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/lit/ - Literature

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17572016 No.17572016 [Reply] [Original]

I just like them

>> No.17572074

Last day to submit for #4 is tomorrow right?

>> No.17572108

I'm not sure I just submitted my travel photos

>> No.17572155

Once this pile of shit starts getting distributed by the company interested in selling it, the magazine will collapse because it will no longer be free. No anon is going to pay for this garbage. It's readership will die with its corporate acquisition. Good riddance.

>> No.17572184
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@poster above me

>> No.17572200
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@poster above me

>> No.17572307


>> No.17572406

Who want to buy this

>> No.17572457

Districor or something like that. The loser who now runs this magazine after the previous guy quit said so in the previous thread.

>> No.17572477

>after the previous guy quit

>> No.17572488

This link?

>> No.17572902

same here. very nice hard copies, well put together, and a good representation of the board without being complete shitposts.

>> No.17572914

>digital moving to print media
>is shit

>> No.17573403

No, the same guy has run it the whole time. The guy who quit was brought on after the first edition came out

>> No.17573559

If I interviewed a escort i fucked like 2 years ago and submitted it would he publish it?

>> No.17573935

Interview F Fagner in the next issue

>> No.17574053

According to a thread from yesterday, he's mostly finished with editing number 4 so you can try to submit, but it'll more than likely not make it, or be moved to the fifth edition

>> No.17574115
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what ever happened to the Moby Dick commentary anon?

>> No.17574415

This Kek

>> No.17574570
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unbelievably based post.
new issue drops this weekend.
technically but >>17574053 is correct; 004 is already complete (save for Steal These Stories, Neologist, and Classifieds (feel free to drop submissions for those ITT)).
checked. the digital version will always be free (you faggot). the magazine is not for sale. its not even generating revenue.
see >>17573403
The tiger is out
im super down for this. actually it would really fun if i could get him to contribute a serial.
he is in deep editing phase, i was asked to write the afterword for the project a couple weeks ago, so it is still moving. i don't have a timeline unfortunately but if there's no word by the end of the month i'll drop him a line.


>> No.17574578

Gardener’s in the /lit discord. It would probable be easy to do. No clue if he’d be down for it.

>> No.17574609

i haven't been into the discord.
do you have a link handy?

>> No.17574622

It's the one on goodreads. Neo /lit. They need to approve you.

>> No.17574663

oh yeah checked i'm a part of that. thankx.

>> No.17574687

im a graphic designer. i want to design the net issue. let me do it

>> No.17574756

chya. Issue 005 is being helmed by Prussianon.
hit the email and i'll put you in the Canva.com project when it gets going. he will assign us submissions that we design into articles. if you arent a total faggot like the last guy then you just design more and more content like Prussia did and i'll let you helm an issue yourself.
its that easy.

i'm stoked to see what he will do with it. the style of the magazine has been really reflective of my design aesthetic so it'll be cool so see where others take it.

>> No.17574886
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Any previews of what made the newest issue? I'm stoked.

>> No.17575013 [SPOILER] 
File: 187 KB, 773x1000, 1613613887662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure! here is the undeveloped TOC which will have all the article titles.
there were a couple anons (like Frater) that expected to be in this issue but actually didn't fit in time and will be included in the next issue. i'll email them tomorrow.

>> No.17575087

>magazine is not for sale
Oh really then how are people getting physical copies?
Can't believe you're actually this retarded, but that must be a prerequisite to run a 4chan toilet paper company.

>> No.17575112

Thank you!!! My Super Bowl ad made the cut!

>> No.17575152

&amp the organization is not for sale,
&amp the product is.
also Brook, did you notice your name in the TOC?

>> No.17575182

Oh dude it’s cool, I see my poem did make it in. But really no rush, I just find it fun that I’m part of the board culture thing.

>> No.17575190

Which one is your poem?

>> No.17575217

Having the hardcopies is far superior than reading off a screen. They're well made volumes and are super comfy to read and hold. Big fan of this project. It's like all the best aspects of the collaborative projects, my diary desu, and lit quarterly rolled into one.

>> No.17575221

Retard here, how do I get one?

>> No.17575223

yeah mangg good stuff.
based. you're the man.

>> No.17575228

Coming home for the first time.

>> No.17575235


An actual F Gardner interview? Please don't be yanking my chain.

>> No.17575248

Does the website submission actually work, or do people need to email their stuff in?

>> No.17575272


Select an issue and you can have one printed on demand. Its like 30 burgerdollars but damn if it isnt fucking nice. I love this project.

