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17509957 No.17509957 [Reply] [Original]

Oriental edition

Previous Thread: >>17494451

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



>> No.17509979

First for Masters of Rome

>> No.17509997

Because he thought it was a masterful twist that was telegraphed but not obviously so. And to be fair it was at first, I remember finding the soiaf forum in 2007 or whatever and jaw dropping at the R+L=J thread part 20-something. A couple of autists who read and reread every chapter figured it out, and they told other people, and then when the show came out and everyone in the fucking world became a fan those people told everyone else and then everyone was spoiled on it going into the books the first time and thought the foreshadowing was obvious. Now George Martin is butthurt that people figured out the big twist, but that's just the gamble you take when you write a story where the plot twists are a major selling point.

>> No.17510021

>bakker is infinitely more enjoyable and rich on the second read-through
how come you guys never told me this

>> No.17510042
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Who are the biggest cucks in fantasy?

>> No.17510045


>> No.17510062
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>Tell me, Brothers; have you grasped the Absolute?

>> No.17510089

Bakkar, he's poor and rejected, often gives autistic rants and explanation that further complete his transformation into an incel. Sanderson doesn't give a fuck, he sells millions of books every year, doesn't see a difference between passionate writing and unpassionate writing, writes 10,000 words a day with 0 quality control yet is still heralded as one of the most prolific authors alive, Sanderson is universally loved by normies and will be a future billionaire after all of his novels are adapted into film and games

>> No.17510093
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My uncle sent me a bunch of books he found underneath his bed. This was one of them.
It's...okay? Its pretty fun, mostly because the concept (Jesus came down from the cross, burned down Jerusalem, and fucked off) is so hilariously edgy that it feels like a parody of itself--except that its played 100% seriously, which makes it even funnier. The prose itself is pretty bad, though; he'll start a long, flowing sentence and will then truncate it before it can get going properly, meaning that the writing feels both fluid and choppy. The book's artwork is pretty nice, though.
Anyway, are there any other polaks here? Have any of you read this shit?

>> No.17510117
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You posted him.

>> No.17510121
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oh no no no no no

>> No.17510125

So that character is pathetic? It doesn't mean the author is pathetic.

>> No.17510141

>replying to your own posts

>> No.17510142
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>+1 genderqueer has been added to your polycule.

>> No.17510150
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I loved Malazan, so I was skeptical about the Kharkanas books, and with Forge of Darkness I felt a bit vindicated-it was too slow for me and didn't have an ending that felt all too satisfying. I got around to reading Fall of Light a couple months later and was shocked by how much I liked it compared to FoD and the other books in the main 10, it had some incredibly compelling storylines that had excellent endings and it's a shame that Erikson is taking so long to get to Walk in Shadow seeing as how he left the damn thing on a cliffhanger.

>> No.17510157

I never said the author is pathetic, I'm referring to the main character of that book. But in this case, the author is pathetic too given his numerous statements on various topics.

>> No.17510218

Your inability to properly write defeats your argument.

>> No.17510231

>bakkars have no other replies but this
oh no no no no no

>> No.17510272
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>> No.17510278

Any good books where phantom islands are a large part of the plot?

>> No.17510324

>an incel

>> No.17510328

sorry nerd, we the CHADS want karsa

>> No.17510340

>karsa won't even show up in the first book
>possibly not even in the second one

>> No.17510343

let's be honest, cnauir is 10x the character karsa is.

>> No.17510360

You are comparing apples with oranges.

>> No.17510368

Not gonna lie, former Zaudunyani here. This is fucking hilarious watching the Fanim crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the gnosis.

>> No.17510375

cunt they are literally the same character, cnauir is just crazy and gay.

>> No.17510412


>> No.17510418


>> No.17510427
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>prepare to die.

>> No.17510445

tall strong barbarian who rapes and kill and has a big sword and is the best swordsman of their race and becomes leader of their savage barbarian race and invades the rest of the world, but is actually very intelligent?

>> No.17510447


>> No.17510458

Not gonna make it.

>> No.17510476

Does it trouble you?

>> No.17510480

>but I literally can't dispute you

>> No.17510483

Piekara's Inqusitor is decent until he writes himself into a corner and starts with prequels, it goes from ok to shit real quick.

>> No.17510493


ok this comment is it, the Sandersoy is forever BTFO

>> No.17510495

Why are (((Bakkars))) so sensitive?

>> No.17510497

Fuck! E William Brown better publish in 2021

>> No.17510513

I'm saying cnauir is a better character though you schizo

>> No.17510531

Except that both change a lot and they are nothing alike later on.

>> No.17510553

they are at the very least superficially similar. Also cnauir changes very little I would say, karsa changes a lot.

>> No.17510560

kvothe is one of the most blatant author self inserts ever

>> No.17510596

literally doesn't describe cnaiür

>cnauir changes very little I would say
he does but over the course of 30 years before the story takes place. his development in the story is self-realisation.

>> No.17510615
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>> No.17510616
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>tfw always one thought too many

>> No.17510626

is literally all true though, except maybe the big sword part

>> No.17510646

more like one cock too many

>> No.17510661
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posting in a cnaiür thread

>> No.17510670

>being a redditfag

>> No.17510676

So should I read Bakker?

>> No.17510695
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>> No.17510720

don't read crash space if you are in a fragile state of mind, made me suicidal for a bit

>> No.17510734

Guess its good that I only got a Short Story collection, and am therefore not obliged to read any of the actual novels or see what happens next.

>> No.17510748

Can you people please stop shilling Bakker every single day, I already have numerous other things to read but the temptation is rising and rising

>> No.17510751

Nah, you’re wrong.

>> No.17510766

Just remember that Wolfe is waiting when you're ready to finish your journey and ascend to the throne.

>> No.17510771

Does it trouble you?

