh and I forgot to mention Drumpf and the memetic constellations that formed around his campaign is another example of the memetic penetration of meatspace.

>> No.17646576

Neurosis is very underrated condition as opposed to meme anxiety and depression.

>> No.17646600

If he reads Plato he will become so engrossed in it that he will start ignoring his girlfriend whether he wants it or not. Chances are he will also stop liking girls and develop an interest in young boys.

>> No.17646621

I've never encountered another homosexual with an interest in philosophy before. And if you're selling pics of your asshole on Onlyfans it must mean you're reasonably attractive. Wanna date?

>> No.17646622

I've forgotten how to gain true satisfaction from anything. If I finish a book, I don't reflect over its themes or relish its climax, I immediately jump to another one and force myself to start poring through it. While I do enjoy somewhat the process of reading, I don't gain any lasting pleasure from it.

>> No.17646650
File: 69 KB, 600x705, 1612365084747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have searched where I could post this. I searched on all boards. I will ask you guys.
What color should I paint my room?

>> No.17646699

I am honestly terrified over the thought that 4channers lurk out there in the real world, where I could potentially encounter them face to face.
Yes, I realize that that a lot of people here aren't as nasty irl, but still I wonder how many people see me and think "What a fucking faggot, he should kill himself".
I might be paranoid, but I constantly feel like those around me have impulses to murder me.

>> No.17646705


>> No.17646732

Blue..blue....electric blue

>> No.17646762

Puperty will be over soon.

>> No.17647180

>New words: "Ketchup" means "ketchup". "Mayonnaise" means "mayonnaise", "Senf" means "mustard".
No way, I though Ketchup means apple puree. Damn, this will be hard.

>> No.17647330

nice blogppost faggot

>> No.17647341

>he wants to paint bland landscapes over intellectually and emotionally stimulating art
the 19th century called, they want their shitty impressionist paintings back

>> No.17647347

i miss her

>> No.17647427
File: 1.09 MB, 764x720, 1614272421318.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good edition.

>> No.17647449

this fuckin discord server it's too distracting fuck me i wanna study

>> No.17647459

I have never had a platonic relationship with a woman, and have only ever had one GF who turned into my wife. I wonder what I am missing, if anything.

>> No.17647517

A lot.

>> No.17647597
File: 16 KB, 250x239, 1612370847933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I got a good 2 months under my belt at the moment and I heard 3 will apparently "reset dopamine reception", even if it's fake I wanna see for myself

>> No.17647742
File: 56 KB, 523x488, nowords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to blogpost, so sorry in advance. My friend and I got into a fight and and called me a coward. I naturally asked him why, and then he writes pic related. I really don't know what to say. I'm seriously considering to stop talking to him after this.

>> No.17647761

If someone said your dick is the size of your ego, would you be happy or sad?

>> No.17647781

He's right. Stop being a coward you fucking donkey.

>> No.17647782

riddle me this fascistoids
if womens preferences are heavily geared toward maternal needs and/or desire for submission, why is humour the greatest aphrodisiac?

>> No.17647787

stop watching porn, start meditating.

>> No.17647847

What did you fight about?

>> No.17647935
File: 111 KB, 471x532, 1614339284281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My reading speed and comprehension of English verse (prose too but less) is so shit aaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.17648336

I believe you're talking to an actual schizophrenic who sometimes posts in these threads. Or else it's someone persistently larping as such, which I doubt.

>> No.17648338

but you're a 4channer, anon.

>> No.17648346


>> No.17648371


>> No.17648404

I just got the coronavirus vaccine and when I got home I decided I should start a subscription to the guardian, the times and a bunch of periodicals to better understand the British national spirit.
Maybe the vaccine is the next MK Ultra.

>> No.17648434
File: 2.91 MB, 1496x1444, 1614329988253.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17648440

need more info. what was the fight about?

>> No.17648454


>> No.17648723

Here's a today's entry from a diary:
I dont get it. I just dont get it. I can appear in such way that everyone else might think that i get it, even i think that i get but deep down - i just dont. All this talk about responsibility, choosing and living with consequences, improving the current situation, goes nowhere but i just dont get it. Everyone around me seem to understand it on some deeper instinctual level that they dont even question it but for me - it just goes over my head and even in the sparse moments of clarity, i just barely scratch the surface of the problem. I feel like a little kid in a 28 year old mans body for not understand this simple stuff. Something is very wrong with me.

