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17472107 No.17472107 [Reply] [Original]

Books about being a wagie?

>> No.17472126

>a third
Not even close. This is one of the crucial misconceptions about the work day.

Normal sleep is 7-9 hours. Let's call it 8 for posterity. That means the work day is HALF of your day. But that isn't where a work day stops or starts. You are expected to be at work and ready to work, by that time. Further, you are expected to work until the designated end. That adds an extra 30 minutes, easily. To do so, you often are required to commute. Not to mention the added extra of the pressures for 'proper hygiene' and grooming (which are to excess in modern day).

You spend an hour getting ready. 30 driving to. 8hr30 at. 30 driving home. Then you still have all the other maintenance. Ironing clothes, cooking etc.; you're lucky to be left with 2-3 hours a day.

>> No.17472135

One of the reasons why I read is because I'm a wagie, why the fuck would I read about being a wagie if I'm trying to scape reality?

>> No.17472137

>you're lucky to be left with 2-3 hours a day.
at which point you're too tired to do anything worthwhile. you don't have any hours in the day really

>> No.17472201

Don't forget, you need your company phone on, and to check your e-mails at the weekend :)

I try to keep myself going with teaching. 'Have a purpose and all that'. Shame it's plagued by half-wit women climbing the social ladder with the rancid beef between their legs. They've totally ballsed up any form of discipline we might have once had.

>> No.17472246

I cannot imagine how anyone could think of things in this way and not expect to lose their mind. Yeah? You've calculated the time that is "technically" yours? How do you know exactly what time belongs to you? And what exactly the fuck are you DOING with "your time?" What great, ecstatic pleasures are you seeking? Shitposting? Sitting on your ass? Feet pics?

>> No.17472267

>Shitposting? Sitting on your ass? Feet pics?

>> No.17472268

Notes from the underground

>> No.17472271

Wow! I guess you're right, Mr.Goldberg... i never thought about it that way. Please let me live and sleep inside the office...i don't want to be distracted anymore with such trivialties!

>> No.17472277

Bukowski's got good takes on being a wagie.

>> No.17472279
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kind of surprised to not see the fight club mentioned here

>> No.17472283

>I cannot imagine how anyone could think of things in this way and not expect to lose their mind.
And yet it's true.

>You've calculated the time that is "technically" yours? How do you know exactly what time belongs to you?
I figured out that I actually spend rather a long time building up to the time I'm recompensed for, based on 'social requirements', or privileges we've lost in the last hundred years. Thanks to dual-working households, we can no longer expect there to be someone to do a lot of these chores - such as washing, cooking etc., and therefore we have, on the whole, within that partnership, lost that time.

If your hair isn't immaculate, you'll get called greasy or chastised for not meeting specific normative standards that weren't normative until relatively recently. The cost of eating out is too steep to make it normal. Data driven quotas mean you take more and more work home with you, and work harder and harder during the day anyway. We have been experiencing a gradual time theft.

I had one job, where I started at 9 o'clock, and finished at 5.
I arrived at 8:55, and told I was late, because I had missed a meeting I would not have been paid to attend.
I did my duties, and shut down at 5 o'clock. I was told I had to be open until 5, before closing anything. Time I would again, not have been paid for.

It sounds insignificant, but if I'm giving them 30 minutes either side of the day, every day, they are getting the best part of a free day's work out of me every week.

>> No.17472289

Nigga just start your own business

>> No.17472316

4HL is suicide inducing

>> No.17472354

How can one escape the hell that is bureaucratic corporations?
Is neeting the final redpilll? Or maybe take some risk and open your own shop/company?

>> No.17472362

I have seen this being spouted all the time. What kind of business can I open that wont go under andbankrupt me for life in under a year? If it was that easy people would have already done it

>> No.17472377

I'm >>17472126 & >>17472283
You don't. Plain and simple. The reason we needed governments to regulate, and not unashamedly and unquestioningly support corporations, is because we as individuals are outnumbered by corporations. We require so many corporations in our lives to meet the basic standards of living, that by convoluting their processes through bureaucratic means, we have no means to fight them back. It is on the same principle that companies like Netflix and Car Insurers play their game - they bank on people not having the time or energy to fight or manage their payments.

By making it difficult to manage those systems, through bureaucratic channels, they are better able to steal from us than we are capable to fight back.

What's that? All your bills went up this month? Just phone them up, wait 20+ minutes on a hotline to get some Indian script reader to vaguely try to muddle through the process of cancelling and opening a new account with them, to get the price you should have been getting anyway. Do that for the other 15 companies screwing you.

>> No.17472378

Just learn to code and start a software house

>> No.17472381

Altough I agree with the sentiment of that image I also believe that not being a wagie should only be the privilege of a few so either strive or die cunt

>> No.17472390


>> No.17472431

You forgot doing a twelve hour shift in your dreams.
And time slows so you can sometimes do multiple shifts. So working 35 hours a day is possible.

>> No.17472435

Go to live in the mountains or the wild, bro

>> No.17472457

The Tartar Steppe
The Book of Disquiet

>> No.17472480

Be the bureaucrat

>> No.17472509

Why does it suck to be a wagie? Sometimes you can get kush jobs in an office that are paid off of wages.

I'm about to work from home, on a wage. Oh nooo

>> No.17472515

bullshit jobs, kinda in a different vein but interesting

>> No.17472521

>the implication that every wagie isn't "essential"

>> No.17472535

After I finished my studies at uni, they offer me a 6 months internship, which after that they offer me a work which pays me like peanuts. I started my own business, good delivery taxi business. I started one, and make about 100k annually. Now I’ve two and my annual income would be between 200k-220k. You need to hustle hard

>> No.17472615

What was your degree? Also kudos for making it anon, hopefully I ll join you one day
This is DOA. Oversaturated market
Rings true

>> No.17472617

and they aren't

>> No.17472702

Do you not understand that work is involved in all societies, regardless of political or social arrangement?

>> No.17472729

its called being an entitled faggot, which means 99% of zoomers, they've been spoiled their entire life so they think they deserve the world lmao

Inb4 gay zoomers attack me for licking boots or whatever the fuck they say to themselves to justify their mediocrity

>> No.17472768

I agree. If OP is not happy with the wage cage life then he should train to become a tradesperson (builder, joiner, plummer etc) and then he can be self employed. Or he should at least aim for some higher form of qualification/education to make his work less miserable.
Nobody really wants to go to work everyday, but there's no need to be such a faggot about it.

>> No.17472773

>Resenting people for objecting to poor treatment
Gee, I wonder why people are increasingly demoralised.

>> No.17472777


>> No.17472783

>t. Randal mcmurphy

>> No.17472785

Neither of you read what I just wrote. If he doesn't like the poor treatment then he should take some action to fix that, I'm giving him advice. Training to become a tradesperson is the easiest path to self employment and escaping the wage cage.
What would you suggest?

>> No.17472790

>I'm giving him advice
I would suggest we move towards a society where we don't have concepts like 'wage cage', and people aren't terrified about how they're going to live because a money dragon hasn't deigned to give them enough money for both a roof and food.

>> No.17472795

Actually you've changed my mind. Keep your head in the clouds OP and stay working for minimum wage and stuck in the wage cage.
Just dream about communist revolution or something like that. That'll certainly help your mental well-being.

>> No.17472800

That would still take a long time. And if OP is in the US, I very much doubt it is happening anytime soon. Hence self employment being the best choice at the moment.

>> No.17472802

You're responding to two different people, and wishing spite on one other. Thanks for proving my point, you just resent people wanting better for themselves, you spiteful little twat.

>> No.17472812

>you just resent people wanting better for themselves, you spiteful little twat.
Excellent reading comprehension. What seems more realistic, OP escaping the wage cage through self employment as a tradesperson or a workers revolution in the heart of liberal globohomo?
I don't resent him at all, I resent you for having your head in the clouds even if I agree with your points completely.

