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/lit/ - Literature

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17425858 No.17425858 [Reply] [Original]

Literature which properly captures the male anguish resulting from blue ball phenomena?

>> No.17425865


>> No.17425868

my dairy

>> No.17425872

Gib milky pls

>> No.17425895
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The Diaries of Saint Christian Chandler.

>> No.17426061

I want to be in this timeline.

>> No.17426110

I already called six times today

>> No.17426256


>> No.17426260

Paul's Epistles

>> No.17426391

Dimensional merge's going to be wild.

>> No.17426484

is this a pasta? could you post for me please

>> No.17426803

Milkers. Large round saggies. milk. filled with milk. big milk. Mommy suck. i am son mommy. round soft baloons. boping boing milky wilky. stacked round bouncy go boing. cow drizzlers... big ol squeezers. droopy drippers. milky wilky nice and silky. nippy slippy give me a sippy. and ah... tongue go in nipple. Mommy's big slobberknockers. Up and down on the penis. Then she breast feed me for 10 days. All days 10 liters. 56 liters. Nipple point and shoot milk in my eyes. Lick mommy's chest and feed me all night. 4 days no stopping. gushing globes on my face. Babylons squirt milk in my nose and I drown. The best breast is one that's undressed.

>> No.17427139


>> No.17428604

my twisted world by elliot rodgers and my diary tbqh

>> No.17429774

The Sun Also Rises and to a lesser extent The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.17431034

>The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.17431057


>> No.17431061


>> No.17432477

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.17434046
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nothing even comes close

>> No.17434054

what about literature for when you transcend your libido, forget that pussy exists, and start subsisting entirely on schizoposting?

>> No.17434075

I've never felt the blue ball phenomena. Is there something wrong with me?

>> No.17434227
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I had it the absolute WORST in grade 12. I started hanging out with this girl who I knew from a few of my classes sometime in early November 2016. She was half-native, had giant DD tits, and had a short-ish haircut that was dyed a kind of faded light purple. Looking back at her now she kind of looked like the Enbie meme but not completely white. I was an ubersperg and spent all of my breaks at school reading or playing OSRS in the library. She and a pair of her friends started coming to my table and hanging out for some reason. Eventually we all began to hang out a bit more. Sometimes it would be the four of us, other times it would just be her and I. We'd walk to restaurants near the school to eat or get coffee, sometimes we'd skip the last class of the day and drive somewhere. I didn't have a car (or even a driver's licences) so her and I always went places in the big silver jeep she drove. It was kind of an inversion of gendered expectations but she'd drive me home from school and shit all the time. At some point in mid/late December (before Christmas break had stated) she texted me and asked if I wanted to go to a movie with her. I didn't really want to go but I didn't want to be rude so I agreed. I still remember the movie; it was Star Wars Rogue One. Basically I was unsure of what I should be doing/not sure of what kind of dynamic we had going on so I didn't want to "make any moves" on her or anything at the theatre. She started leaning on my shoulder half way through, which kind of gave me the indication that maybe she liked me more than just as a pal for going to the movies with. After that she began to come over to my house most days after school and we'd basically sit in my basement and watch netflix. The first night she came over she ended up staying super late (like 5:00 AM) and decided she was too tired to drive home. I, being autistic, had a cot laid out for her and told her she could sleep there. After she was in bed she asked me to "caterpillar her" (like spoon her I guess) but I refused because my dad had woken up for work by then and I didn't want to get in trouble. She stayed the night then and we drove to school the next morning. She kept coming over and nothing happened AT ALL until one night (maybe the 3rd or 4th time she came over) when she laid her head on my lap in the middle of whatever we were watching. I took this as the clearest possible sign that she liked me and I ASKED (yes, I fucking ASKED her) if I could kiss her. Obviously she said yes (she was probably getting pretty tired of my tism) and we kissed for the first time that night. The next night she was waaaayyy more aggressive. I was in my room (in the basement) playing crusader kings when she came over and the first thing she did was close my door and jump on my bed. We talked for a little bit (I don't remember what about) and she asked me to cuddle with her.