>> No.17575312
File: 11 KB, 194x259, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right on. would you believe i don't have any copies yet?
after the next issue drops i will order a two of each, and i will send them to Districor and ANNAS, and if either of them greenlight the project for distribution, then it could hit actual shelves. that would be a significant watershed for scaling the project and would probably signal the transition of &amp into a business.
we're speaking over discord.
yes; if you submit via that form i'll usually publish it within the day. but if you want to submit something for the print edition, do so by email.

>> No.17575324

Cool, thanks

>> No.17575346

The cover design is really good, damn

>> No.17575352

have you made a submission?

>> No.17575492

heheh i made it hihihi

>> No.17575510
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>> No.17575876


>> No.17575900

What do you mean by "published within the day?" Is the slush pile an actual thing you can read?

>> No.17575930

i mean if you make a submission via the online form, you can usually expect to see the article online within 24 hours.

>> No.17575940

What the fuck is this?

>> No.17575986
File: 42 KB, 899x364, lampbylit3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ publishes a magazine.
download it for free:

>> No.17576118

Hell yeah my poem made it in

>> No.17576122

Thank you for real man

>> No.17576170

checked! its my pleasure.

>> No.17576215

Which one?

>> No.17576447

Do this anon

>> No.17576483

>randomly opening a page, maybe there's good stuff here
>anon's autistic rambling about how he was betrayed by his favourite media company for firing le based youtuber
>close it

>> No.17576490

No offense to you, but don't they accept everything? There are like 30 fucking pieces in this one magazine. That is insane.

>> No.17576500

no offense but your design aesthetic is absolute shit. thats why i want to do it. i will fix it.

>> No.17576525


Ok guys this is a tough story to tell. But I feel like I have to tell it. &amp the organization is in fact for sale. This guy is lying to you (there have been different editors for each issue). I should know. I'm one of the billionaires who tried to buy &amp. There are certain websites on the Internet where underground literature zines are bought and sold like Ukrainian prostitutes. All billionaires know where they are, though the plebs would never suspect they exist. It's a status thing. When I hang out with Elon Musk, he's like, I have some bitchy actress girlfriend who beat up Johnny Depp and I have a space ship and some car company. And Bezos is always like, I have this expensive ex wife and I own every book ever and I built a weird forever clock in a desert. So what do I have? I needed something. Something to show those nerds I was the biggest billionaire ever. The baddest. So I tried to buy a literature zine on 4chan. It was a shadowy endeavor. I had to send my assistant's assistant to do the due diligence. They asked for at least $5 million. Fuck it, who cares, right? But then the scary shit started happening. Gopher corpses in my mailbox. Frightened board members at my LLC's. Weird messages at my country club. It was gangstalking. Legit gangstalking. Every time I was at Davos I was like, is that Bill Gates? No, that's the &amp guy running around trying to shove needles into people. It kept happening. He was in my casino suite in Vegas. He was the copilot in my private jet. He was everywhere. "Just sell me your shitty zine at any price," I said. "You have to write some hyperlit first," he said. That's when he made me take the pills. It's hard being a billionaire. You learn everything's for sale. But you also learn everything has a price.

>> No.17576542

what else did you expect from a fucking anime board

>> No.17576571
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>> No.17576577

also that is absolutely some of the freshest pasta i've ever tasted.

>> No.17576605
File: 1.43 MB, 1080x1080, logo06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked. if you can work on a team and stay in your lane, no problems.
its 100 pages. i do have to reject some stuff but i'm actually getting fewer submissions now than i was.
also is this Researchanon? you're a fuckin genius.

>> No.17576658


Oh no. I'm not Researchanon. But I do have a poem in your next issue. And if you don't watch out, every time someone makes an accusation in your threads, you will find me there revealing the truth.

>> No.17576867


>> No.17576917
File: 11 KB, 232x293, 1612205090277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based

>> No.17577073

Make a cover design. The logo font is called League Spartan.

>> No.17577380

Is that bang soda?

>> No.17577952

I will try no gaurentee she would agree but ill try to do it

>> No.17579015

I have 2 STEM degrees, i work in a factory, i have a family, and I try writing for fun/have been writing for the last 10 years as a hobby. Having someone who doesn’t know me give my writing approval is pretty exciting. It is all relative Anon.

>> No.17580051

lmao this retard literally got a master's in engineering just so he could be a floor manager at some factory producing cardboard trays used to hold hot dogs and McDonald's burgers.

>> No.17580074

I took a hiatus from the board for like six months, is this a reskinned Lit Quarterly or are they two different things? What happened to LQ?