>> No.17472816

I wonder what is easier for OP to do:

1) learn a trade to escape wagie life
2) Overthrow the world order

You choose

>> No.17472824

>fixing it on an individual level is fine because we don't need to ever address the wealth gap
This argument gets boring. You're too dumb to see the scope of the problem.

>> No.17472830
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Boomers be like
>If you don't like the pay, hours or benefits, just get another job. Pull yourself by the bootstraps, bucko!

>> No.17472833

I can now conclude you are a retard with no reading comprehension.

>> No.17472835


>> No.17472836

And how do you wish to address the wealth gap? If it involves giving an inept, inefficient, corrupt, and crony govt. more money, I don't see how that solves anything.

>> No.17472846

unironically the latter

>> No.17472854

you're beyond retarded then

>> No.17472861


>> No.17472866

I am nobody to propose great plans of action, but as long as this means of life continues, the issues of 'wagies' and 'wage slaves' will also continue. Calling the disheartened 'spoiled' and 'like they deserve the world' is dumb. God forbid people don't want to be treated badly.

>> No.17472873

>eating multiple meals in a day
okay fatty

>> No.17472885
File: 264 KB, 2328x1514, 1587557618749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmmm which is preferable

working 8 hours a day on something completely tolerable and getting all of the following
>social security
>personal safety
>public services
>Etc etc

or living in a communist shithole where you get nothing but you can pretend to not feel alienated

>> No.17472891

Not the same anon, but from personal experience, every left winger I've known immediately turns right winger the moment they start paying taxes lmao

>> No.17472892

>It has to be one extreme or the other
>There can never be a preferred balance
You're an extremist.

>> No.17472907

You find that bit of wisdom at the bottom of a beer mug? I'm not advocating for communism, I'm advocating against the shifting balance of power towards such a small number of people with the GDP of a small fucking nation. I like capitalism in its principle, but despise it in its current, unchecked, rampant incarnation.

>> No.17472916
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I have not read it, but "Overworked American", may be what you are looking for.

>> No.17472942

Leave feet out of this

>> No.17472951

social democracy IS the balance. that's why i said healthcare and public services
but instead you get teenagers here arguing for "le full communism"

>> No.17472961


Whaaat? Two days off? You lucky bastard!

>> No.17472962

This is why I maintain my part time jobs for as long as possible before having to settle down into a permanent full job.
- earn enough to live comfortably (at home with parents)
- easy to shuffle around working shifts to take holidays off-season
- get to work 3-5 hours some days, or 9+ hours another day, and have entire days free between them
- work on saturday/sunday and earn 20% more while getting other days in the week off

I don't want this to end but I know it cannot last..

>> No.17472978

>And what exactly the fuck are you DOING with "your time?" What great, ecstatic pleasures are you seeking? Shitposting? Sitting on your ass? Feet pics?
25% eating, 25% shitposting, 25% video games, 25% reading

>> No.17472987

this is also how the average wagie uses their company time as well.

>> No.17473004

Dont forget to take into account the time people spend consuming instant gratification content like social media, fail compilations on YouTube, reruns of the Big Bang theory, YA, or whatever. If normies didn’t have to destress and recuperate from their work they would spend their time on more fulfilling tasks that might even make a test on their discipline, of course they are far too tired to commit their personal effort to anything other than their employment; and so their minds are only filled with plebeian consumption rather than any higher things humans are capable of experiencing through their self directed dedication and will.
Also bare in mind medieval peasants only worked every other day.

>> No.17473010
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I'm confused here my niggas, have any of you actually worked a wagie job? Because if you did you know 80% of the shit you do at your job is advancing your own goals because you barely use any of your time at the company actually being productive for the company

So I really don't get this "you only have2-3 hours a day for yourself!", bitch, most of the day is for myself, who cares if I'm doing it at home or on the office lol

>> No.17473012

>Work in an office
>Gotta be at my desk for 9am
>Get there are 8:25
>Lift is out, climb all 28 stories
>Put the coffee on
>Get to my desk, turn on my terminal
>It's slow to load, thin clients and the network's wonky
>As soon as you log on the remote viewer clocks you
>Webcam light comes on
>The timer appears in the corner
>You start processing documents
>Gotta do at least 16 per hour
>Get called into a meeting at 9:30 to discuss improvements in the software
>Get back to the terminal
>Shit only gotten 9 done and it's 9:57
>Trying to rush to finish up, manage to get 10 in
>Timer turns red, a notification appears below: "You are below target"
>Shit right I now have 23 to do this hour
>Line manager comes over
>"Everything ok? Show me how you're getting this done."

You don't understand the scope of the problem computers have caused in modern business.

>> No.17473024

poor boo

>> No.17473025

poor bootlicker

>> No.17473034

>t. 15 year old making up capitalist hell diary entries

>> No.17473040

>Companies don't use quotas!
Except literally every modern company using quotas and metrics to examine work performance. And those quotas are expected to be met - no ifs or buts.

>> No.17473045


agree with this. and now imagine spending half your pay towards rent

>> No.17473056

i've worked in the software industry all my life and you're simply exaggerating. people get paid by the hour, sure sometimes you get pushed to work harder but it's not akin to slavery.
i came in as a junior engineer in 2004, now i'm in a senior position and i've never seen anyone treated as badly as you described

>> No.17473058

>software industry
Go and ask your testers how they're treated.

>> No.17473059


>> No.17473062

Okay now imagine going back to primitive living or communism and having work 16 hours a day on farm land and not having running water

>> No.17473064

In a lot of ways, America has progressed beyond many with regards to the second point. I doubt the 'order' is really that detrimental to too many groups of people...

>> No.17473071

Is that really a problem for you people? Maybe its because I came from a poor family but that shit sounds so peripheral in comparison to real problems lmao

>> No.17473072

>miss deadline because of managers
>get scolded by managers
And you don't see the problem? Modern business is all about making sure new hires are disposable.

>> No.17473074

ask me how i know you're still ~20 and have no idea what you're talking about
you are simply strawmanning here. i was in entry level positions and now manage people in entry level positions, and have never received or given abuse

>> No.17473075

This pandemic proves you wrong. With an excess of time due to unemployment most thought at the beginning that they might home a skill, like cooking or home-workouts. But most ended up just increasing their consumption of mind numbing escapism (Netflix, drugs ect).

>> No.17473081

you must be american. that stuff doesn't happen in europe.

>> No.17473082

industrialism was a mistake, mainly for raising the standards of living so high it produced absolute faggots like you

>> No.17473084

How do I get into crypto? I don't want to work.

>> No.17473086

>I was in entry positions before hyper surveillance became a thing
>I am now a manager in my protected bubble
>I don't see the problem
It's because you're spoiled.

Lack of security in work is a real problem when there's a sword hanging by a horse's hair above your workstation.

>> No.17473092

>work in library
>commute for 40 minutes one way, spend it reading
>get to work
>do all the saved up work in the first 1-2 hours
>full time employees go home
>spend the next 5-8 hours reading, while helping the occasional person who comes up to my desk
>spend the last hour of work cleaning and closing up

Before this I worked in a hospital, and there I literally spent my days reading through my manga backlog (since mangadex was one of the few sites the IT security people didn't think of blocking). I am more productive than the vast majority of my coworkers, they walk around like slugs. What takes them an hour I do in 20 minutes. People tend to go "wow you sure are stressed out, take it easy, don't work too hard!". Give me work and I will do work. If I can do all my assigned work in good time I don't see any problem with doing my own stuff once I'm done.

What the hell is this dystopia?

>> No.17473099

This is what you get from Reaganism and crushing the evil communist labour unions.

>> No.17473114

The type of stuff you describe sound like it might happen in certain japanese businesses, in Europe it would actually be illegal. If this is life in the US I suggest you get organized or move to a civilized country.

>> No.17473117

1) Have capital
2) Invest the capital in crypto
3) More capital equals more returns but also more losses

>> No.17473122

>oh no, I have to do something to not die
>why can't I be a forever child
>why can't people change the nature of the world to be more pleasant for me

>> No.17473131

all boomers should be fucking killed slowly.

