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17475275 No.17475275 [Reply] [Original]

>I want to die
we know anon edition

>> No.17475369

Every day someone posts a picture of karl marx.
Im tired if it.
You dont win by trying to convince people on the internet.
Btw i recommend you go to torchan.

>> No.17475397

I love women.

>> No.17475411

I don't enjoy anything anymore. I have no motivation to do anything. First it was difficult hobbies like playing the piano. Then it was shit like gaming. Now it's finally reading. It's just total emptiness. I feel like I should start drinking again just to make something happen.

>> No.17475412
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Whenever i damage an object, i always feel bad because i feer it might be sentient but unable to communicate with me. I feel bad about throwing trash away because i might have just committed a murder.

>> No.17475428

Just watched a bunch of loli webms on Gelbooru, how can anyone says this is a victimful crime?
They're just drawings.

>> No.17475442

I spent half of my life looking up to Westerners as the greatest geniuses of culture, politics and life, but they are all just self-hating cucks or disoriented brutes. You can't imagine the anguish I feel when I read anything by a westerner or listen to them speak - it's like seeing your childhood hero debase, degrade and humiliate himself publicly. It's like one of those Japanese porn doujins where the main character has disgraced himself and wasted all of his potential, leading to him being looked down upon by his previously affectionate qt kouhai girl. In this metaphor, I am the kouhai girl and it really fucking sucks. Genuine suicide fuel.

>> No.17475446


>> No.17475471

Years of therapy, meditation and family support have finally made me shed the worst of my issues.
The difference between being well and depressed is like night and day, your field of vision is so narrow and the learned helplessness blinds you to the tools and people that can help you that are right beside you.

>> No.17475473

Tell me where you're from so I can be bigoted towards you.

>> No.17475475


>> No.17475492
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>>I want to die
>we know anon edition

but like, really though

>> No.17475493
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I just want to use a girl's naked lap as a pillow while she strokes my hair and sings me to sleep.

>> No.17475499
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>> No.17475507

I haven't had a job in five years and all I want to do is draft stories. I don't even care about the minutia that makes a story meaningful or emotional, or engaging. I plan out major events or characters in this imaginary world I made up--I've been doing this for years and I love doing it, but I dread the idea of any of these ideas coming to light because, to me, they still read like the embarrassing drivel I wrote while i was in middle and high school and I don't think I could take a critic tearing something I made apart.
I don't even know if it's depression or merely stagnation. I don't hate my life or myself, I just make no money doing something I enjoy when i could have easily been making money off it since I finished high school. It's a weird sort of self-reflection for me because I feel like I don't care about money or relationships, so I don't pursue them. And then I see almost everyone else has these goals and I think of myself as a freak for it.
I don't know what to think. I'm probably overthinking everything. Why think about it when you can just do it, right? So why the fuck haven't I done anything in five fucking years? Why do I have no ambition?

>> No.17475510

Philosophy ruined my life.

>> No.17475517

I am Bulgarian.

>> No.17475518

>Why do I have no ambition?
Let me know if you find out.

>> No.17475528

I don't know anything about your country.

>> No.17475532

helll no
ding bang ow
no no nono nono

I have invented strange beliefs. I have come to the belief that the only real free will is the freedom that pertains to what is immaterial. Spiritual, perhaps. As the material seems lawbound and deterministic, and as all prophets have said that God decides on things that would seem to be in our individual control. The theory has been that the only thing that can alter the flow of things would be an impeccable outside force, and that the relationship with God is one between the soul and God, neither of which is material, unlike the relationship between the soul and the world. This means that I view everything that happens in material life as a seconday consequence, and that the only primary action is worship. I thus become an adherent of the "enlightenment leads to love" theory of theology, as opposed to the "love leads to enlightenment" theory (since willed love is material, and pursuit of it can, therefore, not alter the flow of things). I don't feel like this is quite right, but it is where all my arguments have taken me. And what could be better for relating to the incomprehensible than arguments?

What a contrived mess. But wrong? I don't know. If you are a christian and think that I have gone mad, then I would ask how you think we are like the sparrows that neither reap nor sow?

>> No.17475534

I foresaw this response.

>> No.17475537

Thinking about leaving all my internet friends behind and become a lonely sad guy

>> No.17475545

as an outsider, what do you tihnk would make our culture better?
t. from one of the top-degemerate countries, self-loathing cuck

>> No.17475547

Why do i have such trouble living in this moment as oppose to getting anxious about future or regretful about the past.

>> No.17475556

I feel physical pain when I think about giving up playing the piano when I was a kid.

>> No.17475558

Will do. I mean just having your basic human needs satisfied does do a wonder. Not having to be stressed about food, water, or shelter was really I wanted out of life as a kid. My parents were poor as fuck and I got to watch them succeed. Somehow along the path I lost my drive to succeed, is it because I'm already there in my own eyes?
I don't know. I could think about it all day but instead I'm going to go check on my protaganist to see what he's up to. Seems like a better use of my time than wallowing in self-pity.

>> No.17475588

I wish I had someone, on whom I could rest my head, and feel safe.

>> No.17475599

I felt the same way about euros as an american. I used to think as a teenager they must be better than us in every way, but after extended time online, they're not that much better. Lately I've felt the same about the Japanese to a degree too. It's as if the good parts of any human society are conditioned by the way the society is set up, by things outside anyone's control, and it shows up residually in citizens while it's out of their own control. I'm not saying genes aren't a thing but it feels like most of what I admire about other societies is just a result of them being well fitted to make good humans, and not out of any individual virtue of the people it contains.

>> No.17475617

Eating all the shrimp was a good life choice.

>> No.17475629

I experience this too. I have this habit of unhealtily personifying inanimate objects (especially childhood toys) hence my apartment consist of shelves upon shelves of random stuff that I intend to preserve. I save stuff like old cornflakes cardboard packaging because I think it might become memorabilia or at least cool memento to have in 20 years or so.

I whish stuff didn't decay and things wouldn't die :(

>> No.17475634

Sounds like you have anhedonia. https://www.anhedoniasupport.com Try this website.

>> No.17475669

Fuck it, I’ll write in French:
Je me suis égaré. La voie royale qui semblait tracée pour moi s’est effacée derrière un voile opaque et me voilà esseulé, déambulant dans les marécages excrémentiels de mes échecs passés. Comment ai-je pu en arrivé là ? Au lycée, on me prédisait un avenir radieux. Rien d’étonnant, je parvenais à maintenir un très bon niveau scolaire sans prendre la moindre note, ma culture était bien plus poussée que celle de mes camarades, mes traits d’esprit surprenaient mes professeurs. Ces années-là furent les plus belles de ma vie. J’ai goûté aux délices de la chair, mieux encore : j’ai senti mon cœur se figer face à une jolie fille, une fille qui m’aimait et que j’aimais, une fille parmi d’autres qui n’est plus qu’un souvenir flou auquel je me rattache chaque fois que mes paupières se ferment. J’ai vu mes espoirs s’effondrer sous le coup de multiples trahisons, autant d’ambitions anéantis par mes propres faiblesses, par ma propre passivité. J’ai attendu qu’on me sauve jusqu’à ce qu’il soit trop tard. J’ai un entourage fiable auquel je me greffe comme un parasite. Ils ne peuvent que m’apporter de brefs instants de complicité, des moments de légèreté avant que la lourdeur de l’existence viennent à nouveau s’appesantir sur mes épaules. Je n’ai pas d’emploi, mon futur semble chaotique, je déteste toutes mes tentatives de production artistique et ma seule muse est une prostituée brésilienne que je n’ai même plus les moyens d’aller voir. J’évite de fréquenter les avenues populaires pour ne pas croiser une vieille connaissance, je suis lassé de mentir, de m’inventer des projets prometteurs et chronophages alors que la seule manière de tuer le temps que j’ai trouvé c’était la masturbation et le shitposting. Mon père ne voit en moi que l’incarnation de ses regrets. Ma mère me traite comme un enfant ou un homme déficient. Alors, bien sûr, OP, je veux crever. Mais ça, tout le monde le sait.

>> No.17475672

Five years of mandatory stay at a Zen monastery for every citizen. I am not joking. The propaganda and inane bullshit have been seeping into Western culture for way too long and only clear minded, rigorous and balanced experience of life can allow for a correction in course. Every attempt at reaction that I have observed seems to succumb to the same deeper rooted flaws precisely because the reaction is conditioned by the society that gives birth to it, which fatally compromises its autonomous and constructive character.
I think that for me the most crushing part of all this is that if you read ancient Indo-European literature, some of the 19th and 20th century civilisation analysts and 19th/20th century Western culture, you can see the remnants of something truly great and glorious that has been obscured, but when you look at Western culture today you see nothing beautiful at all. Everything just leads back to the animal level - sex, drugs, pleasure etc. Even on the level of ideals, things like socialism and nationalism are usually understood only as a way to emotionally coddle each other or as some sort of extension of biological continuation respectively. Put aside "higher values", even what Nietzsche condemned as "all too human" is out of reach.
Not that things are much better outside the West, but it's very easy for me to tell that the West is suffering from and spreading the most advanced forms of this disease.
You have to consider two things. First, Europeans have been significantly Americanised for a long time. Second, nations aren't uniform. There are creative and passive parts of the population. The ancient Japanese samurai has nothing in common with the "herbivore man" light novel consoomer. The Indians would describe this difference of nature as a Kshatriya/Shudra difference. The different nations have different character and virtues (or vices) only at their highest levels, their creative segments; the lower levels are broadly similar and follow the cues they get from above. Don't misunderstand this as a class argument though. Especially today, it's a case of mentality. Read Evola if you find these ideas interesting.

>> No.17475735
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God to be that brush.

>> No.17475743

What's the point though?