>> No.17649015

Basically I shared my opinion that judging influential people from the past is generally a futile activity, as humans beings are locked in their own times and they do the things they do because of their beliefs and necessity (i'm thinking about politicians here desu). He accused me of removing the responsibility form their actions(which I can't disagree, in my view you can only take responsibility of your own life, and this obviously includes the people that you interact). He then tells me to fuck off and calls me a coward for my determinism(I don't even believe in had determinism and I thought he knew that). I got really mad and sperged out, because I think he is the coward, He was the last person I wanted to hear those words from.

>> No.17649021

shit I forgot
>>17647847 >>17648440

>> No.17649157

No sisters, aunts, nieces, cousins? Either way platonic male-female friendships are overrated only 'matter' at the ages 11-22 at most. Obviously you can have a great friendship with a women, but in that case it's rather great because of your characters, not because she's a woman and you a man.

>> No.17649167

>why is humour the greatest aphrodisiac?
That isn't true at all.

>> No.17649193

I'm doing a presentation for my friends. What should I make it about?

>> No.17649218

Why are you even thinking of doing a presentation if you don't know what it will be about?

>> No.17649226

we have drinking games we play every night
we decided to make presentations about topics we're "passionate about"
so it can be a joke presentation

>> No.17649266

Make an argument for King Koloman the Book Lover of Hungary secretly being a vampire.

>> No.17649287

How many more of these threads are going to be opened with asian girls. Mix it up

>> No.17649297 [DELETED] 

Once humanity moved past the immoral constraints of materialism, we finally understood how to make weapons not of matter but of livelihood and solace, and then we were not stuck in hedonism anymore

>> No.17649310


Currently trying this and it ain't as bad as i thought it would be

>> No.17649322

Well, in that case you can always make a presentation on some book you read, but make up a bullshit deeper meaning behind completely irrelevant stuff.

>> No.17649480

He sounds like a fucking retard bro.

>> No.17649485

Seriously take your meds anon, if you're not memeing than I'm not memeing

>> No.17649528


Hey transbro, what languages?

>> No.17649612

It’s not

>> No.17649613

Today I thought "Count Fuckula" would be funny. He turns people into vampires by fucking them. I briefly toyed with "Dickula" but I think "Fuckula" sounds funnier. He would say "I vant to fuck your blood!" and his cock would spring out with a cartoonish "boi-oi-oi-oing"

>> No.17649646

I had a dream last night about a girl I used to see, in this dream we were undressing and she was showing me these growths she had gotten on her legs, like some disease, one was a pale green flower shaped like a four-pronged half-blooming bud encrusted on her thigh, another was something extremely phallic-shaped but not actually a penis. In the dream this was taken as a normal but unfortunate occurrence like 'oh I have a cavity or a cold' or something, perhaps it was slightly more serious/embarrassing for her, like she had gotten an STD or something.

>> No.17649663

hey nick

>> No.17649762
File: 400 KB, 1365x2048, 21167d125ebe37a918c191befd39d28d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it a waste of time to try to get some sort of public policy degree so I can have some effect on the system in the USA? I don't believe anyone can change the world but at least if it begins to change I can assist it

>> No.17649828

Do it king. Think about the narrative shift between Bill Orielly & tucker. The old guard is always replaced by something

>> No.17649844


>> No.17650010

I think absolutely yes it is a waste of time but I’m just some random anon.

>> No.17650017

Masculinity? Cringe.
Femininity? Cringe.
Androgyny? Now that’s the good shit.

>> No.17650032

To be fair, you probably are a neurotic dweeb who can never be satisfied

>> No.17650053

my great grandmother was a librarian, my grandmother was a journalist, and i work in an office selling power tools

>> No.17650073

of course it's true.

>> No.17650261

> I forgot
You probably have dissocitve identity disorder

>> No.17650355

Is it better or worse looking at violent shit like liveleak and /gif/ rekt threads? It spooks me and can keep me up at night but it also gives a sense of seeing raw ugly reality and it's good not to deny that.

>> No.17650436

I don't think it's a big deal, it's just a video and your brain registers on some level that it's not real(even if it is a video of something real).