>> No.17580075

You better put this in the next issue if you know what's good for you

>> No.17580139

LQ went under due to cancel culture. This magazine is 10x shittier. They don't screen for quality. You could write a pee-pee poo-poo post and they would accept it. This magazine will soon go under when it gets bought by the distributor. The distributor is not going to let them release the e-version for free. The dude who claims to be owner is retarded if he thinks someone who wants to distribute the magazine is going to allow a free e-version. I mean they already sell at $30 a piece. Remember the content is of a terrible quality so no one who isn't "published" in this magazine would dream of paying $30 for such a steaming pile of shit.

>> No.17580236


ur going to interview Gardner after you guys made that smear obituary? Talk about a redemption arc.

>> No.17580362

>LQ went under due to cancel culture

>> No.17580390

Lots ot twitter writers were published in LQ. The content was only something like 20% or less of it coming from 4chan. When the normal contributors found out it was a 4chan mag they stopped contributing.

>> No.17580396

are these magazines on Goodreads? I'm only reading if these magazines are on goodreads

>> No.17580661
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I found the quality much higher than expected, not just of the writing, but of the book itself. Did you actually read the first two editions? They were entertaining, engaging, had a couple solid pieces of fiction in each, not to mention the short and to-the-point non-fiction, as well as the pleasant, tongue-in-cheek aesthetic. This is a great project. I think it could somehow sustain if it finds a sympathetic distributor. I see it along similar lines as Adbusters ten years ago, but with actual writing in it.

Also, LQ hasn't gone under. Fifth edition is at the printers now. Probably gonna be a gap between fifth and sixth edition, but that's due to the workload of the thing and some personal issues unrelated to the quarterly itself.

That never happened.

>> No.17581554

are you the same person as

>> No.17581656
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No. Pretty sure >>17575013 is the &amp editor. I'm one of the lit quarterly editors but am a big fan of &amp.
pic related.

>> No.17582525

Has potential. What direction would you take such an interview?

>> No.17582852

Not to mention the opportunity to solicit interviews from other figures, say Rupi Kaur, Paul Joseph Watson, Nick Fuentes, etc.

>> No.17582980
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>> No.17582988

We need a John David Card interview, and a Leonard Gorkoniker interview

>> No.17582997

>They don't screen for quality. You could write a pee-pee poo-poo post and they would accept it.

This actually seems true. I'm not reading a magazine that has a 100% acceptance rate lol

>> No.17583050

Damn. How small are you?

>> No.17583201

When I google John David Card, I'm informed that he died last month. Have I been bamboozled?
I find it hard to belief that a mag with a solid collection of writing like the second edition doesn't screen for quality.

>> No.17583212

>a solid collection of writing

Maybe your standards are just low.

>> No.17583229

Which pieces did you like, which did you not like?

>> No.17583454

of course content is screened for quality.
i have rejected pee-pee poo-poo submissions already; there's some anon who submits the same Nigger-poetry about once a week.
the trash found in &amp, believe it or not, is curated trash. its position amongst the other trash and its delicate trashy composition are not accidents.
if i had more work of a higher caliber would i use it? if it came from /lit/, then yes. i've also received lots of decent MBA content was clearly composed at a college level but had nothing to do with /lit/.
the magazine calls for 'dynamic content', that is, content that is so mosaic, so differential, so contrasted, that it gives an almost psychedelic, or psychotic effect.
its important to the aesthetic to house both works of esteem and works of disrepute within the same space.
&amp makes no promises with regards to quality, the only guarantee there is, is that the magazine is /lit/.

>> No.17583480

would love to interview DJC. hopefully Gardner's got a sense of humor about the obituary and agrees to let me interview him too.
also Gorky for sure. i'm probably guilty of forcing /HL/ a little so it would be nice to get some good larp content involving others. i wrote the cover story for 004, a small piece regarding /HL/. its not much.
based emotionally vulnerable father figure.

>> No.17583653

i published your online submission, Brook:
hopefully this pacifies our little guy.
i hope so. the guy has to already have pretty thick skin to put himself at hazard like he does here. the obit was just a meme to make people smile. i accept F Gardner as the reigning monarch of /lit/ and i endorse his rule for the same reason that everybody should: because its funny
no. i haven't jumped into GR yet or attempted to use it with any focus. if they can be added, by all means add them. otherwise i'll get to it eventually.
fucking based TLQanon. its funny that you mention Adbusters; i used to EAT that shit up, loved it. still a huge influence.
i actually applied for a job at Adbusters in the past fortnight and actually put &amp on my resume. i don't expect to be chosen.
i appreciate the words. there's a TLQ ad dropping inside 004.
i would probably frame it like he was a mix of Steven King, Earnest Hemingway, and Cormac McCarthy, like he was the living and breathing embodiment of literary genius or something and try to get to the bottom of how he is able to deal with being so wealthy and attractive.
probably combine that with some earnest questions about his series.