>> No.17475749

You should read the Bhagavad Gita and pay specific attention to the discourse on the Gunas and Atman.

>> No.17475873

Interestingly enough, I'm half indian and half white, so this is something I've been exposed to before. It doesn't sound too familiar from a quick google search.

After skimming the wiki article, I for sure was exposed to a very bastardized version of Hindu Philosophy--the problem with word of mouth rather than getting info straight from the source so I can interpret it myself. It seems very similar to the buddhist idea of 'abandoning your earthly desires' as a way to enlightenment (which I more or less believe in as a philosophy, as butchered a take as it may be). The difference being the abandonment of earthly desires and service to one's community seem to be intertwined ideas--something I've rejected from being raised inside that culture.
I'd0 have to look more into it to form a real opinion, although I probably won't since I was never big on philosophy or religious studies. It's a bit counter-intuitive to me since I tend to just take life on a day at a time and don't tend to worry about things more than a week into the future.

>> No.17475877

I'm not sure I understand but I haven't read Evola either

>> No.17475982

>Interestingly enough, I'm half indian and half white, so this is something I've been exposed to before. It doesn't sound too familiar from a quick google search.
You should read Sri Aurobindu's commentaries on the Gita, then Ananda Coomaraswamy. If I am understanding your post correctly, you will very much like the way Coomaraswamy ties Buddhism and Hinduism together. By "service to the community" I assume you are referring to Dharma, but the caste system is no longer functional so your Dharma is no longer associated to the community IMO. If that is a good or a bad thing is another matter, since figuring out a Dharma on your own and then living up to it is much harder.
>I'd have to look more into it to form a real opinion, although I probably won't since I was never big on philosophy or religious studies.
Neither was I until a couple of years ago. I have no regrets for taking an interest.
>It's a bit counter-intuitive to me since I tend to just take life on a day at a time and don't tend to worry about things more than a week into the future.
That's the Traditional worldview as well - Tradition aims to inculcate in you an upright way of being in your day to day life, not encourage long-term planning. Your conduct should stem from your spirit and not any spatial or temporal concerns.

>> No.17476015
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Can't decide which one of these books I should start reading next. Or whether I should just read the next Shakespeare play (Henry V) that's in his collected histories that I've got tomorrow and see if I can make a decision then. Which one should it be my merry fellows?

>> No.17476025

Dunces is one of the worst books I've ever read.

>> No.17476026

I suppose a lot depends on what qualities you considered the Europeans to have over Americans. Lots of the stuff Europeans brag about (free healthcare, the welfare state etc) is vapid and inane. My point is that even if we assume that Europeans are on average just better than Americans in every way - intelligence, fitness, health etc, which are by no means necessarily true assumptions - the average European midwit will still seem profoundly unimpressive to you if you are an American topwit, so to speak. The really notable national differences are differences between the characteristics, preferences, cultures and traditions of topwit or topwit-esque populations. In that, I have noticed that Europeans tend to have a stronger and more traditional culture, which is reflected in their opinions. For example, it is easy to see this as the underlying dynamic in analytic vs continental shitfling competitions on this board - it's to a large extent down to a difference between American and European character. Of course, the past 80 years have done much to undermine the organic character of Europeans and modify it with external American influences, which is why only very little of European cultural produce today is compellingly unique.

>> No.17476042

When I was a child I’d cry about unused park benches.

>> No.17476078

Me too. It might sound gay, but I have a bunch of stuffed animals that I cover with a blanket so they don't get cold. I don't know why it feels like this.

>> No.17476079

>Your conduct should stem from your spirit and not any spatial or temporal concerns.
Interesting. It's a bit like saying 'improve yourself for yourself's sake'
Still, no promises on actually looking into those commentaries. I could read them, sure, but actually incorporating those things into my day-to-day would be another matter entirely.
It is bafflingly easy to choose comfort over progress.
Nevertheless, thanks anon. It's an interesting take to be sure.

>> No.17476082

proud of you

>> No.17476093

When I was a kid I threw a teddy bear down the stairs and I felt like I'd crossed a line I could never walk back from. I'd killed him, in cold blood.

>> No.17476095

turns out I was the degenerate all along

>> No.17476114

I once destroyed my bedframe with an ax and looking at its mangled splinters I felt a great sense of regret and pity like I had just beaten an animal

>> No.17476120


>> No.17476139

The half that I read was Ignatius going about being an obnoxious cunt and getting in everyone's way while relating that he was really a genius. Maybe it's a case that people go "I've met this guy, hohoho, we've ALL met this guy" but I didn't find anything funny in reading about a worthless piece of shit go about his day.

>> No.17476147

You are welcome. I am not trying to push anything on you, I am only suggesting these things in case you have not encountered them before and could benefit from them. When it comes to these matters, initiative should always come from the inside.

>> No.17476148

Thought I was the only one. I know they're not alive, but that doesn't mean they deserve to be treated badly. It probably sounds schizophrenic or autistic, but there are just certain objects that deserve respect and love. They're not alive, but they might be?

The only book I've ever seen kind of tackle this was one of the sections in Brockmier's "The Illumination", but it the viewpoint character was something of an autistic child, so that doesn't really help things.

>> No.17476156

Go to the gym then. Regular exercise increases quality of life tenfolds.

>> No.17476202


>> No.17476211

I wish I weren't so bored by all my books. But, I wish I weren't bored by everything so often as I am. There is really nothing to do in times like this

>> No.17476231
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>all these people doing this as well
how many fucking schizos are there here

>> No.17476290

Philosophy is simply hard to get into for me. I either disagree with what's being said or see what I already believe with a new coat of paint. I don't think my issues are spiritual--then again that could be the thought process enabling spiritual issues.
Briefly skimmed over Coomaraswarmy's interpretation (albeit from a third party source and not from his books directly), and it didn't seem to be as insightful as I hoped. It seems to be another flavor of 'do what you love and happiness will come to you' which is what I already believe. It's the juxtaposition of philosophy and the interactions one is forced to go through with the outside world. I'd be perfectly content being a penniless writer if being penniless didn't mean if I got sick I would just die. But then again, this is a hot take from skimming third party sources.
It's also a bit of a social matter. I can tell people I'm fine with being penniless and I've had people straight up laugh in my face about it. I was PISSED. But WHY was I pissed? Is it insecurity in my own beliefs? If happiness comes from within (which is does IMO), then these things should just flow off me like a raincoat. I feel like I still seek the validation of my peers over my goals and beliefs. I feel this external pressure to change even though I'm comfortable with where I'm at. And this doesn't just extend to employment, but things like love, family, satisfaction in the things you do everyday.
I love having nothing to be responsible for because it frees up time for me to pursue my other interests. And yet these lack of responsibilities make me look like a child from an outsider's perspective. But why do I care what they think? Nothing they can say or do can hurt me. So why am I letting their negative emotions affect me? Humans are communal creatures, but this tie to community and connecting with others feels like it shackles me from true happiness.
But that's just coping. Obviously the struggle is internal and not external. There wouldn't be food for the fire if there was no fire, so to speak.

>> No.17476310
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Snow is finally falling, reminds me of the first time I came to this country, a happy time that was. Christ, I can barely remember it. I can only recall one clear memory of that snowfall, one of the first of it's kind I'd seen in a country that wasn't just a ski holiday fling. And the memory has a bloody real estate agent front and center, perhaps beaming at me as I stood grasping at the cold. At least birds exist, lucky bastards
iktf, a total lack of emotion without the usual depressive thoughts to ground it all. Increasingly I think my very conception of emotions is totally alien, I've come to learn that some people truly feel them rather than just think them

>> No.17476320

It is the thousandth time that I observe one these threads and I contemplate the uselessness of writing something that my name will not be attached to, and that no one that I know nor, probability wise, will I ever know will read. I stumble on one, I try to write something, and I shrink away from it everytime.
Writing in my mind is paired with an essential motivation of being known, a desire for recogntion. Not in any "heightened sense of my own superiority"type of way, i.e. not in a strictly narcissitic sence, but even in the symbolic idea in leaving something that is technically part of me behind in a journal or a paper somewhere that tells a fractured story of an individual that was once being alive, existed.

>> No.17476346

you're building a taste for little kids pedo

>> No.17476393
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Sold my PS4 bros. Finally free of the video game meme. The future already looks a little brighter.

>> No.17476399

I've always really just dreamed of being a man in the traditional sense of the word.

There's conscription in my country, and although I think it's pretty retarded and a complete waste of time, I still envy/look up to those who have the gumption/daring-do to sign themselves up for the harshest vocations and the training that comes along with it, because I know that I'd never have the bravery to willingly put myself through suffering like that.

I'm gay as fuck though and so this is probably the result of some school-time gay trauma manifesting itself as a Mishima-esque need to compensate for it, minus the fervent nationalism.

