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17531288 No.17531288 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I more attracted to average girls that are smart and well read over atractive girls that are dumb?

>> No.17531298

low self esteem

>> No.17531299

Low test

>> No.17531303

you are a man of taste

>> No.17531308

Because you don't have shit taste. Besides 6-8 are the best. 9 or 10/10s all look the same. Whereas 6-8s have imperfections that add character and personality. When you love someone you come to love their physical imperfections.

>> No.17531321

because you are a cuck, or a cuck-to-be

>> No.17531449

I'd prefer a smart, well-read 8 to a dumb, incurious 10. But I'd prefer a dumb, incurious 8 to a smart, well-read 5.

>> No.17531471

>But I'd prefer a dumb, incurious 8 to a smart, well-read 5.
And a smart, well-read 6, for that matter. I can't feel excited about anyone less than a 7, even though I'm not a gigaChad myself.

>> No.17531475

based and average but interesting pilled
>virgin hands typed this post
Being a cuck is basically a requirement if you want to date someone above 8 (and the door swings both ways).

>> No.17531476

Probably because you like them so much

Not lit btw

>> No.17531479

The women that magazines and the majority of consumerist society label as 'beautiful' simply aren't attractive.
They don't look like real people, they look like plastic representations of people, and so it's subtly disturbing to look at.
The women are told that this what you should look like and the men are told that this is what you should pursue. But deep down we know that there is something not quite 'right' with these models.
It's a sick soulless representation of beauty. The perfect body and perfect skin underneath the perfect light bringing out their perfect eyes and perfect hair. But what always throws it off is the smile.
The smile of these people is sick and twisted, which is why nowadays most models don't smile in their shots. You can't fake a smile.
And to see a real woman smile a real sincere smile is one of the most beautiful things in the world to see.

>> No.17531503
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All girls look the same to me after 7.

>> No.17531594

low tæste esteem
based. i dont give a fuck about things is shes above a 6 and white (i hate niggers and spics)

>> No.17531601

based same here bro. maybe we cn have some non gay male-male sæx??

>> No.17531644

Because it usually feels like a chore to be around people who aren't smart or at least interesting.

>> No.17532016

>Why am I more attracted to average girls that are smart and well read over atractive girls that are dumb?
The word is 'sapiosexual'.

>> No.17532220

your gay

>> No.17532325

I want a girl I can admire. My highschool crush was one of those go getter types who will probably be making 6 figs at some point and I base my standard on her. Smart people are more interesting and more human to me. Too bad I'm a loser so a smart girl would need very bad taste to be into me

>> No.17532480

because u instinctively want an intelligent offspring.
>easily using ANY word newly made up in the current long Iron Age