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/lit/ - Literature

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17551011 No.17551011 [Reply] [Original]

Books by terrorists or about terrorism or terrorists. Post 'em or excerpts

From The Al Qaeda Reader

>Do you have a message for the American people?

Osama bin Laden
>I say to them that they have put themselves at the mercy of a disloyal government, and this is most evident in Clinton's administration. We believe that this administration represents Israel inside America. Take the sensitive ministries such as the Ministry of Exterior and the Ministry of Defense and the CIA, you will find that the Jews have the upper hand in them. They make use of America to further their plans for the world, especially the Islamic world. American presence in the Gulf provides support to the Jews and protects their rear. And while millions of Americans are homeless and destitute and live in abject poverty, their government is busy occupying our land and building new settlements and helping Israel build new settlements in the point of departure for our Prophet's midnight journey to the seven heavens. America throws her own sons in the land of the two Holy Mosques for the sake of protecting Jewish interests.

>The American government is leading the country towards hell. We say to the Americans as people and to American mothers, if they cherish their lives and if they cherish their sons, they must elect an American patriotic government that caters to their interests not the interests of the Jews. If the present injustice continues with the wave of national consciousness, it will inevitably move the battle to American soil, just as Ramzi Yousef and others have done. This is my message to the American people. I urge them to find a serious administration that acts in their interest and does not attack people and violate their honor and pilfer their wealth.

>> No.17551015
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ISIS English language documentary on gold, the Fed and the Petrodollar

>> No.17551020
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>Brothers and sisters, there is a global culture that is being forced down the throats of everyone on the face of the earth. This global culture is protected and promoted. Thomas Friedman--he is a famous writer in the U.S., he writes for the New York Times--he says, "The hidden hand of the market cannot survive without a hidden fist. McDonald's will never flourish without McDonnell Douglas." The designer of the F-15's. In other words, we're not really dealing with a global culture that is benign or compassionate. This is a culture that gives you no choice. You either accept McDonald's, otherwise McDonnell Douglas will send the F-15's above your head. It's a very intolerant culture that cannot coexist with anything else, it uproots every other culture on the face of the earth, it just cuts the roots of it. And you have here a quote by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, he's a famous Russian historian-writer, he says, "To destroy a people you must first sever their roots." So it's really a destruction of the people of the earth, because every other culture is being demolished. So this is not a global culture that will coexist with others, it will replace others. And the only ideology that is standing up to this global culture is Islam.

>> No.17551025
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>Basically, what we call a “technologically advanced society” is principally a society which has surrendered to the capitalist economic infrastructure and, more substantially, the neoliberal weltanschauung or paradigmatic superstructure; it reasserts the fact that technology is indeed a form of liturgy and rituality, and its religion might be considered to be (neo)liberalism and (ultra)capitalism, which is served by the perennial advances in technological subtleties of a given society, even if the said society’s body, and more so its soul, are sacrificed on the altar of the said linear progress.


>> No.17551028

I wish to rape this vagina hat girl, keep her chained in my basement and subject her to daily beatings until she submits, then make her into one of many of my reformed she housemaids/manservant toys.
I will tatoo white power into her skin and into her brain.

>> No.17551029
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>"It is considered legitimate for a girl to be married at the age of nine," the manifesto says. "Most pure girls will be married by sixteen or seventeen, while they are still young and active."

>The translated version of the document—which including the analysis is 41 pages long—extols the virtues of motherhood and promulgates the idea that the best place for a woman is in the house, living a life of "sedentariness" and fulfilling her "divine duty of motherhood." It portrays Western civilization as a godless, materialistic society that has caused women to depart from their God-given roles as wives and mothers.

>It doesn’t put women on "equal" footing with men because the two sexes have distinctly different roles under Islam: "Women gain nothing from the idea of their equality with men apart from thorns," the manifesto states. "Under 'equality' they have to work and rest on the same days as men even though they have ‘monthly complications’ and pregnancies and so on, in spite of the nature of her life and responsibilities to their husband, sons and religion."

>It also envisions an education system in which girls complete their formal schooling by age 15.

>"Because of this, a woman studies these worthless worldly sciences in the farthest mountains and the deepest valleys," the manifesto continues. "She travels, intent upon learning Western lifestyle and sitting in the midst of another culture, to study the brain cells of crows, grains of sand and the arteries of fish!" It would be more appropriate, the document says, for Muslim women to study fiqh: Islamic jurisprudence and understanding of the Shariah. "Hence, there is with no need for her to flit here and there to get degrees and so on, just so she can try to prove that her intelligence is greater than a man’s."