>> No.17583703

Let me know how the Adbusters application goes. Though I've never been left-wing, I had a deep appreciation for what Adbusters was doing. You might have too much "not-explicitly-progressive" baggage.
Appreciate the kind words.

>> No.17584054
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yeah they're looking for a senior editor. i'm not gonna get the job but maybe just maybe somebody there saw the site. Adbusters is one of the most important magazines of all time. enormous legacy. neither of us could possibly help but be influenced.

another one of my favorite magazines was COLORS, not sure if you ever read that. pic related. there are a lot of really fucking high end magazines that have truly brilliant content, from serial gore rags to haute pornography. its pretty incredible. i miss being able to browse the huge magazine collection at the megabookstore. there's still at least one of those in my city.

>> No.17584100

Why do you think you're the best person to interview them? I think someone a bit more personable would do a far better job.

>> No.17584168

i guess i would say i'm the right fit for the job because i've got experience now interviewing subjects and writing accompanying articles.
and both of the interviews i've done for the magazine were friendly. i never applied any pressure. of course i'm only interested in interviewing people i admire, like selfpublishing authors like Gardner and DJC. i probably wouldn't want to interview somebody if i had to be mean.
other than that, the only thing that sets me apart is my ambition. i just emailed BestGore and Distasterpeace and they were like, 'k.'
if i can score an interview with Gardner or Waldun or Moldbug or Pervert or Geohotz it will be because i just asked.

>> No.17584913

How do you pronounce this? “And Amp?”

>> No.17584924

I thought the idea is we say it as “Lamp”

>> No.17584957
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I had a dream where the editor said I would be published but in the magazine where my story should have been there was instead a comic the editor had made about his time travelling self insert character going back in time and killing me before I wrote my story. fk u &amp

also the whole thing was written in acadian, which is a font i normally like but it didnt fit at all in that context

>> No.17585053
File: 23 KB, 600x338, gottago[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this happens often believe it or not.


i'm pretty much ready to publish 004, i just need classified ads. plz post classified ads ITT. i don't want to make another thread if i don't have to now that i've accidentally conquered OP's.
Classifed Ad categories are WANTED, FOR SALE, LOST, PERSONALS,

>> No.17585211
File: 54 KB, 800x533, woman-holding-gun-to-her-head-24821743[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need new words. Coin some clever words ITT NOW.

>> No.17585220


Cardboard trays that can be used to carry hot dogs and or McDonald's burgers. Opening day is in 1 week and my supplier won't return my calls. Contact me ASAP and get a free hot dog (tray).

>> No.17585242

haha based. thx.

>> No.17585302

Is "Crustard" in this issue? or "Visum" ?

Crustard: noun, the dried mustard that accumulates on the applicator of a bottle of mustard

Visum: noun, a sense of overwhelming dread to abandon your responsibility as an individual and to wear the mask of ideology as an excuse to bring violence on others.

Here's a new one:

schicksalsiegen: verb, German org. to be vanquished by fate. When an undesirable person or enemy is removed from a person's life as a result of nothing the person who detest them has done.
"After 6 months of being tortured by his supervisor, Julius was relieved when he heard the bastard was schickalsiegened with a transfer to Siberia"

>> No.17585383
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sense of childhood wonder if found put him down he cant handle realty

>> No.17585429

decent. i'll add those now.
blackpill section added.

>> No.17585441
File: 100 KB, 599x495, belarused.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Britbong is upset because he has been "Belarused".
Belarused: Verb, the act of being Belarused

>> No.17585451

how do i pronouse visum?

>> No.17585456

not him but i would say VIS-UM

>> No.17585459

kek awesome.
K no more words i have enough words.
now just classifeldmans.

>> No.17585481
File: 67 KB, 1366x528, interpals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where i got the idea for the word

>> No.17585501

wtf are those your sheets?

>> No.17585525
File: 298 KB, 1459x762, 1613172440209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon is on a international pen palls app
>uses it to be autistic with women

>> No.17585528

someone give link where i can read it online

>> No.17585555


>> No.17585571
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>> No.17585613

wow that's hilarious jesus christ.

>> No.17586163


>> No.17586194

how on earth did you even contact gardner? Did a janny give you his email?

>> No.17586367