My blogpost is getting long so I gotta break it up.

>> No.17434253

type faster fag

>> No.17434263

Mein Krampf

>> No.17434335
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I, armed with the knowledge that we'd already kissed, thought this was a natural progression and was fine with it. We cuddled on my bed while browsing our phones (naturally I was still happily using reddit at the time). After an indeterminant amount of time she put her phone down and looked up at me. She kissed me and we starting making out. She climbed on top of me and I think we made out for a solid 35 minutes. The ENTIRE time I did nothing beyond touching and lightly squeezing her butt. I didn't know that was an odd thing to do at the time, but I recall her even commenting on it later. I just said that "I liked her butt" and dismissed it. At one point during our first make out session she claimed off of me and asked me to sit up (like have us both sitting in the middle of the bed and making out that way). I though it was uncomfortable (not awkward, just not a comfortable way to sit) and told her I liked the other way better. She claimed back on top of me and we resumed kissing. I still don't know what was meant by this, if anything, but I thought I'd include if for honesty and clarity. One or two night later (she didn't come EVERY night) we were back to watching netflix on the sofa in the downstairs living room. Only like 10 minutes in to the first show she climbed on top of me and was being pretty aggressive with her kissing. By now I could tell without a shadow of a doubt that she really liked me and wanted to "do stuff" with me. Being more confident in my standing I began to grope her breasts while we kissed. Feeling that there was a natural progression to these things I began to TRY to unlatch her bra. I struggled for what felt like 5 minutes before I told her that I fucking couldn't do it lmao (I'm cringing at the memory as I write this). She pulled off her shirt and unlatched her bra with some difficulty (she later told me that I'd bent the hook thing in my scrambling to get it off). That was the first time I saw boobs. They were, like I said, really quite large- easily DDs. I didn't really know what to do so I kind of just cupped them for a few minutes while we made out. I started rubbing my thumbs and lightly pinching them. They started to perk up and she was breathing heavy and lightly moaning. I'm feeling pretty good at this point so I decide to try sucking her nipples (I'd heard that women were really sensitive and liked having their nipples played with). I'd kind of go in a path moving every ~45 seconds from her mouth -> left nipple -> mouth -> right nipple and back. I'm full mast at this point and I can feel the hot blood in my ears. I'm a retard so I didn't do anything beyond that. She'd grind on me but that was it. We'd make out for ~45 minutes with me intermittently sucking her nipples and that was it. We did this probably 10-15 different nights without doing ANYTHING else.

Okay getting real long gotta do 3 parts

>> No.17434406

Pls continue

>> No.17434427

At one point (maybe the 7th night) I started rubbing her pussy through her pants and she said something like:
>"I want to go further but not tonight"
On another night, I don't remember which, I had my inside her pants and on her ass trying to get to the pussy from behind or something (I honestly don't even know, bros) and she broke our kiss and smiled saying "no ;)" like that. I had no idea what that meant but I evacuated and didn't push my luck. At this point in our "relationship" I was getting a bit irritated. She's leave every night after like an hour or sometimes more of heavy petting, making out, letting me suck her titties, but never ONCE going on beyond that. I started to fucking dread her coming over because I knew I'd have to endure the most crushing of tactical defeats at the end of the night when she was gone and my underwear were filling with precum for hours on end. I distinctly remember her leaving one time and my testicles physically ached. It was like the longest edging session in human history. Jacking off right after she left, which I always did, didn't really help. It kind of relieved a bit of the pressure but there was still the MENTAL nut I was unable to bust knowing that something I was biologically wired to want with all my being, a nice young pussy, was literally only separated from my cock by a few milometers of fabric. This status quo went on for a few weeks and I was going insane. Every. Single. Time. She'd come over I would get so fucking close only for her to leave. I remember walking through the snowbanks on my driveway (winter in Canada) to kiss her as she got into her jeep and sped off into the night. It got even worse because she began sending me nudes on snapchat so I was UNABLE to escape her. I though maybe she wanted me to "commit" (as much as a 12th grade autist can) and THEN maybe she'd give me some pussy. I brought up the "waterwe" conversation and we decided that were were vaguely in some kind of bf-gf "relationship". Even when she wasn't at my house or snapchating me she constantly wanted to text or skype me. She even had me reading her bedtime stories on skype. It's painful to think about how absolutely pussywhipped I was without even getting a crumb of pussy. But, lo and behold, the next was the same. Her big fat tits in my face, her tongue all over mine, her pussy rubbing on my throbbing cock through our clothes for a fucking hour and *POOF* the alarm she'd set on her phone went off and she left in 5 minutes flat. I was a dying man. As a 17 year old virgin that was too too much for me. Day after day of getting BLUEBALLED like that. I was too unsure of what to do to actually be more proactive so I never really made any other super definitive moves to initiate sex. She'd said that she wasn't a virgin so I expected her to take the lead, which was a mistake. On one of the last nights she came over I awkwardly put my hand down her pants while we were spooning on the sofa (Netflix on) FUCK BROS 3/4