>Ultimately, "It is always preferable for a woman to remain hidden and veiled, to maintain society from behind this veil," the document states. "This, which is always the most difficult role, is akin to that of a director, the most important person in a media production, who is behind the scenes organising."

>> No.17551039
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Published by Oxford University Press. It collects numerous statements ranging from a couple of pages to about thirty (the Manifesto on Women is one of the longest) and includes juicy academic commentary

Some short snippets

>Clearly you are calling for democracy--a heretic modern religion. You kill people, permit alcohol, adultery, and corruption, all in the name of democracy. Your media works hard to polish the image of this modern religion, which it describes as just, balanced, and predicated on the freedom of the individual and the dignity of the citizen.

>The dawa we have broken down for you and explained, that your laws call 'offensive speech', is our moral law and our duty.

From the introduction: "The movement's extreme violence may look like fanatical brutality, but it is typically deployed with the intent of achieving specific operational, strategic, and propagandistic aims."

More excerpts from its speeches, statements and manifestos

It sometimes waxes into heroic eulogies which the analysis compares the the Iliad:
>They died and their bodies were buried in earth. Bones decay, but victory is sweet smelling. By Allah, he was a lion, a worshiper, and someone committed to the religion. You could see on his face that he was among the righteous ones. He could handle war unaffected by adversity. He was relentless against the enemies of Allah and merciful with his brothers. May Allah gift you with mercy. By Allah, you were a true brother and a dear friend. You listened and advised me well.

More excerpts

>Fighting is our ethos; we are honest, and the cowards know it. None of our leaders has died in his bed--nor hiding in the bushes in the battlefield.

>Thanks to Allah, we are a people of dawa, one sounded by prophets who came before us. Those that carry on this call have dignity and honour. I promise you we would rather die than watch our honour be violated.

>The model of the disbelievers in the west failed the moment woman was supposedly 'liberated' from the prison of the home

>But the problem today is women are not fulfilling their true roles, those that are in line with their character and nature. There is one main reason for this--they are confronted with the image of a man that is not true. There is a proliferation of quasi-men

>This is a time in which most--if not all--of the mainstream media is driven by daily lies and professional falsification.

>Were you lying, O America, or are you simply unable to fulfill your promises? Have you made the world safer by waging war against us, America, or has fear and ruin become the norm? Let Canada, France, Tunisia, Turkey, and Belgium bear witness. Have you eradicated terrorism and extinguished the fire of jihad, or has it spread and risen, reaching every land?

>> No.17551056

How can women be so disconnected from reality that they believe Star Wars happened in real life?

>> No.17551060
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>The popular Jihad movement with its long path of effort, great sacrifice and serious losses, purifies souls so that they tower above the lower material world.

>"The adulterers, homosexuals, those who abandon jihad, the innovators and the alcoholics, as well as those who associate with them are a source of harm to the religion of Islam."


>> No.17551067
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Democracy: The Modern Idol

>The perpetrators of the one of the greatest sins, those who commit the sin of the people of Lūṭ [Lot, i.e. the people of Soddom and Gomorrah], want a law that serves them, their brothers and their likes. The insolent adulterers suggest regimes that preserve their immorality and insolent debauchery. The usurers offer legislations that multiply their fortunes and protect their practices.

>> No.17551073


>> No.17551077
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>Musa wasn't always musa. Italian on his dad's side, Anglo-Aussie on his mum's, Musa was christened Robert. Musa became fascinated with religion at his Catholic primary school. His family wasn't observant, so he was out on his own on this spiritual journey. In 2000, he visited the Vatican with his school.

>"I mean, looking at the Sistine Chapel, seeing this old man with a beard, and they're telling me that's the God they worship? I'm like, 'The Ten Commandments says you shouldn't make images of God.' I realised when we'd pray back in primary school, we'd say, 'Holy Mary, mother of God', and I was sort of like, 'Hold on a moment. Mother of God? God doesn't have a mother.' And I was like, 'Damn ... this is pretty weird.' I realised that the Catholic Church were absolute nut-jobs." At the age of 17, he converted to Islam.

