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17500029 No.17500029[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any actual books on this subject or is it all mumbo jumbo mysticism?

>> No.17500048

It's widely practiced by Tantric Yogis and Daoists.
My ex practiced it, and he was in great shape and could fuck for hours.

>> No.17500436
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>> No.17500497

evola unironically

>> No.17500511

the coiled serpent

>> No.17500584

>mumbo jumbo
>I need a priest to write a book to tell me what's real
fucking subhumans

>> No.17501172
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>> No.17501178

tits or gtfo

>> No.17501188

Neetch is the last person I’d expect to advocate for nofap

>> No.17501196

Who knows, but it's a topic that tends to attracts semen-obsessed wackos.

>> No.17502261

Is it mumbo jumbo? Well some people believe in God and some believe there’s a son of God begotten (not before God existed tho) and that there’s also a Holy Spirit (some say ghost).....so as weird as this theory is there is crazier shit out there.

>> No.17502329

Giodano Bruno writes about it in the context of erotic magic

>> No.17502352

He meant absorption in the asshole. This is just his crypto-way of going about it, by tying it to nofap. Nietzsche was anti-ascetic on principles (so why would he say it gave strenth) and also a compulsive masturbater from a young age.

>> No.17502410
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Brian Wilson did it when he was making Pet Sounds for the Beach Boys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8obR4M87mlM

>> No.17502562
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TESLA practiced it (look at him)


>> No.17502584

It's just mumbo jumbo mysticism. Nofap is a cult of men with blue balls

>> No.17502603
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Mantak Chia boutta change your life, b.

Just don't do the Million Dollar Point technique. You will hurt your prostate.