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17416285 No.17416285 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about kindle 8, 2016
>t. poorfag and can't afford something better and more modern but also can't afford money on objectively bad and outdated stuff
is it hard to pirate books there? (sorry) Does any of you anons has it? My phone is 6.5 inches and this Kindle is only 6 can it possibly be an obstacle? Help me to decide with your opinions, please.

>> No.17416299
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Can't afford spending money on objectively bad and an outdated stuff*

>> No.17416310

I got the 4 non-touch, I don't really recommend it over the touch versions (it is a pain to type things and select words). But it is not that bad either, anon. Just download calibre and be happy with it.

>> No.17416350

The paper white is pretty cheap. Save some money for a couple months and get one. The value of the backlight is immense

>> No.17416516

>is it hard to pirate books there?
why would it be hard? you just download the ebooks and drop up to the kindle.

>> No.17417255


Kindle paper white is obviously best just buy it.

It's actually too good and amazon have no way of making people think they need a new one

>> No.17417398

>no frontlight
>890 mAh battery (rougly 62% of the battery life of a Paperwhite)
It will be usable, but it will require more charges if you read a bunch (1 every week instead of every 2 weeks or so) and the lack of a lit display is not worthy imo.
that was my first ereader and all I miss from it are the page turning physical buttons. That shitty D-pad can burn in hell.

>> No.17417424

I have one and it works well. its small enough to easily fit in a jacket pocket and can even fit in some larger pants pockets while also being large enough that you wont have to turn the page every other sentence. i also prefer it to a phone since it lasts much longer and doesn't have notifications. I get my books on libgen and zlibrary, publishers don't care about book piracy so even in countries that take music/movie piracy seriously nothing can happen to you.

>> No.17417872
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I got a scratch on my kindle screen bros. Not sure what do.

>> No.17417919

Post your kindles.

>> No.17417929

>I get my books on libgen and zlibrary, publishers don't care about book piracy so even in countries that take music/movie piracy seriously nothing can happen to you.
Do you use Send To Kindle to transfer those to your Kindle, or some other method?

>> No.17417953

Not him but I manually drop them inside the documents folder

>> No.17418053
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Seriously just spend a bit more for a kindle paperwhite. It has easily been the single best purchase in my life. I've saved probably thousands of dollars on books by pirating them instead. Cannot recommend it enough.
>is it hard to pirate books there?
No. Download calibre and get mobi, PDF, or AZW3 files from zlibrary and/or libgen. It's incredibly easy and efficient. Use a VPN to bypass assmad ISPs.

>> No.17418094

I had a cheap otion to buy kindle 8 version, mate. But you've intrigued me rn
To recharge more often is not really that much of an issue for me ex e-book couldn't make it a day without a charge.
No frontlight is pretty bad desu. Might be a real deal breaker for me.

>> No.17418109

Also does the fact that kindle is really smol even an issue? My phone is bigger than 6 inch, what's your experience, guys?

>> No.17418123

Think the kindle has perfect dimensions

>> No.17418165

Why a kindle and not a current kobo? Affordable with backlight and not tied to amazon. Also what anon said about getting books here >>17418053

>> No.17418211

I chose kindle because it's waterproof and the equivalent kobo is not. As for the back light I've never once found myself wishing I had one when I can just turn down the brightness. The only real restriction is file types, but even then I've never once been unable to find a compatible file (or just convert an epub with no issues). Zlibrary even has a build in file converter. If any of the data is messy you can use calibre to clean it up.

>> No.17418217

They added the frontlight to the latest model of the basic Kindle which was the main selling point of Paperwhites. I don't think the water proofing nonsense, a bit more battery life and the higher res display (just a crisper look but any e-ink display is perfectly readable) are compelling reasons to get one over the basic model if you're tight for money.

However, since these things last for ages if you take proper care of them (I have an almost 9 year old Paperwhite which still works perfectly fine), and OP is already used to them and likes the experience well enough, I'd get a fancier one. The day my PW dies, I'm planning to replace it with a Kobo Libra H20 equivalent because I miss having physical buttons, but the ergonomics (it's not a flush design) and some quality control issues with the frontlight are making me doubt, and the thing still works so there's time to decide. I wouldn't buy the Oasis because that's just wasting money imo.