>> No.17473139

what will you do once your boogeyman is dead?

>> No.17473146


>> No.17473164

>I have to do something to not die
That's the thing though. Most people don't actually have to do something for that to be true.

>> No.17473167

You'll eventually be a boomer and think the same way they do, this shit is cyclical and has been happening since the beggining of our species lmao

>> No.17473168

I don't understand people that want to be a child forever. My parents were awful at parenting. I was working by 14 to buy food and clothes where they wouldn't. They were frequently drunk and highly neglectful. I was often attacked by people in my town because of my older siblings. I kept telling myself through childhood that I would find my worth when I had my freedom, but I no longer believe that to be the case, and having had mortality scares before, I can soundly say Tolstoy is right in asserting relationships are always transaction.

I was taught from a young age I was worthless, and never proven wrong, and have now been given the insight to know it won't be proven wrong. I keep hoping I'll go to sleep one day, and simply fail to wake. I have no one and nothing, no purpose remains unsullied. Why would I fancy wage slaving to live, when if I could have it my way, I'd schedule an appointment with my doctor to get put down like the dog I am?

>> No.17473181

this is true. show up a little late, no one cares, leave a little early no one cares. I spend about two hours a day working on average, which is all it takes to knock out every task. I spend the rest looking at pictures of dinosaurs and talking about normie shit with jolly fat negresses, unless it's a telework week, and then I just keep my virtual desktop running while I read or work out. there's week where we have to go balls out and work wall to wall, but those are rare. it's almost impossible to fire me, and regular raises are guaranteed. anytime I want a day off, I just call in sick. I know that the federal bureaucracy-and by extension, me-is The Thing That Should Not Be, but it's decent money and the job security is unbeatable.
t. deep state

>> No.17473187

well yeh, welfare takes care of it. so what are people complaining about?
you don't want to be a child forever because you were never a child, so the thing you're thinking of isn't the same as the thing people who say that are thinking of

>> No.17473205

Invest in bitcoin

>> No.17473237

>>why can't people change the nature of the world to be more pleasant for me
Why not? We've been doing this for hundreds and thousands of years and so far we've reached here. Why do you imply here is the endpoint and that no improvements can be implemented?

>> No.17473247

>buuhuu I'm an angsty 18-24 year old :(
Just go kill yourself then, it is actually that simple

>> No.17473253

>Never do anything to build your future
>Wake up at 25 after parents kick you out
>Work minimum wage job
>"wow, capitalism is like, so evil, dude"

>> No.17473259

get back in your wage dungeon faggot

>> No.17473263


>> No.17473274

Right, but here's the thing, I don't have to live, and yet all humane ways of human self destruction are off limits to me. Shit, if they catch wind of the fact that I'm going 'huh, death seems like the good choice here', they'll lock me up. So it's not really my choice to be living right now, more like something I'm forced into. And if we look back to..
>oh no, I have to do something to not die
Well, what if I want to die? If this is a buyer's market, why can't I buy my own death readily?

>> No.17473280

>>I cannot imagine how anyone could think of things in this way and not expect to lose their mind. Yeah?
that's female thinking

>> No.17473282

contrary to what atheists have taught you, there is no we, especially in atheism.

>> No.17473286

Go walk on the ice faggot, it hasn't had time to properly set yet. Preferably a river so you get dragged under.

>> No.17473287

>during a global pandemic
Opinion discarded.
Most successful people know that no one really gives a shit and everyone just pretends to care. You have to exploit these conditions as much as you can while politicians are still caught in their policy trap.
Just move ahead while others mope. Career-wise this has been the best year of my life, and so it was for many of friends.

>> No.17473289
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I choose trading.

>> No.17473296

>well yeh, welfare takes care of it. so what are people complaining about?
Because that requires being treated like a second-class human and living an unnecessarily restricted lifestyle.

>> No.17473306

Oh boo hoo people don't suffer nearly as much anymore!

>> No.17473311
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>Go walk on the ice faggot, it hasn't had time to properly set yet. Preferably a river so you get dragged under.
I said humane, not horrifically violent and painful. I'm in agreement though, I wouldn't mind a healthy dose of death, but weirdly enough, the powers that be seek to limit people's capacity to self terminate. Guess it doesn't pay to have your work force off themselves. Go on, I'm willing to bet they could manufacture a death serum quite easily, apparently it's easy enough with sodium nitrite and some anti emetics. And yet, they'll never sell death, because they want their slaves to think there's no way out.

>> No.17473316

This, nothing more cringe than psyopped tradfags that lionize unnecessary suffering.

>> No.17473332

any advice on trading fren? I was thinking of starting it but don't know where to start

>> No.17473339

This is all true in my experience as a "manager" in an office. Luckily things have been improved since WFH became a necessity, so a lot of us have been getting extra sleep, or more personal time since we don't have to do all the little things to prepare for work anymore.

That being said, even with the aforementioned luxuries now common in the workplace, the worst part about work is its endlessness. Prior to industrialization work was merely seasonal. Yes you worked longer hours, and perhaps did more dangerous and physically demanding work, but you would get months and months off to do as you please.

I hesitate to use this term, since it's all too popular in managerial circles, but workers of the past benefited from a 'barbell strategy' approach to work. The endless grind is what truly drives people insane.

>> No.17473344

Yeah, trading is nice. You can make $500 in a couple of hours and have the rest of the day for yourself. The problem is that the learning curve is huge but it beats having a boss and do meanless work for some faceless corporation 8 hours a day.

>> No.17473348

Bullshit Jobs, David Graeber

>> No.17473356

Jacque Ranciere, the proletarian nights

>> No.17473364

>cleveland-cliffs poster browses /lit/
what the fuck, stop spamming this shit you autist

Read read read read, and don't do daytrading because you WILL lose money on it. Put 10-20% of your money into ETFs and ITFs every month, mix in some freestanding stocks if you believe the company has a good chance of growing, maybe some crypto if you want to. Spread your money out.

>> No.17473372

>Read read read read

Anything in specific?

>> No.17473406

>1) learn a trade to escape wagie life

are you trolling? tradies are the biggest fucking wagies of all time, and they're always shit with money and want to be paid weekly like crackheads

>> No.17473422


What is "YA"?

>> No.17473432

Young Adult
In this case Young Adult Novels, shit like The Fault in Our Stars

>> No.17473437

Because you are locked in your home in a dystopian nightmare. Of course you turn to escapism. There are still plenty of people who were able to reinvent themselves though but the conditions are not the same as simply being free.

>> No.17473443


>> No.17473453


Because they were already stuck into bad habits and you don't come out of that so easy. Ad to it the general uncertainty of this plandemic and all the mass anxiety associated.

>> No.17473454


>When I suggest that working hours should be reduced to four, I am not meaning to imply that all the remaining time should necessarily be spent in pure frivolity. I mean that four hours' work a day should entitle a man to the necessities and elementary comforts of life, and that the rest of his time should be his to use as he might see fit. It is an essential part of any such social system that education should be carried further than it usually is at present, and should aim, in part, at providing tastes which would enable a man to use leisure intelligently. I am not thinking mainly of the sort of things that would be considered 'highbrow'. Peasant dances have died out except in remote rural areas, but the impulses which caused them to be cultivated must still exist in human nature. The pleasures of urban populations have become mainly passive: seeing cinemas, watching football matches, listening to the radio, and so on. This results from the fact that their active energies are fully taken up with work; if they had more leisure, they would again enjoy pleasures in which they took an active part.

