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File: 13 KB, 220x304, Aleister_Crowley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17385719 No.17385719 [Reply] [Original]

a grifter lauded by edgy counter-cultural icons or a landmark genius in philosophy and theism? I really can't figure it out at this point.

>> No.17385752

He looks like he’s going to bust my meth operation.

>> No.17385763

Sex Gifs

>> No.17385778

I wasted my early twenties being obsessed with this idiot. It did me permanent harm. Stay away.

>> No.17385793

His signature was a dick, so yeah.

>> No.17385804

Did it do permanent harm to your ability to keep poo jnside of your rectum because of all the homosexual anal sex you undoubtedly had whilst obsessed

>> No.17385817

Inter alia.

>> No.17385819

>It did me permanent harm
Like what?

>> No.17385838

elaborate. was it the advocation of rape and pedophilia?

>> No.17385850

Oh i see. You can't live with the guilt of all the young boys who can no longer hold poo inside of their rectums because of the homosexual anal sex you foisted upon his supple countenance

>> No.17385969


>> No.17385988

Not gonna she my intimate sorry and get roasted by anons. Suffice it to say, look at online Thelemites. Burnouts, drama queens, psychopaths and desperate hangers on. They are not happy people. I still retain a hated of christianity from my crowley years but look at conservative Christians and what their faith does for their lives. They are small minded but generally content. Thelemites are basket cases. It's not difficult math.

>> No.17385996

how do I start with him? Is there a Crowley chart?

>> No.17386006

If God is in all things,
And You are a facet of God experiencing himself...
Is it then correct to say
that any and all instincts that arise within the subconscious
and successfully navigate their way pas your filters
To become the enacted reality,
that they are the will of God manifesting,
regardless of the individuals moral position
or the collective's opinion on what is 'right'?

>> No.17386049

Neither, I’m an occultist and I study/practice thelema among other things. Crowley’s major contribution was leaking the lore and mysteries of masonry and the Golden dawn and stapling on top of it random bits of yoga and his ideas on skepticism. That’s largely it, he’s highly unimaginative and didn’t really innovate anything that elder occultists didn’t already have. And what he did explain clearly he often tied it with obscuration also. The much superior genius who’s far more Artistic, imaginative, erudite and unique was his student Kenneth Grant who fused Crowley’s form of western esotericism explicitly with surrealism especially that of Dali, along with the ideas of lautreamont, spare, Rimbaud and the aesthetic-speculative fiction of Dunsany, Blackwood, Machen, lovecraft in the context of Vaihinger along with direct integration of Tantric and African sources, integration of harder philosophical strains such as Whitehead and explicit relations of Hegel, his own elaborations have been defining a lot of the western occult scene and his stuff is so surreal that his work as it is designed is a dalian paranoiac-critical work which blends fact fiction philosophy and religion, which will by its nature stop people from reading it due to how insane and schizophrenic it all sounds.

And unlike Crowley, grant wasn’t a homosexual and grant demonstrates how Crowley corrupted various traditional formulae to fit in with his sexual deviance. Also the heavier artistic focus via the spareian aspects of grant means his art and those artists who he esteemed and used were simply just higher quality.

There’s nothing in Crowley you cannot find in elder sources which he read other than his egotism. The majority of Crowley is masonry+ eliphas levi+Some Nietzsche and change some of the gender roles to be edgy or to appeal to the fake Egyptian aesthetic. Boom you’re done you have Crowley. Crowley is still worth reading but he wasn’t even that imaginative compared to the other magicians of the time. More an edgelord who leaked a lot of stuff and took credit for it. But he himself admits his entire model is basically just eliphas levi

>> No.17386084

>how do I start with him? Is there a Crowley chart?

>> No.17386098

Liber ABA is where you start with Crowley but look up an AA curriculum, these will give you which books of his to read along with other related books in the precise order he and his fellows desire you actually read them. But again, liber Aba/4 is the introduction text

>> No.17386165

I remember you saying in some thread you were a Christian (in the context of a discussion about slavery)
What are you really?

>> No.17386288

Esoteric Christianity most heavily in the style of Pentecostalism. My Protestantism however is in line with the Lutheran mysticism of Jacob boehme and the Protestant mysticism of the Rosicrucians and of John Dee. Meaning I will take all of the knowledge treasures of this world’s many religions and philosophies, purify them by the Christ and biblical interpretation and then integrate them.

We see this in the church’s integration of Aristotle and Plato and Plotinus who were occultists/mystery cult initiates, St. Justin martyr explains that there exists in all world religions seeds of the logos, which exist because each man is made in the image of god thus by self contemplation they have dimly saw reflections of the Godhead.

