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/lit/ - Literature

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17462754 No.17462754 [Reply] [Original]

For the love of god I just can't read books properly
I have read books before in my life
And I do read acedemic articles and books for University
But when it comes to recreational reading I just can't do it
I keep on getting distracted and drop the book after 15 minutes, never to pick it up again for another 3 months
I have a massive libary of PDF's and Books collecting dust in my house as well
What the hell do I do?
(I know I have posted a meme-tier author but I promise this is not the only thing I have tried to read)

>> No.17462766

Okay OP, this used to be me.
1) Realize that what you're reading IS recreational. This sounds obvious, but really realize that you are supposed to enjoy it.
2) This is more practical. Set a 25 minute timer, and read during that 25 minutes. Set a 5 minute timer afterwards and take a 5 minute break (not on your phone or computer, but getting water or going to the restroom or closing your eyes. Immediately after 5 mins, do another 25 mins. Do 4 sets of these so you can get like 100 mins of reading in a day.
3) Your attention span is like exercise. You have to work it out (see step 2) and keep it healthy. Try to scroll less and take things online slower.

>> No.17463054

Alright will try, thank you very much
Have you been able to read properly after doing this?