>> No.17473599

I'm not him and but firstly, I would ignore part of his advice. You should learn how to daytrade because it's the best way to make good money without a college degree and theoretically still more profitable than most degrees. I mean, if you are a good trader with 5-10 years of experience (you need at least 2 to become a decent trader) and a large capital you could make 6 figures while working much less than a doctor or engineer.
While investing 20% of your salary in ETFs is a good advice, it still doesn't fix the problem which is to escape wageslavery. You will still need to wagecuck to raise capital and invest in ETFs. If you don't make much then you will still find yourself wagecucking until you are at least 60 unless you move to a really cheap country where you can live off $500k. You can run the numbers by using a compound investing calculator assuming ETFs average a return of 7% per year.
Anyway, best book for trading: "Mind over Markets" or "Markets in Profile" which are both by James F. Dalton.
You might also want to look up "Principles of Economics" by N.Gregory Mankiw if you are really ignorant about economics.
I also suggest to check out futures.io, good trading forum

>> No.17473643
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If you don't like working then you should either a) make your time more valuable so you don't have to work as much or b) cut your expenses so you don't need as much money. It's more than possible to live on like 30 hours of minimum wage per week (in Canada) if you are realistic about your standard of living. Minimum wage differs by province but CAD$14/hour (about USD$11/hour) is reasonable.
>30 hours/week @ $14/hour: $420/week or $1680/month
>~$800/month could get you a decent place in almost any city (pic is in Montréal) and you could get something similar for much less in smaller towns
>$100/week for food (I'm a fatty and I spend less than this on decent food)
>$50/month for internet
>$50/month for phone
>$100/month on entertainment
>$100/month on etc
>~$480 leftover
This offers a pretty cozy life for most people and there's STILL money leftover. Westerners who complain about m'uh quality of life under capitalism are either lazy or retarded with money.
>yea but some shithole American states only pay USD$7.25 (CAD$9.25)/hour!
These states have the lowest costs of living + you should work more or move to a cheaper area (even within the state) if you're not happy with your economic standing.


>> No.17473652

danke very much fren

>> No.17473662

>he thinks employers hire for 30 hours a week
Yeah.. k...

>> No.17473696
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>(pic is in Montréal)
not the dog
I have never been unable to work my way up to getting at least 30 hours/week even in major cities. I lived in Victoria BC (a city with a massive student population looking for work) throughout all of my university years and I managed to get 30 hours. Be a good employee and you'll probably be given at least 30 hours in most jobs.
>yea but I don't want to be a linecook/dishwasher/McSlave
then don't complain

>> No.17473706

I've never been given so few hours.

>> No.17473722

I don't want to do shit I don't feel like doing. Fuck you wagie apologists

>> No.17473733

Victoria BC is an ideal job market you tard, one university in a city of geriatrics with overflowing wallets who love to pay exorbitantly for the easiest tasks

>> No.17473745
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Then go be forest anon. There's a wide world out there beyond the city life. NA is like 80% untapped wilderness. Not wanting to work is completely reasonable as long as you don't expect to be propped up and given a comfortable lifestyle by people who do.
>what is tens of thousands of young people competing for a few low-pay high-turnover jobs

>> No.17473784
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About that ...

>> No.17473796

The myth of the 8 hour work day ought to be debunked. It's never 8 hours, and I'm not even talking about all the accessory shit you have to do in order to prepare yourself for work and the commute. Anyone who thinks modern managerial practices actually let people work 8 hours is a dumbass. In this world you're either exploited or you exploit people. I'm currently trying to start exploiting others so I can lead a better life.

>> No.17473819
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Imagine not wanting to own your own farm and see tangible worth from your work.

>> No.17473878

Guilty as charged. What can I say? I enjoy the taste of your tears.

>> No.17473886

but they won't be, and you'll just cry yourself to sleep every night like a little bitch fag, lol

>> No.17473969

It is actually the norm once you move out of big metropolitan areas. Cost of living in rural areas is much lower too, except for needing a car.

>> No.17473981

Corona might actually be a good thing, lots of businesses will start working employees from home while staying 2-3 days a week at the office. You get to skip the shower, the commuting etc.

>> No.17474001

I have a job in academia and every day is like a saturday. Problem is I work on saturdays

>> No.17474020

hmmm maybe joining the military as an officer isn’t so and after all...spent some time as a freight broker and dispatcher and it was pretty annoying the amount of emails and phone calls we were expected to field on top of 10 hour days spent staring at a computer and talking to arguing with retard truck driving faggots all day essentially having to either beg them or threaten them and then deal with their fucking gay little drama

>> No.17474024

>Problem is I work on saturdays
How is this a problem? Get traffic for yourself in the morning, low pressure workday, 15% larger paycheck
The only downside are the drunks and the druggies on the subway on your way home, if you work late.

>> No.17474035

This is also basically illegal in Europe and they are working on putting in formal restrictions on such practices.

>> No.17474101
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i don't want the entire World boomer, but i also don't want to work 9 hours per day, 1 hour commuting, 7 hours sleep, house chores, lifting, reading etc and you will remain with 2-3 hours per day to do what you want, do this for 45 years or more , no retirement in the future.

>> No.17474144

We don't talk about chuck e cheese here

>> No.17474146

>work 16 hours a day on farm land
more like 4, lmaoing at urbanites who fell for the "progress" meme. besides I'd rather work 10 hours a day for myself doing tangible work than shuffle data around for Mr. Shekelstein

>> No.17474167

Bro this is pretty much the comfiest period in human history to live in, talk about spoiled lol

>> No.17474176

True true

>> No.17474183
File: 1.00 MB, 1334x750, 1602858090067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a start and not worrying about it, buy nasdaq and an etf world.
If you want to trade, do it every day and just follow the herd. You sell what other people sell and buy what other people buy. Each morning there are stocks which will rise for a few hours and stock which will sink. For ease of mind, sell everything at the end of day, and start fresh the next morning.
Dont try to invent some crappy martingale or go against the herd.
Once you keep day trading for a few months, you try to time the market on a few stocks and keep following the herd (there is always money in following the herd)

dont do leverage things and always use a stop loss.

>> No.17474196


>> No.17474240

If you take out stalin and make the guy black you've pretty much got my father there kek

>> No.17474293

Feet pics

>> No.17474350

>8 hour shift that takes up literally a third of my waking day
Is your waking day “literally” 24 hours? Who wrote this

>> No.17474356

Why do you think that this is the result of capitalism, when socialist policies are responsible for the controlled market that reduces low end wages?

You deserve this treatment for espousing bullshit.

>> No.17474366

Karl Marx said that your work defines and impacts you. So if you’re unemployed you’re empty as opposed to self employed. But if you work for someone else and hate your job, you’ll just end up hating yourself.
Read The Communist Manifesto.

>> No.17474379

I would rather be growing my garden, teaching my children, reading, working out or walking my dog.

>> No.17474389

>where you get nothing
This is just your assumption, based on propaganda. After the fall of the Soviet Union the life expectancy of Russians dropped, birth rates went down, the suicide rate went up. But yeah capitalism must be better

>> No.17474476
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>tfw 21, NEET, and still don't get most of this shit
I'm a manchild not wired for all the complex economic paperwork & networking shit required for the average job in modern times, why couldn't i be born in the 1600s and get paid for doing low IQ shit like putting shit into barrels

>> No.17474504

The worst thing isn't the networking shit, you learn that easily unless you're a complete autist
The main cancer is the fucking culture, the capitalist-bigboy-Yuppie-mustcreateinnovation culture
Its so cringe it rots my soul

>> No.17474523

Can you expand on this?

>> No.17474535
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And somehow I'm the loser for being a neet and absorbing myself around the clock in my advanced studies.

>> No.17474543

You can get a job stacking boxes on a truck, no problem. Pay can be pretty decent too. My friend works in a milk factory loading trucks and makes $25/hour

>> No.17474565

eeh, you kind of have to work to live no matter what unless you're "lucky" enough to be disabled or have parents who will take care of you. personally i do "medium" labor and listen to classical music the whole time so it isn't nearly as bad for me as you make it out to be. i spent years as a neet so i can honestly say that its better than sitting on 4chan every day day in and day out for years

>> No.17474570

I routinely regret ever trying.