>> No.17476412

>Philosophy is simply hard to get into for me. I either disagree with what's being said or see what I already believe with a new coat of paint. I don't think my issues are spiritual--then again that could be the thought process enabling spiritual issues.
I am not really talking about issues here. This type of stuff, also, isn't exactly philosophy. Ideally, a man with a strong sense of Dharma will similarly disagree with Adharma and improve his understanding of Dharma through reading, but would fundamentally remain at the same position. This is how the ancients conceived of intellectualism.
>Briefly skimmed over Coomaraswarmy's interpretation (albeit from a third party source and not from his books directly), and it didn't seem to be as insightful as I hoped.
For the record, I am specifically referring to his view that the Buddhist Nirvana also leads to the Hindu Atman. I have never read any third party commentaries on Coomaraswamy and can not vouch for their value.
> I was PISSED. But WHY was I pissed? Is it insecurity in my own beliefs? If happiness comes from within (which is does IMO), then these things should just flow off me like a raincoat.
I would argue that it is precisely because you hold the belief that happiness comes from within that, when other people deride you (for subscribing to the principle) you get angry. In a way, they are disrespecting your strongly held belief just as much as they are disrespecting you. Even if you don't care about being disrespected because of your belief, you will care about your belief being disrespected because it seems to form the foundation of your worldview. Does that sound about right?
>I feel like I still seek the validation of my peers over my goals and beliefs.
This is also a possibility. It can be hard to control emotions sometimes. The important part is to keep your freedom from being diminished by your emotions.
>Humans are communal creatures, but this tie to community and connecting with others feels like it shackles me from true happiness.
I can't make any comments here without detailed knowledge of your life. Maybe you're just a lazy NEET coping with his bad life choices and feeling frustrated that a part of you is discontent with mere cope, or maybe you are perfectly content and happy with your purpose in life but have your calm disturbed by the demands of GDP obsessed bourgeois society. It's impossible for me to tell. You should keep in mind, however, also the shackles of pleasure just as much as the shackles of social expectations or duty. "A man has as many masters as he has vices" - some Islamic scholar guy.
>But that's just coping. Obviously the struggle is internal and not external. There wouldn't be food for the fire if there was no fire, so to speak.
Based and Buddhistpilled.

>> No.17476414

You are a good guy anon

>> No.17476420

A friend that I liked and miss a lot ghosted me and idk why. I’ve been sad for a week and can’t stop it. I’m not used to this kinda stuff because while I’m bad at making friends, i normally keep them for along time. Now I have only two cause everyone left for college and I can’t make friends cause of covid

>> No.17476472
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i think i'm retarded. there's four stories that i want to write, but right now i'm just doing one of the four in particular. i have a lot of notes saved, choc full of drafts, three mbs worth of potential descriptions and dialogues to use in any of my stories, catalogued by which story the line will be used in and which character might say it, or which character a description might fall under. some of these lines i have written myself, others i have taken anywhere on the internet, some i have repurposed and modified or just used as an inspiration to make up sentences.

i made another note where i have different chapters of one of my stories, the one i'm doing right now, where i try to position all the lines and description that fit that chapter the most, basically trying to make up context. there's just a problem: it's incredibly overwhelming. it's hard to choose which line should belong where and when and which character would be supposed to say which line when to who, etc. i'm trying to structure something in the most convoluted time-consuming retarded way possible, just to make something that fits perfectly, like staking puzzle pieces together.

whenever i think i'm done i always feel like i need to rummage through my draft archive to find the perfect line of dialogue or passage of description for this particular thing i'm trying to write instead of just writing it myself because i have a very hard time trying to come up with something off the cuff by myself.

sometimes i really think these stories will never see the light of day. the fact that i have a clock ticking on the back of my mind doesn't help, but that's another issue in and of itself that i won't get into in this post.

i don't want to give up, i've accrued so much material, but it feels so hard.

normal people can just write. normal people don't have to think about it too hard. i lack that. i know what i want to do in the beginning middle and end, but i don't know what to do AROUND the beginning middle and end.

i'm not giving myself a chance aren't i?

>> No.17476510
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forgot to mention that this one particular story that i'm writing right now is supposed to be the easiest one to do out of all four of them. i was meant to write this just to have fun, for myself, not giving a shit about how it'd come out but here i am.

i tried to just write recently and it went well, but now i'm stuck again and if i try to write by myself without relying on my drafts trying to handpick something that fits, if i try to write something without doing that, i can feel the fucking cringe growing inside of me. i don't know what to do. i should just do it, but it feels easier said than done... but i really want to write this thing and finish it.

>> No.17476794

I want to fap, but now I have begun catechesis, I'm trying to practice not sinning. I still have the intrusive thoughts, but they're easier to confess to than actually caving in and jerkin the gherkin.
If I have to marry to bust a nut, it looks like I'm going to be spending the rest of my life celibate.

>> No.17476933

c'est pourquoi personne ne te prend au sérieux

Work is taking my time from reading great books, I have only 3-4 hours of free time to read which have to be split with lifting, practicing music, and other things. I haven't finished a book since last decade lmao. What do?

I feel horny, saw a shortstack girl with huge tits at the market and just wanted to squeeze them, fuck.

>> No.17477437
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>terrible thread only mentioning literature as pretext to shitpost
>post helpful essay full of recommendations
>close thread and never read replies
>serious thread full of people posting seriously about political issues of the day
>post "Poo comes out my ass"
>leave thread open for 2 days waiting for one reply from guy just saying "What?"

>> No.17477546

Objects bear karma too.

>> No.17477602

just imagine what nietzsche and schopenhauer would be saying about pandemic scare, they were completely right about everything, it comes down to the letzter mensch's inability to confront death

>> No.17477649

>this is your brain on buddhism

>> No.17477751

2 weeks to flatten the curve bro. Salute the Covid heros.

>> No.17477868

D'un anon masturbateur chronique déchiré par les regrets à un autre, lire ton post m'a fait me sentir moins seul, je te remercie.
Tu as beau être las de mentir, je voudrais te dire que je trouve ça noble, admirable de persévérance. J'ai passé les dernières années à tenter d'accepter la médiocrité, à me réfugier dans un stoïcisme triste; j'ai réussi, je pense, mais cet état d'anesthésie a gommé les joies comme les souffrances. Je passe chaque jour à me lamenter, souvent à me lamenter de consacrer trop de temps à ces lamentations.
Je suis désolé de parler de moi dans une réponse à ton post mais je suppose que j'avais besoin de "write what's on my mind" également.
Où que tu sois anon, je te salue.

>> No.17477869
File: 49 KB, 940x627, 11218422-3x2-940x627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sexual impulses have become both boring and disgusting to me, and yet there is nothing to replace them.
I just masturbate to increasingly grandiose and perverse scenarios and find no satiation in it.

I don't even know that i want to involve anybody else in my life, those few sexual experiences I did have felt generally superfluous and the only transcendental feeling I ever had was hugging and getting hugged by someone whom I love, something I essentially never get to do.

I feel as if I'm missing something but I'm completely puzzled as there is essentially no social expectation of me besides continuing to make money.
So I just put my precious time in pointless diversions that make me occupied (such as erudition) but unfulfilled as there is no route to improve my condition.

Were these other times, I'd want to be a monk.

>> No.17477885
File: 393 KB, 1299x860, AF09FD4F-042B-46C5-8635-2E8F19EAE9A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The monastic life is still an option, anon. Don’t give up hope.

>> No.17477892

I've tried and failed to believe in God. I don't want to burden an institution with yet one more lie. It wouldn't be fair.

>> No.17477976

I am sad

>> No.17477995

It makes sense, you imprint an idea onto a stuffed animal because it becomes the simulacra (is that right?) of the original animal. You react the same way in identification of a bear as you would a toy bear. Why wouldn't you treat them the same? The toy bear has been fashioned specifically to appear like a bear for the owner. Although, you could begin to look at a real bear like you would a toy bear and then it mauls you brutally. Regardless, with trash, there's no difference between a candy wrapper and a beautiful crab shell. They are both made to house and protect a theoretically edible thing. They are both made of particles. They both turn into rubbish in some sense - the shell turns to dust eventually. The wrapper will just wither in the sun and leech into the atmosphere. I think all this behavior is actually you protecting yourself that you have projected onto other things. Your understanding of everything comes from your own brain and eyes, and everything makes sense if it seems contingent to your ideas about reality. So, you are right in behaving that way in a sense. You are only doing what you feel you must do, just like the toy or the wrapper is made for a purpose, designed specifically for a reason. It isn't really 'just' a thing. Those who treat it like it is only show you how much they value themselves and their own projections onto reality. Maybe they are the same too, just fulfilling their jobs as compost.

>> No.17478051

>It makes sense, you imprint an idea onto a stuffed animal because it becomes the simulacra (is that right?) of the original animal. You react the same way in identification of a bear
It's less this than a stand-in for the person who gave the thing in the first place, or for whom the child identifies it with. I have a blanket my mother knit for me as a child and gave to me when I was 8, and it's not just that I appreciate the gift that she gave, and that she did it for me, but I also wouldn't ever let anything happen to it because I've had it now for 17+ years. The idea of it tearing or me ripping is awful. Even putting it in the wrong place feels disrespectful, and I feel bad for it - for the blanket itself - if I treat it wrong

>> No.17478079

I just don’t want to see my family. The whole relationship is weird and it feels weirder thinking about spending time with them. I’m 27. I think I should see them rarely.

>> No.17478086

who the fuck wants to confront death? retard

>> No.17478090

What's wrong with your family? I'm asking because I feel the same about mine

>> No.17478100

It's one thing not to want to do it but understand that eventually you have to; it's another thing to forbid even the thought of doing so.

>> No.17478103

Sometimes people disappear not because of anything wrong with you but because they just want to be alone. I’ve been that guy. I’ve had close friends exactly like you that I’ve pretty much ghosted. I’ve always felt a little bad about that but I’m just a loner at heart and I don’t have it in me to be constantly maintaining that contact, even though I would consider us still friends. It’s possible he’s just like that and it has nothing to do with you or your relationship. Alternatively, maybe they’re a bit depressed or reclusive right now because of the way things are right now. Either way, why don’t you reach out and ask them to do something if you value them. If they’ve ghosted, you don’t really have anything to lose and you just don’t know what’s going on.

>> No.17478110

Nothing is wrong with them exactly, I guess. My parents divorced when I was 13 and I didn’t see my Dad again until I was 24 while my Mom and I just aren’t really close. I don’t harbor bad feelings. They’re my parents and I love them. It just feels weird and sort of “un-serious” to see them more than the rare occasion.

>> No.17478125

More or less the same except my parents haven't divorced, though they'd probably be happier if they did. It's weird to me when people feel close to their family and want to talk to or see them all the time.