>Musa seems to know everyone in Footscray. He moseys down the street with his hand in his pocket, shooting "Salaam alaikums" and small talk to the perfume salesman in the mall and the old men in a Sudanese restaurant. He's like the Fonz. We chew on Sudanese meat dishes in the restaurant. He's ranting about a woman, a left-wing activist from his uni days.

>Musa had enrolled at Victoria University in an arts course, majoring in media and history, and on Orientation Day he found she had set up a stall next to his Islamic Society table. "She came over and dropped this pile of flyers for an event they were having, something pro-Palestine," he recalls. "So I said to her, 'Please take them off. I don't want them here.'"

>This is the first time I've seen fire in his eyes. This is a different Musa to the one at the house. "She was giving me this confused look, like, 'Why not? I mean, it's for Palestine.' I said, 'Look, you're not a Muslim, you don't agree with Islam. As for us, that's what we want for Palestine. We want Sharia, we want Islamic law. You don't want that, so let's admit we don't want the same thing.' She started to get a little bit offended. She's like, 'Oh, but, you know, we have to work together,' and I'm like, 'No, we don't have to work together.'"


>["...]The vast majority of Muslims are clear on 95 per cent of matters. You have to pray five times a day - nobody is saying it's six or four - we all agree. The punishment for adultery for a married person is that they are killed. It's clear; nobody debates this."

>I find this difficult to believe. "Surely people, like Muslims in Australia, would ... if I went to Nazeem at Triple J and said, 'Do you think adulterers should be stoned?' he'd go, 'No', wouldn't he?"

>"They don't have to be stoned," Musa says. "You could also cut their head off."

>> No.17551084

Innovation (bid'ah) in a religious context is the Islamic term for heresy. It means altering the religion from what Muhammad ﷺ taught. So for example you say slavery is no longer permissible, that's an innovation, a bid'ah

>> No.17551090

>"I mean, looking at the Sistine Chapel, seeing this old man with a beard, and they're telling me that's the God they worship? I'm like, 'The Ten Commandments says you shouldn't make images of God.' I realised when we'd pray back in primary school, we'd say, 'Holy Mary, mother of God', and I was sort of like, 'Hold on a moment. Mother of God? God doesn't have a mother.'
this is what CVII's open catechism has wrought
if someone simply catechized this poor guy he would never have sold his gaping butthole to Satan as all Muslims do.

>> No.17551092
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Kyle Katarn wuz robbed

>> No.17551098
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>These scholars represent the legal cover for everything the ruler does of treachery towards the Ummah… for the ruler would not have the courage for betrayal if there existed some who expose their forgery… or if his legality collapsed in the eyes of the common folk.

“Strangle the Last Arab Tyrant…with the Entrails of the Last Official Scholar!” – Louis ‘Atiyyatullah


>> No.17551103
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>> No.17551128
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Awlaki's critique of the Muslim Brotherhood and trying to peacefully takeover from within, with him arguing this is not Islamic

>The final problem is that the Muslims’ method is not a method of infiltration. Muslims do not try to infiltrate the system and work from within. It is just not our way. It is the way of the Jews and the munafiqeen but not the way of the Muslims. We are honest and straightforward with friend and foe. We make our intentions open and we declare our dawah publicly, “For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.” We do not want to infiltrate the system whether in America or in a Muslim country. The Jews are the ones who have infiltrated every government they lived under whether it was al-Andalus and the Ottoman khilafah or the Western governments of today. They have a hidden agenda, we don’t. The Jews and their brethren, the hypocrites, tried to infiltrate the government of Rasulullah and were exposed by Quran:

>“And a faction of the People of the Scripture say [to each other], “Believe in that which was revealed to the believers at the beginning of the day and reject it at its end that perhaps they will return [i.e., abandon their religion]”

>So they would become believers and come in to the community only to leave it at the end of the day. Allah also talks about the hypocrites who would sit among the believers and convey what they hear to the Jews.

>Therefore for those who say that we should be involved with the system and change it from within are not following the path of the Muslims and if their character is that of a Muslim they would fail because infiltration just doesn’t work with Muslim behavior. But if they do succeed in infiltrating the system then that is proof that their character has become that of the Jews or the hypocrites and not that of the Muslims.


>> No.17551131

thought you meant inventors, carry on with the jihad sir.