>> No.17510797

I just finished Short Sun a few days ago, actually

>> No.17510805

tall strong barbarian who rapes and kill and has a big sword and is the best swordsman of their race and becomes leader of their savage barbarian race and invades the rest of the world, but is actually very intelligent?




yes, 100s

>best swordsman
not proven but seems highly likely, better than any we've seen

>becomes leader and invades

>very intelligent


>> No.17510823

>”I have bipolar disorder and Brandon Sanderson treats his mentally ill characters the way ignorant people treat me”

Imagine being Sanderson and reading that comment. This is has to be the ultimate critique.

>> No.17510835

>reading comprehension

>> No.17510883


>> No.17510902

>yes, 100s
as much as any other soldier

>>best swordsman
>not proven but seems highly likely, better than any we've seen
literally got beaten by kellhus and there is no indication he is more particularly more skilled than his people in general, just more ferocious and experienced. he won wars because as is constantly repeated war is intellect.

>becomes leader and invades
wrong. who was he leading and who did he invade? he was a tribe chieftain hated by his own people (even betrayed in battle) and the other leaders disrespected him. they also don't invade and conquer anything. they constantly raid as part of their culture/religion and probably part of garnering status and politics. not really mount a big invasion because their political structure and culture isn't capable of holding together a huge confederation to field a large army or supply it. they fight eachother more than anything as is usual for tribal societies. they only reason they tentatively group together is to repel foreigners, again as is usual for tribal societies.

after that he was an increasingly irrelevant military adviser everyone was suspicious of.

to the inrithi, who have among their ranks illiterate vicious men who wear shrunken heads and religious fanatics who rape and pillage.

>> No.17511034

Does any one have a link to the “trigger warning” Reddit book list?

>> No.17511154

Not if you want to read something of actual quality. Pseuds love him though.

>> No.17511167

How did you like it? I thought it gave New Sun a run for its money.

>> No.17511336

>Mike Berro, who is an aficionado of both, tells me that Vance, in correspondence, recalls reading Bramah at about the time he wrote The Dying Earth
Not surprised that Vance read Bramah given the similarities

>> No.17511373

holy shit that cover is bad

>> No.17511417

>Tend to your women, Akka.

>> No.17511529

I'm so tired of reading trash. Anyone got a good book?

>> No.17511533

"The Rhythm of War" by Brandon Sanderson

>> No.17511548
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Mask of the Sorcerer

>> No.17511547

that was so satisfying, tired of Bakker acting like I should care about that fucking simp when Khellus is the only doing shit that matters

>> No.17511561
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>> No.17511587

I didn't interpret that scene like that at all, but that's like, just your opinion, man.

>> No.17511609 [DELETED] 

I hate niggers

>> No.17511619

>Hey Khellus I'm gonna act like a petty bitch and not tell you potentially useful info but pls pls can you let my little boi go???
>btw i got your stepdaughter pregnant
Khellus was right to just leave that faggot weeping on his knees. He didnt even have to do anything.

>> No.17511626

I wish I could fight him so bad

>> No.17511634

Is there a correlation between him becoming ultra woke and his inability to write a third book? Maybe he's limiting himself too much with all the SJW filters and it's draining his creativity.

>> No.17511866

I think it's just act he has no fucking clue where to take the story and characters at this point.

>> No.17511905

Why does this happen so often in fantasy? Do the authors just write themselves into a hole and have no idea how to pull themselves out of it?

>> No.17511977

Can't speak for Rothfuss but I think one of the reasons is ideas just change overtime, especially over the course of a long running series. You look back at old plot threads and think "man where the fuck was that even going?", but now you're stuck with it.

>> No.17512069


Rothfuss wrote a first book that checked enough fantasy genre boxes and everyone thought it was great. I don't know why that first volume got such rave reviews, but it did, and now Rothfuss is fucked. The second book is universally acknowledged to be just a bunch of wheel spinning with nothing moving forward, which leaves it up to the third volume for Rothfuss to prove that he's a good writer. And it's impossible for him to accomplish this, because he's just not that good. All he can do is write the same fantasy cliches that have been banging around for decades, meaning that at best his series will end up being a poster child for mediocrity. He would genuinely have been better off if people thought his first book was only okay, in which case I bet he would have actually finished his trilogy by now and maybe moved on to writing another series that wasn't so stupid.

>> No.17512307

If slow regard of silent things is anything to go by then book three is going to be a disaster

>> No.17512314

Never read the books and never will because Rothfuss is a fat disgusting bastard, but it sounds like he never bothered to think ahead even a little bit. There's no way he couldn't have written a book in all those years unless he had zero idea of where it was going

>> No.17512346

Thorn of Emberlain never ever

>> No.17512411

Another feminist ally. Didn’t he get me too’d?

>> No.17512478

How big is the average /sffg/ anon's shelf? I just realized mine are 90 percent shitty mass market paperbacks I'll likely never re-read so I'm doing a cull for shit to donate.

>> No.17512496

I filled up a few bookcases, and then realized I only ever read books once and dumped all of them. Now I've just got a growing mound of unorganized backlog collecting dust on my desk.

>> No.17512515

Based. That's a huge portion of what I'm doing too. Keeping stuff I've never read, of course. That, and I'm keeping a couple series I put on hold so I can remember what book I left on. Those I might actually re-read if I decide to pick up the series again.

>> No.17512532

Most of my bookshelf is not sci-fi or fantasy. My /sffg/ collection consists of Tolkien books including Silmarillion and Children of Hurin; Earthsea and a few other Le Guin books; all the Abhorsen books; Dune books 1-4; Octavia Butler's Parables and Dawn series; Ted Chiang story collections; and an incomplete but growing collection of Bakker's work.

Oh and I have a complete collection of Nausicaâ manga as well.

>> No.17512534

About 1/4" thick, here.

>> No.17512537
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Anyone else here read this? I thought it was pretty good but didn't read any of the sequels. Series seems to be in limbo with no updates by the author in a long time

>> No.17512546

Mine are just those 20 dollar walmart particle board pieces of shit. I will say, the shelves have warped, but I haven't had one fall after 10 years.

>> No.17512548

Mass market paperbacks are my preferred format for physical books.

>> No.17512559

I guess I'm actually rather embarrassed about my enjoyment of sff, I mostly keep it on the e-reader. On my bookshelf there's Bram Stoker and Lovecraft and I think that's it.

