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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 680 KB, 588x672, Lower Resolution My Stack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17614146 No.17614146 [Reply] [Original]

Old one got booted. Lets start fresh

>> No.17614174
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x1836, 20210222_010137[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies, im retarded. Heres a better Pic

>> No.17614202

Well that seems rather impractical.

>> No.17614214

you did that just to piss everyone off, didn't you

>> No.17614221

Hoarding is gross.

>> No.17614250

No, its the best of a bad situation. That wall is literally the only place my books can go for the next year or two.
Not a hoarder. This is my only option.

>> No.17614252

I'm talking more about that you turned the spines to the wall, you lunatic

>> No.17614253

Do yo ever worry that they’ll fall on on you when you’re sleeping?

>> No.17614270

Again, no. With limited space, thats the only way they would all fit (roughly 1200-1400). Heres my LT, but its not up to date, and missing a few hundred that manual entry is tedious: https://www.librarything.com/catalog/Charles_Rayburn

Yes I do. Every couple hours, I push my hand on them to push them back against the wall, in case they started to come forward/lose. Im more worried that I live on the second story, and that its roughly 2,200 pounds (998KG). The floor now slants downward.

>> No.17614280

Why? Why can't you let go of books you read and clearly have no room for? How many of those do you plan on reading and why couldn't you by them one or two at a time?

>> No.17614310

I'll try to answer you one question at a time:

1. I am a writer, and author multiple papers every month for my local paper, College, and a few other journals under pseudonyms. The majority of the books are for academic/research purposes.
2. Again, research isn't cover to cover. Its buying a book for 3 to 4 chapters you need, and stumbling blindly through the rest.
3. For most of them, I did buy them one to two at a time. My bill thus far is roughly $8,000 to $12,000.

Bonus: I used to have 12,500 books, but donated all but a couple (and by couple, I mean COUPLE - Bible and book from my grandpa) of them. Took a couple years to be a minimalist faggot before realizing it sucks ass (I am in no ways a materialist, books are all I have), and slowly started adding to my collection. They sat in boxes in storage for a few months, till I discovered that wouldn't work, so brought them back home. I have room for roughly 200 more before I need to find out a new arrangement. I like homemade bookcases, but wouldnt have room for them right now. Going to be moving to a friend's homestead and converting a tuff shed Im gonna buy, and then we will see about bookcases.

>> No.17614320

Holy cow the writer's life isn't paying you enough if you gotta move to a shed

>> No.17614321

I forgot to mention. Most of the books I have/read are NOT going to be found at the local library, besides , libraries suck. Most of my work is either conspiratorial, or esoteric.

>> No.17614326
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>people fall for OP's troll pic
You guys know that typing a date in paint is not equivalent to a timestamped pic right?

>> No.17614331

Despite how many books I have, I honestly do prefer to live a simple life. Books are my one vice. Aside from that, all my non book belongings quite literally fit in 2 40L backpacks (minus my clothes and desktop PC)

>> No.17614347
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>> No.17614355


>> No.17614370
File: 2.74 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20210222_094500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I've been reading in February, the top two are what I'm currently reading. I also read King Henry V, but that's just one play in a book of all of Shakespeare's Histories and poetry so yeh.

>> No.17614379

Before filling your cubicle with a fire hazard, buy a book shelf on IKEA.

>> No.17614411

I bet you share a room with a pedo brother.

>> No.17614509

Can't you buy a shelf on Amazon, Ikea, Craigslist or a Facebook group? That seems deadly impractical.

>> No.17614644

read my posts, I cant.
that is correct
can't, read above.

>> No.17614931

what the fuck, I thought this was a troll image lmao

>> No.17614949

>Every couple hours I push the books into the wall
>The floor now slants downward
My fucking sides are gonna burst

>> No.17614958

I don't believe you OP. You say you need the books for research purposes but you obviously cannot reach for any book that is not on top of the pile without having to take the whole thing appart.

>> No.17615000

>i bet you share a room with a pedo brother
>that is correct

How? What? How did anon make this guess and how was he correct? Explain

>> No.17615013

i found this kinda comfy ngl

>> No.17615028

well. can't wait to see this in /lit/ humour threads for years. put me in the screencap

>> No.17615123

>moving onto a friend's property and living in a vinyl shed

Jesus christ get treated for your mental illness

>> No.17615133

That is the hand of a very fat individual. You should be ashamed

>> No.17615186


His work is conspiratorial or esoteric. He isn't a writer. He's a fruit.

>> No.17615498

>Every couple hours, I push my hand against them to prevent them from crushing me (all in all, roughly 1900 pounds)

>> No.17615546
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 1607128209127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to post this image every single day otherwise we will have to assume you've been crushed. Give us your contact information so we can send for an ambulance in such an event.

