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17589344 No.17589344 [Reply] [Original]

Which other philosophy can, without supernatural bullshit in any form, absolutely obliterate the fear of death and any existential crises as smootly and effectively as Philosophical Taoism does it?

>> No.17589355

Wasn't it obsessed with finding immortality elixir?

>> No.17589396

It's religious taoism, with divination, gods and afterlife. Just Chinese folk religion in fancy clothes.
The original strictly philosophical Taoism of Laozi and Zhuangzi is a whole different story

>> No.17589404


>> No.17589419

This. The Manifestation Only teaching of Buddhism as well, their ideas are about the same. Seeing everything as formation of the universal energy. Birth and death are just changes, waves we ride, but ultimately everything is everything. There is nothing to fear.

>> No.17589451

Buddhism still believes in soul, immortal consciousness and supernatural things.
Without the idea of immortal consciousness it'd fall apart in a moment

>> No.17589464
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And taoism?

>> No.17589482

Philosophical Taoism doesn't need any supernatural beliefs. No soul, soul individual consciousness at all

>> No.17589498


>> No.17589519
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>*demolishes all forms of dogma in your path*

>> No.17589547
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>Western """philosophy"""

>> No.17589558

You have to differentiate between the philosophy/technique and the religion. If you strip it of the layers that were added later what remains is a system to confront the absence of meaning. Pleasure/Pain is the same thing/it's all temporary/detach yourself from these illusions/ here's how you do it.

>> No.17589581


>> No.17589620

Subject-first, wide-branched time and motion system, strict word order languages of Europe aren't just suitable for any serious philosophy, with maybe a small exception for Ancient Greek. I'm sorry I don't make the rules

>> No.17589626

Ignore dumbasses like >>17589396. The broad point of Taoist alchemy was to achieve a higher state of being. Everything from Feng Shui to Tai Chi is ultimately in service of this goal. The "elixir of immortality" is intended to cause fundamental change in one's being, resulting in that higher state. It's no different than the end-goal of Yoga in Hinduism being a state wherein one can subsist solely by breathing. "Immortality" in this case is completely incorrect, as you aren't really "alive", you're completely beyond life and death.

"Philosophical vs religious" Taoism is a Western understanding to try and make it easier to convert Chinks to Low-Church Protestantism. It has no meaning in Asia, where Taoism is a supremely practical religion.

>> No.17589649

>as smootly and effectively as Philosophical Taoism does it?
How so?

>> No.17589666

As opposed to Mandarin which is... even more strict in word order... and rigidly SVO... Hmm...

>> No.17589677
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>Equating Classical Chinese with Mandarin

>> No.17589727

Oh, you mean the language that was... just as analytical as modern Mandarin... huh...

If you're just doing INFLECTION GOOD ISOLATION BAD then sure, we can say that Old Chinese is a good language for philosophy, but that logic you might as well just learn PIE if you REALLY want to do philosophy, or at least settle for Lithuanian if you want to remain a pleb.

>> No.17589756

How is it a Western understanding? I know Mandarin, there are literally two terms, 道家 VS 道教,with 教 as jiào 'to teach'. Compare with the philosophy in Confucianism 儒家,and 基督教 'Christianity'
Jiā 家 is an entirely different meaning

>> No.17589789

Remeber we still don't even know how the words were pronounced in Classical Chinese. Hell we don't even know if it was a long word or a single syllable.
You are equating one of the most enigmatic languages in the history of humanity to modern Chinese

>> No.17589855
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>> No.17589919

How does it do that?
I seem to lack the cultural milieu to get much out of the Taoism and Zen material I've read, but I'm open-minded.

>> No.17589924

You're wrong about literally everything. If you are too retarded to see the difference between Zhuang Zhi's philosophy and later daoist cults you belong in a mental facility.
>muh western meme
giga cringe
Whatever you do do not listen to this retard.

>> No.17589979

Came here to post this. But if you still need soteriology there are the different schools of Buddhism
Not even Yogacarins believe in an immortal consciousness and they usually get labelled "mind only" Buddhists by the others. You should try reading some actual texts instead of Wikipedia.

>> No.17589983


>> No.17589998

>what remains is a system to confront the absence of meaning.
So what does one read to learn this system without having to plow through all the opaque poetry that tends to define Taoist/Zen literature?

>> No.17590035

Buddhist soteriology is fucking depressing

>> No.17590052

>Not even Yogacarins believe in an immortal consciousness
Does any non-abrahamic religion?