>> No.17512568

I agree for reading, but not for keeping or collecting. While going through, most of them have warped or yellowed despite doing nothing but sitting straight up on a shelf in a climate controlled room with led lights.

>> No.17512593

yellowed and musty pages on an old mass market just adds character t bh

>> No.17512657

I like attractive girls in my fantasy and am unashamed to say it.

>> No.17512666
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>> No.17512676

I meant mine is a kindle sir

>> No.17512770

Nice, I can't wait to see which mice they're going to make gay popper addicts

>> No.17512801

Fine opinion. No shame in the game.

>> No.17512964

Does it annoy you when a chapter starts out with completely characters?

>> No.17513164

yes. any book with characters is immediately trash tbqhfamalam

>> No.17513285

Based. That makes the only good work of fiction that Asimov story, you know the one

>> No.17513334

most people love it cause it has fantastic prose. There is also something to be said about making the mc a literal cuck that really endears him to the reviewers.

>> No.17513360

>huuuur duuuur joooooz

>> No.17513454

>it has fantastic prose
It doesn't though. Maybe in comparison to something like Sanderson, but that's a very low bar.

>> No.17513461

I don't get it, are denying that gays have been shoved into every recent piece of media?

>> No.17513555

Why shouldn't people of any given type be in any piece of media? In what capitalist society wouldn't you appeal to as broad an audience as possible by including characters that appeal to all demographics?

>> No.17513656

So you admit that it is a real thing and not some "jooz" conspiracy and also that it's good. Got it.

>> No.17513704

Do people actually care that people of different ethnicities, race, culture, genders, sexual orientation, etc exist in media?

>> No.17513717
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>> No.17513720

Who has decent prose in your opinion? I'm working on mine at the moment.

>> No.17513723

Are you asking this from a liberal or conservative position?

>> No.17513728

Why? I

>> No.17513743

For living fantasy authors, Moorcock is pretty good. It's best to look to the past when education standards were higher. Like, try looking at stuff written at least before 1980.

>> No.17513749

Because leftists force everyone to

>> No.17513751

Imagine being named more cock

>> No.17513772

I'm mostly asking those that know about the subject and historical context.
Thank you for your opinion either way.

>> No.17513777

I read them in high school, but I have fond memories of them. Silly but fun reading. The only Polish writer from last 20 years I like is Grzędowicz. Although he is also a lazy bastard. PLO's ending was rushed as hell.

>> No.17513778

should i keep reading malazan or switch to something else?

>> No.17513785

What historical context? Stop speaking in moronic vagueness.

>> No.17513817

Hollywood was always pretty conservative and pushed out a particular image.
Why and when did that begin to change to include more diverse characters.
How did it become more inclusive?
More importantly, why do people care?
Was it always just because that's what made the most money?

>> No.17513821
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>Hollywood was always pretty conservative

>> No.17513823

Yes. That's 100% my point. Doesn't make being so upset about gay people you project anal sex onto a children's book adaptation any less cringe.

>> No.17513830

Big cringe.

>> No.17513832

What is this faggot even talking about?

>> No.17513834

>the Hayes code never existed

>> No.17513838

>Hollywood was never given millions of dollars by the Soviet Union for decades

>> No.17513849

Who ever said that?

>> No.17513937

I thought this was a myth.
So it's just a case of I can't believe they want to treat us the same way we treated them which has been pervasive throughout minority and majority groups for thousands of years?

>> No.17513979

You can. It's just insane to believe an all powerful group of people is operating in plain sight with an invisible gay communist fist around the whole world but it's totally obvious if you just "do your own research" and come to the conclusion that we're all really no better than animals so you should genocide them first.

>> No.17514004

Look into why the Hays Code was developed you dolt

>> No.17514010

Hollywood didn't make the Hayes code

>> No.17514012

Reply to the wrong post?

So now we're back to "it's a conspiracy theory." But before you were saying that shoving homosexuality into everything was good and needed.

>> No.17514035

Probably i need to try this..

Thanks anon.

>> No.17514046

Threadly reminder to read Bakker. Start with The Darkness That Comes Before. This is part of the /sffg/ canon. Not understanding Bakker memes renders you blind to most of the relevant discussion that goes on here.

>> No.17514079
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Finally home from work. First 3 chapters of Crimson Tower, fellas.

>> No.17514126
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>> No.17514203

It's been 2 weeks now and I've only read 2/3 of the TDTCB. I do not know what's going on. It's quite interesting, black seed etc. but I can't read more than a few pages at a time. It just pushed me away.

>> No.17514250


>> No.17514285

Not sure if filtered

>> No.17514365

i had a hard time getting into it at first. now i’m on my second reread. trust me, it gets better. bak is playing 5D benjuka.

>> No.17514817

I own at least 10 Cosmere books, and I really regret it now.

What should I do?

>> No.17514830

cum on them

>> No.17514843

Should I post it here?

>> No.17514850

You really have to ask?

>> No.17514942


>> No.17514943

>wrong. who was he leading and who did he invade?

have you finished the series? he brings the scylvendi to golgotterath

>> No.17514954

took me a bit to get into it as well, reading just a bit every night

>> No.17515134

Do it, you won't.

>> No.17515593
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What are some books about humans getting along with truly alien aliens? Bonus points if they cover how societies and cultures act past first contact

>> No.17515599

Ringworld comes to mind

>> No.17515634

I've read the first Ringworld book. I liked it, but the characters felt more a vehicle to explore the concept of the Ringworld itself (more so the human characters, I loved Speaker-to-Animals) Are the sequels/the Man-Kzin wars any good?

>> No.17515712
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Read something else for a change, some sci-fi perhaps, then come back to Malazan.

>> No.17515732

>writing accidental caricatures

Which other authors do this?

>> No.17515812

Read Bakker.

>> No.17515872

dunno, I also just read the first one.