>> No.17650520
File: 770 KB, 900x600, 1549842785217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>embarrassed myself in public AGAIN
What's the point of reading difficult books if they can't stop me from constantly acting like a retard in front of other people?

>> No.17650528

True but there's definitely less filtration than a movie. You are seeing a real event that has happened somewhere in the world. The video is presenting you a moment of real life, even if you're not directly seeing it.

>> No.17650532

The books can't really help you there, you learn proper human behavior from observing other humans.

>> No.17650543

What did you do? I'm sure it's not that bad.

>> No.17650660

I shat me pants in a walmart. AGAIN.

>> No.17650728

Whenever I see a girl in a burqa, some kind of tingling starts to spread in my penor region. That formless gown which could hide a perfectly shaped body or a grotesque figure increases the anticipation with the risk involved. Even though a bunch of uncovered huwite girls pass by my eyes are only on Maryam you beauty, you who sits in the corner of the class, staring at the world through those slits, wonder what goes on in that caged mind of yours. That day when i picked up the pen you dropped and gave it to you did you smile? Hmmmmmawaaa i want to whisper in your ears, kiss your pretty eyelashes but I am afraid your brothers will beat me.

>> No.17650753

Do men not usually drink their own cum at some point? I thought it was a normal thing everyone id at least once but apparently i'm gay?

>> No.17650822

i think it's rather normal.

>> No.17651295

Maybe nothing has changed for them perhaps they keep the same circles.

>> No.17651388

Whats the point of trying if you're going to die anyway? Even the greatest of the great died.

>> No.17651446

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world.

>> No.17651576
File: 64 KB, 719x688, 1612908765587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My soul feels as a spoiled tooth with a dead nerve. I was healthy once, then there was a moment of intense pain, followed by permanent numbness. Im still diseased, but im just numb. At this point i dont think i can ever be saved anymore.

>> No.17651588

it's normal for gays, if that's what you're asking.

>> No.17651641

I decided to buy a light box after learning it might help me trigger my hypomania. To be honest, I don't think it will work, but I need to try everything short of hard drugs if I want to get inspired again

>> No.17651714

>>17651446 and it's consequences have been a disaster for anon's sex life.

>> No.17651752

Gypsies may be crooks, but they have never systematically attacked anyone with weapons of mass destruction.

>> No.17651758

Bitch in your parents time there was a constant threat of nuclear war and the rivers would literally catch fire from all the pollution in them. What exactly is so terrible about current year? That you see more of people’s retardation because they post it online? That gays and transsexuals exist in public? Chill out nerd lmao

>> No.17651766

>He's just like me...

>> No.17651767

Take the ghibli pill: watch Proco Rosso and force on the real world the reality of your dreams.

>> No.17651815
File: 2.64 MB, 268x160, f35126beeea3e40845d350484e209724d282e0e2r1-268-160_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something in the universe has changed in relation to me. What once was frozen now flows, what once flowed is now stuck. A vague omen of change lingers on the horizon, as if some if a titan of truth has risen from its slumber and now lumbers unstoppably towards me. The cryptic figures are forming in the abyss, gradually forming a legible sigil, but as soon as I attempt to read it it is undone, rippling out like both waves of water in a pond and a puff of smoke.
>inb4 take meds

>> No.17651865

free the mind
free the soul
fill my body
with your hole
pucker up
pucker down
one way stop
to pound town

i can read
between the lines
a thousand times
within these rhymes
what comes inside
will never leave
and be rent free
endless seethe

>> No.17651949

If the government was trying to kill everyone why would they bother to save old people? "90 year old women saved from Covid". Makes zero sense. conspiracy theorist are idiots.

"White genocide" yet none of these men are married or have any children. I feel like most far right neo Nazis are Incels in denial and can't get a women. It's why they spend all their time online crying abut the jews. If I was white I would travel to Asia get a GF there.

>> No.17652005

why is he opening his mouth so goddamn wide when he says king

>> No.17652026

Of course they at least taste it once although they will never admit it.

>> No.17652034

>put your heart into writing posts
whay did i honestly expect...

>> No.17652051

Point it out

>> No.17652060

I've sucked dick (not in a gay way) and I've never drank my own cum, you're gay

>> No.17652068

Any fiction writers here? How do you narrow the scope of genre and themes that you tend to write about? How do you really refine what you really want to talk about? It seems like it came so naturally for the great authors of history.

