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17499139 No.17499139 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about the fact that love is not real?

>> No.17499159

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.17499176

What do you mean it's not real?

>> No.17499177

Love is real but today's world actively tries to destroy and pervert it.

>> No.17499201

The Selfish Gene

>> No.17499207

I mean that women cannot feel the emotion of love. If love is not mutual then it is not there. Therefore love is never there, or in other words, not real.

>> No.17499209

do you mean it's not real in a physicalist sense?

>> No.17499212

Why do you believe that only men are capable of love?

>> No.17499215
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>muh women

>> No.17499235

4channel said so

>> No.17499237

Half of all marriages end in divorce. 80% of the time, though, it's the woman who files for divorce. Women just love ending marriages. They don't love anything else

>> No.17499248

women are capable of love, only men are capable of friendship

that said, a woman's love is flighty and no great prize. love your child and your work

t. Nietzschad, never wrong

>> No.17499258

Looks like you're in need of another kind of book, my friend.

>> No.17499260

Sex and Character by Otto Weininger

>> No.17499288

aggie nooo

>> No.17499292

Why do you believe women are capable of love, but only men are capable of friendship?

>> No.17499350

Tell me
Read it
Fav book
Any more like it?

>> No.17499362

>All this mental gymnastics only to be gay.

>> No.17499368

Everyone is capable of love, but we’re idiots and destroy it against our better judgement. Take the Dylan-pill

>> No.17499710

not worth reading, anon. love is very real.

>> No.17499745

The ancients knew love was lover-beloved, i.e., directed one way. It's a modern assumption that it has to be two-way, probably because of egalitarianism.

>> No.17500663

It's just a meme, bro.

>> No.17500668

their pure selfishness

>> No.17500671


>> No.17500677

Same with breakups. It's always the woman who instigates it. Last chick I dated went off the fucking deep end because I was the first guy ever to break up with her.

>> No.17500689

Thanks Boomers

>> No.17500732


>> No.17500763

Anne Frank
>he hasn't heard of the Holocaust
brace yourself my guy

>> No.17500776


>> No.17500781

Kudos on being in the driver's seat. Chads are letting women go all the time. Protip
>talk shit about exes in a way that flatters her
>thereby making it clear that you dismiss women who displease you

>> No.17500789

Angela? Abigail? Does ASMR?

>> No.17500791

the love belongs to the beautiful

>> No.17501147 [DELETED] 

Agatha Threemilk

>> No.17501502

Ok loser, men are perfectly capable of and often do break up with women of their own accord. You and your friends are just desperate losers who are afraid of being alone or are so low value you fear the effort required to find a new woman who will touch your pp

Dont you dare project your pathetic social impotence on to the entire male gender.

>> No.17501705

That's actually because men don't love. They just don't want to be alone do they marry and stay married for the sake of it. Women need love in their lives so they divorce when the love is gone and start looking for the one again.

>> No.17501841
File: 190 KB, 974x1151, Rilke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad news for you OP, and maybe you'll find it out some day for yourself: love is real.

Is it perfect? Does it prevent conflict, separation, and suffering? Nope. But even when these things occur, love can still exist before, during, and after they happen.

I think marriage nowadays is highly mistreated, and love itself is greatly misunderstood (as "if you love someone you don't fight and everything works out once you commit to each other"), but let's also notice that 50% of marriages don't end in divorce. And a portion of those could even be called happy marriages.

Books about love not being real? Read them if you want - maybe you'll learn something I haven't. If you become curious about what love that's worked for and worked through looks like, I'd suggest, perhaps out of left-field, relationship psychology. Possibly Harville Hendrix or Esther Perel. I'm presuming you wouldn't be open right now to the poetry or letters of Rilke.

Also, transcendent love more akin to agape or metta most certainly exists and it's a lucky moment when you get to experience it. Although, like romantic love, it doesn't transform you or anyone else into someone that never gets angry, jealous, or upset.

There are many unhealthy views and expectations about love which are certainly over-idealistic. But there is a very obvious reason it has appeared throughout the world's literary history.

I've doubted love exists. But you can't unsee it once it reveals itself.

>> No.17501944

>You and your friends are just desperate losers who are afraid of being alone or are so low value you fear the effort required to find a new woman who will touch your pp
Okay, I'll bite.
Not sure where you're getting this from. I specifically said I broke up with last woman I was in a relationship with. Prior to her, I called it off with ~60% of the women I dated over the summer and early autumn.
It's like anytime I post anything on here some histrionic nincompoop thinks they can divine my entire life's story from a few sentences.

>> No.17501953

Love is real; however, it's often confused with lust.

>> No.17501990

Anna Kavan - Ice

>> No.17501998

my diary desu

>> No.17502330

Brave New World

>> No.17502365


>> No.17502382


>> No.17502389

Its just a chemical reaction

>> No.17502423

>chemical reactions aren't real
>chemical reactions in the brain don't have cognitive counterparts that make up lived experience

I'm afraid the books you're looking for aren't real

>> No.17502433


>> No.17502492

>everything you experience is just chemical reactions in your brain
>nothing is real

>> No.17502645

I would love to hit this bitch with the right hook

>> No.17502667

robison crousoe

>> No.17502694
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Threemilk. Jewish princess. She ruined herself a long time ago, though.

>> No.17502755

who is this goddess? she's so fucking beautiful it hurts my soul knowing I'll never know her longing gaze nor the sweet smell of her sweat as we embrace in ethereal coitus

>> No.17502828

Pretty much any Hemingway novel.

>> No.17502946

the idiot

>> No.17502958

Did Sam Hyde get to her too?