As such just as the elder Christians integrated the Greeks, I also integrate Hindu tantra, Taoism, Art and fiction (the idea of imagination as a means of knowing god as explained by William Blake) western paganism, esotericism, golden dawn, thelema, Sufi Islam, yazidi, Vajrayana buddhism, Shingon and a good amount of other religions along with the broader continental and select post modern thinkers and select portions of analytic philosophy. I see myself as bringing worldly treasures(wisdom and knowledge of the world religions and philosophies) into the kingdom of God and thus I am able to contemplate the Godhead a bit more. I do not believe knowledge has any salvation aspect, and while I study the Gnostics I am not a gnostic, I believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible along with a metaphorical, allegorical and mystical/occult interpretations. And these never contradict each other. I believe in one God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit and I believe in the marriage of myself as Bride of Christ within the invisible church of all True believers filled with the Holy Spirit. I believe Christ died on Good Friday and descended to hell and upon Easter Sunday rose and because of this I will have eternal Life first in heaven and then upon the earth when Zion descends upon the Earth. And I believe as I am one in the body of Christ that I along with the whole church partake in the unity of Godhead for Christ says

John 14:20
On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you

My entire ontology, metaphysics and so forth requires an excess of 100 pages to describe and outline (I’ve counted ) so I won’t overwhelm this thread with it.

>> No.17386318

If you can filter out Crowley's "Baddest guy in England" shit, he was actually pretty insightful.
Filter the edge and look at the good things he did, like his Thoth Tarot.

>> No.17386324

>I still retain a hated of christianity from my crowley years but look at conservative Christians and what their faith does for their lives. They are small minded but generally content. Thelemites are basket cases. It's not difficult math.
Nihilism and individualism always ends like that.

>> No.17386327

please tell me this is copypasta

>> No.17386341

Nah, why is my writing style memey/overly pretentious? I genuinely am not trying to if so, I just type how I talk/think lads. Apologies if it comes off pretentious.

>> No.17386399

>I will take all of the knowledge treasures of this world’s many religions and philosophies, purify them by the Christ and biblical interpretation and then integrate them.
>We see this in the church’s integration of Aristotle and Plato and Plotinus who were occultists/mystery cult initiates, St. Justin martyr explains that there exists in all world religions seeds of the logos, which exist because each man is made in the image of god thus by self contemplation they have dimly saw reflections of the Godhead.
Interesting. I am too much of a brainlet to articulate this but I have understood this intuitively as well. Not to mention its Biblical basis:
>”examine everything; hold firmly to that which is good”
How did you learn to articulate your intuitive understandings? Furthermore, I know discernment comes from the Spirit of Truth, but how do you avoid being misled by so much study? Do you submit yourself to some form of rigorous spiritual disciplines? Which ones?

>> No.17386420


>> No.17386427


>> No.17386504

>How did you learn to articulate your intuitive understandings?

There is no secret or trick, I believe I do not understand my own beliefs and understandings and intuitions until I have introspected them, contemplated them and have communicated them all things myself to myself. If I can uncover my understanding and gain more via talking to myself I can just as easily use that same speech outside of myself, in my larger ontological writings this leads to problems as they become far too riddled in global religious jargon and terminology.

>Furthermore, I know discernment comes from the Spirit of Truth, but how do you avoid being misled by so much study? Do you submit yourself to some form of rigorous spiritual disciplines? Which ones?

First things first, you must remember the only source of absolute and unbreakable truth is the Bible, and the orthodox and exoteric interpretations ARE NOT INCORRECT, they are the standard by which you must consider all. Before reading the Bible or any literature you must pray that God leads you to knowledge and strip away anything that may lead you elsewhere, anything not from his hand. You must judge all by the standard of the Bible, of normative theology. Prayer and spiritual contemplation is a bedrock which should be done daily and often throughout the entire day. Fasting is also key, I usually fast, not eating anything all day but breaking the fast in the night for around over 40 days a year, usually I fast in this way for around 49 days straight beginning one day after Easter ending upon the day of Pentecost. But most important is to remember God is real, he is a person. So you must communicate with him and this communication and guidance which is done through Bible study and in the deepest moments of prayer is the most essential of all things. I do not recommend all Christians study esotericism or world religions and philosophies because I have seen many become world-obsessed and they degenerate.

Other people are usually very grounded but when they study esotericism and world religion that’ll either unground their minds, make them live in a kind of fantasy world or they’ll reject all and fall into atheism and agnosticism. I naturally am just accustomed to not being mentally grounded since I’ve fixated on spiritual and philosophical matters since I was a child. So I recommend deep caution with the study of any of these fields so that you do not mis-step on your path with God.

>> No.17386712

I see. Thanks. Any Christian lit you consider essential other than the Bible?

>> No.17386802

Writings of the early church fathers, the writings of (arguably pseudo) Dionysius and Augustine.

>> No.17386809

I like that he rode a donkey in desert shitholes while starving and getting scorched. That's cool.

>> No.17386814

Consider the two propositions:

> magick does something
If it can do something, it can do harm.

> magick does nothing
If this proposition is true, doing nothing for an extended period of your twenties can carry lasting consequences.

Either way, doing magick has the potential to be detrimental.

>> No.17387283

who careshe wrote nothing original or important or based on tradition except his little book on Pranayama.

>> No.17388145

where can I read more from you?

>> No.17388223

I hate shilling it but here, it’s a blog, under soseinology I put my hardcore ontological/mystical writings, the rest is unorganized poetry, Prose and essays