>> No.17652084 [DELETED] 

it was probably some sad sack post full of young guy ennui that no one cares about

>> No.17652111

the sheer insanity of it all makes it tough for me to see them as people to be honest. They act like broken machines, and I can't understand any mental process that could lead a rational mind to such delusions

I'd feel pity for them the way I feel for people with schizophrenia, but most people with schizophrenia aren't violent the way these things are, and schizophrenic ravings aren't accepted as a valid world view by society and don't behave like a memetic contagion

I know the whole thing about "if there was a real zombie apocalypse there would be zombie rights activists" is cuckservative/libertarian meme, but it feels like they're speaking from experience because they're acting like zombie rights activists themselves

>> No.17652242
File: 12 KB, 176x286, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is The Spectacle Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

>> No.17652251

I don't consent to you reading this sentence.

>> No.17652261

You Shouldn't worry about online activities/It's meaningless.

>> No.17652267

Eh, its just me venting away. >>17648723
I guess ill just keep it to myself from now on

>> No.17652521

I actually did see your post earlier today and had almost replied but I was working and something came up. The reason I almost replied is because I’m 27, I’ll be 28, and you pretty accurately described how I feel a lot of the time. Sometimes I feel like a 17 year old trapped in a 27 year old body and yes, like there’s some sort of thing to get that makes people be the way they are and I just missed the memo or something.

>> No.17652530

I really am the type of person to type “the modern world is a horror show” on 4channel on Friday morning and then order delivery from Domino’s on Friday night. God, I hate myself.

>> No.17652537

>"White genocide" yet none of these men are married or have any children
well this is not true, and it's not even relevant, the relevant points are the rates of immigration and native fertility

>> No.17652570

got my shit together, learned to be a normie, got friends, got a job, got a gf ... honestly miss being a retarded neet incel. i mean it's sort of worth it to grow up and move on but it's also not. i was never so happy as playing diablo 2 and counter strike 12 hours a day calling people nigger listening to nirvana and the meme trilogy on audiobook and posting in Bane? threads. and now i just go around pretending like that part of me didnt exist. i wish a cop would just shoot me in the head and end it all.

>> No.17652645

everytime i catch women looking at me i'm overcome with an primordial pang of hatred, for no apparent reason. what the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.17652647

I’ve never heard conspiracy theorists say that the government is trying to kill everyone with COVID. If anything, they say that they lie about COVID’s fatality risk. I also don’t get your point about white genocide but it obviously takes more than 1 person to make a baby.

>> No.17652907

My mom at work is being harassed for taking the vaccine people telling her she is going to die. Stop lying we all see the videos of scaremongers.

Two to tango yes. Are the Jews stopping these men from asking a women out on a date or use Tinder?

>> No.17652917

I can't fucking take it anymore. I'm just a lonely fuck and I can't even do something of it. I tried writting this night and just puked shit on paper. Just feel bad man.

>> No.17652924

>Stop lying we all see the videos of scaremongers.
Lol, no we don’t. You sure your mom isn’t being a tad dramatic?

>Are the Jews stopping these men from asking a women out on a date or use Tinder?
I was implying the women don’t want to date or have kids.

>> No.17653131

>I was implying the women don’t want to date or have kids.
Also the jewish birth-rates are also in decline. >>17652924
>Lol, no we don’t. You sure your mom isn’t being a tad dramatic?
Thanks now i know you're trolling bye.

>> No.17653147

I've been having trouble lately focusing on one or two books at a time. I feel like I'm getting bored more easily and want to switch more often. Right now I'm reading Villette, Seneca's Letters, a historical essay on the perceptions of Spain throughout history, Sophocles's plays, and now I feel like reading the Hobbit and then the Lord of the Rings. I can't tell whether this means I have varied interests I should cultivate or if I'm just too unfocused.

>> No.17653388

I think I saw some studies somewhere that men who drop out of the workforce and play video games all day actually get a boost in happiness until they hit their 30s and 40s where their happiness drops significantly below average. You made the right choice in the long term by becoming a normie.

>> No.17653395

>Thanks now i know you're trolling bye.
I’m not. Sorry, but I just find it hard to believe that your mom “gets harassed at work” for vaccines.

The shit about Jewish birth rates is totally irrelevant. It’s bizarre you’d even mention it.