>> No.17503046

>I mean that women cannot feel the emotion of love.
>If love is not mutual then it is not there.

Love is from within yourself. It can be observed in others, but like anything in another, you can’t know. Someone shows you love, you can misinterpret or reject it for some reason, but that’s on YOU.
Love is not ghostly tendrils from your pink octopus. Love can be completely internal, though it’s best to be loved. So go and practice your love for others. Stop letting the lack of it from others drag you down till you make up stupid shit like this thread.

>> No.17503052

>She ruined herself
By cutting her hair? By grieving the loss of a friend? Everyone grows up. Stop being a pedo

>> No.17503148

You're my least favorite schizo poster

>> No.17503168

That was the opposite of schizo, anon.
Any questions?

>> No.17503174

Notes from Underground.
Salty rationalists will not be able to love.
t. Salty rationalist

>> No.17503180

I remember my crush not answering my sex-crazed glares in 12th grade.

>> No.17503182


>> No.17503185

I blame /r9k/

>> No.17503188

Let me cut off your balls with a children's dulled scissors, it's just chemicals telling you you're being butchered lol

>> No.17503189

Nah she's 'lesbian' (narcissist woman who wants to specifically deny men her sexuality)

>> No.17503233

If a bisexual decided she wants to live that way, it’s up to her. Nothing narcissistic about it.

>> No.17503276

Love is real, but not fair.

>> No.17503319

The Great Gatsby, the book not the movie

>> No.17503322 [DELETED] 


>> No.17503327

I love viper the rapper

>> No.17503339

I believe love is real.
But it's so rare it might as well not be.

>> No.17503366

>if someone decides to arbitrarily discriminate against roughly half the human population on account of having penises and being the better respected sex, it's not narcissism because it's her free choice
Or in other words
>if someone does something narcissistic it's not actually if it's their own decision
Nobody in this board likes you, fuck off to /lgbt/.

>> No.17503376

None of that pretzel post of yours is worth reading, dipshit

>> No.17503386

You have no added value to the board. If only you integrated and lost the tripcode and name you might atleast be seen as another incoherent tranny instead of a piece of spiteful shit that takes her personal frustrations out on strangers.

>> No.17503392

Your r9k antics have robbed this board of its original level of intellect. Get out.

>> No.17503454
File: 9 KB, 220x220, tenor (3).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intellect isn't whatever is convenient for you. Notice that I haven't denied that of anyone here, but you have. That's a good plea to false authority, right there. I have nothing more to say to you, you're on your way out anyways.

>> No.17503473

>You have no added value to the board
i dunno. she called you a dipshit. that's commendable.

>> No.17503500

>A girl’s sexuality is discriminating against me. Whaaaa
Talk about “no value added”

>> No.17503538

This much seethe over one comment. Assuming you aren't tranny freaks I have two messages for you: You will never have a penis and your daddy will never fuck you.

>> No.17503624

And you will never realize you're a dipshit or try to become less of a boring asshole.

People do feel love and the combination of chemicals that causes it has been well-studied. Maybe you need to speak to a doctor and look for some sort of diagnosis, like alexithymia

>> No.17503794

Holy incel.

>> No.17504149
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I love you butters

>> No.17504174

You're right

>> No.17504178

Who is it telling that to? Can you find it? Who is the "you"? Checkmate :)))

>> No.17504195

Please refrain from posting these

>> No.17504200

Hey look its that nonce from /britpol/

>> No.17504211

Love isn't real. This isn't a hard concept to understand. Just be poor and see if your girl still loves you.

>> No.17504223

It’s like saying emotions aren’t real.
It’s false to believe it. Stop it.

>> No.17504242

inceloid cope

>> No.17504440

Read the art of love by erich fromm

>> No.17504543

La creatura Jehudica...

>> No.17506282
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how long until she's dating gay adam?

>> No.17506497

Gay adam only dates outside the tribe.

>> No.17507039
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>If a bisexual decided she wants to live that way, it’s up to her.

>> No.17507153

Don’t care for the studs, but that hair is cute on her.

Surely you’re not trying to make a case for her being your property. You haven’t the power to claim your penis as your own apparently

>> No.17507442
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>> No.17507472

Just recommend me a book, harlot.

>> No.17507474

Friendly reminder that Junko Furuta still managed to beat her captors at mahjong after having been tortured to the point of being nearly crippled. When was the last time you beat someone at anything? Your mom doesn't count.

>> No.17507484

100 men raped her
I used to think japs were honorary aryans, just as noble as whites
Now I know they're just as mentally fucked as their chink cousins
If you are not white, you're a nigger

>> No.17507532
File: 154 KB, 800x1331, goblinnazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people have never done nigger sadist violence on other humans
>inb4 joo propaganda

>> No.17507551
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>> No.17507558
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''the four boys challenged Furuta to a game of Mahjong, which she is said to have won''
Come now. We all know what really happened.
She forced her way into the game like women are want to do with any male activity and being a woman she lost.
And, again like all women, she was a sore loser.
"You stupid virgins boys and your games. You all have small dicks''

Those chinkbros simply did what honor demanded and trolled her

>> No.17507590

You guys fucking ruined her and she destroyed that pristine beauty she held.

This is why they don't give us anons fucking shit.

>> No.17507601

post more aggies post op :(

>> No.17507605

Based incel

>> No.17507610

based. Fuck /his/ waifu niggers.

>> No.17508085
File: 23 KB, 482x358, 058a69ee-1094-4f8a-bf1e-1232f902a4dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post op
Fuck of tranny groomer pedo rapist jew
All girls get old and moldy eventually, anon