>> No.17515955
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I already read the Second Apocalypse stuff. I liked it at the time while reading it, and I was "touched" by the books, as it helped me, believe it or not, get over a bad break-up and slightly helped me mend my broken heart. But I wouldn't re-read it as I have become a somewhat different man and think those books are a bit too misery-porn depressing and pointlessly grimdark now.
And this Bakkerposting is becoming a little obnoxious. There are more writers around than just Bakker, Sanderson and Wolfe you know.

>> No.17516086

>And this Bakkerposting is becoming a little obnoxious.
Does it trouble you?

>> No.17516142

at least we are passionate about our author, can't say the same for anyone else.

>> No.17516358

How come everyone in Sanderson's books are black?

>> No.17516376

Why do you think. Its better to read Bakker. His books are full blooded aryans.

>> No.17516411

Not that guy, but I didn't get any impression Kellhus made any action to encourage or discourage Cnaiur from leading his host to the Ordeal.
And all the ones that aren't are cucks, losers, and women.

>> No.17516452

>Bakker's books are full of full blooded aryans
>And all the ones that aren't are cucks, losers, and women.
Extremely based

>> No.17516457

What makes you think Kellhus even knew Cnauir was alive or leading his host?

>> No.17516608


>> No.17516612

bakkerposting was the worst thing to happen to this general.

>> No.17516626
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>> No.17516666
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This general would be dead without Bakker.

Cope and seethe.

>> No.17516671
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This shit is pretty fucking dry so far. Definitely leaning hard on the "science" part of science fiction. But not much is happening yet. Does it pick up eventually? Or will it continue being a step-by-step detailing of life living in a space station?

>> No.17516724
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sandersonposting was the worst thing to happen to this general.

>> No.17516729

Does it trouble you?

>> No.17516753


>> No.17516769

I don't have the book at hand so I can't make sure, but didn't he see it in Achamian's face? I remember Kellhus just stared at Achamian and apropos of almost nothing he said something like "So he's still alive." This is of course when Achamian reaches the Ordeal in front of Golgotterath.

>> No.17516795

Finding out like an hour before he dies I wouldn't exactly count as knowing

>> No.17516819
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“I renounce!” the Anon roared, sweeping his scathing gaze across all assembled. “I renounce my station as a Cosmere Shill, as Spren-Shitposter in the service of Brandon Sanderson!”

He glanced at the Janny, not caring whether the old he sneered or not.

“I renounce my Magic Systems!” he continued. “As an assembly of adolescent soys and incels.”

“Then you sentence yourself to death!” a Sandersoy cried. “There are no good anime fantasies outside of His work! There are no other series—”

“I renounce my Author!”

Gasps and sputters filled the galleries of the /sffg/. Anon waited for the uproar to subside, staring for what seemed an unblinking eternity at the otherworldly obesityof the greasy-haired Fedora wearer. Nothing passed between them.

His face a mask of redness, Anon turned without leave, began walking back the way he came. The anons of the Thread stared at him dumbstruck, their outrage as bright as sparks in their eyes. But they fell away before his approach. They fell away.


The based Anon did not condescend to turn, but he did pause. It seemed the future itself leaned inscrutable against him, a yoke about his neck, a spear point against his spine …

“The next time you shit-post about me,” the Autist-Author said, his voice surprisingly nasal, ringing with mormonism, “I will seethe, Anon.”

Retracing his bloody footprints, Anon limped on.

>> No.17516855
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In your opinion /sffg/ what purpose do fantasy races serve? It seems like they're included because people expect them, but what's the reason for their inclusion in works of fantasy?

>> No.17516869

No, but it does make these threads more boring.
But is it really that productive to be this passionate about just one author? And one that hasn't written that many sci-fi books at that. Wouldn't it be better for your own literary horizon to widen it with an ever-growing selection of enjoyable authors? Instead of constantly re-reading how the ultimate Gary Stu cucks an entire planet?

It will change pace, there will be a big timeskip.

>> No.17516899

>what purpose do fantasy races serve

>> No.17516908

Historicity. That's all.

>> No.17516928

The same purpose as different ethnicities of humanity but less mundane and more alien so brainlets don't think it's stupid racism but justified when there is inherent conflict.

>> No.17516965

Are any of you anons attempting to write anything? I have no delusions of getting published but every now and then I like to write short stories out of whatever ideas are floating in my head.

>> No.17516979

I sometimes write notes for ideas but all my ideas pertain to world-building (in the broadest sense) instead of plot or character so I will never actually write something until true inspiration hits me.

>> No.17517101
File: 105 KB, 820x823, 1612887499100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote a 60K word draft and got through 2/3 of the story but stopped because I was beginning to see the holes so I've gone back to start a second draft and that's where I'm stuck now.

>> No.17517116

He got more cock than what you have, lad.

>> No.17517126

Crackpot theory: Ramsey himself is actually the hooded man in Winterfell and is just doing it to fuck with Theon and Stannis the pink letter is also genuine.

>> No.17517157

reddit called, they want their theorising back

>> No.17517168

So Anons help me out. For this one part of my setting Mages don't go to magic school to become destructive forces of nature but are taught to be constructive and they're involved in helping construct buildings, roads, basic utilities.
What schools of magic do they practice or what should I consider when writing them?

>> No.17517176
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in my experience it's usually better to get to the end of the first draft before going back and revising. Sometimes multiple problems can all be resolved with a single fix. A pacing issue, a plot hole, and a motivation deficit might ALL be addressed with the addition of a single element to the story.

Then again, Tolkien apparently rewrote from the beginning EVERY time he got stuck. And you may have more experience writing than I do, so do what works for you. Best of luck!

>> No.17517225

they shoulds still be capable of destruction though, if you can build a house by levitating timbers and stuff you can throw them at people and splatter them.

They would probably have telekensis if they are builders, but if you have all that power why basically do the work of slaves? ways to explain it, needed.

>> No.17517269

It's a way for the Kingdom to keep them in check. In the setting magic users go to a purgatory/hell when they die, meaning most magic users end up doing vile shit to stay alive so the kingdom worked out a way to store their souls and give them a peaceful rest after death with the condition of working for the kingdom for life. That's a rough idea of how I've laid it out

>> No.17517279
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Yeah. The last few days have been slow 800 word days though; I'm hoping that introducing my last few main characters will make things more exciting to write again. I do want to get published with this story. It's the first one I've started that I feel actually has legs.