>> No.17474575

Work is fine, but when there is more working than living/learning consistently then there is a decline and radicalization

>> No.17474616

Anyone itt considering getting into the restaurant industry as a cook, DON’T. It’s one of the most soul-crushing and mindless jobs out there, most of your coworkers are drunks or drug addicts, the front of house team looks down on you, and the only way to move up is by kissing ass and backstabbing your coworkers. You make hardly any money, the only way to get a break is to take up smoking, and your work schedule will isolate you from your friends and family.

>> No.17474674


>> No.17474688


>> No.17474697

You married or got kids?

>> No.17474704

I wouldn't mind so much but the fact is you can't pitch up and fuck off to the wilderness and try and live a pre-industrial life, you'll be on "someone's land" or breaking some bullshit law, how dare you not want to be a slave. They'll fuck you over somehow.
>but you'll die in the wilderness and have to work hard to survive and blah blah blah blah blah
better free than a slave even if it is harder

>> No.17474706

Doesn't mean it's gotta suck bro

>> No.17474722

This image is so optimistic. I can't think of any job that only takes up a third of your day. Between travel, getting ready and the mandatory lunch, you're looking at closer to 11 hours of your day taken.

>> No.17474729
File: 35 KB, 640x853, B9331071161Z.1_20180122073635_000_GA8KUG8NL.1-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Books about being a wagie?

>> No.17474763

Dude baby boomer isn't just a term for any old person lmao

>> No.17474771

Lol dude I work 10s at Amazon

>> No.17474796

"Primitive" living, "communism" (I suppose you mean statists socialists regimes in Russia and China?) and modern capitalism aren't the only alternatives.
Besides most primitives probably didn't work much more than 40-50 hours a week, and once they were done they had no chores, house errands, etc. (since those were precisely the purpose of their work hours) not to mention much less hysteria.

>> No.17474808

Loving the variety of the responses to this post. Half of the anons seem to think it's too exaggerated to be real, the other half believes it's no big deal.

This should remind us that people have different priorities and tolerance levels in life, which explains also why wagecucking is so much harder on some than others. Also every workplace has its own culture, so find your niche and hide yourself well I guess.

>> No.17474886

I spent the first decade of my adult life living in the woods being largely self sufficient. I spent the second decade of my adult life being a wage cuck, working hard and saving like mad. Even the 5 years I spent working two full time jobs was easier than being self sufficient in the woods and after a decade of living cheap and saving everything I will be retiring by 40, will live an easy life free to do as I please. While I enjoyed life in the woods, it really sucks at times, far worse than anything life as a wage cuck offered. I may go back into the woods when I do retire, but this time I will have the money to be able to buy food/supplies when needed and will not have to go out sick in a fever dream to harvest crops from sun up to sun down so I don't die.

Live a simple life, save everything and you will be able to free yourself from that life in not too long.

>> No.17474894

If you don't want to work then create value for yourself. There are still traditionally aristocratic ways to earn an income, warfare and gambling for example, or you can become self employed. Lots of fishermen will buy a boat then support themselves off the seas, and even though its hard work they don't have to answer to anybody.

You don't need a boss to create value. You do need a boss to create steady value without much effort or risk involved, but do you really have the right to complain then?

>> No.17474930

>had one job, where I started at 9 o'clock, and finished at 5.
>I arrived at 8:55, and told I was late, because I had missed a meeting I would not have been paid to attend.
I would've quit

>> No.17474961

They are starting to put in place legislature that will mandate offline/contact-free weekends, where responding to mails/pressuring staff to respond to mails/requiring staff to always be available even when off work could be penalized. To what degree it is enforced is a different matter.

>> No.17474985

I went one better and explained it to my colleagues, who then also started objecting to it when I spelled out to them they were working 5 hours a week for free. I put in a transfer request, they ballsed it up (I suspect deliberately) leaving me with 0 hours, had half their staff walk out, and still had the fucking balls to phone me to ask if I'd work for their department again.

The liberties employers take these days are astounding.

>> No.17475029

>The liberties employers take these days are astounding.
Yeah, we need to go back to the good old days of no benefits and 6 days a week of 12 to 16 hour work days.

>> No.17475051

>things have never been better before
>except when people earned comparatively far more money
>affordable costs of living
>had unions backing them
>student debt that didn't cripple their future
>non-computerised quotas tracking their every movement
When will you bootlickers stop pretending things have gone downhill in the last 50 years? Just because it's vaguely better than 100 years ago, it doesn't mean it's continued going forward.

>> No.17475087

America is a steaming shithole, what else is new? Please just stop exporting your cancer to the rest of the world.

>> No.17475100

I'm not American. I'm from America-lite.

>> No.17475144

>When will you bootlickers stop pretending things have gone downhill in the last 50 years?
Well, lets see, i make good money, roughly 4x my cost of living including money for fun, half my paycheck is savings, 1/4 is retirement plan, the rest goes to life. I am in a union which backs me up. I did not go to school so no debt. My job is to fix things when they break so no quotas or tracking, if it breaks down I fix it and everyone is happy. I went to the railroad and took the grunt job anyone can get and they are always hiring people to do, spent two years replacing ties and they bumped me up to a better job and gave me paid training, literally anyone could follow the path I took, just need to do the shit job for a year or two until a spot opens up. At this point I could become a supervisor if I want, but that is a temporary step backwards since it is non-union so I lose those benefits for a few years until I make management, but I am much happier fixing machines than people so I will stick to my union position.

Some of us were smart enough to not just follow the current.

>> No.17475252

I worked at Nandos in the UK and it was good as far as shitty minimum wage jobs go. I was the minority there as a 26 year old white guy. I worked in the kitchen cleaning plates and putting the chickens in the oven. My average shift would be six hours. Working with people that could barely speak English was the worst part.

I quit when I figured how to make enough money via writing smut online. I work from home now, write smut for 2-3 hours a day, and make enough money to cover my rent (live with parents so half what it would be). I refuse to be a wageslave again. Just not going to do it. I've had enough.

If you want some modern weirdness:

>rule at nandos is staff have to speak English
>besides at most 3 out of 30 staff having English as their first language
>90% of customers are black or indian, and most speak English as a second language as well

One day they're all going to go 'why do we have to speak English again?' and they won't have an answer beyond 'this used to be England'.

>> No.17475256

you don't have to tell anyone you're one welfare.
>unnecessarily restricted lifestyle

>> No.17475469


The Government

>> No.17475555

you wouldn't understand

>> No.17475603

I see the problem with going from "manager scolded me" to "my life is one of existential dread." You've ensured that you yourself are disposable by being a massive crybaby faggot.

>> No.17475626

If you get scolded for missing deadlines, which can be directly attributed to the interference of management, then you are at the behest of a system that can ensure you never get enough work done and then exercise punishment against you for it.

Stop being such a bootlicker. That in itself is a problem.

>> No.17475633


What trade is that, anon?

>> No.17475670
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is this a rodney dangerfield joke?

>> No.17475774

>I quit when I figured how to make enough money via writing smut online
How do I get into this? Asking for a friend

>> No.17475792

you're a retard

>> No.17475829

confusion of da highest orda

>> No.17475848

This is something people could avoid by having a community.

>> No.17475860

how you get customers as a delivery business? How did you get your first customers?

>> No.17475875
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itt: cope from people who have no values and desires aside from unnecessary and excessive comforts and conveniences.