>> No.17418272

I mean, if you're only reading fiction or books without tables or diagrams and use a small enough font size (similar to any random paperback), the display size is hardly an issue, and even 7" or 8" displays will not be that great. A printed page might 120-140% larger than a "screen" on a 6" screen. You'll get used to it.

Your phone screen might be a bit slightly larger, but its form factor sucks. Book pages and, by extension, e-ink displays, are wider rather than longer. You can fit more words per line on an e-reader than on a phone, and that's what you want.

>> No.17418273

>water proofing
this was big for me because I use it outdoors/camping frequently. I also feel way more secure knowing my library is safe unless a truck runs over it or something.
>bit more battery life
not a huge deal because I have a solar power bank but I guess it's nice. I read ~100 pages/day and only charge the thing once ever two weeks.
>higher res display
I have shit eyes so this was another big thing for me personally
>if you're tight for money
This is fair. If you're absolutely fucked but really want an ereader (THE most affordable way to collect a library) then the basic model will probably suffice if $50 is the difference between having enough to eat and going to bed hungry.
I can't remember the name of it (not kindle nor kobo) but there's something really similar to the PW (roughly same size and weight) except much higher quality (better display, more memory, better processor, sturdier build, orange light, etc) that's like ~$250. That might be worth investigating if you love your PW.

>> No.17418347

Can someone tell me what the fuck this much praised "frontlight" is? Like, a picture of it on? I have a 2019 kindle and want to know if I'm missing out on a feature.

>> No.17418355

afaik it's referring to an "orange light" feature, which is supposed to make reading in the dark easier on your eyes.

>> No.17418416
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That's just the proper term for the light. You can adjust the brightness according to ambience light or to make the screen look whiter. The basic ones have a cool light, i.e., blue. Fancier models (>>17418355) let you adjust the color temp to a warmer color, i.e., orange. Supposedly, this reduces eye strain and doesn't affect your circadian rhythm.

Pic related must be set to 50-70% brightness.

>> No.17418435

idk about you bros but I just turn the brightness down and it's fine. I don't read in the pitch black, though.

>> No.17418438 [DELETED] 

>>water proofing
The Kindles are frontlit(as opposed to backlit) which means the LEDs disperse the light just across the screen which puts less strain on your eyes. Your phone for example shines the light right toward your face which isn't good for reading the dark.

>> No.17418441

Ah, thank you. That orange light feature sounds splendid, I'll have to get one that has it when I've worn out or lost my current one.

>> No.17418448

Me neither. I always have mine set to 3-4, and can read in a pitch black room for one one hour before going to sleep and it doesn't seem to affect my sleepiness.

>> No.17418452

The Kindle is frontlit(as opposed to backlit like the display on your phone for example) which means the light is dispersed across the screen instead of blasting it in your eyes, making it easier to read in the dark.

>> No.17418928

irrelevant question but what font/size do you use? I'm on bookerly size 2. Tried to adapt to size 1 for better page formats but it was too schmol.

>> No.17419176

Caecilia 3-5, usually 5. It depends on the ebook anyway since not all of them are CSS formatted the same way nor scale at the same rate.

>> No.17419183

damn nigga

>> No.17419946
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It's not that high tbqh. I once saw some anon that had it at 7 or 8. I don't wear glasses so my eyes get tired after hours of reading.
As I've said, for some ebooks, 5 will be too big so I'll switch to 4 or 3. Pic related is 5 for that specific ebook. As long as there are 10-12 words per line, it's fine. It's pretty much the same rule of thumb they use for proper type setting in print.

>> No.17421195
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what is this fucking book god DAMN

>> No.17421432

I can recommend my Kobo Nia, it's pretty damn cheap and it's solid. Getting files on there is also really easy, you just drag&drop them from your computer

>> No.17421843
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>> No.17421856
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Kinda related to the thread: I want to buy an ebook reader for my father's birthday and fill it with dozens of books.
Can kindles handle pirated files? Should I even buy one or are they just overpriced?