>> No.17517291

why would they just.. not/never use magic then? Unless they are well compensated for their work...

>> No.17517308

Gene Wolfe
Jack Vance
Ursula K Le Guin
Robin Hobb
GRRM a lot of the time
Neil Gaiman when he's not being too twee

I haven't read Rothfuss yet but when I do these are the people I'd compare him with when it comes to prose

>> No.17517313


>> No.17517319

I remember nothing impresive about grrms prose but maybe my memory is just bad

>> No.17517333
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Doesn't matter, if you're capable of magic it's off to hell for you. To counter that grim note: Yes they're pretty well off. It's not a bad life

>> No.17517340


A large part of the draw for me with Martin is that he's really good at making you genuinely care for a lot of his characters

>> No.17517364

that's got nothing to do with prose though

>> No.17517367

His prose is on the other end of the "good prose spectrum" from Gene Wolfe. It gets out of the way when it doesn't need to be there and only shines through a handful of times in each novel. Midwit dunning-kreuger writers say it's bad because they can write more poetic lines, but they don't realize that poetry isn't the goal of all prose.

>> No.17517373

Geomancy to locate suitable places for construction, useful materials and subterranean waterways and stuff.

Enchantments seem like the most obvious thing, too. If they can enchant mundane items in small ways to increase their efficacy, e.g. make sails catch wind as if they were (power level of wizard)% bigger or increase the heat production of wood/coal and suck heat out of a room to make storage of perishable goods easier.

Cast Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting to make dried meat in seconds. A negromancer who can produce good beef jerkey would surely not end up in hell.

But really, it depends on how high powered and advanced your society is supposed to be.

>> No.17517382

it might not be bad but it's not good either.

>> No.17517387

It is good, whether or not it's what you're looking for. I prefer Wolfe's style, but even though Rothfuss is trying to be in that direction, I think Martin's is still technically much better than Rothfuss'.

>> No.17517388

Yeah I keep going back and forth over a certain plot line. The story I'm writing has a heavy emphasis on bloodlines. So one character needs to have a child with another character in order to give birth to a macguffin. Problem is if I do that I'm essentially cucking the main character. Oh well it's not like I'm planning to try to get this published.

>> No.17517405

Thanks anon

>> No.17517441

If it furthers the narrative instead of being an easy and cheap source of relationship drama then do it. You aren't some Japanese light novel writer where you have to worry about pissing off otaku who put too much stock in a fictional character being "pure".

>> No.17517445

>The story I'm writing has a heavy emphasis on bloodlines


>> No.17517476

>If it furthers the narrative instead of being an easy and cheap source of relationship drama
That's what I'm thinking. There won't be any relationship drama or retarded love triangle. It's essentially a mutual business transaction/investment.

Why? Are bloodlines bad now?

>> No.17517494

I havent bought a paper book for myself in many years, I only read e-books. And those I exclusively pirate. I have way over 600GBs worth of ebooks on my computer, most from that huge scifi and fantasy book torrent on /t/.

>> No.17517501

I think it's a joke about the new Vampire game being cancelled

>> No.17517507


>Are bloodlines bad now?
It's racist and implies there are genetic differences between people/races

>> No.17517515

>That's what I'm thinking. There won't be any relationship drama or retarded love triangle. It's essentially a mutual business transaction/investment.
As long as the protagonist stops giving a fuck about that whore, it's fine.

>> No.17517520
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saubon and proyas

>> No.17517525

There are.

Yeah that's what I'm going for. I won't take the Memory, Sorrow and Thorn route where he still ends up with her.

>> No.17517529

>some books about humans getting along with truly alien aliens?
The Alan Dean Foster books about the great friendship between human and the thranx are very comfy.

>> No.17517554

that's controversial

>> No.17517566

>Or will it continue being a step-by-step detailing of life living in a space station?

Tha final part will be a similar dry and boring description of earth being resettled in a super high tech future. It reads exactly like the first part. A totally forgettable book. It felt liek Stephenseon was totally fascinated by all those technology science fiction concepts and just wrote this book to pack them all into one story.

>> No.17517584

Weirdly enough I have alwas found that GRRM writes his best prose in his "not a blog" posts. It is amazing how easily and naturally his sentences flow in those small and not so small posts.

>> No.17517598

It's problematic, you mean.

>> No.17517631

>that's controversial
Not to anyone who lives in reality. Also it's a fictional setting with magic and shit where the ability to do certain things are passed on through genetics. Hence why bloodlines are considered important, those with these abilities are on the top crust of society. Is it generic as fuck? Sure, that's why I said I'm not even entertaining the idea of it getting published. I'm just writing fo the sake of writing.

>> No.17517656

Cj Cherryh, Foreigner series.

>> No.17517664

Yeah. I'm writing an alternate history story, probably averaging 2000 words a day. Some days none, some days a thousand or so, one day 5000 just banging it out. So far people are liking it and think it's pretty realistic.

>> No.17517711

would fuck the shit out of that elf boy I'm not gonna lie

>> No.17517723

Alright, that's all I needed to here. I'm skipping this one.
In the time since I first posted, I've been listening to this poor suffering narrator read a bunch of random tech babble off. Like, the guy stops to explain every little bit of science and technology. But where's the plot?

In audiobook time, I'm 6 hours and 7 minutes into the thing, and nothing has happened. The initial premise was so cool too. But once the premise is established, it's just endless preparation for the what comes next. It's like when you're watching a movie, and everyone is gearing up for a mission. And you get to that part where the nerdy character explains what his super-y science-y device does. But then the nerd never shuts up, and the remainder of the movie is just that nerd pointing at random things in his lab and explaining their functions.

SIX HOURS OF THIS. For comparison: Shadow of the Torturer is a 9 hour book. Severian would have already retrieved Dorcas by this point.
Cradle: Unsouled is an 8 hour book. Lindon would have already teamed up with Yerin by this point.
The Emperor's Soul is a 4 hour book. I would have completed it by now!