>> No.17475885

>only a third
motherfucker my commute is 45 minutes and i have it better than most

>> No.17475890

I've worked 6 days a week 12-14 hours a day in a small bar (9 tables) all by myself and washed the plates in the back too for like May-October, only guy helping me was the guy preparing the food (cold plates only so it was a bit easier). It came to the point where my days consisted of working and then having nightmares in my sleep about working and then heading back to work. Also got a DUI and almost lost my driving license because of it

>> No.17475943

>wake up at 11am in dread
>shower/bath wishing you could just fall asleep and not wake up
>12-6pm easy hours unless it was a weekend or event, have a drink once an hour and chat with the few regulars you don't hate
>7pm-midnight work like crazy without even having time to pee, try to please 50 people at once, take a shot every time you have the time
>the only thing keeping you going and effective is the combination of adrenaline in some combination of a death wish and alcohol
>midnight-00:30 ask people kindly to leave since you're closing about 5 times before you have to get into an argument
>finishing stuff up/cleaning until 1am
>drive home
>eat pasta at 2:00 am and then head to bed covered in sweat and buzzed from alcohol
>either jack off in self hatred or skip the jacking off and just fall asleep in self-hatred

I found a student to help me out after a while but he could only make it a few days a week. But at least I got somebody to drink with. I'd then start to go out to drink even more after finishing my shift and getting back home at like 5am. I've built up such a tolerance to alcohol that I don't think I could even be drunk anymore, it was more like a constant state of light buzz but clearheaded thinking even though technically my blood was full of alcohol. At some point I started having random sweats in bed, I guess that's probably related to alcohol, you'd just start sweating in your bed for no reason.

>> No.17475965

>he thinks employers hire

>> No.17475990

This only goes for people who are good at working with their hands. It's a talent just like anything else, you can't just walk in and learn to fix shit

>> No.17476060

How do you think people even learn talents in the first place? Get over yourself, you're capable of anythingg if you work hard and apply yourself.

>> No.17476089

nah there's literally people who can't change a lightbulb, they're not gonna fare well against some guy off the streets who has been fixing shit for 10 years already

>> No.17476118

>nah there's literally people who can't change a lightbulb, they're not gonna fare well against some guy off the streets who has been fixing shit for 10 years already
You start today or ten years from now, but you've got to start eventually. Unless you want to be that guy who cant do anything for himself until you die.

>> No.17476150

you do realize there are reasons why people can't change lightbulbs beyond just oh gee I guess I don't want to work with my hands? it's the same reason why some people can't write a coherent sentence even if their life depended on it. are they gonna become Nabokov by starting writing now? or even Charles Dickens? no, it's a waste of their time. some bookish guy from NYC isn't gonna fare well on some alaskan fishing boat or fixing machinery in yukon

>> No.17476180

Eh I'm a bookish guy who grew up a spoiled kid in a upper class house. Been around a lot of alaskan fishermen too and yeah at first they're dicks and they'll laugh at you for being a soft pussy, but eventually you learn what they know and gain their respect.
Just get over your ego. Being bad at something is the first painful step towards being good at it.

>> No.17476222

how much have you been making in the past few years day trading? By day trading, do you mean option trading or just trying to buy low and sell high with cheap stocks with lots of volume?

>> No.17476253

Maintenance. Nothing special about it, you can make half the amount I am in the same field bu skipping being a grunt and going to school. If you work your way up from grunt in an industry it tends to pay off. On the railroad half the trades are people that started out doing track maintenance, electricians, engineers (choochoo sort not math sort) diesel mechanics, teamsters swinging a mop, on it goes, you put in time doing that hard labor and they will bump you up. After that it gets a little trickier, just doing the work is not enough if you want advance, you need to actually give management a reason.

Not even remotely true. All you have to do is stick it out doing track maintenance for a few years which requires no skill or aptitude. Even if you are near useless at the job and a weakling, they will not fire you for being ineffectual, just show up, do your best and keep improving and they will bump you up once you put in your time. It is just a test, they are seeing if you are going to stick with it or bail as soon as something else comes along. If you are not so good with your hands they will push you over towards management or the like. If you can stick it out for a few years doing the hard labor that is track maintenance the railroad will find a place for you.

>> No.17476344

Forgot to say, if you are an ineffectual weakling doing track maintenance or the like, you have to be able to give as good as you get. If you feelings get hurt when one of the other track monkeys makes fun of you, you will never be promoted, you just need to laugh it off and join in the banter.

>> No.17476722

This is why you slack as much as possible and steal the time of your employer.

>> No.17476797
File: 164 KB, 960x720, delta-force-team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I do something with my life that is exciting and interesting without joining an SOF unit?
I hear my father talk to my brother about doing adventurous things. He wants him to do something with his life because of regrets of his own life. I want to make my father proud but I am working 50 hours a week constantly hoping for the four horsemen to ride.

>> No.17476877

Horrible. Sabotage the system, move to Wyoming and build a self-sufficient farm with your gold-bar-turned-savings.

Revolting against the common order can be refreshing.

>> No.17476912

crypto is a work

>> No.17476919

>everyone who doesn't feel sorry for me is a nazi
It's not my fault or anyone else's that you reached adulthood without acquiring any valuable skills. You made your bed anon, now sleep in it you whiny little faggot.

>> No.17477039

How do you revolt against the common order

>> No.17477382

play minecraft

>> No.17477416
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>How do I do something with my life that is exciting and interesting without joining an SOF unit?
Just take the leap anon, you know you want to.

>> No.17477480
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>wake in capitalism
>go to work
>wake up in communism
>go to work
Wow, they are the same shit.

>> No.17477571

>I believe that only a few people should be happy either through immense effort or sheer luck and the rest should live miserable lives so billionaires can have more wealth than they could ever spend

Why though

>> No.17477597

We could be working 20 hour weeks and have the same standard of living and the only thing that would change is that the wealthy would have 10x more money than they could ever want rather than 20x and there might be fewer Avengers movies and designer bags at the mall

>> No.17477615

Yeah, for some jobs. In other ones you're either actually working the whole time or you're doing fuck all because even if there's nothing to do your employer will still punish you for watching netflix or something

>> No.17477627

Nigga just buy land like just farm and evade taxes lmao

>> No.17477695
File: 208 KB, 640x340, yukio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abandoning your fellow man to bondage whilst a chosen few collect the value extracted out of the earth like fucking dragons.
We wont even make it to Kardashev 1 with sentiment like this.

>> No.17477979


Economics of Money and Banking

This document contains redacted course notes of the second part of the course Economics of Money and Banking by Professor Perry G. Mehrling of Columbia University in the United States that is available on Coursera.org. This course explains the basics behind money and banking that are essential in understanding the financial system. According to Professor Mehrling, the financial system is about balancing flexibility and discipline.

Professor Mehrling builds on his own background in the history of monetary economics and financial economics. He sees himself in the American tradition of monetary thought that is based on the tradition of British central banking thought. Each generation had to rethink the underlying issues for themselves in order to make sense of the conditions of their own time. The current challenge is to work out the implications of financial globalisation for money, banking and central banking.


The Economics of Money & Banking

The last three or four decades have seen a remarkable evolution in the institutions that comprise the modern monetary system. The financial crisis of 2007-2009 is a wakeup call that we need a similar evolution in the analytical apparatus and theories that we use to understand that system. Produced and sponsored by the Institute for New Economic Thinking, this course is an attempt to begin the process of new economic thinking by reviving and updating some forgotten traditions in monetary thought that have become newly relevant.

Three features of the new system are central.

Most important, the intertwining of previously separate capital markets and money markets has produced a system with new dynamics as well as new vulnerabilities. The financial crisis revealed those vulnerabilities for all to see. The result was two years of desperate innovation by central banking authorities as they tried first this, and then that, in an effort to stem the collapse.

Second, the global character of the crisis has revealed the global character of the system, which is something new in postwar history but not at all new from a longer time perspective. Central bank cooperation was key to stemming the collapse, and the details of that cooperation hint at the outlines of an emerging new international monetary order.