>> No.17590159

This is just Chinese and Japanese. Their writing system (one of the most beautiful things ever created if you ask me) can carry numerous tiny subtle meanings. That's how high-context cultures work, and if you try to translate it it unavoidably turns into "opaque poetry"

>> No.17590172

People who deny the philosophy/religion distinction in taoism or think it os a western concept know nothing about China. The TTJ was a classic that countless nobles read and had taught to them as a strategic guide, without joining a taoist sect. Fucking Wang Bi wasn't a member of any of the taoist cults. The real reason we see such a sharp divide is that people who read the Zhuang Zhi and apply it to their life don't build large ecclesiastic structures that sirvive the centuries. Only cults that promise divine intercession in return for money can build such structures. The oldest sect we know of are the celestial masters who claimed to be in contact with heaven and thus had the right to overthrow the emperor. Tell me where you find that in Lao Zi or Zhuang Zhi.

>> No.17590291

>tfw you can go to heaven but also DIE in heaven because what is born dies

>> No.17590321
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Some of the other Indian systems do, and I suppose there is the platonic and hermetic Nous but even in these cases usually it's not as if your consciousness is the immortal one. I can never remember all the particulars without looking it up, and in any case, given all the antinomies, take the Pyrrho pill and be done with it.

>> No.17590346

>take the Pyrrho pill and be done with it.
I wanna larp and meditate and see cool weird shit though

>> No.17590367

Thanks for yet another confirmation that Western """pholosophy""" is just sophistry and wordplay

>> No.17590368

This only makes sense in the dharmist framework where rebirth exists anyway

>> No.17590380

>i have never read anything on this subject
It shows. Start with Zhuangzi or Art of War (either works). Really ruminate on each part.

But literally everything in your post just supports this foreign imposition of philosophy vs religion (which is really just a Christian distinction to allow for Christians to read Greek Philosophy) as being just that: foreign. The Chinese do this shit precisely because they don't make this distinction (or rather, historically did not).

>> No.17590399

Op where did you get the picture?

>> No.17590417

doesn't understand that there is religious/mystical Taoism and Philosophical Taoism.

>> No.17590427

Mix it with William James and some deity yoga

>> No.17590432

>taoism thread
>inevitably descends into LARPing protties regurgitating Christ the Eternal Tao and neoplatonic schizo
Taoism is too based for /lit/.

>> No.17590438

Most systems don't try to explain themselves in terms of other systems. Although given the history of Buddhism as a missionary religion there are historical examples of efforts to do, especially in China, Japan, etc.

>> No.17590442

After contemplating Tao, you begin to understand the most basic principle of the universe, which cannot be described with words, as the very concept of 'word' is too complex for it. You naturally see how futile was your ego and anll 'existential' individualist worries cease.
Zhuangzi teaches you, along many other revelations, that the fact that we die and lose our consciousness isn't intrinsically bad, and our society just assigns this neutral fact a 'bad' label. You can easily view it as something postive if you want.
Learn to appreciate this style, develop your imagination. You will increase your literary taste for sure

>> No.17590444

Did William James write any practical stuff or just theoretical reports on religious experiences?
>deity yoga
Isn't there a western equivalent?

>> No.17590467

Let me see if I get it
Taoism home or Chinese Taoism, as in its native religion
Taoism teach or Philosophical Taoism

>基督教 as Christianity
it means the overseeing faith? Or if the over seer is God then it means the God faith, or One God faith?

>> No.17590505

Home isn't the sole meaning of 家。 How do you say 'writer, book creator' in Mandarin? 作家。 Would you say it means 'To do home'?

>> No.17590543

Neoplatonism and protestantism do not mix you absolute nonce. Chuffed to bits seeing you say that.

>> No.17590565

Straightforward American mind can only operate with neoplatonism and play with its empty shells of words and concepts

>> No.17590619

>>i have never read anything on this subject
>It shows
>this foreign imposition of philosophy vs religion (which is really just a Christian distinction to allow for Christians to read Greek Philosophy)
Oh no you're actually retarded. Yes chinese do the same.
The Shangqing school didn't even recognize the ttj as canonical.
You're just plain wrong this isn't something that magically changes just because you want to egotrip about those ignorant western christians.
The Art of War isn't a taoist text and features non of the religious framework that appears in later taoist sect. For your own dignity's sake stop just desperately throwing words into the bowl to look educated.

>> No.17590623

of this place?

>> No.17590655

>Did William James write any practical stuff
His philosophy is literally Pragmatism. Like that's what he calls it.
or just theoretical reports on religious experiences?
He has an inductive view of religious experience as something which seems to be possible across a variety of examples, but is skeptical of the organized religions themselves since they often have a hostile relationship with those who have mystic experiences. In other words the organized religions oppose themselves to people who have religious experiences and there is a disconnect between the competing belief systems and what people describe
>Isn't there a western equivalent?
Neoplatonic theurgy but we are more removed from that than from tantra

>> No.17590664

I just want Linear A deciphered desu. Though, having ancient proto-chinese be reconstructed would be cool too. Stleast there are rhyme tables for some of it.