Nothing has happened for 6 hours.
OK, It's not fair to say "nothing" has happened. It's just all been inconsequential stuff. Nothing interesting is happening. There are problems that they find solutions for. And these problems and solutions might be interesting if you're really into science. If you just have an absolutely BONER for science. Boy does this book really want you to be impressed with all the science.

But for me? Nothing is happening. So I'm out.

>> No.17517778

hi /sffg/ I just finished Neuromancer and enjoyed it. looking for some recs in the same vein- sf about super AIs. I've already read I Have No Mouth

>> No.17517823

Does porn count?

>> No.17517863
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Is this fantasy or magical realism?

>> No.17518057

Bakker's world features deep and mostly consistent world building that informs characters and aspects of the setting well before the reader is made aware of thia information, ie metaphysics and the nature, goals and methods of certain factions.

So when you reread it, you notice a lot of details that went over your head the first time around that explain and add further detail.

>> No.17518139

Why don’t people generally enjoyed “comedic” prose during fucked up moments? I think it’s great.

>> No.17518144

Yeah, in fits and starts, it's like I'll get some momentum writing and then realize I need to worldbuild and kind of figure out who these people are and how they fit together as a community, and then that will stall and I'll realize I'm neglecting responsibilities and real life relationships. There's a few connected vignettes right now about life in a peasant commune, and this shepherd boy, who's kind of a loser, stumbles into this king-under-the-mountain scene, and the cthonic god puts a curse on him. The god visits him in a dream and tells him that he's doomed to have good fortune himself while bringing great misfortune to everyone around him. It's a god and it's a dream so it's not stated outright like that, but then the commune is attacked by slavers who carry a bunch of people off into bondage. A posse of men from the commune are armed by the local authorities and go to hunt them down, and you already know it's not going to go well because of the presence of our main character. He's pretty hapless and driven by fear, horny, and hungry, but because of the curse he keeps surviving the increasingly shitty situations he finds himself in by the skin of his teeth, and slowly over the years he becomes a competent outdoorsman and killer. There will be further story thrusts later on: he enlists various magicians, witch doctors, and other wise men and women and goes on quests to try to lift the curse; a blood feud develops between him and the followers of the god, who takes note and escalates the intensity of the curse; a kingdom collapses into civil war and our main character finds himself leading war-bands to victory after victory, as long as no one involved grows too close to him.

>> No.17518166

the character is also a mary sue.
why is your mary sue a cuck?wander I wonder.

>> No.17518189
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is the Gorean series any good? I enjoy most Sword & Sorcery/Sword and Planet but boy it looks like some teenage perv fantasy.

The artworks is quite good desu

>> No.17518199

moorcock is boring.

>> No.17518200

No. It’s just porn and there’s better litporn out there than this.

>> No.17518224

Elric is nice but always felt that he could have some deeper conflicts

>> No.17518309

Back to r/Bakker with you

>> No.17518346

neuropath, no super ais but similar themes

>> No.17518348

>it's just porn
It's not very good porn. I read the first three, and if you're looking for porn, it's more "And then I took her!" level. The later ones might get more graphic, but its reputation as porn is severely overblown. That said, it's a fine sword and sorcery series. Nothing amazing, though I did really like the priestkings. I might read the fourth to see where it goes, but I'm not really hungry for more.

>> No.17518395

Adventure, isn't it? Is it a good read?

>> No.17518506

He is a genuinely good writer, his reputation is in the mud with the GOT ending.

>> No.17518536
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>is it a good read
Yeah, and a quick one too. There's less adventuring than I would have liked, and more looking around at the carvings in the caves where the Amahaggers live, but apart from that it's pretty good.

>> No.17518591

seems pretty based i'll check it out

>> No.17518701

PC allegory for justified racism. For some reason people have this idea in their heads that humans will all get along great and unify in the future, so they have to invent fake alien foreigners to fight instead. Usually with extremely poorly concealed original culture, so you just fighting the chinese, but they're green for some reason. Barring that, they're used as stand-ins for generic fantasy monsters and religions.

99% of aliens would be better off replaced with normal humans, but who actually acted like humans instead of startrek communist automata. Like how about you just have the yellow turban rebellion, but in space. Now you've got a bunch of weird chinamen with strange clothes following an esoteric religion who broke off from the mainland and took over a space station or Mars or something. Or you could give them compound eyes and make them LITERALLY bright yellow and now they're "aliens".

>> No.17518794

The obvious answer is divination, the field of actual historical sorcerers and court wizards. Find water/ore/fertile land/navigable routes, determine the positions and movements of armies and game, predict the weather, root out spies, determine aptitude(likely a large part of their work would be finding and dealing with other sorcerers, either to train and employ them or to hunt down the ones who refuse). They're also very likely to work in taboo industries, they're going to hell anyway so it doesn't matter to them. Medical dissection, interrogation, poisoning, spying, executions, prostitution, abortions, etc... Along with all the dirty jobs no one wants to do that they can be forced into like waste disposal, mining, hazardous construction, etc...

>> No.17518819

All of CJ Cherryh's "aliens" are all just mildly distorted humans. even their physical appearance is almost always humanoid. SHe is seriously fucking lazy about creating aliens.

>> No.17518843

The same vein? For more Cyberpunk and action try Hardwired by Walter Jon Williams, for pretty cool AI and virtual stuff try the Otherland series by Tad WIlliams.

>> No.17518850
File: 189 KB, 375x600, 81Y-hzkl5NL.__BG0,0,0,0_FMpng_AC_UL600_SR375,600_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good Sword and Sorcery books written I the 21st century?

>> No.17518853

Anyone wanna recommend some new high fantasy released in the last 5 years?

>> No.17518882

The first couple of books are pretty entertaining if you dont let the "master and his prisoner turned love slave" shit get on your nerves too much. You can pretty much stop reading after "Nomads of Gor" which is regarded as the best book in the series.