>> No.17551148

no he hasnt.
funny how you believe everything the medias tell you as soon as they subscribe to your prejudices
enjoy Satan's thicc cock

>> No.17551154
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Btw if this link goes down then a new domain name for elokab will be posted in this directory

Jihadi songs


>> No.17551167
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>> No.17551221
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>It is indeed ironic that at times we see those who do not believe in the Hereafter hold more heroic stands to what they believed in to the point where it became part of them like their flesh and blood, while those who claim for themselves a garden of heaven bigger than the sky and the earth cower and tremble away. One must have resolve to what one believes in even if the pain and suffering reach their peak. One must have commitment to his belief even if those around him depart and abandon him.

>> No.17551263
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From Shaykh Usama ibn Laden's letter to America from the book "Messages to the World"

>The first thing that we are calling you to is Islam.

>We call you to be a people of manners, principles, honour, and purity; to reject the immoral acts of fornication, homosexuality, intoxicants, gambling, and trading with interest.

>You are the nation that permits Usury, which has been forbidden by all the religions. Yet you build your economy and investments on Usury. As a result of this, in all its different forms and guises, the Jews have taken control of your economy, through which they have then taken control of your media, and now control all aspects of your life making you their servants and achieving their aims at your expense

>You are a nation that permits acts of immorality, and you consider them to be pillars of personal freedom.

>You are a nation that permits gambling in its all forms. The companies practice this as well, resulting in the investments becoming active and the criminals becoming rich.

>You are a nation that exploits women like consumer products or advertising tools calling upon customers to purchase them. You use women to serve passengers, visitors, and strangers to increase your profit margins. You then rant that you support the liberation of women.

>You have destroyed nature with your industrial waste and gases more than any other nation in history. Despite this, you refuse to sign the Kyoto agreement so that you can secure the profit of your greedy companies and industries.

>> No.17551295
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>> No.17551305
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>> No.17551337
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A few titles from the ISIS reading list for current affairs. Features all sorts of writers from Noam Chomsky to Ron Paul

David R. Loy, “The Religion of the Market”

>One of the most influencing religions today is one that most may not commonly refer to as a religion. Economics and its object of worship “the Market”, David Loy argues in this brief paper for the Journal of the American Religion Academy, is more akin to religion than it is a science. The paper can easily be found online.

Henry Kissinger, "World Order"

>Kissinger and Chomsky are complete opposites (with Chomsky rightfully calling Kissinger a war criminal). Nevertheless, this book is informative and offers historical insight to how the Westphalian order came about and the problems of keeping it or any international order.

Ha-Joon Chang, "Bad Samaritans – The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism"

>One of the top critiques of the open market globalization that almost engulfs the entire planet. A well researched book which deals with the false doctrine of free trade and liberal capitalism that rich nations force on poor and ‘developing’ countries, and how the rich nations today did not become rich through the policies they submit the poorer nations to. I recommend reading the first two books mentioned above to gain a better understanding and appreciation of this book in question.

"John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, The Israeli Lobby"

>The co-authors take a dive into just how much influence the Israeli (Jewish) lobby has on foreign policy in Washington. And it is a lot. And backed up by hard evidence.


>> No.17551836 [DELETED] 
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>Ibn Rushd said: “The jihad of the sword is fighting the mushrikin over the din; so everyone who has exhausted himself for Allah has strove in His path, except that jihad for the sake of Allah, if used generally, does not apply except to striving against the kuffar with the sword until they enter Islam, or they give the jizyah by hand while they are humbled.”


>> No.17552551
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>> No.17552776

Is that Russell Brand? kek

>> No.17553139
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Beyond The Lines of Drift by Eric Rudolph

>> No.17554304
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>Ibn Rushd said: “The jihad of the sword is fighting the mushrikin over the din; so everyone who has exhausted himself for Allah has strove in His path, except that jihad for the sake of Allah, if used generally, does not apply except to striving against the kuffar with the sword until they enter Islam, or they give the jizyah by hand while they are humbled.”


>> No.17554321

Why are there so many Islamic State threads on /lit/?

Shit's fucking weird.

>> No.17554423
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Balancing between Negligence and Paranoia, brief guidelines to dealing with federal surveillance against you while at the same time not falling into using "carrier pigeons" as the article says


>> No.17554445

Wtf now I'm a firm believer in the word of Allah

>> No.17554558
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If you're an at all desireable white man with even the faintest aura of virility you'd know you could find some random SE Asian, even one raised in the West, that would be submissive and servile willingly. I can only assume you're an impotent genetically decimated nonentity: not because of your fantasy itself (which is so try-hard "shocking" as to be banal) but because you have to make it an elaborate fantasy instead of a simple matter of fact reality without the need for imprisonment.