>> No.17478126

What about you?

>> No.17478133

Divorce seemed to be pretty hard on my whole family so I’m not sure I can agree with the first part but on the second, yeah, I feel a bit weird about that too. I don’t view it negatively. It’s more like I just don’t get it. Do you have siblings?

>> No.17478157

Yeah I can imagine, sorry about whatever you went through with your parents divorce anon. I appreciate that they were there for me as a kid, but now that I'm an adult I'm not sure what keeps them together. I think it's just complacency and not wanting the stress of changing their way of life when they're already so settled. I have a brother but he's several years older than me as has a different mom, so we're not close. We get along pretty well whenever we talk but I don't see him outside of occasional family gatherings.

>> No.17478180

So what is it exactly that makes you not want to see them? You just don’t feel close to them or they don’t seem to get along and that keeps you away?

>> No.17478188

I agree. Its probably your real sentiment for the thing that counts in the end. Although just for the sake of it, I think that still fits with what I said. Instead of bear > toy bear, its mother > blanket. The idea isn't just tethered to the form but it actually becomes represented the same through the form as it does from the original thing. Do you think the way you feel about it is bad?

>> No.17478196

Nah I'm used to their dynamic, I think about it more for their sake than my own. I just don't feel close to them, we don't have a lot in common either in interests or personalities.

>> No.17478217

Yeah, sort of the same deal here just with a few different layers between us I guess. Well, now I know I’m not that weird in my thinking this way at least.

>> No.17478220


>> No.17478225

I was thinking about this today: What I choose to look at in daily life on the physical plane I am actually communing with on the spiritual plane. To choose to look at a thing is not to merely look at it. The act has very deep ramifications. Like begets like. A subtle osmosis of energies begin. That's why you see so many feverish people who claim to hate fascists employing fascist tactics and thinking to combat them. They are becoming what they hate, and they are too prideful to allow themselves to see it.

Because of this constantly communing 4chan has likely done huge amounts of damage to me on multiple levels, but I struggle to break away from it because the immediacy of the posting style and conversation is so addicting. Also I am really gay.

>> No.17478235

If I look at the sun can I become the sun?

>> No.17478238

Just went on a huge binge and ate a ton. Everyone knows we shouldn't do things like that, but there's still some reason we do. For me, it's the boredom that comes with not eating for a while. Read a book, or browse 4chan, or watch youtube, and the boredom stays. Eat food and jerk off, and it's slightly better. The issue isn't that I'm addicted to the latter but that boredom is so oppressive that I need to have some escape. Sometimes I find a new hobby and it's fun for a week or two, but then it just goes stale and it's back to square one. I wonder how many other people are trapped in cycles like this.

>> No.17478250

learn to litter

>> No.17478255

>Do you think the way you feel about it is bad?
Not necessarily - I've had to fight hoarding impulses my whole life, and mostly succeeded, but otherwise the only time it feels like a problem is when I try to explain to people why I'm doing something weird with an object - maybe not throwing it out, or saving it for some reason.

I can pinooint the exact moment I first felt this way towards objects: I was maybe 8, and I was brushing my teeth one morning with my younger siblings. We couldn't reach the sink well, so I went and got a disposable plastic cup for us to use to rinse our mouths. Only, when I brought it back to the bathroom, my little brother, who found another cup in the bathroom, took it from my hand, told me we didn't need it, and crushed the cup in front of me.

Strangely, I was devastated. I felt so bad for the cup that it was just crushed for no reason. That it couldn't do the one thing it was made to do, and I almost cried. I saved it for years. I still have it.

>> No.17478256

Nothing about being creative feels exciting anymore

>> No.17478265

Maybe for you

>> No.17478270

Because the WEF has told us we're all going to be chattel by 2030. We are unofficially, of course, but that's when they're going to drop the pretense and make it official. It kind of takes the wind out of your sails when you know you're going to part of a slave class soon.

>> No.17478284

I just mean I'm depressed retard. I'm depressed and past my prime

>> No.17478309

How old are you? If you're still in your 20s then it's probably hormones that are making you turbulent. When I was past my 30s my character suddenly evened out and I wasn't turbulent anymore. Mind you I did get sober as well, which likely help in some part. Stop being a fag. Lift weights and invest in crypto. Pursue your creative endeavors as a side hobby for the time being. You're not a tortured genius.

>> No.17478318

I hate this website, Irony is the worst form of comedy. But every other forum is either dead or shit like reddit. So I lurk here.

>> No.17478351

i ate 2 packs of ramen noodle for a late night snack again

>> No.17478356

what irony?

>> No.17478370

It's impossible to talk to others online because no one engages conversations in good faith, and they have no reason to do so.

>> No.17478442

I'm 28, but I've also got a bunch of mood disorders. My creative endeavors aren't all hobbies though. Even though I work as a programmer, my writing is my real career and I'm dependent on being creative to make progress in it

>> No.17478459

You know that warm fuzzy feeling you get when you have a good conversation with someone over a common topic i.e. movie/ That connection you never get that in real life. people are up their own ass that its almost impossible to have an honest conversation with people.

>> No.17478479

Do you lift weights? You should consider doing so. It was a big help in calming my moodiness. And it's nice to be able to point to something in this atomised society that you are making objective and verifiable progress in. If you don't want to go to a public gym try and set up a home gym solution.

>> No.17478491

It will take the science and philosophical community a thousand years to catch up to my degree of wisdom. People are noticing things already, but it is a minority and none of them have put together The Big Picture like I have.

I would say the intellectual journey of man is inevitable. Advanced computer simulations will show that abiogenesis is a fraudulent claim(the current calculations already do).
Particle Physics and Quantum Field theory will be shown to be altogether the flight of fancy, as a sense of the elegance(most simple yet effective) of Divine Design comes into clearer focus.

As more neuroscientists ascertain thought experiments then the hard problem of consciousness will never have been more conspicuous.

Evolutionary biologists will begin to realize that man is a unique animal, in more ways than one(an appeal to human beauty). Hypothesis's will fail until they realize evolution was divinely guided, just as biogenesis was.

Fine-tuning argument(as it pertains to human life), will be shown to be correct. Countless universes can be imagined but only a sliver of them can produce conditions that are hospitable for man. Multiverse will be shown to be a fallacious inference.

Philosophy will understand the true structure of human reasoning, that you can merely find 3 ways of supporting your beliefs and they can all be shown to be a valid, although not necessarily an absolute way of thinking.

This all leads one to the search for God. Buddhism is out, and all the Abrahamic faiths have contradictions in their holy texts. This leaves Hinduism : Advaita Vedanta makes the most sense.
Also, if one removes the Jewish text from the Bible leaving only the Gospel, then most of that scriptures contains no glaring errors.

So, Hinduism (mysticism) and Christianity, that seems like a good lead. How do they work together? Well, Jesus could have been an ordinary man who was the first human to achieve Sahaja Samadhi. This would mean that while other mystics achieved a vision of God, Christ entered a permanent mystical state, and not only perceived his Oneness with God, but the Divine Thought(or Will of God, or Logos) as well.

One day humanity will catch up, but boy are yall slow witted as fuck or what.

>> No.17478553

>Jesus could have been an ordinary man who was the first human to achieve Sahaja Samadhi.
There were all sorts of sages in earlier stages of this world who achieved Sahaja Samadhi. This planet is far older than we think it is. It has seen civilizations far more advanced than ours come and go again and again. You are hung up on this Christian notion that Jesus is the be all and end all. And whilst I'm sure Jesus was an incredibly high level spiritual figure, I'm not even sure that he attained Sahaja. He could've been a high level yogi who only sat at Nirvikapla. To even suggest this is abject blasphemy to most Christians, so I don't bother. Either way it doesn't matter as I am ajnani and am not qualified to even speak on it to be honest.

>Evolutionary biologists will begin to realize that man is a unique animal, in more ways than one(an appeal to human beauty).
Man is unique because it takes a lot of work to attain a human incarnation. You are best suited toward liberation when you are in a human incarnation, though it isn't necessary.

All this other stuff you've written is you not seeing the forest for the trees. You want to better the state of the world and put right knowledge first, but what is the world? Who are you? Are you even here? How can you say truly that you know what anything is?

You're playing games. As am I. This will continue as long as we think we are the body. For as long as we think this we will think that we are in the world and this world is being poorly governed and understood in X ways when it should rather be rightly understood and governed in Y ways etc. It's just a game -- the leela, play of Maya.

>It will take the science and philosophical community a thousand years to catch up to my degree of wisdom.

>> No.17478585


You anons and the others who do this should read James Hillman, he makes a pretty convincing case for personification. I would suggest reading the first chapter of "Re-Visioning Psychology", which deals with the personification of internal states, thoughts and feelings as others.

Then I'd say read the chapters "Anima Mundi" and "Psychoanalysis in the Streets" from "A Blue Fire" to get a sense of personification of outer objects.

For what it's worth I don't think that most of you are schizophrenic at all for doing this. It's actually something most people do quite a bit. Think about gardeners for example, they speak 'as if' their plants were others with likes and dislikes. "Oh Tomatoes don't like a lot of sun, they prefer more shade". Or car people, they personify their vehicles, "Ahh she's running a bit rough today". I can point out more examples but it is something we all do to some degree.

>> No.17478599

Are you Buddhist or Hindu or some eclectic mix?

>> No.17478628 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1400x700, IMG_20210207_072839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kill myself. I haven't felt this depressed in a long time. My Twitter timeline is just filled with painfully unfunny shitposter, imageboards aren't all that different, i haven't been able to write for two years, three almost, and I have no real life. Nobody wants to listen to a guy bitch and moan about how fucking inconsolable he is and how he needs help. Who cares? I don't want to die. I just wish I was out of this rut I'm in.