If you want to get an impression what the books are like take a look at the persiflage "Houseplants of Gor" which can easily be found on the web.

>> No.17518885

Second Apocalypse by R. Scott Bakker.

>> No.17518931

Yes it does. Authors who are not pathetic do not write pathetic self-insert characters.

>> No.17518940

Series with conforting, warm relations between characters?

>> No.17518963

And just out of curiosity, does this sound like something you would enjoy? Obviously this doesn't give you a picture of my prose, but if you read this brief pitch, does it immediately turn you off, or strike you as something you might check out?

>> No.17518976

Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser.

>> No.17518981

Too long didn't read

>> No.17519019

I just finished writing the prologue about a week ago. It's still rough and needs a lot of polish, but it's nice to finally have something completed.

I think it's an interesting idea to have the main character with a curse that benefits him but harms everyone else around him. But without knowing more of the overarching plot or characters, I can't say if I would read it based off a dust jacket blerb.

>> No.17519032

I started reading neuromancer. It sucks balls and I stopped reading it.

>> No.17519235

Yeah its shit, I finished it because I was waiting till it gets good.

>> No.17519300

Curious how many /sffg/ posters also use r/bakker.

I admit I’m one, but the quality of shitposting is much better over here. (I hate reddit, but outside of there and /sffg/ there’s nowhere else on the internet to discuss Bakker. Sandershits, Rothfussfags and GRRMsharts all have massive online followings and dedicated forums.)

>> No.17519586

You're retarded. The beginning is excellent, no matter what you think of where it goes afterwards.

>> No.17519660

To be honest I can't remember the book that well, all i can tell you is that it was surprisingly shit.

>> No.17519676

A blessed post in an overall blessed thread. Thanks kiddo, I'll see what I can do.

>> No.17519685

Second Apocalypse forum.

>> No.17519704

You're wrong. This shitty general can pretend all it likes that Bakker and Sanderson are good, but I'm not going to let it call Neuromancer shit.

>> No.17519753
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Yes. I personally use Royal Road. Like You said, no delusions of getting recognized or published but damn, it feels nice to have my work out there in the open. Even if 1 person reads it and finds enjoyment, I'm happy. I would suggest not post in here though. People on this general tend to shit on shilling (for good reason I suppose). Try the writing thread on /tg/

>> No.17519754

It's like a mid budget 90's scifi film, but not fun.

>> No.17519765

Gets maybe 1 post a day on a good day.

>> No.17519768

>Try the writing thread on /tg/
I did this once about 4 years back and someone made me some fan art. I was pretty stoked.

>> No.17519798

In my setting, other races are always lesser than humans. They have souls of course, but their souls shine dimmer so to speak. The human is the ideal.
Of course it's a flawed ideal, but the story revolves more or less around this.
And it's easier to explain non-humans being born from the corpse of a god than humans, right?

>> No.17519827

legit laughed at the skin-spy, this fits so well

>> No.17519835

is literally dead LITERALLY, it's impossible to post because you need to be approved and nobody is doing approvals anymore

>> No.17519840

the beginning is objecitvely good, speaking as someone who dropped it

>> No.17519842

If my character is cursed to be immune to magic, what other drawbacks can I give other than being feared/hated by other humans and animals, and not being able to be healed?

>> No.17519843
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>> No.17519864

So you're saying...the forum is closed to the Outside :O
How is that a curse? Any harmful magic then can't harm the character. Why would any fear or hate him?

>> No.17519868

I'm not trying to appear some le original 4chin oldfage but I've actually never used reddit. I've never been on that website, I don't even know what it looks like or the format

>> No.17519881

Maybe most magic in his setting is beneficial and the societies are good or at least neutral. Imagine everyone being able to fly around and conjure enchanted food and have fun with endless magic, and you are IMMUNE to all of it.

>> No.17519886
File: 48 KB, 602x402, bakkerfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> S H I M E H
> B L A C K S E E D
> D A M N A T I O N
> D O E S I T T R O U B L E Y O U ?
> W H O R E A F T E R A L L
> M E T A G N O S I S
> F A T H E R . . .
> D U N Y A I N
> S K I N S P Y
> C I P H R A N G
> T E N D T O Y O U R W O M E N
> C U R S E L I K A R O
> I A M S T R O N G E R
> I A M M O R E
> C L A C K C L A C K C L A C K
> P R O Y A S
> M E A T
> B R E A K E R O F H O R S E S A N D M E N
> H O W I H A T E . . .
> I S M E L L C U N N Y
> I F U C K S R A N C
> T E L L M E . . .

>> No.17519897

This but unironically

>> No.17519907

It's the only thread where people actually discuss what is being written and in turns kinda makes you also participate. Sure you can post and get some free (You)s but after a while you kinda wanna give (You)s to other anons and give constructive criticism the way you've also been given. It's a nice place, I wish more stuff like that existed on the internet, where anonymous people can just hop in, talk a bit and get out without the whole identity / circlejerking that goes with having a username / account.

>> No.17519935

Whatever you say bud. If you like it, good for you.

>> No.17519936

Ahhh so like a squib in Harry Potter then. I guess he could make him ginger or something too, just really screw him over.

>> No.17519951

Lilith's Children series.

>> No.17519957

this, also Bloodchild by the same author (Octavia Butler)

>> No.17519996

Havent been there in years, and barely remember the place. One time someone made a character of mine in one of those jap porn character creator games.

>> No.17520027

you missed cuts and cuts and cuts

>> No.17520087

look up an anime called 'cross ange'

>> No.17520133

>writing a fantasy book
>male human protag
>3 male human main characters
>2 supporting non-human female characters
Is it more based or less based if I change one of the supporting characters to male? I feel like people will shit on me for being some sort of furry coomer if none of the women are human.

>> No.17520142

no female main characters?

cancelled lmao

>> No.17520213

Sorry, I worded it very poorly. The main crew is
>1 human male protag
>3 human male (major) supporting figures
>2 non-human female (major) supporting characters
One of the females is actually the second-most major character I have, behind the protagonist. She's just not a human, which I think is based, but I'm not totally sure.