>> No.17554664

Yeah getting this shit on /pol/ too, I think it's a honeypot or some psyop trying to see how easy it is to convince people to switch ideologies. I wouldn't click these links.

>> No.17554684

there are obvious similarities between radical islam and far right stuff, people have been pointing that out forever. Not really sure what the point of goading people into ISIS is though, what does that accomplish

>> No.17554690

It's also a few years too late.

>> No.17554732

very based
very cringe, smacks of feminine slave morality

>> No.17554775

Going tinfoil mode. With the resurgence of ISIS in the Middle East (gee wonder why) and the US government with the other Five Eyes nations trying to label right wingers as terrorists, maybe they're trying to create a far-right to Islamic extremist pipeline narrative? It seems pointless, but maybe they're trying to kill two birds with one stone and make the public think they're fighting one enemy rather than two.

Could also be a way to determine who is more of a threat. The government obviously has a huge list of people that are interested in these sorts of ideologies but they need a list of higher-risk individuals, which is what I believe is going on with AFPAC.

>> No.17554920

how hard would fox news watchers seethe if based osamas writings about america were read in full. he makes some very good points. fuck america of today. before the 80s it was okay, but since then and especially 9/11 its a fucking dystopia

>> No.17554964

He was very influenced by Qutb
>Qutb added that:

>‘America has forgotten one thing: one thing has no value here – the spirit (روح). Here, a PhD student submits a thesis on the best method for washing the dishes.This is more important than a thesis on the Bible, if not more important than the Bible itself....America is good as a workshop for the world . . .but, certainly, it will be a disaster for humanity if the world became America.’

>Qutb emphasized that America has a fascinating civilization, but that ‘absolute pleasure that is free from any form of restriction or customs’ tends to forget to balance material and spiritual needs. The balance that distinguishes humanity from other beings, as Qutb noted, could not be achieved because the Americans were ‘exhausted’. Speaking generally, Americans did not ‘have a balance as regards either their own assets, or their Greek and Roman intellectual heritage’

>> No.17554970

ya know i wonder if opium use is allowed in the ME. it has a long history there. i wouldnt care about all the muslim bullshit if they would leave me alone with my opium. shit id move over there to teach english so they can fight the jews and they pay me in opium.

>> No.17555437
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>The American is primitive in his artistic tastes, whether in his judgment of art or his own artistic works. Jazz music is his music of choice. It is this music that the savage bushmen created to satisfy their primitive desires, and their desire for noise on the one hand, and the abundance of animal noises on the other. The American’s enjoyment of jazz does not fully begin until he couples it with singing like crude screaming. And the louder the noise of the voices and instruments, until it rings in the ears to an unbearable degree, the greater the appreciation of the listeners. The voices of appreciation are raised, and palms are raised in continuous clapping that could deafen ears.

>> No.17555721

Lol do you realize that it is maonstream, accepted fact that the CIA has armed terrorists, including the taliban, the mujahadeen, and Isis/Isis affiloated "moderate rebels" in Syria? Osama bin Laden was literally a CIA asset. Again, this is mainstream history. During the early years of the war in Syria government officials and mainstream jouranlist even routinely and openly discussed the the need to provide "aid" and arms to anti-Assad militias and warlords. The literally discussed that shit constantly between like 2012-2014.
Have you never heard of COINTELPRO, Operation Mockingbird, or Operation Northwoods?
Arming terrorists and different factions and subfactions within conflict zones like this is standard operating procedure for the US military and CIA. It helps destabilize these regions and can be user as a further pretext for continued occupation.

>> No.17555760

>Lol do you realize that it is maonstream, accepted fact that the CIA has armed terrorists, including the taliban, the mujahadeen, and Isis/Isis affiloated "moderate rebels" in Syria? Osama bin Laden was literally a CIA asset
Lol none of this is actually true except by mujaihdeen you mean anti soviet forces, many of which would fight the Taliban which arose after the USSR withdrew.

>mainstream, accepted

As in propagated by facebook or /pol/ memes

>During the early years of the war in Syria government officials and mainstream jouranlist even routinely and openly discussed the the need to provide "aid" and arms to anti-Assad militias and warlords.

This is correct and you are misinformed if you think those groups didn't fight ISIS as well as Assad. Obama blocked anti air weapons from getting them specifically because ISIS was raiding them. By your logic the PKK are also ISIS