>> No.17590675

>The Chinese do this shit precisely because they don't make this distinction (or rather, historically did not).
Does your schizophrenic mind just ignore everything that refutes your pretensions retardation?
Tell me which Taoist cult Wang Bi followed. Google Wang Bi for what it's worth. Tell me why the Lao Zi was a classoc among the Imperial Elite who never stepped outside the orthodoxy of the Imperial Cult. Tell me where the Zhuang Zhi which doesn't play a role in the religious practices of any of the taoist cults recommends to burn spells in order to communicate with the gods or advocates paying a religious tax to your local temple. Taoism is older in China than Buddhism which none of the sects are. You are entirely wrong about the entire history and timeline of China. I don't know what axe you have to grind with christians but it's wrong.

>> No.17590684

>the organized religions oppose themselves to people who have religious experiences
Not all of them.

>> No.17590718

Peirce > James

>> No.17590720

lol at the orientalist etymology. buddhism is called both 佛家 and 佛教

家 here means sect or school or better yet lineage... the idea being like a family bloodline it is passed down from one to another
教 as well as teaching, can also mean lineage, as in something passed on or bestowed

>> No.17590722

where do i start with yoga

>> No.17590752

if the dao de jing was used for actual strategy, doesn't that just reinforce his point about pragmatism? i dont see how all of this stuff leads to this airy fairy fart huffing intellectualism when if we actually look at the chinky dudes writing all of this stuff they're neck deep in mysticism and divination and war and trying to find patterns in reality to advance their (or their patron's) political causes.

>> No.17590759

Did you quote the wrong person? I don't see what this post has to do with mine.

>> No.17590777

Western philosophy is based in dialogue and argumentation. It would be ridiculous to say all of it is sophistry though. Any sincere treatment of metaphysics isn’t sophistry.

>> No.17590791

Furthermore, contemporary mainstream English philosophy is based in logic, so simply calling it “wordplay” is a stretch.

>> No.17590801

Who's point about what? The ttj wasn't a divination guide or religious text. We have Wang Bi (the guy responsible for the preservation of the ttj)'s commentary and he doesn't lay out a theology or mystical vision of it. The primary texts don't develop such concepts. There's far more than a thousand years between the Lao Zi and any taoist religious cult and the cults didn't draw on the ttj or Zhuang Zhi for their religious rituals. We have their ritual texts and their claims of divine revelation preserved. This isn't a theory or something vague. The guy who denies the distinction between religious and philosophical daoism simply does not know either nor the scope of chinese history.

>> No.17590857

Your Aristotlean logic IS sophistry

>> No.17590867

Wang Bi writing commentaries on a fucking divination manual just supports my point, though. The fact that there is no dense theology or mystical visions is precisely the fact that I'm getting at. Trying to create some distinction between stinky Asian Catholicism with Gods and sacrifices and immortality elixirs and Feng Shui, and some kind of pure airy-fairy pure intellectualism that only exists for scholars to masturbate over just seems silly to me, because I can't find it anywhere in anything I've ever read on or about China. Are there texts like the Zhuangzi that that get at deep, abstract things? Of course. And those abstract things can then be ruminated on, and applied. But nowhere have I ever seen anything that exists solely to ferment in your gut and then be huffed after farting it out so you can wax poetic about how much of an intellectual you are for assenting this this series of propositions.

You can say "oh, well, this practice or this practice is just an import from Chinese Folk Religion or peepeepoopooism", and perhaps that's the case, but the very fact that it's cribbing practices from other schools of thought to help in better arranging your furniture to cultivate Qi or whatever is just yet another demonstration of the latent pragmatism at every level.

>> No.17590879
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Where we are, death is not.
Where death is, we are not.
Therefore death does not concern us.

>> No.17590908
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This white boy Mandarin is getting out of hand

>> No.17590922

I haven't read Peirce. Is there much of a difference?
Start with the Indians

>> No.17590932

>Trying to create some distinction between stinky Asian Catholicism with Gods and sacrifices and immortality elixirs and Feng Shui, and some kind of pure airy-fairy pure intellectualism that only exists for scholars to masturbate over just seems silly to me, because I can't find it anywhere in anything I've ever read on or about China.
Look I have no idea what kind of battle your fighting with christianity. I'm sorry that that priest touched you inapproriately or whatever but neither the TTJ nor the Zhuang Zhi espouse Feng Shui since you brought up that example.
Nobody said philosophical taoism is incompatible with religious taoism I pointed out that the much earlier philosophical underpimnings do neither espout nor depend on later incorporated religious cults and that chinese courtiers and sages have used only the philosophical taoism for over a millenia before western scholars arrived. The distinction between philosophical and religious taoism is everywhere. In the timeline, in the history, in the texts, in the claims of canonicity of texts for crying out loud.
I don't understand why this makes you so mad.