>> No.17615686
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 066364BB-AE73-41D4-9A4A-0DBE9A5645A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo, don't move onto a homestead and live an enjoyable lifestyle, you need to consoom!

>> No.17615725

It is hoarding. Looking at your librarything, it looks like a large majority of these are crap. Non-academic nonfiction, genre novels, random books on obscure topics... How often do you actually use them in your research? How do you find the books you’re looking for? How do you even physically remove books on the lower tiers? It looks to me to be a sign of OCD more than anything. Kind of depressing and I earnestly suggest you seek psychiatric help.

>> No.17615755

OP seems perfectly fine and capable. Seems like you're not happy that he doesn't read mainstream stuff. His books might be conspiratorial bunk (or so they seem), but there is a pattern in his purchasing habits if you look for it.

>> No.17615765

Would you please post some of your writing, OP?

>> No.17615773

Buy a fucking bookcase. You clearly have enough room from the photo. It doesnt even have to be a nice one, you can buy storage shelves intended for tools and it would cost you all of $50. Shit, people give them away on gumtree and craigslist.

>> No.17615784

Strongly disagree. There is a difference between not-mainstream work of quality, and the random schizo-conspiracy-esoterica that OP compulsively hoards.

>> No.17615821


>> No.17615847

If the earth is flat what happens when your deathstacks crash through the floor? Do they fall out of the sky back in place like there's some kind of loop?

>> No.17615909

Post your writing, schizo

>> No.17615915

Get a shelf or twenty

>> No.17615922
File: 18 KB, 400x400, BA42CFF7-3A17-4C30-9D20-E23E096A9E83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah 4chan... never change

>> No.17616021

Fuck off faggot just because op does not conform to your made up rules.

>> No.17616042

Best thread since the tinder guy.

>> No.17616066


>> No.17616082

>roughly 2,200 pounds (998KG). The floor now slants downward.
thought about buying more books? you gotta do it man

>> No.17616115

don't take these seething virgins seriously fren
that's a chad shelf and I look up to you

>> No.17616127

>Best thread since the tinder guy.
What's the tinder guy fren? Link?

>> No.17616135

>Im more worried that I live on the second story, and that its roughly 2,200 pounds (998KG)
Imagine waking up to the sound of your ceiling collapsing and with 2 tonnes of books heading to your head, the last thing you ever see being "THE SELECTED LETTERS OF FRANZ KAFKA" heading towards you at mach 5

>> No.17616188

it is not by quantity of books that you read but by the reflections you make. - some old cunt

so if you want to show off how big your stack is I say you have poor self-reflexivity which makes that stack an eloquent toilet paper and a waste of time on your part. get a job that doesnt feed your pettyness.

>> No.17616232

I understand using these books for reference in your writing, but is it necessary to keep all at the same time? And don’t you have other rooms in which you could at least store a portion of these?

>> No.17616284

I like the aesthetic. Keep stackin’. Fuck all these minimalist trolls wearing their slim black tee and holding the newest iPhone. . I say send them to a fucking gulag with all the communists advocating library usage where they can all share one copy of “in search of lost time.”

>> No.17616299

OP has left the thread
he needed to go wash down his triple whopper with oleaginous tears

>> No.17616325

This is perhaps the peak of humor on 4chan's /lit/ Nothing will top this.
Thanks fren, and I agree. I would tell those minimalists who advocate for ereaders or library only to go to hell, but I think they're already there.

>> No.17616371
File: 499 KB, 751x674, 74384346343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17616373

OP here. I dont get books just because I disagree with them. You may never know my feelings on that matter, but I get books that argue from at least two different sides. I have books that say Nukes exist, and those that say they dont. I prefer to make up my own mind after reading the two different views, rather than stay one sided. That way, regardless of the view I take, I can understand the talking points of the other side so I can better debate them.
Not on here I wont. I see how it turns out for others...
Of course, but at 2,200 Pounds, its getting kinda heavy, and am running out of space for that wall. Might have to stash in my closet after not too long from now...
Thank you Anon
You believe me to be petty because I enjoy life and learning about those things that make life worth living? I feel bad for you anon.
Sorry, I was watching crappy reruns of FG and AD. Also got in a new wood crate for my card catalog, so reorganizing my card catalog right now. I would post a picture, but my phone is dead. Perhaps I will go ahead and make a thread on card catalogs later today or sometime this week.

>> No.17616435

This is like something out of an unwritten sequel to A Confederacy of Dunces after Ignatius moves into a tiny apartment in New York and he starts trying to outdo the minx in being a pseud by hoarding enoughs books to crush people under the weight of his symbolic intellect. Stacking books is just good geometry; being ignorant of geometry one would live in fear of them collapsing but with proper adjustments they stand as firm as a vaulted and buttressed cathedral.

