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/lit/ - Literature

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17602497 No.17602497 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone from /lit actually ever written a book?

>> No.17602504

once I wrote a choose-your-own-adventure book but it was lost when i abandoned my property

>> No.17602509

I wrote a PhD thesis which was bound in a book form.

>> No.17602512


>> No.17602524

Horror’s Call.

>> No.17602537

Just look at every single ad on here

>> No.17602545

>Looks at ads
>"This +18 Game Will Drive You Crazy!"

What are you talking about?

>> No.17602557
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>> No.17602560

Yes. I know a published author who had I would say medium success that lurks and posts here occasionally. He’s not Houllebecq but he’s not some shitty YA Amazon only publisher either

>> No.17602594

I just looked this up. Sounds like it might be up my ally.

>> No.17603387

No but I sure do fantasize about it a lot.

>> No.17603395

I hired a ghostwriter to write a shitty cookbook in amazon to test how it worked. It was pretty cringe desu

>> No.17603399

Well it's almost verified at this point that Bret Easton Ellis posts on /lit/, so at least in one case the answer is yes.

>> No.17603400

Once or twice. I prefer absorbing their content through memes.

>> No.17603560
File: 102 KB, 600x500, 78FA885B-013B-487A-84C4-E69A5BF8344A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the dude who wrote these.

>> No.17603613

yes. Almost done with #3 & #4, but I waited forever until it nearly killed me & then I had no choice but to write.
you should too, /lit/.

i do not have an agent or even patricia lockwood follower ability. I don't care.

I had to.

>> No.17603660 [SPOILER] 
File: 837 KB, 1400x2151, 1613871938882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only circulated in back rooms of monumentally compartmentalized quasi-governmental entities as part of a didactic shitpost on infosec used to induct a particular clearance level. Heavily redacted versions have appeared in various literary journals as cut ups by prospective recruits. Friendly advice: don’t post to tapir threads

>> No.17603730

>posting leebait on /lit/

>> No.17603740

Cardhole has.

>> No.17604240
File: 8 KB, 230x230, gardner pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man. The king of /lit.

>> No.17604249

our pride and joy

>> No.17604538

I've written one every year since 2013. It's really enjoyable to go back after a few years have passed and read them again, that's actually the only reason I write them. Just so I can go back and read them. Same thing with music, which admittedly I'm significantly better at.

>> No.17604620

Real talk for a second. How the hell does this guy write so quickly? Five books in under a year is ridiculously fast.

>> No.17604623

easy to do when they're all shit

>> No.17604642

prove it or stay jealous.

>> No.17604646

Call of the Arcade is really good.

>> No.17604652
File: 407 KB, 787x450, TIMESAND___bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote this book and the clownworld meme is about how my enemies were able to prevent my success for having written it.

>> No.17604657

This is honestly the best way to call out anti-Gardner posters. They never deliver.

>> No.17604675

If you actually spend all your free time writing, as in literally all your free time, not some meme, "I write for a living and spend 40-50 hours a week writing" then you'll bang shit out at a remarkable rate. Basically, just be autistic and you'll be incredibly productive.

>> No.17604676

oh look another gardner thread. fuck off!

>> No.17604682
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>> No.17604683

cringe. next time just reply with no

>> No.17604760

Finishing a manuscript isn't so hard. Getting traditionally published is harder.

>> No.17604770

I compiled a chapbook if it counts, too adhd for a novel

>> No.17604780

it was poetry btw

>> No.17605037

can you post an excerpt?

>> No.17605221
File: 81 KB, 212x320, cover shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic Related
it got shortlisted for an award but didn't win

>> No.17605225

It's not even remotely verified

>> No.17605237

the first chapter is in the "look inside" viewer

>> No.17605287

>Has anyone from /lit actually ever written a book?
I write a series of smut short stories for a living, does that count, or is that not enough for the elitism of /lit/?

>> No.17605611

I wrote a text novel in high school if that counts

>> No.17605621
File: 181 KB, 750x1334, 528E7738-54C5-4A3D-9C8F-C8391F9CF750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought Card’s stuff, gonna order his new book soon too

>> No.17605641

Better to write shit than not to write at all

>> No.17605827

checked and based, gibs a link to it?
This anon never finished school and has never seen a book. unbased and not checked