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17566984 No.17566984 [Reply] [Original]

Its pretty funny how inept Underground man is. Pacing a room for 3 hours! His awkward conversation with Liza. Funny stuff boys.

>> No.17566991

it is kind of a black comedy, yeah

>> No.17567052

damn, she just hit him with "its as if you... its as if it's from a book" after he gave a little speech about love and marriage and happiness. She fucking killed him.

>> No.17568172

most stuff he writes is supposed to be funny

>> No.17568655

Tragedy and exaggeration go together, Anon. You are supossed to also laugh with the histrionism of Dostoevsky's characters. TBK has those moments too.

>> No.17568769

>tfw I pace around my room for at least three hours every day

>> No.17568958

name three funny moments of TBK

>> No.17568964

I thought that the "something" the Underground Man pressed into Liza's hand as she was leaving was his cock instead of a ruble when I first read it lol

>> No.17570031

That's fine anon. The underground man was pacing in a room with 4 acquaintances without speaking to them and sweating through his clothes while they were just drinking and chilling.

>> No.17570089

This. Haven’t read Notes yet but I laughed my ass off with C&P

>> No.17570119

Every moment with the dad is absolute kino
Ivan’s talk with the devil
The little kid that was like a ruskie Tom Sawyer

>> No.17570132

>a deeply troubled man is despairing neurotically
>hehe its like The Office XD
I'm hoping that its just a shitty bait thread, only I know actual humans who think like that

>> No.17570166

If you didn't find the dinner conversation with the elder and Fyodor and the before/after funny, I don't know what to tell you, other than it's just not for you.

>> No.17570179

That's the only Dostoevsky book that isn't funny, The idiot is hilarious tho

>> No.17570198

all of you people itt should try the Raw Youth
nobody in this board talks about it but it's got plenty of dosto humour in it

>> No.17570314

I assume you haven’t read it in a long time so you don’t remember. The scene where Luzhin visits Dunya and her mother while Razumkhin and Raskolnikov are present? The ridiculous passive-aggressive tension between Luzhin and Lebezianikov? The scene when some German lady is baiting “Gunpowder” Petrovich to verbally abuse her at the police station because she secretly enjoys it? Those are just off the top of my head.

>> No.17570330

Of course most of his works are funny. It comes with writing socially inept main characters.

>> No.17570352

You're right, I can't even remember some of those scenes. It has been a long time, yeah. The horse dream and the confrontation and the widow's death while she beats her children and marmadelov's death, I remember all of those horrific scenes but not the funny ones it seems. I think that book has a lot of tension that masks the funny parts, unlike the idiot

>> No.17570385

That cracked me up

>pace out of view to deprive them of my company
>get upset when the dont notice i’m not there

Also getting to the restaurant super early and not knowing what to do.

>you changed the time!!
>yes, but we didn’t know where to find you. You just showed up yesterday out if the blue and left
>*panics at his own failures*

>> No.17570419
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when zosima started to smell like shit haha

>> No.17570439

and he fucking punches the cart driver in the back telling him to go faster. shits hilarious.

>> No.17570875

this! fucking christcucks owned

>> No.17570902

imagine missing the point so hard

>> No.17571414

Dostojevskij always been a sitcom writer.
Case in point: Ippilots monologue.

>> No.17571456

well if he was so holy why did God make him smell bad? The other guy didn't smell at all. btfo

>> No.17571484

the funniest part is when he spends like 10 pages btfo'ing utopianism

>> No.17571632

you have no sense of humor, doestevsky is hilarious