>> No.17421858

if you're on a budget, try to find a used paperwhite on craigslist or facebook markets. its much better than the regular kindle

>> No.17421892

kindles read .mobis and pdfs, no matter the origin.
each kindle has a unique email address you can set, and any files you forward to that address will be automatically uploaded to your kindle.

any epub files you find can easily be converted to mobi. as for which device to get, google is your friend. no one here knows your needs or your budget.

>> No.17421922

See: >>17418053

>> No.17421960
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I detect a female

>> No.17421968

I just use the kindle app on my phone or computer. Sometimes use my actual kindle

>> No.17422026

Can the new paperwhite handle epubs? I kinda expected that to be the standard since I download most of my ebooks for my cellphones as epubs.
It's my gf's room.

>> No.17422036

>Can the new paperwhite handle epubs?
No. They can ONLY handle mobi, AZW3, and pdfs (though pdfs don't always look great). The autistic post I told you to look at covers absolutely everything you need to know about pirating ebooks for kindle.
>It's my gf's room.
I knew I detected a female.

>> No.17422067

Thanks, do conversions of epub files to mobi files work well with special letters? I had one ebook where they were always garbled once.

>> No.17422075

It's hit or miss. Sometimes the conversions are absolutely perfect, sometimes they're quite bad. PDFs converted to mobi/azw3 are horrendous as a rule. If you're really worried about this you may be better off getting a kobo instead (can handle all file types iirc).

>> No.17422092

? wrong person dingus

>> No.17422115

no but zlibrary autoconverts to .mobi

also i don't think you can email files to your kobo though, at least not in a straightforward way. bulk downloading books and emailing them to my kindle has been very good to me. not sure if I'd give that up.

>> No.17422120
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so sorry friendlers I've made an awful toff up. In this (>>17421922) post I intended to reply to this (>>17421856) young man wit the seemingly Asian girlfriend. So to the young WMAF lad looking for an ereader full of stolen goods for pop-pop who posted this (>>17421856): I wanted you to see this (>>17418053), this (>>17422036), this (>>17422075), and, admittedly, this (>>17421960). Terribly sorry Mr (>>17422092), I have indeed made a dingus of myself in this thread. Thank you and sorry again :)

>> No.17422134
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I could have gotten a kindle paperwhite.
I got a kobo nia because of /li/

shit sucks. this thing is the size of a smartphone.
I have no idea why lit loves kobo's so much.
I should have gotten the kindle.

>> No.17422262

>wit the seemingly Asian girlfriend.
Hey, i dont racemix. It's a redhead.

>> No.17422269

oh nice mate good for you. I assumed the pink cutsie pink owl would belong to a 20something Asian girl.

>> No.17422270

>no but zlibrary autoconverts to .mobi
I used it for years and never knew wtf

>> No.17422340

Present of her dead gramps, we dont really have asians around here though. I only ever met them at my university and was never single.

>> No.17422401

Oh that's interesting, anon. Really cool. So are you going to post pics of your gf at all orrrr??

>> No.17422420

Don't ruin the moment, anon.

>> No.17422424

Yeah I got mine on sale for a 100 dollars during the summer, it is good.

>> No.17422439

redheads almost always have big a-....... oh yes..... oh My is that..... is that.... SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is that ah hint of ..... a hint of cheese I detect and ......... oh good lord I ........... pungent eggs perhaps?............. just... just.... just let me..... let me ...SNIIIIIIIIIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH YES GOOD LORD...... ANON SHE..... SHE'S A REDHEAD ALLRIGHT SHE'S........... GOT THE SCENT PROFILE OF..... OF..... OF A REDHEAD..... oh good lord

>> No.17423564

I have one of the first generation paperwhites and loved it. Sadly over the years the usb port has gotten more and more fucked to the point where i struggle to charge it. Will probably buy a new one next chance I get, or look into how hard replacing that part is.