Third, absolutely central to the crisis was the operation of key derivative contracts, most importantly credit default swaps and foreign exchange swaps. Modern money cannot be understood separately from modern finance, nor can modern monetary theory be constructed separately from modern financial theory. That's the reason this course places dealers, in both capital markets and money markets, at the very center of the picture, as profit-seeking suppliers of market liquidity to the new system of market-based credit.
Perry G. Mehrling

>> No.17477991

YouTube links to download with jdownloader

The Four Prices of Money

The Natural Hierarchy of Money

Money and the State: Domestic

The Money View, Macro and Micro

The Central Bank as a Clearinghouse

Federal Funds, Final Settlement

Repos, Postponing Settlement

Eurodollars, Parallel Settlement

The World that Bagehot Knew

Dealers and Liquid Security Markets

Banks and the Market for Liquidity

Lender/Dealer of Last Resort

Chartalism, Metallism and Key Currencies

Money and the State: International

Banks and Global Liquidity

Foreign Exchange

Direct and Indirect Finance

Forwards and Futures

>> No.17478030

I'm about to graduate college. Should I kill myself?

>> No.17478037

I thought the age of mercenaries was over. Now its all private companies that only hire ex-SOF for all the good work.

>> No.17478146

this. wfh as a software developer is a fucking dream come true. can shitpost all damn day

>> No.17478231
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I work at a factory cutting fabric 40hrs a week. I regret getting a degree and spending 4 years not making any money or learning jack, I’m blessed that I don’t have to be in front of a computer all day. If you can find small opportunities to daydream while at work it’s not so bad. Sometimes I tear up while working because i’m so deep into thinking about my 93 year old catholic grandma and how she’s the happiest person I know and how hard she has worked all her life. Sometimes I giggle to myself because i’m thinking of the mirth i’m going to have with my hometown buddy’s when I visit them on the weekend. You find veins of gold and silver in your toil.

>> No.17478364

I worked as a Mcwagie, none of that time was mine.

>> No.17478462

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZb_WqDkpWLvzOmROPXf8bzL Interest Rate Swaps

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZYv1g1Yp_AE5gFqJ7Ny80Hc Credit Default Swaps

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZYl_kIW7KgBDCBNoUraW8zU Central Banking for Shadow Banking

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmtuEaMvhDZYAHtKBvxC7dL-eL8apCOGD Touching the Elephant: Three Views

>> No.17478937

Hanging is the most humane way to go. Just feels like passing out if well done and doesn't completely destroy your body.

>> No.17478940

I thought hanging is pretty painful if you don't do the high drop that snaps your neck.

>> No.17478963

Hanging is awful on you and the people who find you. I know someone who works with EMTs. Did you know lots of EMTs kill themselves because of the horrible shit they have to see and deal with? Don't add that to their day.

Don't kill yourself. It leaves psychic scars that are not good for you or others. Instead, fight the system that made you and others unhappy in the first place and try to make a better world, even if only for the others.

>> No.17479058

Different anon but basically feel the same way. I mostly lie and say I'm fine, but the fact of the matter is you're stuck on this planet if you don't want to harm someone else while taking yourself out. Everything is a shackle. You what you can, but it still smarts.

Inb4 the usual sarcastic anon that apparently has nothing better to do than poke suicidal people with a stick.

>> No.17479079
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Have a nice day tomorrow anon


>> No.17479080

reading marx helped me to feel better desu

>> No.17479091

Indeed you should dumb fucking communist nigger

>> No.17479105


Thank you. You too.

>> No.17479106
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Protectionist capitalism is the best system humanity has created, competitivity but not at the expense of our resources, the perfect balance between laizes faire and reformism, the best for the great majority but without babysitting them.

When the soviet union fell the country got overtaken by oligarchs that basically worked for the international banks and buisnesses to supply them with resources aka globalism the system leftists and some commies are pushing. But yeah biden 2020 I guess

>> No.17479157

Work in a warehouse. 15 minute bicycle ride away but have multiple people i can carpool with so its 5 minutes away. The job is ok, huge company, alot of women work so i stare at nice asses all day long. The higher ups hate me for coming over care free and tell me to be more serious but i dont really give a shit (i live in europe so i have plenty protection).

I got lucky i guess. Once i have like 60-100k saved up im killing myself so i can have something to leave behind.

>> No.17479168

time management autists make me cringe

>> No.17479303

>Then go be forest anon.
This really is the best solution honestly.

>> No.17479321

Didn't forest anon lose his forest to a fire? Where is he now?

>> No.17479328

Im a PhD student with a salary (median pay in my country). I feel like a wagie but at least I have some purpose.

>> No.17479428



>> No.17479457

I suppose I might be more content with purpose, were it not for the fact I disdain most people.

>> No.17479465


>> No.17479524


My office has stayed in work-from-home mode since last March. I've gained back 2 hours of each weekday, so I get up an hour later than I used to. I couldn't imagine going back to all the commuting, getting up early, and arriving home tired.

>> No.17479689

you literally think like a female

>> No.17479734

This, in retail you have no time whatsoever for yourself
t. Pharmacist

>> No.17479735
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He's been back in the forest for months now. And it's all growing back.


>> No.17480044

False, I am a female and I don't think like this anon

>> No.17480124

better than communism, yeah.

>> No.17480130

studying isn't hard, you go to school to study faster.

>> No.17480159
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>all these arm chair NEETS

Not one of you has done a hard days work
I'm not advocating anyone to 'settle' in life but making time for things you want to advance in is critical.
Every successful person will tell you that making time is important, and if you're tired after a long wage day, toughen up you faggot

>> No.17480385

When you work in an office, instead of being self-employed or a neet, you are basically saying that you would rather have the bittersweet taste of wasting around 8-12 hours everyday 5 days a week working in an intangible task in exchange for the tranqulity of mind that gives an assured wage at the end of the month to pay the bills.

A self-employed man has to either really trust his skills and the labour market to don't feel the dread(i.e automation or outsurcing) to don't feel the dread. And so it happens too with the neet that has to trust that his parents will live forever or the government will keep the welfare system stable too.

This is a tradeoff and is fine. The problem with wageslaving starts when your whole life is only about wageslaving. If you don't earn enough to save money you will never improve your capital or quality of life, if your job has all positions occupied or actively discourages you from getting a position in another place(as they see you as an investment) then you won't improve or grow, if your job has a high workload or requires far more time than the usual 8 hours you will never have time for personal growth too and to add salt to injury if your job is not actually that stable(as it often happens today) and demands those little stupid things(come 30 minutes before and leave 15 minutes later, be always well groomed, be always social and willing to train even your replacement...etc) in exchange for nothing or little reward,

Then, that's when the problem OP talks about starts. You are not working to live, you are working to work and so
>You will rationalize it and say that at least you are not a social leech since you provide for yourself but that's more like ego masturbation while others are taking advantage of your mentality
>You will say fuck it and make a career change which might or might not solve the issue as with all risky movements lady luck can fuck you over
>You will start demanding better conditions within the system that is your life to the agents with power to do so even if in reality nothing really changes because a struggle can give purpose to a purposeless life
Aceptance, exit or voice, books about those themes are what might give OP what he wants.

>> No.17480402
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Boss caught me on /lit/ at work again. He has now upped to monitoring my screen the full 7 hours I am there. He requested virtual access to my machine. Now that he has it, every so often when I am in the middle of work-- or worse, when I have stood up to go to the bathroom or to stretch my legs, I come back to find a new /handsome men/ thread opened on my desktop for the entire office to see. He knows I cannot ‘x’ these out, not with my union status still pending thanks to the virus (if I so much as acknowledge/interact with NSFW content this can be used against me and I can be terminated). Sometimes he visits my workstation at the exact moment I return just to ask me why I’m sweating and if I need the fans on in winter or to comment on how I’m one ‘naturally sweaty dude’. He says a lot of coded language about ‘real red men’ and ‘sissy blue boys’; he claims Cherokee blood so it doesn’t raise any cocerns with our Human Resources colleagues. He only started claiming his ancestry after he found me browsing on the cameras that first day. He’s made it known, in not so many words, that he doesn’t like blue boards and blue boarders. Sometimes he hides behind the formica plant to watch my reaction. My only solace, my phone, still has to connect to the office network. I’m posting from it now. Last week he referred to me as 'a blue meanie' because he thought I was a /mu/ poster; the cameras arent high enough resolution for him to make out the board letters. But now that he knows it is /lit/, he has started to call me Beauregarde. He says he's going to think of something that sounds more 'pet' soon. All I know is that he has power over me

>> No.17480423

10/10 Pasta
Good job anon

>> No.17480914

I used to work at telemarketing where the program did a lot of similar measurements. Basically underlying all your pay calculations was the amount of minutes you were actively in a call vs the time you were logged in the work program. Once I put my autism to work to game that shit, I just
>logged out every single time I wasn't working on something specific
>spent ludicrous amounts of time whenever I got into voicemail, because that counted as "in call"
>spent ludicrous amounts of time speaking with literally retarded clients that were never gonna buy, to up my call %
that one time I listened to a woman speak for 40 minutes about how rubbing dirt into wounds is healthy. She thought she was being clever, duping a telemarketer. Little did she know.