>> No.17653681

Had a bad job interview today . It was this stiff, robotic humorless Indian guy without the slightest hint of a personality. Asked me a bunch of stupid questions, clearly has never had an original thought in his life.

To make matters worse my partner left me in the most unceremonious way today and was an entire cold bitch about it in a way that didn't leave me sad and angry so much as bewildered. And this was all on top of when I already felt I was at rock bottom.

Everything is grim. Just a week ago I thought things were looking up for me.

It's not like there's anything good happening in the external world outside my life either. Feels like everything is barreling toward a black hole.

I ordered several bottles of soju and I'll see if I can eliminate my self awareness for a time. I don't feel like a loser, I feel, underutilized. Undervalued. Undersold. Undermined.

>> No.17653699

Sorry, man. That sounds like a rough day.

>> No.17653704

aww shit friday night.

>> No.17653755
File: 1.24 MB, 298x360, 1612497979038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is actally looking good for once
started cuittingg myself recently and i feel much better thanks
things are coming to a point in my life after over two deacdes of living inbetween worlds. i kept delaying it. avoid negative feedbakc loops with yourself just do it and make yourself as you are. the plot is important because it is the action that happens and everything else is secondary, especially sitting in your room all day getting to know yourself like "i did this because of this and i am doing this because such and such". you can cut right to the end and just do it that way its much quicker and now you're there


>> No.17653789

tastes awful but its cheaper than water in korea and is like 15% alcohol

>> No.17653832

Thanks. Not going to let it get me down. Sometimes when life puts you in a spot you just tell yourself you've had enough and man up you know?

Yeah I get it for the high alcohol content and the low cost.

>> No.17653848
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this too. this >>17653755 is where im at but im also right here with you. i often find myself scrolling down webpages totally in awe that people are putting sentences together. i go to class and i feel like im just watching a sorcerer cast spells. i google t he spells and there's more spells to explain those spells. but you can't behave this way. every time you talk to someone you have to gather around the cauldron and recite the words together. i don't know what i'm doing. it reminds me of the speech at the start of trainspotting.
>choose life
i have infinite choice in this world and i am sitting here typing on 4ch literature board reply to a diary entry. this is what people do with infinite choice. my life would somehow be less predictable if i collapsed all my choices into one and did lot of drugs. and i have nothing to say. is that ever okay?

>> No.17653849
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wood paneling instead

>> No.17653875

I just realized how much 10 year old me loved the suburbs by arcade fire. I guess this is how boomers feel about classic rock.

>> No.17653878

>I ordered several bottles of soju and I'll see if I can eliminate my self awareness for a time.
Bad decision. You will only spiral downwards. Instead of trying to drink your bad mood away, you should indulge in things that make you happy (like eating delicious food, watching a movie, reading a book, playing a game, etc.).

>> No.17653909

I got invited out again by some asian girls I met at a club but my triceps, delts and anterior serratus are not nearly defined enough for me to deserve it, I'm staying home

>> No.17653966
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Good on you, Anon.

>> No.17654057
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Best way to an hero? I'm getting there.

>> No.17654060

Get covid !

>> No.17654148

The Ode Less Traveled by Stephen Fry.

>> No.17654159

The flat-faced gook had a look about her that made me pause. What was it about her that made my peepee tingly? No, I gave into the temptation of miscegenation once before and swore I’d never do it again. The more I stared at her, the quicker the feelings faded. She thin, flat black hair, typical of the oriental race. I knew she wasn’t Han due to her thick eyebrows—this both helped and injured her sex appeal. On the one hand, I’d love to colonize some 1000 year in the making dynasty pussy, but on the other hand the risk of contributing another Han soul to this wretched earth was not a risk I was willing to take. The koreans are often perceived as being a noble gook race, but this is certainly a bias one could only hold if they had never met one. It wasn’t worth approaching her and striking up a conversation. The library and rec center were full of whores just like her. Sitting through a conversation with them was not worth the two minutes of pleasure I’d get with this human sex toy. I quickly became disgusted, her small black nostrils were too reminiscent of her eyes. Her lips were thin and red, making her resemble some Heian period Ukiyo-e painting, but it was clear she wasn’t Japanese—they still all look relatively the same to me. I laughed a bit aloud to myself. The closer I looked, the more apparent it was that she used lightening skin cream. I can’t blame her for wanting to be white, but I wasn’t going to be complacent in her self-hatred. Or was I? Maybe I would fuck her, but I would never waste my seed on a whore like that. She probably read about Microchimeraism, the more white cocks she took, the whiter her progeny would be. I made a mental note to pray for the poor sap who would be chained to her for the rest of his worldly life and walked away. I was getting hungry and had been staring this whorish chink for far too long. Maybe I’d try to stop at that banh mi shop right off campus. Jungle gooks tend to be easier and less needy anyway.

