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17480014 No.17480014 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you’ve spent too much time thinking and pondering morals that you unironically can’t tell right from wrong anymore
Does this ever happen to you

>> No.17480030

just start from the basics.
breathing is right because it provides life. life is right, because it provides many exciting and enjoyable opportunities. once that's settled everything else becomes easier to judge.

>> No.17480040

>believing life is better than death
Anon, I...

>> No.17480052

dude wtf

>> No.17480056

i actually have no moral ground to stand on anymore. Literally don’t know what is right and what is wrong at all. I don’t do illegal things because don’t want to go to jail, but have no clue if it is wrong to kill someone or not. I don’t understand right from wrong and can’t justify one reason to do anything.

>> No.17480058

bad anon. you've been fooled by pessimists. never trust someone that suggests life is inherently bad when they themselves choose to live it.

>> No.17480073

Normalfaggot response.
When we die we are finally freed from the endless prison that is life. Life may not be inherently bad, but it is also not inherently good.
You should delve into metaphysics, anon. All justifications of right and wrong, and the justification of that justification, stem from metaphysics. Until that is not settled, you will not have a firm moral system.

>> No.17480082

Nobody has ever made a good argument for life being good or bad, we have no idea which it is.

>> No.17480088

Where do I start with metaphysics? It sounds complicated and I’m a total brainlet.

>> No.17480099

Yeah. Ultimately it seems like to have any moral system at all, you just have to come up with a starting point ex nihilo, which cannot itself be based upon or justified by anything else. Life, I guess, could be such a point.
I really want to be wrong though.

>> No.17480102

Start with Plato, he is also relevant to your moral concerns. Start with his Five Dialogues (short and easy to read but also very engaging), then read a little about Aristotle and start with Modern philosophy (Descartes, Hume, Kant, etc.)

>> No.17480105

life isn't an endless prison. until evidence proves otherwise, death is more of an endless prison since it traps you out of life, yet life is very easy to escape from into death.
>Life may not be inherently bad, but it is also not inherently good.
thankfully we have agency to allow us to create a good life for ourselves.

>> No.17480195

>thankfully we have agency to allow us to create a good life for ourselves.
Not everyone. Only if you were lucky enough to be born capable of this. Some people are born with defects. Some die before they can do anything.

>> No.17480200

This is why I’ve been trying to brainwash myself into Christianity. I’ve been on the verge of insanity because I can’t tell right from wrong anymore, it’s impossible without a starting point. Survival seems like it but if survival is right and extinction is wrong, shouldn’t all people who are “wrong”(or weak/inferior) end their lives? I don’t think I’m strong enough to do that, and I’m certainly not one of the superior ones either.

>> No.17480204


>> No.17480206

No because I'm not a brainlet.

>> No.17480240
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congratz man you are now "Beyond Good and Evil" XD

>> No.17480248

I haven’t actually read nietzsche does he explain this in that book? Fuck I wish I could escape my lack of morals

>> No.17480269
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This is literally what his book explains; how this develops, both historically and personally, and also how one might overcome it. Even if you don't wind up subscribing to his ideas, lots of other people who have built off of,or referred to Nietzsche might have the answers you're looking for instead.

>> No.17480284
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Thanks anon I’ll try. Going through life with these raging questions is so tiring

>> No.17480289

No because I have my core

>> No.17480292

philosophy is for low test faggots just like anime. at least try to get laid for once.

>> No.17480297

You either go through life with raging questions, or live an unexamined life determined for you by others.

>> No.17480314

>t. npc

>> No.17480322

How do you know that life is right

>> No.17480326

it should be tiring, in my opinion
I would also suggest that you consider reading the Myth of Sissyphus by Albert Camus as a jumping off point for other solutions-- he's been highly examined as well, and he outlines few directions that you can take you life in if you start to feel completely listless
I'm so high test that I'm balding; also, you are literally LITERALLY on an anime discussion website

>> No.17480340
File: 473 KB, 1536x2048, F689767F-4B7F-404D-946D-E82242A59D06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boss caught me on /lit/ at work again. He has now upped to monitoring my screen the full 7 hours I am there. He requested virtual access to my machine. Now that he has it, every so often when I am in the middle of work-- or worse, when I have stood up to go to the bathroom or to stretch my legs, I come back to find a new /handsome men/ thread opened on my desktop for the entire office to see. He knows I cannot ‘x’ these out, not with my union status still pending thanks to the virus (if I so much as acknowledge/interact with NSFW content this can be used against me and I can be terminated). Sometimes he visits my workstation at the exact moment I return just to ask me why I’m sweating and if I need the fans on in winter or to comment on how I’m one ‘naturally sweaty dude’. He says a lot of coded language about ‘real red men’ and ‘sissy blue boys’; he claims Cherokee blood so it doesn’t raise any cocerns with our Human Resources colleagues. He only started claiming his ancestry after he found me browsing on the cameras that first day. He’s made it known, in not so many words, that he doesn’t like blue boards and blue boarders. Sometimes he hides behind the formica plant to watch my reaction. My only solace, my phone, still has to connect to the office network. I’m posting from it now. Last week he referred to me as 'a blue meanie' because he thought I was a /mu/ poster; the cameras arent high enough resolution for him to make out the board letters. But now that he knows it is /lit/, he has started to call me Beauregarde. He says he's going to think of something that sounds more 'pet' soon. All I know is that he has power over me.

>> No.17480359

virgin thread detected

>> No.17480368
File: 165 KB, 827x594, 7DF24F1A-4213-4B87-885E-E1B0F7B32A0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>virgin thread detected

>> No.17480373

even with defects there are things they can do to give themselves enjoyment.

>> No.17480384

Not everyone. Some people are born without a chance of doing anything for themselves. Is a terminally ill baby capable of making his life better?

>> No.17480443

i believe that your point is that people/living organisms can't always be successful especially when they have very little agency, which is fair, but whos the judge of what's a good life itself the organism itself?

>> No.17480456

The fact that anti-natalists haven't killed themselves yet is proof of the faiblesse of their ideology.

>> No.17481040


>> No.17481049

These are the kinds of people I share a board with.