>> No.17478636

My interest is in Advaita Vedanta. If you're looking for a recommendation I'd suggest Ramana Maharshi. He might be able to help clarify and simplify these matters for you. That was a sage who went through Sahaja for sure. I see him as the bellwether of the authentic, by which I measure everything else.

>> No.17478651

Thanks I'll check him out

>> No.17478654
File: 265 KB, 1610x1073, IMG_20210206_063331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kill myself. I haven't felt this depressed in a long time. My Twitter timeline is just filled with painfully unfunny shitposters, imageboards aren't all that different, i haven't been able to write for two years, three almost, and I have no real life. Nobody wants to listen to a guy bitch and moan about how fucking inconsolable he is and how he needs help getting it together. Who cares? I don't want to die. I just wish I was out of this rut I'm in.

>> No.17478674 [DELETED] 

The carrot is never far from the stick.

>> No.17478680

>tfw my bf is a dualist
What should I do about this?

>> No.17478770

stop being gay

>> No.17478783

I'm not

>> No.17478799


>> No.17478804

Hope he can shoot straighter than the other guy

>> No.17478810

you'll never be a man

>> No.17478826

seethe, cringe, cope, dilate etc.

>> No.17478830

did a urethral swab and now it hurts to pee

>> No.17478831


>> No.17478846

You probably learned that somewhere. Get back to now, anon.

>> No.17478851

Repeat with me: "I am here, I am now."

>> No.17478935

Living in the present is overrated and a sign of someone who lacks introspection.

>> No.17478946

It is -37 right now. Thought we were going to have a mild winter, made it through December and January without going below -20. Supposed to be like this all week.

>> No.17478951

You need to get back to your senses at a certain point.

>> No.17478954

You sound like you've had enough of wallowing in a merely negative existence and you want a positive one. So why don't you do that? I don't mean negative/positive in the sense of emotional negativity/positivity either, I mean an existence that doesn't just negate other shit but that posits something worthwhile. Live in service to something you care about and you will activate all the parts of your soul that are dormant and craving activity. You're basically in anaerobic fermentation mode right now because you've cut yourself off from meaning. Meaning isn't subjective, it is objective. Care about something so great and important that it makes your own happiness an optional, secondary affair. Then you will find strength and self-creative energy, and in the long run that will make you happy.

>The main trouble with human beings is their tendency to become trapped in the 'triviality of everydayness' (to borrow Heidegger's phrase), in the suffocating world of their personal preoccupations. And every time they do this, they forget the immense world of broader significance that stretches around them. And since man needs a sense of meaning to release his hidden energies, this forgetfulness pushes him deeper and deeper into depression and boredom, the sense that nothing is worth the effort. ...

>The interesting thing is that Western man developed science and philosophy of because of this consuming passion for wider significances. It was not his reason that betrayed him, but his inability to reason clearly, to understand that a healthy mind must have an 'input' of meaning from the universe if it is to keep up an 'output' of vital effort. The fatal error was the failure of the scientists and rationalists to keep their minds open to the sense of huaca, the unseen forces. They tried to measure life with a six-inch ruler and weigh it with the kitchen scales. This was not science; it was crudity only one degree beyond that of savages; and Swift made game of it in the 'Voyage to Laputa'.

>Man lives and evolves by 'eating' significance, as a child eats food. The deeper his sense of wonder, the wider his curiosity, the stronger his vitality becomes, and the more powerful his grip on his own existence.

>> No.17478957

Where the fuck do you live

>> No.17479008

Northern Minnesota.

>> No.17479133

been two weeks since i gave up reading about religion and metaphysics, feeling great!

>> No.17479136


>> No.17479142

You're harming yourself and the creators are harming you. It's not a healthy expression of male sexuality.

>> No.17479251
File: 1.16 MB, 631x795, 1608882912174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't get better. The Tartar Steppe was an instruction manual

>> No.17479263

>Live in service to something you care about and you will activate all the parts of your soul that are dormant and craving activity
This is false, i'm a carer for a family member who i dearly love and if anything it has made me less happy

>> No.17479270

the "wear two masks" thing has really got me down, i'm mostly numb to the ongoing show, but two masks, idk, anons

>> No.17479271

I'm not the type to jump right out of bed but this morning was particularly nightmarish. Is there a medical condition for when first morning grogginess is especially painful? Everyone knows the feeling. A mental heaviness, a dullness of the senses, this vague sensation of only being halfway on. Sleep, like some sticky substance, still clinging to the waking brain. Except this morning felt like my mind was peering through the thickest London fog. You know what something you wrote with a pencil looks like after you've rubbed and eraser over it a few times, blurred, unrecognizable but still there? That's what my mind felt like. I could barely see in front of me. Nobody looks their best the moment after waking up, but I look like Swamp Thing, a shaggy, dreadful, baggy mess. And it's not because I didn't get enough sleep.

>> No.17479278
File: 21 KB, 480x270, 1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just found this picture and i really wanted to share it with /lit/

>> No.17479280

I think caring for adult family members is inherently depressing due to the circumstances of why that family member would be in such a position being only negative things (physical or mental disability, disease, aging and death etc). I think you need to live in service to something you care about from which a positive potential can spring out.

>> No.17479285

Greetings from Kazakhstan

>> No.17479290

Perhaps this is true, but you should have said that first, otherwise anon could end up enslaved and trapped living for something that he cares about yet makes his life worse

>> No.17479295

I'm not that anon, to be clear.

>> No.17479323

Thank you. Thats a nice picture.

>> No.17479354

Corollary to this is that if an object hurts me, doesn't work the way I want it to, or frustates me in any way I become even more enraged by the fact that it has no sentience and I cannot get revenge on it. It's weird because I am almost never perturbed by other people but when I bonk my head on the dryer door or hit my shin on the bedframe I briefly wish I was god so I could imbue those objects with a soul and then condemn that soul to the fires of hell.

>> No.17479365

thank you for noticing and for the reply.

>> No.17479390

>Get intense interest in a subject and study it intensely for a couple of weeks
>Lose total interest all of a sudden
>repeat ad infinitum.
Anybody else live like this? In the past month I've already wanted to go from an art curator at a museum to a linguistics professor. Can't actually commit to anything because I know I'll lose interest and that will be it. I've recently become interested in Wittgenstein and it's got to the point where I wonder should I even get his books because I might lose interest before they even arrive. Been like this my entire life.

>> No.17479401

I recommend Titus Groan. It has beautiful prose, really wild characters, and a fun plot.

>> No.17479421

which town

>> No.17479448

what happened to /int/ and /sp/, they used to be some of the best boards

>> No.17479466

I see what you're saying, but gardening is a bad example and in no way equivalent to someone talking to their car. plants are alive. they do things and react to things. in many ways they are like animals in slow motion. there's a world of difference between living creatures and inanimate objects, even within the context of this discussion

>> No.17479483
File: 1.89 MB, 300x350, 1612309906355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based bigsoul, you are an arrow of longing for the other shore

I love those who do not first seek a reason beyond the stars for going down and being sacrifices, but sacrifice themselves to the earth, that the earth may become the Overman's.

I love him who loves his virtue: for virtue is the will to down-going, and an arrow of longing.

I love him who reserves no share of spirit for himself, but wants to be wholly the spirit of his virtue: thus he walks as spirit over the bridge.

I love him who makes his virtue his inclination and destiny: thus, for the sake of his virtue, he is willing to live on, or live no more.

I love him whose soul is lavish, who wants no thanks and does not give back: for he always gives, and desires not to keep for himself.

I love him who is ashamed when the dice fall in his favor, and who then asks: "Am I a cheat?" -- for he wants to perish.

I love him who scatters golden words in advance of his deeds, and always does more than he promises: for he seeks his own down-going.

I love him who justifies the future ones, and redeems the past ones: for he is willing to perish through the present ones.

I love him who chastens his God, because he loves his God: for he must perish through the wrath of his God.

I love him whose soul is deep even in the wounding, and may perish through a small matter: thus he goes willingly over the bridge.

I love him whose soul is so overfull that he forgets himself, and all things are in him: thus all things become his down-going.

>> No.17479487

You get into it too hard and burn yourself out. You need to hold back from going all in on new interests and take some time to think about what you'd really like to pursue long term, or what would fit you best outside of short term whims.

>> No.17479492

Tu n’as pas à être désolé, si on écrit c’est aussi pour échanger avec d’autres. L’écriture établit un lien. Force à nous.

>> No.17479493

Don't think I'm able lmao, I've always been 100% or nothing. If I don't have an interest in something I can't learn anything about it unfortunately. I've been tempted to see if fucking Ritalin or adderall would work but I'm pretty sure I don't have ADD or ADHD

>> No.17479571

It's a nice picture but not a good photo. The pumpkin on the left demands too much attention away and it's hard to look at the right side with the puppy without being constantly distracted by the cries for attention from the glowie pumpkin.

>> No.17479582

Yes, I'm like that, but I found that the overarching interest I have is in philosophy which includes every other activity. I usually follow my manias because they're crazy efficient in synthesising large amounts of information, but I always come back to the all-encompassing philosophy eventually.

>> No.17479591

You might just need to find a way of living that suits your personality, even if it's not especially stable.

>> No.17479611

>ve been tempted to see if fucking Ritalin or adderall would work but I'm pretty sure I don't have ADD or ADHD
You probably do. ADHD has hyperfocused periods. And it's ADHD-PI. Ritalin will probably help you, but all drugs have negative side-effects.

>> No.17479628

>taking amphetamine daily will help you
do people really think this way? at least you mentioned negative side effects.

>> No.17479679

Methylphenidate is not amphetamine, but yes, they help with inhibitory control if taken in moderate doses.