>> No.17654168

On the contrary, only you can help yourself.

>> No.17654179

i'd like to go into the biobin and fish out all their jaws the doctors sawed off and build a little golem out of it. a little golem that goes after them.

>> No.17654221
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>The flat-faced gook had a look about her that made me pause. What was it about her that made my peepee tingly? No, I gave into the temptation of miscegenation once before and swore I’d never do it again. The more I stared at her, the quicker the feelings faded. She thin, flat black hair, typical of the oriental race. I knew she wasn’t Han due to her thick eyebrows—this both helped and injured her sex appeal. On the one hand, I’d love to colonize some 1000 year in the making dynasty pussy, but on the other hand the risk of contributing another Han soul to this wretched earth was not a risk I was willing to take. The koreans are often perceived as being a noble gook race, but this is certainly a bias one could only hold if they had never met one. It wasn’t worth approaching her and striking up a conversation. The library and rec center were full of whores just like her. Sitting through a conversation with them was not worth the two minutes of pleasure I’d get with this human sex toy. I quickly became disgusted, her small black nostrils were too reminiscent of her eyes. Her lips were thin and red, making her resemble some Heian period Ukiyo-e painting, but it was clear she wasn’t Japanese—they still all look relatively the same to me. I laughed a bit aloud to myself. The closer I looked, the more apparent it was that she used lightening skin cream. I can’t blame her for wanting to be white, but I wasn’t going to be complacent in her self-hatred. Or was I? Maybe I would fuck her, but I would never waste my seed on a whore like that. She probably read about Microchimeraism, the more white cocks she took, the whiter her progeny would be. I made a mental note to pray for the poor sap who would be chained to her for the rest of his worldly life and walked away. I was getting hungry and had been staring this whorish chink for far too long. Maybe I’d try to stop at that banh mi shop right off campus. Jungle gooks tend to be easier and less needy anyway.

>> No.17654237

Don’t be mad at me, anon. I’m sorry I joked about your kpop girl. I used to love terrorizing the kpop threads on /mu/, I can’t help it. It is in my blood.

>> No.17654248

Nah. That doesn't happen to me. I'm a disciplined drinker. I know its alchemies and effects.
Alcohol makes me happy. At least when I know it's time to drink it.

>> No.17654271 [DELETED] 

Not op but certainly they should be critical about the progressive tightening of humankind's shackles as technological slaves. This is actually patent to my parents, and I suspect should be to any other introspective individual born into modern society.

>> No.17654284

idc if you like kpop, it was the juvenile /pol/yp tone to it

>> No.17654289

Do you need a job?

>> No.17654307

What is it with those kpop weirdos? How do their brains work? I do not understand it.

>> No.17654314

good post that made me laugh

>> No.17654315

I am ambivalent towards kpop. I just enjoyed terrorizing the kpop threads on /mu/. I really need to get off 4chan.

>> No.17654319
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Cute girls, catchy bops, idk what's so hard to wrap your head around.

>> No.17654322

I’m trying to satirize /pol/ thinking and kpoop fetishist.

>> No.17654342

The girls are at most attractive for Asian standards and the music is cheap mass-produced pop. Yet the way their fans obsess is excessive.

I feel like kpop is peak capitalistic bugman culture. Something just rubs me the wrong way about it.

>> No.17654348

yellow fever rewires your brain

>> No.17654357

And this is the cure >>17654159

>> No.17654367

The only good KPop song is Gee by Girl's Generation. Everything else is overproduced garbage.

>> No.17654382 [DELETED] 

That's an interesting theory, anon.

Then, he who controls the memes controls the world. Master of the memeing marionnettes.

>> No.17654393

That's an interesting theory. Then, he who controls the memes controls human behavior. Master of the memeing marionnettes.

>> No.17654407

What is your "research"?