>> No.17616514

this puts a pleasant image in my head, and im not sure why. Good advice towards the end as well

>> No.17616646
File: 1.67 MB, 5312x2988, 1614011060550648003183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a Kindle. I dont have the space for paperback.

>> No.17616721

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.17616971

Godspeed OP, Godspeed.

>> No.17617017

you cant buy a cheap storage locker, if its for research half of these are probably unneeded

>> No.17617047

It's only hoarding if you don't have a bookshelf.

>> No.17617070

Got em

>> No.17617079

lose some weight fatty

>> No.17617088

We've had this thread before, OP say something to the tune of his brother sleeptalking about molesting children in that one.

>> No.17617406

>mental illness

>> No.17617415

Anon you do realize this much weight on the bottom books will destroy the spine right?

>> No.17617882

I think those people that have entire walls of bookshelves are hoarding too, but at least it looks nice.

>> No.17618900

OP here again. LT updated to tell me that my books are now 2,554 Pounds. WTF

>> No.17618924

How do you get a book at the bottom?

>> No.17619273
File: 2.67 MB, 3264x2448, 20210222_124703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These just arrived in the mail. R8 pls

>> No.17619293

he doesnt since he doesnt read em and is addicted to LARP like every anon on 4chan.

>> No.17619312

Do you have the Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius? You can't become this century's Ignatius without it.

>> No.17619428

I'm a long way off from ever achieving that. But i'll definitely add that work to my list. The backlog grows.

>> No.17619907

My respect for you went from 8 to 4 - so it is all just badly researched paranoid schizo books?

>> No.17619911

and that this much weight on his fatass will destroy HIS spine

>> No.17619958




>> No.17620003
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>> No.17620274

I’m honestly shocked at the bf% visible on that hand. Nothing else matters

>> No.17620290

Imagine the smell. How do you even clean the dust?

>> No.17620303

Please stop

>> No.17620320



>> No.17620424


>> No.17620865

OP are you ok?

>> No.17622010
File: 46 KB, 661x790, 1613972659417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17623220

I'm proud of you OP. Keep at it! But do stay safe, that pile looks unsteady to me.

>> No.17623242
File: 84 KB, 413x196, 20210223_031505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17623279

>8 copies of infinite jest
>phenomenology of spirit
>n2o cans laying around
yup, everything checks out

>> No.17623333

You're a deranged hoarder. What you're doing is dangerous.

>> No.17623338

come off it, granddad

>> No.17623345

I'm more concerned by the video game system

>> No.17623659

This may be screencap worthy.

>> No.17624048

I wanna douse that in gasoline and flick a match into it. But then where would the rats live?

>> No.17624226
File: 156 KB, 700x561, 1612922913435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17624276

dear god i hope someone's capping

>> No.17624844


no apostol. hack

>> No.17624896

What the hell, I love seeing libraries, stacks and pile of books but this is to much, it makes me feel nauseated like an enormous table filled with food but after being stuffed

>> No.17624904

I legit have piles of books too, though at the moment half of them or more are in the attic of my parent's house (I'm looking for a job and have an interview coming up I swear). I'm honestly impressed Op I too only really buy books and am slowly building what you have there. By the time I'm 40 (or get more money and then 30) I'll probably have something similar.

>> No.17624919

>that hand
Are you secretly Kantbot?

>> No.17624946

b-but why?

>> No.17624959

Those are gonna fall and kill you in your sleep

>> No.17624976

u tute

>> No.17624982

Obsessed with this image

>> No.17625139

Hello fire hazard.

>> No.17625153

What sort of monster would face them that way? How are you ever gonna find a book you wanna reread?

>> No.17625199

Please buy shelves

>> No.17625283

where's your butt plug?

>> No.17625762

I gave up on T.J. English when he said Joseph Mccarthy ran HUAC in The Westies.

>> No.17626091

>has stack of books that will either crush him in his sleep or crash through the floor like Breaking Bad

>Most of my work is either conspiratorial, or esoteric.

>> No.17626180


>> No.17626506
File: 551 KB, 1200x900, my_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I post here?

>> No.17626533

I personally think that spivak is a better text than apostol

>> No.17626605

absolutely not, get the fuck out

>> No.17626622

have you actually read through knuth?

>> No.17626637

starting with sedgewick, will eventually get to him

>> No.17626654

nobody has ever read through knuth. some of the exercises are open research questions

>> No.17627273

I wouldn't be able to sleep by the fear of that shit crushing me.

>> No.17627284

nvm, you are so fat the books will bounce, you have nothing to worry about.

>> No.17627398
File: 296 KB, 1600x1067, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posing for my librarian card I'm getting at a new library in LA job haha

>> No.17627417

wtf lads
how many books can i have in the second floor without having to worry about having the house collapse on me or something

>> No.17627883

literally a character from a bohumil hrabal novella