>> No.17590941

What level of chinese do I need to learn to make a buck out of translating classical texts?
I'm a NEET anyway might put my time to good use.

>> No.17590949

No, it isn’t. The Sophists didn’t like Aristotle.
The computer you’re using right now is based on logic. It isn’t sophistry.

>> No.17590958

Are you ESL, or just so angry that you're making typos? If this is that upsetting, let me just end it with this: Give me some literature that will convince me that there is a firm distinction between some kind of early pure intellectualism abstracted from pragmatic utility and some kind of later corrupted stinky-Chinky-Catholicism that's all about worshiping Gods and demons (which was not done when the pure intellectualism was written). Do not give me divination manuals or ancient texts, give me something by some kind of academic or scholar, Western or Chinese.

>> No.17590966

go for it, anon. it's very time consuming but fun if you're sufficiently autistic

>> No.17590979

Not something you can read, but I recommend dhamma talks by Ajahn Brahm on YouTube. He gave one today, check it out

>> No.17591031

>abstracted from pragmatic utility and some kind of later corrupted stinky-Chinky-Catholicism
I'm not insulting you I genuinely think you should speak with a professional about this issue you have woth christianity. All the best my friend.
>that's all about worshiping Gods and demons (which was not done when the pure intellectualism was written)
I didn't give you a divination ritual I said Wang Bi's commentary DID NOT interpret the TTJ as a divination manual or derived theological cult practices from it. Wang Bi was THE chinese scholar on the Lao Zi. As far as academia goes Rudolf Wagner has a three part series on Wang Bi which includes his Textus Receptus and his commentary.

>> No.17591054

So, you don't have any literature to support this view of yours?

>> No.17591073
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is this bait? no one is stupid enough to do this, right? i feel like im having a stroke looking at this shit.

>> No.17591096

Are you trolling? I told you, I don't want commentaries on a divination manual, I want you to cite your source on this bizarre divide in Taoism. Have you, or have you not read anything on this subject?

>> No.17591106

>Start with the Indians
Come on give me an actual book

>> No.17591130

>the dao de jing isnt a divination manual
yes, he's trolling, or just a really butthurt tradlarper.

>> No.17591141

>I don't want commentaries on a divination manual
>I said Wang Bi's commentary DID NOT interpret the TTJ as a divination manual
I have told you my source. If you want a source on something other than Wang Bi I recommend Viktor Kalinke's three part series on the TTJ which gives you a broad overview over the different interpretations of the text in china. Kalinke also published a commentary on the Zhuang Zhi where he goes into detail about the reception of thid text.
Now let's put the shoe on the other foot and you provide me with scholarship on how any taoist religious cult is as old as philosophical taoism.

>> No.17591155
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Who even started this autistic trend of denying the divide in Taoism?

>> No.17591170
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The "stinky Asian catholicism" bit is from an argument against palifags in Buddhist threads, since some of them use hyperprotestant argumentation against Mahayana, complaining about its devotional and ornamental features which postdate the historical Buddha. In other words, their case against Mahayana amounts to calling it extra-scriptural and therefore false, since someone apparently made them masters of exegesis. It's worth noting as well that real Theravadins are not sola scriptura; Theravada is literally "way of the elders." So when they effectively complain that Mahayana is catholic without saying so, they are being referential to protestantized conditioning without saying so. I am not sure this really carries over to Taoism but you definitely see it in the Indian philosophy and religion threads where people assume the oldest material is the most correct even though they themselves are interpreting it just as much as anyone else has throughout history.

>> No.17591244

the irony of effortposting in a taoism thread

>> No.17591314
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Calculus-based process metaphysics: >>>/x/27683419
Rather than contradicting Taoism, you'll find that it clarifies its fundamental principles.

>> No.17591721

I don't understand the purpose of the artificial distinction between philosophical Asian thing and Religious Asian thing. Do the people who have lived out this way of life for centuries make this distinction?

>> No.17591812

Taoism regards the elucidation of the pleromatic pattern of eternity, therefore, the answer to your question is: Christian philosophy.

>> No.17591864

You and all other westerners will never be real Taoists.

>> No.17591948

How sad is it to be you?

>> No.17591979

>Do Mormons say their religion developed in the 19th century?
No. What a silly question. The distinction is quite easy. The Book of Mormon was written in the 19th century and the bible (which was written much earlier) doesn't mention the specific doctrines that make up Mormonism. It's still very much a christian sect but you don't have to be a Mormon if you agree with the bible. In fact many christians before and after the development of Mormonism were not Mormons.

>> No.17592477

fuck off schizo

>> No.17593582

Dying for a good cause makes death powerless.

>> No.17594164
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What are some books, though?