>> No.17654411

definitely a low point of my life was my 3 year kpop phase

>> No.17654417

I really enjoyed your post anon. I didn't have anything meaningful to add at the time other than that I can relate.

>Everyone around me seem to understand it on some deeper instinctual level that they dont even question it
"Seem" is the key word. It's not as it seems. Your problem is less rare than you think. I went to an Ivy League and trust me, even the high achievers suffered from meaningless and the ennui typical among young adults today despite (seemingly) having it all. They chased prestige and material success and got it, but never reached the contentment they expected to simultaneously arrive. I would tell you the same thing I felt like telling them. If the problem is inside you, it doesn't matter where you go. No matter what road you take you'll be lost if you don't know what you want or force yourself into thinking you're a failure because you don't fit the caricature of a successful grown man that media shoves down our throats.

Oh, and the most sincere thing I ever posted on this site was mocked by several anons so I feel as jaded as you probably do. These threads are the perfect time to vent, even if nobody cares or you're worried about sounding like a faggot. Godspeed anon, I wish I could be more helpful but you need to figure out what you want before getting concrete advice. I'm cheering for you. You're a pure soul.

You and him should look up "peter pan syndrome"

>> No.17654425

Holy shit me too, exact same song. I rediscovered it during a low phase recently. Have you seen the music video? It makes the lyrics hit so much harder.

>> No.17654437

Same, and I'm in a relationship. Watch the last scene of QT's last film where the woman gets beaten to a pulp in the funniest way possible. It is the most cathartic thing in the world if you feel violent urges around women.

>> No.17654442

Probably just escapism

>> No.17654449

Fuck no, anon. I know you think you can handle it (so did I) and you probably can but that shit rots the soul over time. There were two liveleak videos in particular that made me realize this poisons your soul. Stop telling yourself that's reality, you're not denying anything you're creating a mentally numb dystopian view of the world. All over some shock value. Don't give it meaning like I did.

>> No.17654468
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Disagree, I think they're very attractive by any reasonable standard.

As for the music, for me it was part of a process, growing up from a teenager into a young adult, I was able to appreciate more mainstream music, and I realized 90% of all music is basically the same shit in the end. I've plowed through enough Stockhausen and Messiaen to not be worried about being seen as a pleb.

>> No.17654528
File: 77 KB, 1010x996, Ja_da_ya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like explaining something from Japanese 4chan (2channel) that's been stuck in my head. Like us, they have a distinctive style of writing everyone identifies with the site. But for them, this style (language) belongs to one board - the "stream anything" board known for baseball. They all write in a dialect that supposedly belongs to fans of the Hanshin Tigers, but it caught on so that everyone uses it, and it's popular on the rest of the net now too. Unlike 4chan speak though it doesn't use many buzzwords. Instead they use different sentence enders. If you don't know any Japanese, sentence enders are small particles with no direct meaning, but change the tone of the sentence. Not using a sentence ender sounds blunt, so in casual speech they're everywhere. The most notable thing about their dialect is it replaces most uses of だ (da) with や (ya). だ is the casual version of the copula です (desu), so it just means "to be". Since it's a sentence ender, this doesn't change the meaning, but it does change the tone. To Japanese speakers it sounds more casual, rough, and laid-back, like an exaggerated form of kansai-ben. The area on the map in yellow is the Kansai area, so you can see how this developed.

The point is this accent is really catchy and I've started to think in it a bit. It's fully useless to know this but I suppose it's an autistic niche of mine

>> No.17654566

so i says to him i says to him
"shut your gay mouth"
and you know what?
that time he listened.

>> No.17654585

i got banned for a month but i'm now able to post 3 days later, why?
maybe the mods felt generous
if so, thank you mods, for your kindness

>> No.17654586


>> No.17654594


>> No.17654810

I cant help myself but im missing the fundamental understanding about life in general.

>> No.17654838

>you need to figure out what you want
thats honestly one of the if not the most hardest thing to do for me. deciding and living with consequences is the close second because before decision you have the potential of both sides but you lose something after choosing one thing over the others. theres a disappointment factor too if you've choosen wrongly. So deep down i think that having a freedom to choose is much better than actually choosing something.

>> No.17654899


>> No.17655045

I have agp

>> No.17655935
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Jusqu'auboutist is my new favorite word