>> No.17520225

>5 human males and two furry fantasy women

The evidence is hard to deny, anon

>> No.17520229


Ignore the fact that I can't count

>> No.17520278

I mean, the guy that writes the gor books is still going strong. He's written 10 post y2k and one came out in 2019 apparently.

>> No.17520403

How fucking old is he now? Does he still have the urge to coom?

>> No.17520433

Apparently he's fucking 89. Jeeze.

>> No.17520575

Coomer is not a status. It’s a way of life

>> No.17520631


>alternate reality

Whats the turning point? I hope it not WW2...

>> No.17520712

God no, people who just know WWII or ancient Rome and think they know anything about history are cancer.
I chose something not overdone, I think. If Harald Hardrada had succeeded in his endeavor to become king of England in 1066. Then I'll follow the development of England, Scandinavia, and the rest of Europe, then the rest of the world with this change. Big focus on how radically different English culture, law, military tactics, and foreign policy will develop from our real world's England.

>> No.17520900

Unless there's a purpose for them to be there other than exotic waifus for the male humans, you should probably change that.

>> No.17520938

Yaaaaaas, slaaaay kweeen

>> No.17520966
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>> No.17520970
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>implying harard redditaro was that different from the people he was fighting

vikings were assimilated by then desu

>> No.17520974



>> No.17520975

I've never understood the obsession with Karsa. I've come around to not hating him, but I don't enjoy him either. He's a big dick and despite him thinking he's grown and matured after seeing the world, he's still the same awful person deep down that pillaged and raped his way through other tribes and allowed his friends to be killed. He bullies that witchwoman so badly she gets Stockholm syndrome, and when the entire world needs his help he barely bothers to show up to sacrifice Fener to save the bonehunters . Really don't get the appeal

>> No.17521010

That's true, but you're neglecting to mention that one of those becomes little more than a psychotic animal while the other just keeps nursing his rage at civilization

>> No.17521012

he's a badass and not that much of a dick

>> No.17521017

No, he just loves his series. He only publishes on ebook now because his last publisher dropped him - he accused them of being pussy manhaters that hated his slavery shit and that his books were the highest selling under that label. So he switched to an ebook publisher. He's just fucking based.

>> No.17521040

Bump Limit

>> No.17521045

David brins uplift series

>> No.17521091 [SPOILER] 
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>vikings were assimilated by then desu

>> No.17521117

...And? Doesn't change how vastly different England will be without the Normans ruling. 20 to 30% of common vocabulary in English would be different for certain. Among the remaining words others could be replaced by the Norse alternative. True there wasn't a vast difference between Old English and Norse, but there were enough (decent amount of vocabulary, syntax and grammar, use of hard C versus K, vowels). Then there are French legal customs and greater social stratification, and the fact England and Scandinavian kingdoms were technically elective or decided by civil war, which was in essence permanently changed in England by the Norman Conquest.

>> No.17521157

They're all kids. Except the dragon, probably. Anyways, no romance shit.

>> No.17521183
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Urban fiction writers

>> No.17521196


>> No.17521277

She's literally me

>> No.17521284

I'm literally you.

>> No.17521294


>> No.17521296
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>> No.17521341

ye, post whatever you have in mind

>> No.17521475


>> No.17521611

Marry me.

>> No.17521625
File: 627 KB, 880x1242, 1572000137912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone rec me some GOOD Wuxia/Xianxia/Xuanhuan?
I've already read Cradle, Coiling Dragon, Desolate Era, Tales of Demons and Gods, Against the Gods, Renegade Immortal and like a dozen other shitty ones that I dropped because of their nonexistant plot or garbage esl tier prose.
I need something that has a satisfying power progression of a man going from weak to strong in a dog eats dog world.

>> No.17521665

Look no further than Reverend Insanity, the pinnacle of Xiaxia, the only one with actual good writing, setting, and a plot that was planned from the beginning to make sense and remain relevant even 2000 chapters in. Basic idea is a 500 year old demonic cultivator manages to refine a magic Gu worm(all powers in this setting involve magical insects) that lets him go back in time by sending his will into his younger self's body. He's then immediately besieged by half the world trying to take it from him, and has to use it. Now his goal is to use his knowledge of the future and experience to cultivate to the top, become the strongest in history, and eventually reach immortality.

MC's personality makes ice look warm and inviting by comparison, his luck is somewhere between average and shitty, only offset by his future knowledge and extensive experience manipulating people and strategizing.

>> No.17521703

Thanks, I'll check it out

>> No.17521840

I wasn't a fan. It's better than most cultivation series, but it's still shit. They only chink cultivation series I enjoyed was Lord of the Mysteries.

>> No.17521879

What didn't you like about it? I'll admit things dragged pretty hard during the Chang Yan Shin arc, seriously does this guy not know any other animals besides wolves? But the climax for that one was totally worth it and catapulted the story forward. Everything else was great as far as I remember, and actually getting better as it approaches the ending, which is an amazing feat not seen once in a million times in the genre.

>> No.17521892

Not him but personally I read the first page and could tell the translator wasn't proficient enough at English for me to read on.

>> No.17521896

Honestly, it was too edgy for me. I get that that's sorta the point but it's just not for me. I dropped it a little more than 300 chapters in.

>> No.17521959

Weird, I don't see any real problem with it. I wouldn't say it's top tier in terms of translation, but I don't remember any issues that stood out. Be aware that the first chapter is VERY different from the next ~1000, seeing as it takes place 500 years in the future and is intentionally vague. It gets a lot more descriptive on the mountain.

If you have higher standards, do you have any recommendations, I haven't seen many well-translated/written xiaxia out there. Most of the ones I've read have been MUCH worse.

A valid complaint, it's basically no different now. People really aren't fucking kidding when they call Fang Yuan a demon. Long periods of seemingly innocuous chapters and then suddenly there's people being eaten alive, mass murder, etc... Did you make it to the monkey brains, or maybe the child sacrifice?

>> No.17522263


>> No.17522574



Do you have any more info? What are the political ramifications of this in Europe in say... the first 100 years?