>> No.17479712


This is your brain on Catholicism.

>> No.17479913

top kek

>> No.17479934


>> No.17479945

Yeah, well imagine how it feels actually being a westerner and coming to same realisation.

>> No.17479953

You're not listening to westerners, you're listening to jews and jewish puppets.

>> No.17480037

what are you quoting?

>> No.17480042

I thought murricans didn't use C. do they in some parts more than others?

>> No.17480048


>> No.17480050

Clearly anon meant something entirely different. I thought it was clear, anyway

>> No.17480095

I cannot escape from the tension between my desire for power and the pleasures of life and the idea of a higher purpose.

>> No.17480129
File: 200 KB, 750x1200, ebenezer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished this yesterday. Got recommended here and I want to recommend it too. Made me feel good about being some sort of an eccentric, at least measured by today's standards. We'll find a place in this world, anons, I am sure, to make a difference for the better, even in the smallest scale. Keep your heads up and read this book if you want to have a blessed time.

>> No.17480132

based schizo

>> No.17480342

I feel like i've been uncertain of my sexual role since childhood. I never felt like a masculine guy and i never felt attraction towards males.

>> No.17480393

I forgot about 90% of what I've been taught at university.
Especially economics

>> No.17480433

A got a boner whenever I fantasise about murdering a female. Awkward when it happens during time when I play with my little niece.

>> No.17480448


>> No.17480457

You're right, it does sound gay

>> No.17480547

It has been roughly one year since I kicked my debilitating weed habit and half a year since I enrolled back into education, it feels as if I am once again a productive member of society. I practice a couple of productive/creative activities and enjoy great relationships with a couple of close friends and family members. For all of this I am grateful. I just wish that face-to-face social contact will soon return, I'd like to meet new people

>> No.17480623
File: 12 KB, 241x209, crypepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My "serious writing" is so juvenile and childish that I don't even have the courage to post it here. Feels really bad. No matter how much I read or write, I'll never amount to 1/20 of the caliber of my favorite authors.

I was born clumsy so I'm horrible at working with my hands. The literary/intellectual world is my only shot at making some use of myself but to my great dismay, I find my performance mediocre even in this realm. I feel lied to because all my life, parents and teachers consistently praised my intellectual skill and made me feel like I was gifted, when I was really just doing the ordinary rote-memorization typical of the school system, and didn't really have any real talent. I've always fantasized about being a great, original, and dependable figure, but now I'm starting to discover that I was born to be nothing more than a fly on the wall of the palaces of sublime majesty, but I'm not humble enough to accept this, and talentless ambition is the most asinine kind of vice. And because of this, I have trouble respecting myself.

>> No.17480710

Then you grew up and realised the benches probably enjoy being left alone.

>> No.17480816

Done similar, I feel deep remorse when going back to stuffed animals that I haven't played with in a long time, whenever I do I usually clean them or hold them tight to my chest for a little while out of respect, I remember once longing for my favorite teddy bear so bad I slept with him for a night, that was probably a couple of months ago

>> No.17480853

Well done

>> No.17480865

I went to buy some milk to make pancakes. Next to the groceries the local supermarket has a shelf with random things. I watched an old woman very focused on a toilet brush. Her very carefully reading the writing on the packaging made me sad.

>> No.17480870

My parents won't allow me to burn my childhood stuffed toys.

>> No.17480934

I've had similar but never really could convey it, throughout highschool the first 4 hours of my day were this blurry nightmare, the thought makes me want to fucking about acid, it's like everything's slumped to the bottom of my skull and there's a hefty at the back made of smoke, but it's as heavy as lead. I imagine it's some severe lack of sleep or a sleep cycle

>> No.17480936
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>He's yet to know

>> No.17480937

Es-tu moi?

>> No.17480945
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>Being extroverted.
You disgust me.

>> No.17480954

Why do you want to burn them?

>> No.17480955

Read Jung.

>> No.17480964

Man, I posted last night about how I don’t really want to see my family and now they’re telling me they’re just going to come to me. I love them but c’mon. Now, I should probably just go to them.

>> No.17480973

You’re not alone, anon.

>> No.17480979

The people that gave me those toys burned my trust with them a long time ago.

>> No.17481249

Ah I think I see, getting rid of painful reminders, I'm guessing you're in an urban area and aren't able to build a bonfire or something, if you really wanna burn them but you live in a city maybe you could find a homeless dumpster fire and give them some extra kindling

>> No.17481282

>getting rid of painful reminders,
Pretty much. I think they're avoiding watching me symbolically burning my relation with them. They try to be nicer these days, but they don't understand they can't earn that trust back with me.

Good god please let me die in my sleep.

>> No.17481300

>Every day someone posts a picture of karl marx.
You should be happy about it. It's a great containment thread for /pol/posters. It's easy to hide instinctually and it baits both left-wing and right-wing idiots to shitpost in there.

>> No.17481378
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>day 9751 without sex

>> No.17481392

That is not Centigrade, it is Fahrenheit.

>> No.17481460
File: 97 KB, 690x1000, 154138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream where a book had the epigraph:
>Man was born without honor, and most assuredly he will die without honor.
I woke up convinced it was a real quotation, but the closest matches I can think of are 1 Timothy 6:7 and "We must all hang together".

>> No.17481477


today we met and she said she doesn't feel anything for me anymore and we are never ever getting back together

right now i feel relieved just to have the closure

i think soon i will feel bad about it

but maybe not

i hope i will be strong enough to just move forward and stop beating myself up over it

she is probably right and it is for the best

>> No.17481498

next time don't be a pussy lmao

>> No.17481816
File: 91 KB, 960x720, 15234324234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence is the only answer to every problem in this world. Cursing the day I was born and thinking about death most of the time haven't done me any favours. Why do I need favours? Will my agitated being ever allow to remain silent? I don't think so. Humans have the hunger for infinite. There is so much to write and discuss yet everything is drenched in futility. When will I escape my contradictory being who is afraid of infinity and nothingness at the same time? I can't even have faith due to condition of "I". Why should I have faith if I don't feel it? Just to calm my terribly sick heart? Why should I bend the knee the in front of wretched nature which is red in its tooth and claw? Words and words more words, enough words. How futile it is to figure out answers and ask question, contemplate life, read scriptures, travel, searching for profound wisdom in a sentence and then in next one and next and next and next and next and next. Why can't we blow up the Sun? This treacherous tyrant, the cosmic scum. Where are you God? Pessoa called but you never answered, Cioran called but you never answered, now I am calling you either annihilate my being or answer my call. Who I am? I am not important. Such a naive meatbag I am. I am the centre of the Universe due my "I" there is a representation of objective reality. Why should I disown my "I"? This "I" is lonely through its quest of life. This "I" view itself in everything. The secret is I don't need an answer, contradiction is a blessing, being a lost being is a blessing, uncertainty is a blessing, investigation is a blessing. Why I am lying to myself? I need an answer. I don't need God. I don't need anything. I don't need "I". What do I need?
Too many words, too many words.



A dagger to the heart. Yes. No. I don't know.



Silence of the Grave. No. NO.




Language should commit suicide.

>> No.17481875

I just blocked my emotions and became irritable and dead like.

>> No.17482145

How is that extroverted

>> No.17482158

christ in the cradle it's a wintery day
walking round in the pouring rain
I got the airs of Eve and the mark of Cain
Lord I can't be rid of this being-born stain

>> No.17482168
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Rent free (as it should be)

>> No.17482179
File: 31 KB, 426x600, risitas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will die.

>> No.17482266
File: 272 KB, 1440x1440, Seul-gi-Kang-Feet-4327490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I exercise, but I'm still lonely.

>> No.17482303

Oh. Funnily enough, the value at that temperature is almost identical to Celsius. Minnesota is pretty hardcore. I'm in Eastern Europe and I've never experienced -37 in my lifetime. The winter here is also the coldest it's been in the past several years, the previous 2 or 3 were very mild.

>> No.17482336

and that's a good thing

>> No.17482369

it's metaphoric

>> No.17482412

They were made for the purpose of being used; why would they ever enjoy their singular purpose being denied?

>> No.17482663

>white guy uses indian buzzwords
fucking hell shut the hell up

>> No.17482757
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This but because I want my future wife to know how deep I am which would make her more affectionate during sex and make me feel more masculine.

>> No.17482763

Being a narcissist is not good anon.

>> No.17482771

why the internet is so boring? I got reasonably bored at college, but this is way worse than it.

>> No.17482882
File: 11 KB, 225x225, myempireofdirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do naturally based girls exist, or do they all need to be told what to believe? It keeps me up all night I swear

>> No.17482904

I can't die if I never truly lived.

>> No.17483003

>do they all need to be told what to believe
Yes. Notice how most women in relationships just copy the beliefs, hobbies, and political views of their partner? Notice how women always want men to lead?

>> No.17483319

>women over 30 with no children
If women didn't channel all negative emotions through self-harm and gossip they might have actually been considered scary.

>> No.17483351

this is a good question. why aren't they a political force?

>> No.17483363
File: 1.90 MB, 2371x2927, Kirsten_svendsdatter_finder_guldhornet_(1859)_by_niels_simonsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have wasted my life and I continue, why? I am always afraid of new opportunities, I only feel comfortable with the known, anxious at all new steps, yet constantly seeking them out. Cannot live comfortably doing nothing, yet hate doing anything. I have somehow failed at understanding what life can be. A new regret emerges every day. The future looks both bleak and shiny at the same time and I am not sure why.

>> No.17483367

I know men who do the same thing.

>> No.17483373

I have yet to see someone actually wearing two masks.

>> No.17483406

Je est un autre.

