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/lit/ - Literature

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17471338 No.17471338 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that genuinely changed your worldview?

>> No.17471348

On the Jews and Their Lies

>> No.17471359

After Virtue.

>> No.17471366

Real talk, is this a sarcastic off hand ironic post, or did the book actually make you go down the rabbit hole of /pol/? I can’t tell anymore. A decade ago culture of critique was an hilarious dog whistle. But it’s just too real nowadays.

>> No.17471373

Process and Reality by Alfred North Whitehead
Phenomenology of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty
Pragmatism by William James
Capital by Karl Marx
The Principle of Hope by Ernst Bloch
An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's Capital by Michael Heinrich
Time, Labor, and Social domination by Moishe Postone

>> No.17471374

Do I have to read Aristotle or Aquinas before starting this?
Is Feser a better alternative? I want to read the entirety of Plato before reading Aristotle, but I want to read MacIntyre in-between

>> No.17471383

Not that guy but I've read Culture of Critique and it didn't change my life as much as it helped me understand what I was already seeing. People always dismiss any connection between "coincidental" events, and joke about grand conspiracies etc but it's just the way they are.

>> No.17471387

I'm just shitposting, what made me an antisemite was the ultra zionist propaganda that was being distributed by our synagogue, and realizing that israelis are hypocrite monsters.

>> No.17471390

Not really, as long as you're somewhat familiar and know who he's talking about it's fine. Feser is good too and I would suggest Plato before Aristotle, but these are not stories you have to read from start to finish. You can go between them, skip and re-read as you please.

>> No.17471392

The Bible, and nothing else.

>> No.17471398

Feser is a fuckin idiot. Don't compare MacIntyre to that larper.

>> No.17471401

The Unique and Its Property
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Greek State
Bukharin and The Bolshevik Revolution
Mao's China and After
The Last Man and The End of History
The Book of Ecclesiastes

>> No.17471411
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Unironically, (writing) this changed my worldview more than any other book.

>> No.17471449
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These. I was absolutely blown away. I was blown away by Adorno as well. I honestly don’t think there is a single intellectual movement that is more dishonestly vilified than the cultural marxists/the frankfurt school/whatever dumb name the right has come up with.

They just wanted the downtrodden to be free. But they underestimated how evil and psychotic the right actually is. This is sadly a classic mistake by the left, assuming that the opposing side has human qualities, when they’re truly nothing but vicious monsters

>> No.17471460

Let me guess, you also like kikes and niggers, huh?

>> No.17471461

I don't hate them, Gramsci and Adorno and others, but they were profoundly disturbed and psychotic individuals. Their life and work really helps you understand Soviet and Marxist disaster.

>> No.17471466


>> No.17471477
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Checked, and also the one correct answer to this type of question.

>> No.17471478

>They just wanted the downtrodden to be free. But they underestimated how evil and psychotic the right actually is. This is sadly a classic mistake by the left, assuming that the opposing side has human qualities, when they’re truly nothing but vicious monsters
This, but the other way around for many other movements. How fucking dumb are you? We really only get the biggest mouthbreathers from other websites here it seems.