>> No.17434488

Your story is fake, gay, and cringe.

>> No.17434521
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and just rested my fingers right above her pussy (I could feel her pubic stubble) but did nothing- DESPERATELY waiting for her to give me some kind of sign. She said nothing (not no, not yes) so I did nothing. After that night I got a snapchat from one of her white friends that showed her sending a semi risque photo to some other guy she'd talked about before. I realize now that this was some kind of coordinated shit test to see how I'd react. At that point I was so spent with the entire endeavour that I called her on skype and told her I wanted to break up (though we were never really "dating" in the first place, I have no idea what we were). She just said okay and I hung up. I felt a massive wave of relief but also a tinge of regret because I though I was SO FUCKING CLOSE to getting laid. I though everything would click in to place if we started having sex instead of doing whatever the fuck kind of ritual we were doing instead. The next day she texted me and told me she cried all night and was sad. I said some random bullshit about being sorry and tried to put the whole thing out of my mind. She was persistent and wanted to talk or mend our "relationship" but I was so fucking done with it all and wanted to literally never speak to another woman again lmao. I sent her an autistic long ass fucking multi-paragraph text laying out (in sections) the three main reasons why I wanted to "break up" with her. Obviously I didn't mention the blueballing. I don't remember what they were but the reasons were something along the lines of:
>You looked through my phone (she did for some reason)
>You send lewd photos to some other guy
and I can't recall the third reason I gave her. After that gargantuan text (probably this size of >>17434227, >>17434335, and >>17434427 combined) she said "uhh wow okay" and we never spoke again. School was kind of awkward after that because we had 2 or 3 classes together and her friends (the first ones who would sit at the table with me) still wanted to hang out with me and stuff. She (girl who blueballed me) coaxed me into sending her cock pics and I'm pretty sure she showed our mutual friends. It was a horror show and I don't look back on it fondly. I was and still am much too autistic to be involved in these feminine web-weaving games. I stayed away from women until about a year later in my second semester of my first year of college. I met a girl off tinder and actually dated her for a few months (even had sex one time too!) but she was a schizo and caused me even more trouble. That was almost 4 years ago now and I've not been romantically involved with another woman. Autism is my super power. I hope you enjoyed my essay and have a nice day.

>> No.17435044
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>> No.17435246

Nice story man, you gotta be more forward but i understand how thats difficult.

>> No.17435284

I was worried about having some kind of claim thrown at me or making her uncomfortable by being too presumptuous. I'm bad at picking up social queues so I pretty much needed her to directly tell me she wanted me to do something. Whatever though, bygones are bygones. Kind of a funny story at least.

>> No.17435338
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why is there a tranny on the cover

>> No.17435431

Cool story anon. Autism is gay tho.

>> No.17435578

just a little benis

>> No.17435657

Posts like this make me mad because I haven't even touched a girl's hand in my life.

>> No.17435913

have you tried being attractive?

>> No.17436146

Why would you be "mad" about this. Don't compare yourself to other people.