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17430665 No.17430665 [Reply] [Original]

Which version or translation of this book should I purchase?

>> No.17430673

i dont know specifics but from what i understand you really have to get the earlier versions because the later ones cut out quite a bit of important content

>> No.17430697

Definitely the one in your picture. I've read a more modern one and while it was more poetic and flowed better, it cut a lot of very descriptive text.

>> No.17430727

will do!

>> No.17430733

the non cucked version writeen in the 20s

>> No.17430764

this edition by that meme publisher is ridden with typos...I'm not kidding it is the most amateur publishing job i've ever seen in my life. That being said the bits that are in there, that are missing the popular penguin version, are worth the purchase.

>> No.17430778

Don't listen to him. You need to get the Bofa translation, and only the Bofa stranlation.

>> No.17430916

is that one bilingual?

>> No.17430955

Which one?

>> No.17431667

you make it seem like every page has misspelled words, when really it was an uncapitalized letter every few dozen pages

>> No.17432190

seriously the most important thing is not the quality of the translation, its that you get a version with the cut content...

>> No.17432223

Just a nitpick from a German autist, but "The storm of steel" doesn't quite catch the meaning of the original title "In Stahlgewittern". Gewitter isn't just a storm, it is a lightningstorm or a thunderstorm. Stahlgewitter meaning a lightningstorm made of steel.

So maybe "In the iron lightningstorm" would be better, but it does not flow as well. Still, lightnings made of steel striking all around you is the point of the title, and "storm of steel" sounds quite a bit more generic than that.

>> No.17432233
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>german autist
any good recs for pic related in german?

>> No.17432276

There's a new translation, "In Storms of Steel", by Kasey James Elliott (same translator of previously untranslated works like War as Inner Experience, that was posted about a few days ago here). Anyone know more about this?

>> No.17432349

There are typos but it’s not that bad.

>> No.17432356

>muh content
Faggot twitter consoomers.
Read the Penguin version it's edited by Junger.

>> No.17432468

>plato complete works
Ich bevorzuge die Otto Apelt Übersetzung, die beste Alternative wäre Schleiermeier.

>> No.17432478

Copse 125 had a few typos as well. I wish I could remember what it was but there was one really disconcerting one that really made no sense until I finally figured out it was a typo.

>> No.17432487

>Storl of Steel

kek what a horrible mistranslation.

>> No.17432495

>why yes its perfectly reasonable to read the pozzed copy that removes almost all of the important philosophical writings regarding war

>> No.17432504


"In Steelthunders" very german english but thats possible.

>> No.17432529


>> No.17432618

It's how Jünger (obwohl älter) wanted it

>> No.17432675

That's exactly it though. Every page has errors

Don't say I didn't warn you

>> No.17432713

yeh, I mean, this is literally what everyone pictures. "Storm of Steel" evokes for me exactly the imagery you described without resorting to clunky compounds like "thunderstorm"

>> No.17433804

Fair enough.

Yeah, that would probably be better.

>> No.17433822

1929 for sure. i got the hoffman one years ago and thought it was good but i didnt know about the editing. gonna get the 1929 one eventually, i did finally read a pdf of it not to long ago. theres some noticeable differences. like a total different book imo

>> No.17433845

what does bofa mean?