My pay was double that of the other new employees.

>> No.17481011

I used to think like that until I actually got a job and found out that half the time is just dicking around pretending you're doing something.

>> No.17481712

Depends on the Job and your seniority

>> No.17481937

>work 9-5 making coffee
>comfy work area and can talk away to my co-workers
>nice and warm inside while it's raining outside
>Finish work and can do whatever I want until basically whatever time I make coffee lmao.
Starbucks is the life.

>> No.17481989
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>> No.17482096

I know a 35 woman who still works at starbucks. Her degree was in fashion or something

>> No.17482117

Thats actually a useful degree.
Just design clothes, have them made in vietnam and sell them.

>> No.17482122
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>> No.17482413

Bartleby the scrivener

This one is about a NEET

>> No.17482598

a few years of working a bullshit office job and i feel like a husk. at first it wasn't such a bad gig - spend a few hours completing simplistic tasks, spend the rest of the day reading, listening to music, drinking lots of coffee. but the workload piles up and anyway you can't spend years grinding away at this without it starting to subsume you. now my interests are fading and i can't even enjoy my time off, just spend it bored and drunk. feeling beaten into submission and now just want to find work that isn't so gay and retarded but that's a difficult task

>> No.17482607


>> No.17483189

I tried to be a software developer but I ended totally burnt out after a few months. I was hired to work on a death march project (I didn't know), I was working like 70-80 hours per week with a team of retards (I was the guy getting shit done though I'm just a junior dev). After being called countless times to work the weekends or until midnight I just quit. I didn't give any two weeks notice, I just quit out of the blue, I simply woke up one day and I felt so extremely tired that I decided to quit that same day. I entered the software industry hoping for a comfy job that allows me to read in my spare time but there are two problems:

-the decisions in this industry are mostly taken by retarded managers that don't know shit about the technical aspects of the projects. They set the deadlines and the team have to met them even if you have to die on the process

-most developers agree to follow this bullshit because "muh I love coding so much and the pay is well".

>> No.17483225

Excellent pasta

>> No.17483233


>> No.17483285

>I would suggest we move towards a society where we don't have concepts like 'incel', and people aren't terrified about how they're going to get laid because a roastie hasn't deigned to give them some pussy

>> No.17483303

>went to school for engineering
>graduated in June
>have comfy $60k per year office job starting
>upper management makes >$300k per year
Not my fault you fags don't have any skills.

>> No.17483369

i actually have talents but i refuse to put them to use, my parents were working class and i will be working class, i work a blue collar job and i refuse to get promotions or training that was offered multiple times, its easier to deal with life as a working class

>> No.17483445

no you dont understand, op has a problem with capitalism, he doesnt want opportunities to succeed, he thinks the government should solve his problems

>> No.17483461

down and out in paris and london

>> No.17483470

lol no it isn't

>> No.17483693

>What is secular stagnation

>> No.17483763

Modern wageslavery is awful, but the fundamental truth remains that in work, you will be valued for your ability to do things that others cannot. The more exclusive the ability, the more valuable.

>> No.17483902

Furthermore, most of these whiny cunts are from the first world. As a third world shitter, it's downright infurating to see all these pampered children bitching about having to work to be able to afford their "basic" needs.

>> No.17483916

>you will be valued for your ability to do things that others cannot. The more exclusive the ability, the more valuable.

This is the funniest thing about people like OP. They think they shouldn't have to wage slave in some menial job, but they literally don't have the skills to do anything else.

>> No.17483926

in order to be valued, you need an employer who values you. given that wageslaves are completely expendable, there is no reason to value any individual wageslave. there is an implicit softness toward middle managers in your statement which should not exist.

>> No.17484098
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How has no one brought this up yet?

>> No.17484242

That happened to me as a junior dev too. It sucks, but there are a lot of predatory companies like that. I eventually got a job with the state and have been working there ever since. You just need to find the right team.

If there's one thing I've learned about work, it's that your manager > everything else. If you have a shit manager, no work or pay is worth it.

>> No.17484861

Likewise, I've written some, and also translate hentai manga, but I want to know where the best paypigs are.

>> No.17484902

terminal cope
Do not do this.

>> No.17484910
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>> No.17485500

what is an exit bag

>> No.17485692

This same question is troubling me. I’m in the same position as you and if my experience interning at an office is what the rest of my life is going to be like I’m going to hang myself before I reach 30

>> No.17485704

he has a legit serf, he's no wagie

>> No.17485767

Because of some inheritance, but he used to be a wagie working as a public servant.

>> No.17486493

>tfw fell for the liberal arts degree mme
>got a fucking $15/hr clerical job after four years and a 3.9 GPA
>no debt but hate myself
>see Biden wants to raise minimum wage to $15
>means I would be earning as much now as I did as a 16 year old working for Wendys

I want to die

>> No.17486703

based trips of truth

>> No.17486712
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>> No.17486723

confirmed for having won the argument outright.

>> No.17486731

Me except I have debt and no job

>> No.17486734

Just got some bullshit job as an "office coordinator" its a nonjob but beats manual labor or retail I guess

>> No.17486858
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>Where is he now?

>> No.17486880

>why can't people change the nature of the world to be more pleasant for me
This is exactly what you're doing in your post

>> No.17486881

This but unironically

>> No.17487024

The Pale King

>> No.17487401

It's not Capitalism's fault but only your own, if you are willing to sacrifice some things in favour of finding true joy, then do it.

>> No.17487415

Cool Story fucking Boomer

>> No.17487468

Fucked based if real, any link to the thread?

>> No.17487522

>dropped out of poli sci degree and immediately got union job making 28 cad an hour

Lifes funny

>> No.17487634

Fuck you for pushing me another inch closer to the rope but also that sounds comfy and I'm unironically happy for you anon.
Now I'm just gonna browse /r9k/ for the rest of the night so I can read about people more miserable than me because that's the only way I can cope.

>> No.17487643

Maybe some people have horrible corporate jobs while others very comfy ones.

I work for the German justice system and its very nice. In my town state officials are working hard (at least at the court) we got down to earth efficient management and shit gets done. They take time to eat together we make contest of who bakes the best cakes

Work environment is very nice. No strict hirarchys. Judges, lower clerks etc. all working together in their own field of expertise.

While on other courts in different towns I heard that shit is hell. Like people acting sick 2/3 of the year. And when they are there they are leaving after half their workday for whatever made up reason. (Some State officials got the privilege to leave when they want as long as they have done their job for the day)

You can imagine how this leads to everyone being pissed and having to work extra hours.
So it goes both ways.

I think many people suffer in their job because of incompetent leadership, unrealistic quotas and dystopian corporations.

>> No.17487699

but this is not true, i had to study math for 5 years to get a job where i never ude any complicated math. Fucking everyone can do this job, but it's just that we're lacking jobs.

>> No.17487781
File: 70 KB, 750x728, 07B2B819-FD0F-49EE-983F-46CC2803460E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate my life desu

>> No.17487870


it's real he posted it on his youtube and linked the thread so that someone could reply with that pic for him. its still on his youtube too