>> No.17483455


>> No.17483561

Because they don’t have kids to put their time and attention into

>> No.17483580

they are
Theyre called feminists

>> No.17483613

rip gucci

>> No.17483862

I'm thinking about how tihs thread is a significant part of my entertainment and I wish you people would just start sharing already

>> No.17483947

There's something very flattering about being accused of being a tranny here when I reveal my gender in a shitpost.

>> No.17483966

Probably the idea your dick is attached to you instead of sitting sad, silicone, and slightly sticky in a drawer somewhere

>> No.17483979

I’m in the process of building a garden and it’s really fun. There’s a bit of a plot next to my house along the side. I took some old fence from when the neighbor rebuilt it and cut it up and built four standing garden beds. I’ve put them in the little plot spaced out and but leftover bricks between them, digging things out to make it flat but also to put in the beds themselves. It’s been extremely satisfying and it’s the first time I’ve done hard manual labor in more than a year. I love it. I can’t wait to charge up the dirt and plant some food and feed my family. I will manifest my will upon the ground and I will cultivate it as I see fit.

That’s my check in for the day, now I have to get some work done.

>> No.17483984
File: 131 KB, 750x747, 1610757255262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I think about Rome. Rome was a motherfucker of a state. Rome fell apart anyway. The Romans didn't have the internet or computers or cell phones or airplanes or any of the other miracle technologies that make space and time so small and easily digestible. Even if they did, Rome didn't have another Rome that came before it that they could compare and contrast themselves against. Everything they did, they were inventing ways of doing it for the first time, figuring things out as they went along. When Rome started to collapse, I can't imagine what they thought.

But now space and time are small. The context of the whole world and the entirety of recorded history is right here, in front of us, whenever we want it. You choose to go anywhere in the world and be there within 24 hours. Any piece of information ever recorded can be accessed by anyone. You can co-ordinate your actions with someone else in real time, thousands of miles away, and they don't even need to speak the same language. Every little facet of this entire planet is more connected with every other than one end of Rome was with the other.

It feels like I'm one of the Romans. Every part of the known world is bad and getting worse. There is no place of salvation. There are no life boats. There's no secret holdout. Everything is so closely and intricately linked together that borders don't mean anything anymore, in actuality or in the minds of people, so when one falls they can't stop themselves from compulsively dragging everyone else down to.

There's nowhere you can go where people are reasonable and leave each other alone, where a government doesn't intrude and wreck lives unnecessarily, where people can conduct trade unmolested and keep what they earn, where culture doesn't exist solely to manufacture emotional leverage and condition people to pay to ruin their own lives. There's not one place on this entire planet you can go to and thrive without lying and cheating for advantage in a rigged game, where honest work isn't a hamster wheel of wallowing in subjective mediocrity until you drop dead, are thrown in the ground, and replaced.

How the fuck am I suppose to know this and trudge through 8 hours of wage cuckery a day? Things are only going to get harder, more difficult, more confusing, less fair, increasingly complex as time goes on, and here I am watching it happen unable to do anything because I'm too preoccupied trying to figure out how to make Mr. Shekelburg happy with whatever dumb, pointless, transitory horse shit task he's put me to. I get to experience what it was like during the fall of Rome with all the added horror of the knowledge of what's going to happen based on what already had last time in addition to the exponential increase in scale and complexity. It's the same machine failing in the same catastrophic ways but it's dozens of times bigger with dozens of times more small, fragile, unique parts. I've already given up on it, but I'm still terrified.

>> No.17483995

>Hello everybody and welcome to the NFL on Fox brought to you by Toyota: Lets Go Places. Its a cold day in Miami as the Bucs and Chiefs get ready to play in the Super Bowl for all the marbles. I'm Joe Buck and as always I'm joined by my friend and colleague Troy Aikman. We now go down the field to our sideline reporter Pam Oliver with an update

>I just finished up talking to Head Coach Andy Reid and he said Sammy Watkins will play despite the calf injury he sustained last week against Buffalo. So we'll see how that affects his performance this afternoon.

>Troy, your thoughts?

>Yes, I think him playing is a real x factor in this game, many people have thought he wouldn't be playing today, and a rib injury will definitely slow down and affect his mobility in this game.

>We now go down the field for the playing of our national anthem performed by John Legend, sponsored by Nike: Just do it.

>> No.17484004

god i fucking hate football

>> No.17484019

very based, bless you anon

>> No.17484029

I'm able to combat uncomfy feels by exercising until I physically feel like shit as opposed to mentally feeling like shit.

>> No.17484033
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, obteirgsr5z5tkbgexef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Andy Reid
one of the handsomest men

>> No.17484068
File: 105 KB, 640x640, plato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol nothing personal kid

>> No.17484073

At least it's your struggle, if that makes sense. You are a Westerner too, so it's up to you to judge and fight this phenomenon. As an outsider, I am just endlessly conflicted between hating Westerners for being this way and trying to love whatever redeeming sides of Westernism I can discover.
Naive and uneducated gentiles are still gentiles, anon.

>> No.17484076

Bulgaria is western you Bulgarian fuck

>> No.17484083

because you're 13

>> No.17484129

Every Bulgarian I've met is super nationalistic and proud of their culture/history. They'll go on about their ancient empires and the Balkan Wars and all sorts of obscure shit to anyone that will listen. That's probably jarring compared to the self hating Westerners.

>> No.17484130
File: 327 KB, 834x870, 1451592093113.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wasted it all, bros. I could have done so much more with my youth. I never fell in love. I never made a true friend. I have no stories to tell. But I'm not going to use this as an excuse. Things are going to get better. And they will for you, too. At least I hope so.
If there is a God, He is a mercyful one. Have a good night, everyone.

>> No.17484138

We are being westernised, but we are hardly western. There are very major differences between Bulgaria and the West. The only thing we share is common European sensibilities and the history of a broad Christianity. Other than that, everything is different.

>> No.17484147

You're probably not really that old. Best of luck anon

>> No.17484164

I had a phase like that too, in fact I probably would have remained exactly that type of guy if it not for my exposure to the West. Up until my late teens I had only heard of the West - as soon as I had my first direct impressions, the existentially horrific experience provoked me into very vigorous investigation of the western situation and everything that can be considered its context.

>> No.17484185

Thanks anon, I'm gonna steal this quote for my own book

>> No.17484215

I hate it too but my Gen X dad loves it so I watch it with him.

>> No.17484292

I feel like maybe I’m just not a serious person. Nothing about me screams that I’m a serious writer really. It’s quite hard to imagine the great authors of history being as small, childish, and unimpressive as I am. Maybe I’m not going to make it.

>> No.17484299

this is some good toast

thinking about how mass-religion, like Islam or even Judaism, can mix with spirituality. Mass-religion is about maintaining a tradition. Supposedly, I think, the goal of the tradition is spirituality, but it does seem that it boils down to legalism and pride a lot ot the time. It grows a judgmental spirit. Meanwhile spirituality comes with realizations that judgement is in itself absurd, and that life should fundamentally be respected. If allowed to run loose- sure, I imagine it would kill a tradition. But if all the tradition does is foster holier-than-thou-ism, then...

>> No.17484308
File: 169 KB, 633x605, Hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to hate sneed, but now i cant stop using it.

>> No.17484325

I haven't watched porn for a year and I would be lying if I said that I do not think about it many, many times a day. I think it would fill my head with images that would pop into mental view while I am praying. That's why I don't. But I sure do think about it. I did a good 16-17 years. I wonder how far de-coomerised I can even become at this point. Being around people helps, living alone does not. But I've held my ground.

>> No.17484360

Good work anon. I have had a very mixed experience myself. When things were at their worst, intrusive thoughts about porn wouldn't leave me alone for up to three days at a time. Now I only think about sex when I'm on /lit/ and some vile disgusting faggot posts half naked women, but the thought usually passes after a few seconds. I think the important part is to not assign too much importance to sex-related thoughts, be it positive importance in terms of desire or negative importance in terms of disgust and shame. Both of those are strong reactions that "affirm" the importance of the topic and spawn more related thoughts. Instead, you should face them with indifference, perhaps even boredom if you can, and also limit your exposure and the attention you pay to them.

>> No.17484471

Get into meditation and let the idea of porn float through you. Accept it, and move on. Right now you are in a battle of repentance. Trying to use willpower to overcome desires, which, of course, is a battle one can never truly win.

>> No.17484548

Yup, the two scales line up at -40. This is our most moderate winter in a few years. We generally have the coldest temps in the US short of mountain tops and interior/northern Alaska, quick check, Anchorage is 32 degrees warmer than we are right now. Two days ago when this cold hit we went from 30 to -20 in a few hours and that is not exactly a large temperature swing for us, or that quick. Minnesota keeps things exciting.

>> No.17484615

Let’s be honest. None of us laymen are going to make it, are we? If we had normal jobs and attitudes and watched football with our friends and families. If we played video games and drank beer. If we didn’t find ourselves on a treadmill to a graduate program or spend our time with articulate literati or do anything of literary note by the time we’re 23. We’re probably not going to make it if we’re laymen, are we?

>> No.17484621

no, thats why im planning on starting my own religion

>> No.17484914

Mate I am fucking 30 and I have nothing 'normal', my life moves like a dream (not in any sense of good/bad) and I exist but I almost cannot understand how I have managed to do it. I just don't feel part of anything but don't have the desire to either.

>> No.17484942

i dont strive to be famous. too much pressure and headaches. i just want to make enough to be comfortable and indulge in simple pleasures

>> No.17485031

I just really want a blowjob.

>> No.17485115

I don’t care about that even. I just want to write and be read.

>> No.17485121

I have no idea what you mean.

>> No.17485130

You can do that as a poor man, so get to it my friend.

>> No.17485361

when I was an asshole kid I had a manic episode and broke this pretty porcelain doll that belonged to my little sister. Just a senseless waste of a beautiful little thing. I still feel like it's the worst thing I've ever done and I told my sister as much and apologized some 20 years later but she didn't even remember the event.

>> No.17485414
File: 1.91 MB, 2268x3631, 20210207_195538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My hand hurts

>> No.17485465

James Joyce wrote about porking his girl.

Get a grip anon. You don’t have to be serious to be taken seriously.

>> No.17485477

He didn't write about it for others to read, he wrote private letters to his girl to get her horny

>> No.17485489

When I say layman, I don’t mean poor. I mean average. Ezra Pound wasn’t a normal everyday American for a single a day. I have been for 20 something years.

>> No.17485505

Some anons should unironically get paid to use this shit.

>> No.17485511


>> No.17485510

And if you think you should, don't bother staying more than you feel like. Most anons don't deserve you, just saying.

>> No.17485518

Is this autism? Serious question.

>> No.17485520

I detest myself

>> No.17485528

It was the best of times It was the worst of times It was the song that we wrote for the Everyman It was the song that we sing for the laymen, skip dap dap doo and a fibiliy poo

>> No.17485541


>> No.17485599

You must think that you're cool, you're not.

>> No.17485637

I get in and out of depression lately on a weekly basis. My job is dead end right now, I'm 4 years out of college and starting positions in my degree field are still too competitive. I'm in the wrong city but the weather's nice here. Started learning coding again but I don't really see a career path in it. I wish I had gotten a degree from my school's business school instead.

I ordered an expensive multitrack recorder the other day. I was always kidding myself on my interest in learning DAWs. I really hope I take this seriously

>> No.17485711

where do I find a masculine man who isn't stupid

>> No.17485719

Girl or gay?

>> No.17485738

All of the people who like what I like are such pathetic dorks...

>> No.17485752

I have for some time been struggling to determine what, in life, are “worthwhile” activities. What should a person do on a daily basis, and on a lifelong basis, in order to ensure they did not waste too terribly much of their life? The usual answer one hears to this is, “Do whatever makes you happy.” And for many, that’s good enough. But to my mind, this insists upon further examination. What should a man, who has taken it upon himself to live in the most worthwhile manner, do in this life?

>> No.17485967

First you have to come to terms with your value judgement system to understand what you think is “worthwhile” because if you don’t define that for you, the rest of the conversation will become questions and long lists of things that others value but that you won’t which will lead to rabbit holes that don’t answer your question.
What do you get out of reading? Gardening? Guitar? Art? What does your internal system define as worthwhile both of those pursuits but then from those pursuits. Do you find joy and meaning from making things? Or do you find meaning from the money gained by commodifying that thing? Or do you find meaning in using that money for others to make things for you? There’s such a wide variety of meanings and value structures behind a given person that it’s impossible for any of us to help you in this until you know yourself better.

>> No.17485997

Why is immigrating so fucking hard?

>> No.17486016

Because in order to control the mass population, corporations have made it their prerogative to extensively exploit the hate between races and nations, subsequently lobbying the government to make immigration even more difficult, as the costs to that bureaucratic machine is far easier to profit off of for a smaller group of people than if borders were more open. You can see the effects in the nationalism thread and in /pol/ right now. Perpetual incompetency and profiteering are the answers. It fucking sucks. I’m sorry friend. I know a bunch of immigration attorneys and the whole system is fucked.

>> No.17486018

because other countries don't want losers.

>> No.17486037

I was reading about the life of Ezra Pound. The guy lost his job at the University and just got on a ship and left.

>> No.17486076

Immigration constraints are a good thing. I'm a young man whose generation is damned near priced out of their own housing market thanks to cashed up foreigners mass immigrating. But I know you don't care about people like us.

>> No.17486093

I do. I’m actually American of European descent. I grew up somewhere that was radically changed by mass immigration. I’m simply complaining about my own circumstance.

>> No.17486104

Oh man, I haven’t gotten called a Jew that quick since the last time I was on /pol/. Of fucking course I care about poor people and their inability to finance a home or own real property, but thinking it’s the fault of some Kurd with a phd is absurd. But now you’re just starting fights because you want to, knowing I don’t really give a shit otherwise I’d be posting in the nationalism thread, getting owned by nerds who read stacks of books about how nation states are the best thing since sliced bread and slavery. Our immigration system in the US is backed up by decades due to arbitrary constraints implemented by those in power made for PR points at the expense of human lives. Oh there it goes again, having me fall for it. I see what u did there

>> No.17486132

Well I'm Australian and my issue are the Chinese and Indians. Funny thing is I'm not racist and don't have any problem with these people ideologically, but there are too many in the country now. And they are buying up EVERYTHING. The Chinese upper middle class is likely bigger than our entire population index and the amount of real estate they are buying up is insane. Not to mention they are buying up all the raw resources of the country. We are being colonised in real time and you are le racist if you even dare bring it up in polite society. Everyone is in total denial about it.
I never called you a Jew, and I'm not a /pol/ lurker. I'm not even white. Your obsession with echo chamber boogeymen is verging on mental illness. Take a break from 4chan and re-orient yourself to the real world.

>> No.17486133

I'm right here, baby ;)

>> No.17486270

No, you’re right. The economic elite uses state sponsored immigration as an economic tool at the expense of domestic people or else something to just be ignored out of some white guilt or bleeding heart syndrome. I’ve seen this perfectly in my own country. I personally just want to migrate, not necessarily for economic reasons even. It’s this world that treats life in such an ignoble economic way that forces us all into this paradigm where we can’t be the good guys.

>> No.17486300

How hard is it? I'm probably going to immigrate for marriage in the next few years

>> No.17486308

how did you know?

>> No.17486329

it is for the best. you will find happiness friend.

>> No.17486355

Jack went up the hill for Jill
To get her a pail of water
To show her that he loved her
He really, really loved her
Romeo told Juliet
Something that she could never forget
To show he loved her
He really, really loved her
That’s in a storybook
A plain old fantasy
They could never compare
With the love between you and me
Because we got a love we can feel
We got a love that's really real
We got a love we can feel
We got a love that's really real
He was such a determined fella
He searched all over for Cinderella
To show he loved her
He really, really loved her
Mary's lamb was white as snow
He followed her wherever she'd go
To show he loved her
He really, really loved her
That’s in a storybook
A plain old fantasy
They could never compare
With the love between you and me
Because we got a love we can feel
We got a love that's really real
We got a love we can feel
We got a love that's really real

>> No.17486366

I remember when i used to play shoot em up
I remember when i chased the girls and beat em up
But i was young and didn't understand
But now i'm a grown up man
I know girls are made for kissing
Never knew what i was missing
Now my life is not the same
My whole world has been rearranged
I went from cowboy to girls
Oh yes i did

I remember when i used to watch you jumping rope

And i remember when you got your first baby coach
But you were young and didn't understand
Now you want me that i'm a man
And it's me that you're kissing
Ain't it fun reminiscing
Now our lives are not the same
Our whole world has been rearranged
You went from pretty dolls to boys
Oh yes you did
And i went from cowboys to girls
Oh yes i did
Still it's me that you're kissing
Ain't it fun reminiscing
Cause our life is not the same
This whole world has been rearranged
I went from cowboys to girls
Oh yes i did
You went from pretty dolls to boys

>> No.17486393

Ah, I really like this song.

Perhaps love is like a resting place
A shelter from the storm
It exists to give you comfort
It is there to keep you warm
And in those times of trouble
When you are most alone
The memory of love will bring you home
Perhaps love is like a window
Perhaps an open door
It invites you to come closer
It wants to show you more
And even if you lose yourself
And don't know what to do
The memory of love will see you through
Oh, love to some is like a cloud
To some as strong as steel
For some a way of living
For some a way to feel
And some say love is holding on
And some say letting go
And some say love is everything
And some say they don't know
Perhaps love is like the ocean
Full of conflict, full of pain
Like a fire when it's cold outside
Or thunder when it rains
If I should live forever
And all my dreams come true
My memories of love will be of you
And some say love is holding on
And some say letting go
And some say love is everything
And some say they don't know
Perhaps love is like the ocean
Full of conflict, full of pain
Like a fire when it's cold outside
Or thunder when it rains
If I should live forever
And all my dreams come true
My memories of love will be of you

>> No.17486420

A final favorite song.

You made my soul a burning fire
You're getting to be my one desire
You're getting to be all that matters to me
And let me tell you girl
I hope and pray each day I live
A little more love I'll have to give
A little more love that's devoted and true
'Cause all I do is think about you
Oh baby
(Is think about you)
Think about you baby
(All I do)
(Is think about you)
Baby just suppose I should happen to cross your mind
And by some chance a boy like me you're really been trying to find
Well let me tell you girl
Think of how exciting it would be
If you should discover you feel like me
If you should discover this dream is for two
Well I'm gonna tell you girl
I'd light a candle every day
And pray that you'll always feel this way
And pray that our love will forever be new
'Cause all I do is think about you
Oh baby
(Is think about you)
I think about you
(All I do)
Yeah, baby
(Is think about you)
Gonna tell you girl
I'd light a candle every day
And pray that you'll always feel this way
And pray that our love will forever be new
I'm gonna tell you girl
If I cannot have you for my own
I'd rather be lonely and all alone
I'd rather keep thinking the way that I do
'Cause all I do is think about you

>> No.17486439

My mom made lemon muffins and they r super gud. I wish my anonymous internet /lit/ friends were here and we could share them and talk about books and the deep concaves in david foster wallace's face.

>> No.17486500

>lemon muffins
subtle, yet flavourful

>> No.17487094

I'm gonna be starting an MA program this September and I have to choose whether I want to spend the summer becoming an expert in Hegel or Schelling. Which would you go with?

>> No.17487203

>hit something
>say sorry

>something fucks up
>call it a retard